
Porn Queen

The last few weeks my husband and I have gotten into the habit of watching pornography for fun. In the past, we just watched it for the sex.
Not being a dedicated pornography watcher until only recently it is refreshing to finally be able to find something more contentious then just the f*ing and s*ing.
After awhile it all looks the same, so I have just about hammered down the in's and out's (a lot of puns here folks) of adult films.
If you've never noticed, there is a lot of humor to be found in some, okay most flicks...

Yes, sad to say I have become quite the connoisseur of porn; identifying the date of the picture (70's, 80's, recent)..some of the actors/actresses, and the method (home or professional) within minutes of the beginning. This is not a difficult task as the 70's films require the unshaven overly pubic hair laden women and men. Nobody can mistake a homemade porno, and everyone knows Ron Jeremy's face.
For the record, I do not engage in child pornography... or stag films.. I'll leave those to the perverts. Not that I don't like perverts.

Anyhow, let's cover my opinion of 70's porn, shall we? Lot's of head jobs, some bad (yet dramatic) acting between episodes of tasteful "money shots"... Hair, lots of hair both pubic and facial. Can you even see her vagina? Through her butt hair?!?! Not only that but the men aren't too well kept either, which originated the "saying flossing my teeth with pubic hair", I'm sure. The music in the 70's porn flicks are some of the best porn music to date. Nothing is better when watching some poor slut get banged with the "bump-chitty-bump-bump-bump" playing in the background. Anal sex was a bit unique in the 70's, and barely ever on film... except for the low budget jobbies... that's how they their made money. As a final thought on the good ol' 70's porn.... real breasts. Don't let it shock you to see alot of saggy -yet natural- breasts flopping about, and although a lot of women seemed to be smaller breasted early in the era... as the end of the 70's skin flicks came out, larger more fuller breasted women entered the scene.

Okay, the 80's... Jesus, the hair again. But not pubic or facial... it's the hairstyles that kill me. It's so hard to even consider getting hot watching some guy that looks like Bob Sagat or Kenny Loggins. Distasteful sets, bad shave jobs, messy blow-jobs, even worse acting between episodes. Porn Music in the 80's, well left something to be desired, mostly because some lame-ass decided it would be best to put lyrics in the background music. Please, if you're going to have a gang-bang orgy I would appreciate it if you would refrain from using the phrase "I love you so much" in the music... Nobody loves anybody in this scene, they're just fucking.
But you see the 80's porn did have some pro's as well as con's such as tasteful breast implants, lesbian scenes...and some of the first -and greatest- group sessions. Oh, and vibrators got larger and neater in the 80's...as well they became more useful in a cinematic aspect.

Now the 90's... all I have for the 90's is two words: Anal everything. It is rare to watch 90's flicks and not see somebody getting it in the ass. Furthermore, every participant gets their genitalia tugged on -painfully- atleast once. Something about mutilation to my sensitive spot bothers me, so I normally steer clear of the 90's genre porn. Pubic hair is becoming non-existent by the 90's, and the men are getting "buff-er" and strangely larger.
There are some great, great, great erotica films out there that were done in the 90's. Although they remind me of Bridget Jones's Diary on ecstasy overload. If you dig girls on girls and guys on guys the 90's was your era. Mostly since Homosexual porn was king around that time. And thankfully, they removed lyrics from the music.

As far as more recently published films (circa 00-05), scary.
Nasty nasty women, terrible awful implants... Artificial penile implants. Piercing, fetishes, and lots of sodomy, beastiality, and absolutely no hair...anywhere. Girls now not only swallow, but they spit it back to their partner. When I am feeling especially kinky I will throw on one of these.

Whatd'ya think, have I nailed it? I am wondering if anybody has the same thoughts I do. Tell me what you think, what's your favorite porn era..70's, 80's or 90's. I'm biting my lip with curiosity and suspense.


Blogger Fensty said...

I've only skimmed up and down your blog tonight; first I'd heard it existed when I got your comment earlier.

Interesting, if you've been a follower for so long, wish you'd have outed yourself sooner.

So, anyway, I had to comment on this post as my first ever comment on your blog. We're more alike than you knew from reading my blog, 'cuz I never mentioned my amusement with porn there.

I often tell people I've made a "scholarly pursuit of porn." This is not to say I don't watch it to get off, of course, but unlike most guys (apparently most porn movies are watched like 6 minutes or something) I tend to watch some of the rest of the movie, too. I'm blessed with a girlfriend now who's finding amusement (and satisfaction) in porn as well.

But anyway, scholarly because I'm 35 and been watching porn since it's heyday in the mid 80's, and back then you still saw plenty of the 70's stuff too. Magazines before video, then video, now DVD. The Internet, of course, makes it too damn easy, but I remember spending hours downloading just a few random .GIF's from BBS's at 2400 baud. :)

Anyway this is rambling along as I usually do, but I just find it all so fascinating. I've seen things in porn I wish I haven't sometimes - but it's funny nonetheless. There is nothing, nothing at all, that can even remotely shock me anymore. Nothing. :)

As for your take on the decades of porn, I tend to agree. We could laugh about thsi for awhile (and hopefully may sometime) and compare notes and thoughts, but, I have to point out one thing about 00-05 porn--implants...hate 'em. Get yourself some "110 Natural" videos or "Young Ripe Melons" videos from Red Light District and you can see that the filthy, filthy porn doesn't HAVE to be polluted with baggy, plastic looking bags of saline. :)

JD the BH

10:01 PM, July 26, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I think I love you.

Where were you 7 years ago. Let's swap spit.

11:32 AM, August 02, 2005  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

I'm digging threw the achives baby and I love this post. I have to say I lean toward liking the 90's stuff to late 80's. Mainly because that's all they rent in this hick town!

12:17 PM, May 02, 2006  

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