
Chardonnay does not kick ass this morning. But my email is... still.
So what? I took a partial time out from reading to begin this story I have due on Friday. That's the deadline I was reffering to earlier, I haven't even started it due to my current lack of focus and creativity. I suck.
I could use some stimulation, but unfortunately my bodyguard is in town. Hence, the need for wine, music and chocolate. I can't fuck for a week, I gotta insist on the finer things in life. That is the only compensation I can think of.
I am easily frustrated with being a woman, I could swear I was a man in a former life, and cursed to live as a woman for this one. Kinda like the movie Switch; that was a good movie. And some idiot doctor wrote that "menstral cycles become more tame after childbirth.." Well I don't know about that asshole, I had two kids and my uterus is on fucking fire. Never had that problem before. Furthermore, what's the deal with the mood swings... there is really no reason to cry at the end of Ice Age... expecially when you've seen in 1500 fucking times.
As a plus, I feel like I have a big balloon of pain increasing in my poor little abdomen... and it's not the kind of pain I like. Please take the fucker out. out. out.
My husband tell me that he would love to be a woman "I would just sit around and play with my tits all day." Yeah buddy, three weeks out of the month maybe. And as for "sticking things in there just to see what it feels like?"That's just plain fucking silly. I can't justify the hospital co-pay for something like that. Don't they make kitchen tongs for that exact same reason?
Good news though, (murph) mood swings have stopped... hot flashes done.... boobs beginning to deflate to normal -proper- size. Hooray. I will take my Vicoprofen and read my email... and I suppose work on my story...
I welcome distractions today, as long as they're pleasant.
The obvious: Having a bad day, my friend?
Thanks for (kind of) linking to me. Might want to check your HTML.
And remember, we know true pleasure only by knowing pain.
Oh! Be sure to let us know how the kitchen tong experiment turns out.
I am checking html now, thanks.
Actually, I do write professionally, but it is not my general career path. I just like to pencil down smut in my spare time as a form of foreplay.
You just guessed that didn't you?
Amazingly spooky.
Tis good money though. I figure, if I keep it up I can buy Husband that new truck he wants.
Pulling shit together most hastily.
Link fixed.
I am not british... atleast not today.
And my car is not big enough to smuggle pakistans into London.
A bodyguard is another term for menstration. I prefer not to use the word "period," I'll leave that to the Kotex marketing department. The same people that choose to play those stupid fucking commercials in the middle of dinner.... causing curious 10 year olds to ask "what IS a tampon?"
"How does it work?"
Sex at lunch, well considering the previous answered question I would say sex today is out of the question unfortunately. I umphasize "unfortunately."
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