Attick Drowsy

I have no doubt there will be typo's in this post. Bear with me... I am the pain killer queen. Actually, scratch that... I am due for one, and in alot of pain.
I guess that would make me the Queen of Pain.
Whatever, life goes on.
I spent the last 24 hours sleeping, mostly. With the exception of a few freakish awakenings... the drugs have served their purpose. I had not slept most of the last week, and with the surgery being successful, I was back at home and in dreamland.
Here is an irony for you: If the Hospital is some where you go to heal and rest when you're wounded, then why is it that those fucking hospital beds are so god damn uncomfortable? Am I the only person that realizes this? I find it ironic that I can sleep better at home on my couch than in that sterile/stiff hospital environment.
Another irony: My Grandfathers funeral was the same day as my fathers birthday. Uh-huh. Interestingly enough, my fathers displeasure that his birthday was hampered by a funeral only firmed up the fact that the person he was when I was younger, is the same person he is today... selfish. And this behavior ultimately is what drove me to see my grandfather as my father figure in the first place. Again, we have come full circle.
Thinking back I realize that the saying "Women often marry men like their fathers" rings true. My first marriage was to a man exactly like my father; that didn't work out... My second marriage I married someone like my Grandfather; I have never been happier.
Enough about that though... I need rest. It comes quick and easy for me lately (thank god). I was beginning to wonder if I would ever sleep soundly again!
Now if I could only do something about the dreams... yes the drug induced halucina-dreams of dogs and monkeys in wheelbarrows. Or snakes with big red ruby eyes escaping from burlap bags...
I admit that in my bed rest time I have been able to catch-up on what you all have been up to the last week in my absence. Isn't it funny how when you step away from the blogosphere it almost feels like you've missed a months worth of emotional information from your readers? I admit that in the last week I have converted to introvert... but only for grief reasons. I have not changed one bit.
sleepy time.
Sweet dreams. Heal quickly.
what teresa said for me :)
glad you're poking your head in again.
and yeah, it's amazing how fast the internet can be.
I love the boobie hugs...
*nuzzle nuzzle*
Recovery is going well...
Although I begin my new job tomorrow. Not sure how that's gonna go
Should be one hell of a post tomorrow!
what is this new job thingy anyway?
LOL... could you atleast have the decency to shave them first? The hair is tickling my nose~
Sass- I'll get into that tomorrow... my brain is frozen.
actually,I have to find a way to describe it... creatively as so to entertain you. Otherwise I think I would have to change the name of this blog to Bubblegum Sleepover.
But first, another boobie hug.
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