
My bad mood and it's contributors

What a fucked-up day.
Actually, the whole week has been a tad off-kilter. What with the last weekend being "full" with family functions and me trying to catch up on house cleaning and all the bogus fucking chores you put off and put off until you just can't anymore; like laundry for example...or dishes... or well...everything.
Simply said, I would happily go to work scantily clad in bra and panties just so I could go one more day without doing the laundry. Something tells me that nobody at work would really mind... no objections eh Max? Only as long as the bra and panties match (that's the obsessive compulsive in me).
My kids need clothes, and the husband too. I refuse to send my kids off to school in their undies, though they'd prefer ir that way, s'pecially the little one. My husband, well.....
I'd get a kick out of watching him going to work in his bra and panties anyday. Anyone touches his dick, they're dead.

To add to my misery this week, the emails between myself and someone else have dwindled...that sucks giant monkey balls. I like to talk to him. He brings warm fuzzy memory feelings... like an old sweater that you loved so much but thought you lost it at the hospital that one night when you took your girl friend in because she got a hot dog stuck in her vagina.
Alright... point lost.... seriously though, I wish we weren't too busy to chat....that fucking work thing always gets in the way, you know?

My boss has been riding my ass all day. I know, nice visual but really it is not pleasant. Listen lady, just because I hand you something you don't like to deal with don't treat me like I'm the idiot. Get pissed off at the idiot that handed it to me.
Unless you're sleeping with that person, which is entirely possible.
I'm getting better at dealing with her though. If I could just get under her desk for five... no thirty minutes, she'd be the hap-hap-happiest person this side of the Mississippi. Then we'd all get raises.. no, never mind, no amount of oral sex could do that.

Okay, a positive. I got some last night.. but it wasn't that great... it was hot and late... and well, tonight better be better damnit or I'm really going to be a bitch on wheels tomorrow. Yeah, did you feel the positivity in that? Me too.

Thanks for listening,..


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