Don't ask, Don't tell; Chapter Six
Luckily, those not involved in the galley debacle got to take their liberty.
I was relieved to know that even though I was the reason for the fight that ensued, I (or the whole unit) was not to be punished for it. That was the norm at boot camp, and even some training exercises; where the whole platoon would suffer for one dumb-asses fuck up.
Our ship found itself in Greece, specifically the island of Corfu... The scenery was breath taking, and we became excited about the long span of beach and relic temples haphazardly propped on the hill sides. I kissed my dog-tags jokingly to Stokes, mimicking how a priest would kiss his cross before sermon. She laughed back and cupped her hands to the sky; thanking god that we had some freedom in such a paradise.
So there I was; nap sack in hand waiting to de-board the can. The method chosen to get us to shore was rather insane and tedious. I truly believe the hardest part in my whole military career was at that moment. The agony of waiting, looking on and planning what you would do and see first; while other units boarded the smaller boats and motored to the piers... Jumping out and hustling on. Fuckers.
Hundreds of us adorned the deck of the ship, but that number was dwindling fast. I perceived that we would be one of the last units off, and that Howie and I would be misplaced. So then the fucking stomach churning disappointment begins. The whole "I'll find you" thing... Sure Corfu isn't that big, but what are the odds? Fuck it, I'll just party with the girls tonight... Maybe we'll run into them. And hopefully that whole group thing I fucked up about in the mess hall that day won't come back and bite me in the ass.
"Hey Robinson, that's us..." Stokes pushed my arm, awakening me from deep thought.
After what seemed to be a way too long motor boat ride, we stepped onto Grecian soil... Or should I say, sand. In reality it was the pier... But who gives a fuck, I have 'til midnight and the day is mine!
"Hey Stokes!" I called over to her, as she was walking quickly away from me "Where you going in such a hurry?"
"Gettin' a beer!" she hollered back over her shoulder, "See you back here tonight, we're libo-buddies, remember that!"
"What'dya mean? I'm coming with you!" I started to jog her direction up the pier.
"No honey, you got company..." She stuck her hand out to stop me, then pointed back to the direction I came.
I whipped around, visually following her finger. Eyes darting the crowd... And there he stood. By reaction, I must've smiled when I saw him... It was knee-jerk I swear. I was pleasantly surprised.
Stokes smiled widely "Have a good time... Don't miss curfew." And then she paced off, into the city.
I stood there in a state of guffaw; pinching my hand just once to make sure this was reality... And not some drug induced coma. He began to walk toward me, I stepped forward as well; meeting him in the middle.
"I told yah I'd find yah." Howie grinned, tossing his jacket over his shoulder. "Ever been to Greece?"
"Nope, sure haven't." I stuttered a bit.
"You know what they do in Greece, right?" Now his grin became wider, and he chuckled a bit. "It's a good thing we stopped here."
"I know what they do in Greece... Should we eat before or after?" Now I grinned just as wide... Matching his expression, feeling joy that I hadn't felt in a long time.
"definitely before.." He laughs now and reaches out to grab my nap sack "that looks heavy, would you like me to carry it?"
Alright, so.. I'm feeling fucking stunned right about now. Not only is he fucking hot, and the object of my affection; but he's chivalrous too. Score a 12.5 on the 1-10 perfect scale.
"Sure, if you want to." I hand it over to him, our hands brush... Instant panty dampness. "You pick the place, let's eat."
After a long walk and an advantageous tour around the Island, we settled for a tiny walk-up and got authentic gyros and a Heiniken.
We sat a the table and ate our food, drank our beer, and ran our mouths. The conversation had it's pluses and minuses.
I found out he too had a fiance' back in the states, and how he wasn't about fucking around while serving his duty... Faithful fucking guy that one. It definitely prompted that second beer. Then we talked about our families back home, and what we were going to do when our term was over. Third beer. And lastly, what would happen if we were engaged in close combat... Fourth beer.
It was 12:30 by my clock, and I was wasted already. Though my perception was distorted, I believe he was headed down the same path of drunken buzz... As his speech began to don a slur, and his eyes reddened. That gaze though, amidst the talking of shitty fucking subjects, still burned into my inebriated soul like a four alarm fire. I didn't give a shit about his fiance', or mine at that point... I'd just take him anyway. Instant panty dampness.
About an hour later we decided to walk it off; so we stumbled through the town, taking in the atmosphere of daily Grecian life on the small island. We made our way up into the hills and took pictures of the cobbled temples and ruins. We laughed, we connected, we came real close to kissing each other a couple of times (or so I thought). Goddamn hummus.
He continued to lug my nap sack around, stopping and asking what the hell was in it as he dropped it to the ground with a clunk.
"Make up... And a change of clothes."
He erupts into laughter "Make-up? What do you need make-up for?"
I feel a bit embarrassed, and a bit complimented "So I can look pretty," I muse.
"You're so fucking gorgeous, don't fuck up your face with that shit." he swept my hair out of my eyes. I had worn it down that day, and one strand continued to waver vertically into my line of sight; irritating. "Why would you want to do that Robinson?"
"Because that's what women do." I replied, bashfully.
"You're not a woman..." He moved in towards me, coming within inches of my face. His eyes darted to my mouth, and then back up; meeting with my eyes, "You're a Marine."
I waited for the kiss... It seemed like forever we stared, motionless. Standing along the messy brick walkway... Amongst a beautiful green hill side; sun shining bright, sky bluer than the water. Perfect place Howie, I thought... Kiss me god damn it!
Instead, he backed away. "And a fucking sexy one at that." He looked down, rather defeated. Did I miss something? Did I not make it clear that I wanted him to do it? "You're trouble Robinson... Trouble."He picked up my nap sack and started down the walkway...
"Wait" I stood stunned, and confused. "Trouble what... Did I miss something?"He continued to walk away.
"God damn it Howie, what does that mean?" I started out to follow, "Hey, wait up."He halted and turned around, looking on as I followed...
"Atleast let me get my nap sack from you if you're going to run away like a pussy." I called as I stumbled down towards him.
"Pussy... what?" His brow wrinkled, he held out my nap sack "No Robinson, I'm not a pussy, I'm just distancing..."
I approach and take ownership of my nap sack, zipping it open and pulling toothpaste from it. I squeeze some onto my finger and swipe my teeth.
"That's attractive" he cajoles.
"So?" I return the toothpaste to the nap sack and wipe my finger on my pants, "Okay. I know the hummus was a killer... Kiss me now." I tilt head back, close eyes, and pucker.
He begins to walk away again. "I can't do it, I'm sorry."
Now, normally I am pretty sedate when it comes to rejection. But with the aggression I felt at this, coupled with the beers I consumed; this was not the time to lay the issue down. We were alone, in paradise, the time was now.
I hustled over to him and grabbed his arm, spinning him around to face me. He blocks my attempts by grabbing my shoulders, holding me still...
"Don't do it Robinson..." He looked stern, upset "I'm not about it.."
Then he grabs my chin, tilting my head up... Almost as if he would kiss me anyway. What a fucked up game of cat and mouse.
"You want to kiss me?"
"Yes" I hoped he would just get over whatever was causing him to hesitate.
"You want me to do it, don't you.." He came closer to my face, and then even closer still... Instant panty dampness. "You want me to kiss you, long and deep... You think about it... Right?"
"Yes" Now I was trembling a bit, and very excited as his lips came within mere centimeters of mine. And then he tilted... I closed my eyes; lips parted and waiting to feel his tongue.
"Buck up..." He let go and moved out. "And that's why I can't" Fucker.
Defeated, I pick up my nap sack and follow him back to town, neither of us saying much. Once we reached the pier, he finally broke the silence.
"Listen, I don't want trouble." he sighed "I am engaged, and you are engaged... Plus, we're both drunk and excited about our independence." He looked endearingly into my eyes, "I'm not going to do this... I need to think before I act with you."
I opened to say something, but he stifled it... "You're trouble for me."
I sat for a moment, again wondering why he was so abstinent... "Do you understand that I am not going to take advantage of you?" He said "I respect you."
"Yeah," I surrendered to the fact that I would get no action... And would have to rely on fantasy for a little bit longer. I was pissed though, I admit.
Such an emotional roller coaster... I thought things were right for my plan. Guess not. Is he just not interested? Maybe he really loves his fiance' and knows that people will talk.... Perhaps he doesn't like guilt? Bother. Fuck it... Let it go.
Down the pier we hear a familiar voice calling to us "Howie!... Robinson!" It was Stokes, and Mikey... Our libo-buddies. In mere moments they were in our company, and our intimate moments were over... Major disappointment. Major. I wanted to punch something... Didn't matter what or who it was. So fucking pissed off that my advances were for nothing... And now I most likely projected that I was a slut.
Stokes chimed in "Hey, did you guys have fun today?"
"yeah" I replied, "It was alright.. Greece is beautiful"
Mikey interrupted, seeing that they walked into a not-so-good conversation between Howie and I; "Hey, we were going to go in for a hotel room to get ready for tonight... wanna get in on it?"
"What's tonight?" inquired Howie.
"There's this outrageous night club just down the street, we were going to check it out... I hear most of the platoon will be there..." Mikey smiled, nudging Howie with his shoulder.."Some of us could use a good time."
"Fuck you Mikey"
I looked over at Stokes, who appeared excited about doing the night club thing... She nodded to me that the idea was sound. "Alright" I chimed "I'm in... Let's do it."
And the three of us walked off into town bound for the hotel, Howie stood on the pier... And disappeared into the crowd. I did look back... But he didn't.
I was relieved to know that even though I was the reason for the fight that ensued, I (or the whole unit) was not to be punished for it. That was the norm at boot camp, and even some training exercises; where the whole platoon would suffer for one dumb-asses fuck up.
Our ship found itself in Greece, specifically the island of Corfu... The scenery was breath taking, and we became excited about the long span of beach and relic temples haphazardly propped on the hill sides. I kissed my dog-tags jokingly to Stokes, mimicking how a priest would kiss his cross before sermon. She laughed back and cupped her hands to the sky; thanking god that we had some freedom in such a paradise.
So there I was; nap sack in hand waiting to de-board the can. The method chosen to get us to shore was rather insane and tedious. I truly believe the hardest part in my whole military career was at that moment. The agony of waiting, looking on and planning what you would do and see first; while other units boarded the smaller boats and motored to the piers... Jumping out and hustling on. Fuckers.
Hundreds of us adorned the deck of the ship, but that number was dwindling fast. I perceived that we would be one of the last units off, and that Howie and I would be misplaced. So then the fucking stomach churning disappointment begins. The whole "I'll find you" thing... Sure Corfu isn't that big, but what are the odds? Fuck it, I'll just party with the girls tonight... Maybe we'll run into them. And hopefully that whole group thing I fucked up about in the mess hall that day won't come back and bite me in the ass.
"Hey Robinson, that's us..." Stokes pushed my arm, awakening me from deep thought.
After what seemed to be a way too long motor boat ride, we stepped onto Grecian soil... Or should I say, sand. In reality it was the pier... But who gives a fuck, I have 'til midnight and the day is mine!
"Hey Stokes!" I called over to her, as she was walking quickly away from me "Where you going in such a hurry?"
"Gettin' a beer!" she hollered back over her shoulder, "See you back here tonight, we're libo-buddies, remember that!"
"What'dya mean? I'm coming with you!" I started to jog her direction up the pier.
"No honey, you got company..." She stuck her hand out to stop me, then pointed back to the direction I came.
I whipped around, visually following her finger. Eyes darting the crowd... And there he stood. By reaction, I must've smiled when I saw him... It was knee-jerk I swear. I was pleasantly surprised.
Stokes smiled widely "Have a good time... Don't miss curfew." And then she paced off, into the city.
I stood there in a state of guffaw; pinching my hand just once to make sure this was reality... And not some drug induced coma. He began to walk toward me, I stepped forward as well; meeting him in the middle.
"I told yah I'd find yah." Howie grinned, tossing his jacket over his shoulder. "Ever been to Greece?"
"Nope, sure haven't." I stuttered a bit.
"You know what they do in Greece, right?" Now his grin became wider, and he chuckled a bit. "It's a good thing we stopped here."
"I know what they do in Greece... Should we eat before or after?" Now I grinned just as wide... Matching his expression, feeling joy that I hadn't felt in a long time.
"definitely before.." He laughs now and reaches out to grab my nap sack "that looks heavy, would you like me to carry it?"
Alright, so.. I'm feeling fucking stunned right about now. Not only is he fucking hot, and the object of my affection; but he's chivalrous too. Score a 12.5 on the 1-10 perfect scale.
"Sure, if you want to." I hand it over to him, our hands brush... Instant panty dampness. "You pick the place, let's eat."
After a long walk and an advantageous tour around the Island, we settled for a tiny walk-up and got authentic gyros and a Heiniken.

I found out he too had a fiance' back in the states, and how he wasn't about fucking around while serving his duty... Faithful fucking guy that one. It definitely prompted that second beer. Then we talked about our families back home, and what we were going to do when our term was over. Third beer. And lastly, what would happen if we were engaged in close combat... Fourth beer.
It was 12:30 by my clock, and I was wasted already. Though my perception was distorted, I believe he was headed down the same path of drunken buzz... As his speech began to don a slur, and his eyes reddened. That gaze though, amidst the talking of shitty fucking subjects, still burned into my inebriated soul like a four alarm fire. I didn't give a shit about his fiance', or mine at that point... I'd just take him anyway. Instant panty dampness.
About an hour later we decided to walk it off; so we stumbled through the town, taking in the atmosphere of daily Grecian life on the small island. We made our way up into the hills and took pictures of the cobbled temples and ruins. We laughed, we connected, we came real close to kissing each other a couple of times (or so I thought). Goddamn hummus.
He continued to lug my nap sack around, stopping and asking what the hell was in it as he dropped it to the ground with a clunk.
"Make up... And a change of clothes."
He erupts into laughter "Make-up? What do you need make-up for?"
I feel a bit embarrassed, and a bit complimented "So I can look pretty," I muse.
"You're so fucking gorgeous, don't fuck up your face with that shit." he swept my hair out of my eyes. I had worn it down that day, and one strand continued to waver vertically into my line of sight; irritating. "Why would you want to do that Robinson?"
"Because that's what women do." I replied, bashfully.
"You're not a woman..." He moved in towards me, coming within inches of my face. His eyes darted to my mouth, and then back up; meeting with my eyes, "You're a Marine."
I waited for the kiss... It seemed like forever we stared, motionless. Standing along the messy brick walkway... Amongst a beautiful green hill side; sun shining bright, sky bluer than the water. Perfect place Howie, I thought... Kiss me god damn it!
Instead, he backed away. "And a fucking sexy one at that." He looked down, rather defeated. Did I miss something? Did I not make it clear that I wanted him to do it? "You're trouble Robinson... Trouble."He picked up my nap sack and started down the walkway...
"Wait" I stood stunned, and confused. "Trouble what... Did I miss something?"He continued to walk away.
"God damn it Howie, what does that mean?" I started out to follow, "Hey, wait up."He halted and turned around, looking on as I followed...
"Atleast let me get my nap sack from you if you're going to run away like a pussy." I called as I stumbled down towards him.
"Pussy... what?" His brow wrinkled, he held out my nap sack "No Robinson, I'm not a pussy, I'm just distancing..."
I approach and take ownership of my nap sack, zipping it open and pulling toothpaste from it. I squeeze some onto my finger and swipe my teeth.
"That's attractive" he cajoles.
"So?" I return the toothpaste to the nap sack and wipe my finger on my pants, "Okay. I know the hummus was a killer... Kiss me now." I tilt head back, close eyes, and pucker.
He begins to walk away again. "I can't do it, I'm sorry."
Now, normally I am pretty sedate when it comes to rejection. But with the aggression I felt at this, coupled with the beers I consumed; this was not the time to lay the issue down. We were alone, in paradise, the time was now.
I hustled over to him and grabbed his arm, spinning him around to face me. He blocks my attempts by grabbing my shoulders, holding me still...
"Don't do it Robinson..." He looked stern, upset "I'm not about it.."
Then he grabs my chin, tilting my head up... Almost as if he would kiss me anyway. What a fucked up game of cat and mouse.
"You want to kiss me?"
"Yes" I hoped he would just get over whatever was causing him to hesitate.
"You want me to do it, don't you.." He came closer to my face, and then even closer still... Instant panty dampness. "You want me to kiss you, long and deep... You think about it... Right?"
"Yes" Now I was trembling a bit, and very excited as his lips came within mere centimeters of mine. And then he tilted... I closed my eyes; lips parted and waiting to feel his tongue.
"Buck up..." He let go and moved out. "And that's why I can't" Fucker.
Defeated, I pick up my nap sack and follow him back to town, neither of us saying much. Once we reached the pier, he finally broke the silence.
"Listen, I don't want trouble." he sighed "I am engaged, and you are engaged... Plus, we're both drunk and excited about our independence." He looked endearingly into my eyes, "I'm not going to do this... I need to think before I act with you."
I opened to say something, but he stifled it... "You're trouble for me."
I sat for a moment, again wondering why he was so abstinent... "Do you understand that I am not going to take advantage of you?" He said "I respect you."
"Yeah," I surrendered to the fact that I would get no action... And would have to rely on fantasy for a little bit longer. I was pissed though, I admit.
Such an emotional roller coaster... I thought things were right for my plan. Guess not. Is he just not interested? Maybe he really loves his fiance' and knows that people will talk.... Perhaps he doesn't like guilt? Bother. Fuck it... Let it go.
Down the pier we hear a familiar voice calling to us "Howie!... Robinson!" It was Stokes, and Mikey... Our libo-buddies. In mere moments they were in our company, and our intimate moments were over... Major disappointment. Major. I wanted to punch something... Didn't matter what or who it was. So fucking pissed off that my advances were for nothing... And now I most likely projected that I was a slut.
Stokes chimed in "Hey, did you guys have fun today?"
"yeah" I replied, "It was alright.. Greece is beautiful"
Mikey interrupted, seeing that they walked into a not-so-good conversation between Howie and I; "Hey, we were going to go in for a hotel room to get ready for tonight... wanna get in on it?"
"What's tonight?" inquired Howie.
"There's this outrageous night club just down the street, we were going to check it out... I hear most of the platoon will be there..." Mikey smiled, nudging Howie with his shoulder.."Some of us could use a good time."
"Fuck you Mikey"
I looked over at Stokes, who appeared excited about doing the night club thing... She nodded to me that the idea was sound. "Alright" I chimed "I'm in... Let's do it."
And the three of us walked off into town bound for the hotel, Howie stood on the pier... And disappeared into the crowd. I did look back... But he didn't.
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