
Opinions are like assholes

Originally I buffed the "comments" that were not meant to be "criticisms."
But then I just had to post something in lieu of giving the commentor a big fuck you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

OK, so yes I admit that I had alot to do with first failing marriage. And no matter what they say, it takes two to wreck a marriage... neither of us were completely to blame. This is why they have the clause Irreconcilable Differences. I am glad that he is not full-time into my sons life, but he does see him often. Ex is not currently a junkie or tweaker...

The post was meant to make women or men feel better about not surpressing sexual desires and feelings... not to preach that you should cheat on your husband with a chick and he won't be mad!!?!? Where the fuck did you gather that impression from? Perhaps you should read it again.... Did I not say that sex is the most important exercise you and your partner can enjoy together? And then imply into good reasons to have a constant sexual relationship with same?
I have to wonder if perhaps your repressed and jealous... perhaps tense and sleep deprived? Whatever the reason; you implicate that I, who once preached about "it being either black or white" in a sexual relationship, am not following my own advice.
Apparently the red head relationship is disturbing to this anonymous commentor, and they shared their criticisms regarding my marriage and sharing (even though they said their responses were comments, not criticisms);
It sounded awfully attacking to my character regardless of what you say.

It was either the tone of the comment they wrote was wrong and they did not intend to sound off that way, or they think I am a hypocritical, adulterating slut and am selfish by not sharing red head with my husband. Well, alright let me break it down: Sure, I am a slut... but I am not selfish, hypocritical, nor am I adulterating.

I take my own advice everyday, and it works, therefore I share it. That said...

I would like to make it perfectly clear that I do not hide and/or keep secrets from husband... he knows everything. Is it my fault he has expressed no want to be involved with the two of us? Is it my fault that when I told him I received a phone call from her in the first place that I told husband... to which he said "Definetly, you should do it... you know what she wants.... she knows what she had was good..."
And might I add every conversation there after spouted the same comments without outrage, but with disappointment that a camera was not involved.

Anonymous reader, if husband expresses he wants a threesome with myself and the red head then I will not fight it. Furthermore, if husband had expressed any discontent or uncomfort with my fling, I assure you I would have broken it off forth-with.

I am not sneaking, lying or attempting to be something I am not to anyone; my husband, my friends, or my readers.

And I must say that though you are quick to criticize about my lifestyle and choices, I wonder if you would be so forthright to your spouse or partner should you be in the same position?

Yeah, Something tells me you wouldn't.


Blogger sassinak said...

*lmao* oh the power of the anonymous commentor. seriously if you have something serious to say put your name on it or shut the fuck up.

that said, you have opened a door, if at some point in the future husband meets his own redhead you may have to reconsider your views. that said, i'm sure that he, like you, will worry more about your feelings than his own.

7:19 AM, August 11, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Thanks, well said.

I totally agree with your statement and also agree that if husband finds fun, then we will have to re-asses situation.

For now, there seems to be no problem... emphasis on for now.

Atleast you put your name on it!

7:44 AM, August 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a writer by nature, but I feel I have to speak up on this.

Enough with bashing wife and assuming my feelings about her fling. Is her heart in it? No. Am I afraid of losing her? No.
Do I feel upset or jealous? No.
Do I now think I have the right to pursue the same? Absolutely not.

I really don't see the big deal I guess... why anonymous poster was so upset by this. Disturbing.
Looking out for my feelings perhaps, I don't know. It's really just a bunch of bull shit and you know it sweetheart.

I admit, I would enjoy participating... I am a man. But I would not turn coat and pursue. It's not in my nature... I get off on watching my wife get off. And I know for a fact that 85% of other males out there would permit the same in this situation.
I know the red head, I have seen them in action... if there was a thought that our relationship could be destroyed I know my wife would never compromise that.

I would just like some audio or video!

On my behalf and in my wifes defense there is no gray area, we are upfront and honest with each other as she emphasizes is so important. This is a black and white situation on our part... A little oral fun with the opposite sex does not implicate an affair. I see it as a pre-cursor, after all... isn't this every guys fantasy?

Come on guys, you know it is.

I assure you all that there will be a shared opportunity, and wife knows that... don't you dear?

Doesn't matter what others assume about you or me or anyone else. You know where your muffin is buttered, don't you?

-- husband

8:08 AM, August 11, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

Anonymity is a double-edged sword. It can evoke our best by allowing us free reign to exorcise our 'demons' and speak candidly, without fear of retribution. Very much like a good, healthy relationship where we're free to be ourselves, loved and respected for who we are.

However, anonymity's dark side can bestow upon us carte blanche (sorry, murph) to be raging assholes. And sadly, some will be enticed to assume that posture.

The subject of extra-marital sex is -- and will probably always be -- a polarizing issue. I believe that even where each marriage partner is open about their desires and actions, there may still emerge a feeling of betrayal or jealousy. The healthy relationship will have constructed a safe venue where the affected partner can express their feelings and where a win-win situation for all involved emerges.

A person has to really have a handle on all those parts that comprise what they call "me" or "I" to be able to say Yes to something and not experience a tinge of regret or resenment later on. There's not a lot of us that integrated out there.

So -- if we want our committed relationships to work -- we have to be able to accept and respect that our partner might change their mind.

I think EN and her husband have that kind of relationship.

8:10 AM, August 11, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

OMG husband.

Were your ears ringing?!?

Yes, I know there will be a time for shared opportunity, it is always implied. I am glad that you are confident, as am I.

My muffin is well buttered, regardless of red head or not.

Ming- thanks, we do have that kind of understanding.. and if we were not the people we were, and readily willing to admit so.. we would add another notch to the already overabundant divorce statistic.

8:41 AM, August 11, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

Husband must have been madly typing away from his portion of the universe at the same time as I.

You're a good man, my brother.

8:56 AM, August 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could say the same of you. Sounds like we are confident and secure in our relationships.

Helps to have wives that know what we really want, regardless of what the what is.

Muffin - no sleep tonight.


9:04 AM, August 11, 2005  

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