The base line resides strongly, beckoning me to dance. Hastily the floor thickens with people content to grind along to the melodic tempo filling the room. I turn my direction back up to the DJ, who works to set the next track… “You want to request something, don’t you?”
My red head knows me too well. Yes, my weakness… I am a sucker for a sexy base line; and now that I’ve annihilated my drink I’m prepared to grind a little myself, definitely “Yea, I think I would.”
“Kay, done deal” she digs in her pocket book and frees a pen and a match book, “Follow me.”
We make our way to the second tier of the floor and step up. Trying to maintain my balance a little, I grasp for a shoulder of a woman dancing before me; she whips around as if offended that I touched her.
“Sorry” I contended. She shrugs and smiles “s’ok”, then continues on to her musically driven movement, guiding me to join her. I do, as my date lifts a hand to the DJ… he lowers and grabs the match book she has extended to him. He accepts her note, nods, and looks to me as I bump and grind with my newly found partner. Smiling, he points down at me and waves; I return his gesture and continue on.
“You know the DJ?” My dance partner shouts as she turns to face me, hips shaking violently. I reply with a head nod, affirming that apparently I did… she gleams with excitement, and commences to dance closer to me. The red head descends upon us in only moments, joining us in our movements.
“What did you request?” I speak loudly to her, as I feel the beat and work my body to match it.
“You’ll see…” She grabs my waist and comes in close. “Hey Jess!” She continues, looking over to my dancing friend. “I didn’t think you’d make it tonight. So glad you came!”
“Red!” She boasts as she crosses to hug my date “You guys are together? I wondered what was up with the new face!” Still moving to the music, her arm is settled nicely around the shoulders of my red head. “You know” Jess shouts over the music “I never miss one of your husband’s promotions.”
Huh? Promotions?
They continue on in conversation, and I try my hardest to make out what they’re saying… but fuck it, I’m really grooving on this Sean Paul Punkie remix the DJ’s spinning at the moment. The throbbing dance floor becomes more congested as ever, I look down upon the swarming mass of people loving it just as much as I am. Heaven I tell ya, heaven.
But then the music switches up, and the bass line slows to a crawl… Boom, bump-bump-bump. Boom, bump-bump-bump. If you’re feelin’ like a pimp, If you’re feelin’ like a pimp…
The massive huddles slow, and the bodies move in unison to the new song selection. Others who previously sat and downed their drinks now got up and made their way to the floor as well, causing for body to body contact, no personal space rules allowed.
Oh that naughty red head; it’s Jay-Z, the dirty south remix of ‘like a pimp’… and she knows this base line gets me every time. Boom, bump-bum-bump.
Jess and Red, now done with their conversation, move in to me and we all begin to sway together; backs arched in a lean, shoulders swaying with the re-adjusted bass line.
I motion up to the DJ who sits complacently watching us dance to my selection, smiling and nodding to the beat. I wave again to him; letting him know he rocked the DJ booth with that choice. He raises his drink as if to declare victory, and gives a high sign back.
“Hey, stop flirting with my DJ” Red declares in a chuckle, and an L to her forehead.
“I was just telling him I like the way he changed it up.” I reply, laughing back; feeling my hips gyrate with the beat. Go an brush yo shoulders off, ladies is pimps too go an brush yo shoulders off…My sweet, darling red head still laughing blurts aloud “You want to thank him?”
“Yeah, let’s thank him” Jess cheers, laughing also.
Okay, this wouldn’t be right if I didn’t describe how insanely hot Jess is.
Mid length jet black hair, caramel skin, gorgeous cupie-doll face… and an ass that would make beyonce’ jealous, definitely. She was wearing a blue tank top and low rise skirt with double slits up either side. Every time she would grind, legs slightly bent, I could see her muscular thighs working that beat. As well, her belly was tone and she appeared to be in great shape. Jeesh, me in the company of two beautiful women. Who’da thunk it?
“Okay, I’ll play” I manage to slur, shoulders holding a steady sway “Let’s thank him.”
Here it is people, the weird sexual event I was most likely waiting for. But here?
On the dance floor?
Second tier no less, rising above everyone in the club except for a select few who accompanied us on this stage-like forum. Jess moves in, close to me, bodies touching; her breasts slide against mine. Behind me, Red moves in as well; I am sandwiched between the two. Our motions become almost erotic as I entwine my legs in Jess’s…
I love that part… yes, the part where the music almost halts and three loud bass notes pound through the thick, smoky air. I know that part well as my pelvis and shoulders work the bridge. The girls move in tighter, as if that were possible; and I feel a hand on my stomach pulling me into my date. Beyond the pounding music that now overwhelms my soul; I can make out the mass of dance-goers chanting the “whoop-whoops” as the music continues on.
Jess leans in and plants a kiss on my collarbone, her breasts still rolling over mine as we move together. Her hair smelled sweet, and her lips fell full on my persperated skin.
The hand on my stomach now moves slowly within my shirt and into my bra; resting there but squeezing a little. My head tilts back and meets with soft auburn hair, turning my neck I kiss her, and she returns it with tongue… I open my eyes and look up to the DJ as Jess continues to travel downwards unto my chest. I snicker and tease him with my eyes as I twist my body. Still accommodating Jess’s move to lick my breasts, I favor her in the middle of us. My red head chides at me, reading my mind again… I was done being the center of attention; I wanted to play instead this time.
The DJ, now entranced, looks down at us over the soft glow of his turn tables. His head non-wavering, he busily sets up the next track as his eyes burn into our positions. And yes, we love the fact that he’s watching.
My red head takes Jess in my previously occupied position, and I kiss her collarbone. I place my hand on her thigh just inside one of the slits, and notice she’s wearing absolutely no panties.
My hand travels along the soft bottom of her ass and grips it, tightly. Her eyes snap open and she looks at me in surprise, with perhaps even a bit of relief… she continues to move with us; slowly swaying, grinding, rubbing. I move in to kiss her; and we share the hottest, most passionate kiss you’ve ever seen two women give on the dance floor. It was insane, even my red head was jealous.
She moves poor Jess around to face her and attempts to match our exchange. I’m not sure it was as good as mine, but they seemed to be enjoying it… so was the DJ. I was content with taking the back of her; feeling her luscious ass moving against my pussy. We maintained our positions well as we kissed, fondled, caressed and basically fucked through our attire on the floor; second tier… awesome. And we paid it no mind that the song looped so we could carry on longer… thanks Mr. DJ.
After about 10 songs, all extremely similar in base line and tempo, we decided it was time for a rest. Jess blew us a kiss and commenced to dance with the man next to her; who seemed more that happy to be her choice.
“Hey Emma, follow me…” Red leads me to the back of the club towards a curtained doorway with an ‘Exit’ sign above it.
“Whoa sweetheart,” I put a halt to our travels and hold steady “I remember what happened the last time I left through an exit… There’s no funny little room back there, is there?”
She bursts into laughter at first, and then turns a friendly face and re-assures “No honey, this isn’t a swingers club… no room… promise.” Her big blue eyes struggle to tempt me; she bats her eyelashes and I melt.
“Shit… okay. But you owe me an explanation.” We carry on through the excited crowds, knocking drinks out of hands (on accident) as we move.
I make hard contact with a man sitting a table filled with other guys… damn near knocking him out of his seat. “Shit I’m so sorry” I call over the club noise.
“It’s cool” the man turns to look up at me after taking inventory of his jeans for spills. It’s the dream-face-school-yard-stare guy… Jesus I wish I could remember where I recognize him from. “You girls having a good time?” He adds kindly.
“Yea, well” the red head tugs me hard, beckoning me to continue to follow her.
I look over my shoulder as I am hurried away, taking him in once more with my eyes; wishing he was available… or for that matter that I was. Honestly, I just wanted to talk to him.
We slip behind the black curtain in the doorway… there’s small recessed lighting traveling the base boards. But it’s better to see her now, and much gentler to the eyes than the lights that pierced the smoky dance floor. The volume of the music was still loud, but much less than in front of the curtain… we huddled together in the hallway.
“Good,” she peeks up the hallway and hesitates a bit “We’re alone.”
“Yeah, good” I respond to her mysteriousness “You wanna tell me what’s going on with the whole club-royalty thing? Is it that your husband promotes the club, or the DJ?”
“Neither” she smiles “Well, that’s not true... He owns the club.”
Alarmed at this fact, but not overly surprised “are you fucking kidding me?”
“No, he owns a lot of different businesses” she goes on “this is just one of his clubs.”
I knew it, I think to myself.
“Now, we only have like maybe 30 minutes before the DJ breaks out and the bar staff begins closing the bar, which means staff will be flowing through here like mad…” she comes at me and grabs my waist, pulling me into her closely “lets do it.”
It was 12:45. Weighing my options, and thinking the need to be close to her as definitely the priority, I decide to indulge.
We begin kissing as ties and straps come undone; blouses fall open skirts hiked to our waists. Our hands fumble for each others pussies, our mouths fight for territory as we ravage each other, fairly forcefully.
Using my body weight, I push her up against the wall and my fingers slide easily along her clit. I pin her hard and start my journey downwards as her fingers are taken from their spot between my legs. Her nipples are hard and salty with sweat; I suck and lick them everywhere… clearing away the traces of dance floor physicality. From the right and over to the left, working towards the honey spot that lies just south of this; my fingers plunge deep, penetrating her hotness.
She lifts her leg a bit and props her shoe against the wall, catching the heel in the grout between the painted brick. Her hands grip my head and guide me down her stomach, pelvis, and finally her pussy where my fingers are already accommodating.
She moans as I tickle her clit a little with the tip of my tongue. I move it slowly and teasingly up and down her well lubricated slit… she tastes great and all I can think about is having more. I remove my fingers and look up at her; she pants and wipes a strand of auburn lock from her heated expression. “Yeah, that’s fucking great… keep going.”
I lick my fingers and continue.
I can’t believe how fucking wet she is; and the more I work her, the more moist she gets. My fingers now play in the very top part of her pussy, rolling a bit and then pulling apart gently to expose her pink folds. I dive in and encompass every inch of her tasty cunt. She writhes and weakens, sliding a bit and causing me to readjust my kneeling position.
Her leg rises and she rests her shoe on my shoulder, making it easier for me to take her whole. I pay it no mind because I am in heaven… and feeling just as fucking hot as she is. I decide that If she’s getting off, I’m getting off too; so I slip my hand down into my panties and run my fingers down the slit of my pussy and into myself. I tense a bit, as she digs her heel into my shoulder… I defend with a nibble to her labia.
She giggles as she hustles for breath “Sorry baby, it just feels so… shit Emma I’m so gonna cum right now.”
I pump my fingers hurriedly in and out of my pussy, trying to match her climax; but my attempts fail as she is bucking and groaning loudly… and coming hard as I plunge my tongue deep into her wet slippery hole.
She slouches a bit as I slow things down, lapping contentedly on the aftermath… still pumping myself hard. “That was fucking hot” she sighs, smiling and looking well satisfied. “You need me?”
“Yea” I move to stand “I do...”
“Alright sweetie lean back” She then takes the dominant role and pushes me to the adjacent wall. I remove my fingers and she catches my hand, now placing my fingers in her mouth. “Sweet” she giggles as she mouths my dripping index finger and moves to her knees to please me.
It was no time before I came too thankfully, because no sooner had we readjusted our undergarments but Nick the bartender ducked through the curtain. “Hey girls” he raised a hand and nodded as he passed.
“Hey Nick” we chuckled, wiping our mouths.
The rest of the evening was as good as the beginning, if not better thanks to the orgasm factor.
We had a couple more drinks, danced through 6 or 7 more songs…found Jess again, who was dancing still and looking quite spent. When last call went up, people began to dissipate from ‘the club’ in hoards… The DJ set his last song, it was one I didn’t recognize… but liked it. Will have to ask Red about that last song.
Jess joined us as we left, insisting that neither of us were good to drive all the way home. Red convincingly nods “you’re absolutely fucking right we’re not.” She grabs Jess and I by the arms, locking them. We’ll all go back to my place then.
“Whoa sweetie” I halt again “I have to go home tonight.”
“Oh shit that’s right.” She swept her hand through her hair. I reach out to adjust that misplaced lock of hair that still haunts her vision.
“Just drop me off at home on the way, and then you girls go and have your slumber party.” I cajoled. Inside of course I wanted to join them… but my conscious knew it would be best to go home and get some sleep.
“Okay that’s the plan” she bounced as we walked out the front and stepped into the car.
Again, sweet ass car.
Red sat in the passengers’ seat, Jess and I took the back.
The big bouncer-looking dude drove all three of us intoxicated ladies back south; and had a great time listening to us comment on the porn selection, now screaming from the head rests. I think I caught him laughing hysterically a couple of times… we were more than happy to amuse him.
Only for a second I felt Jess’s hand rest on my thigh, and then pull away. Nothing was said in regards to it… in fact, quite the opposite as she pursed her fingers to her lips as if to shush me from saying anything.
Still now I’m not sure if that was when the phone number was written… and I wondered as the three of them pulled away, and I ambled down my driveway, whether I’d see Jess again. Ultimately, I thought she was really cool… and yes, hot.
You could imagine my surprise when my husband caught it, teasing me terribly for my 'club night' remnant. The blaring 10 numerals adorning my inner thigh, albeit faded, it stood out gloriously and under it read “Jessie.”

The base line resides strongly, beckoning me to dance. Hastily the floor thickens with people content to grind along to the melodic tempo filling the room. I turn my direction back up to the DJ, who works to set the next track… “You want to request something, don’t you?”
My red head knows me too well. Yes, my weakness… I am a sucker for a sexy base line; and now that I’ve annihilated my drink I’m prepared to grind a little myself, definitely “Yea, I think I would.”
“Kay, done deal” she digs in her pocket book and frees a pen and a match book, “Follow me.”
We make our way to the second tier of the floor and step up. Trying to maintain my balance a little, I grasp for a shoulder of a woman dancing before me; she whips around as if offended that I touched her.
“Sorry” I contended. She shrugs and smiles “s’ok”, then continues on to her musically driven movement, guiding me to join her. I do, as my date lifts a hand to the DJ… he lowers and grabs the match book she has extended to him. He accepts her note, nods, and looks to me as I bump and grind with my newly found partner. Smiling, he points down at me and waves; I return his gesture and continue on.
“You know the DJ?” My dance partner shouts as she turns to face me, hips shaking violently. I reply with a head nod, affirming that apparently I did… she gleams with excitement, and commences to dance closer to me. The red head descends upon us in only moments, joining us in our movements.
“What did you request?” I speak loudly to her, as I feel the beat and work my body to match it.
“You’ll see…” She grabs my waist and comes in close. “Hey Jess!” She continues, looking over to my dancing friend. “I didn’t think you’d make it tonight. So glad you came!”
“Red!” She boasts as she crosses to hug my date “You guys are together? I wondered what was up with the new face!” Still moving to the music, her arm is settled nicely around the shoulders of my red head. “You know” Jess shouts over the music “I never miss one of your husband’s promotions.”
Huh? Promotions?
They continue on in conversation, and I try my hardest to make out what they’re saying… but fuck it, I’m really grooving on this Sean Paul Punkie remix the DJ’s spinning at the moment. The throbbing dance floor becomes more congested as ever, I look down upon the swarming mass of people loving it just as much as I am. Heaven I tell ya, heaven.

The massive huddles slow, and the bodies move in unison to the new song selection. Others who previously sat and downed their drinks now got up and made their way to the floor as well, causing for body to body contact, no personal space rules allowed.
Oh that naughty red head; it’s Jay-Z, the dirty south remix of ‘like a pimp’… and she knows this base line gets me every time. Boom, bump-bum-bump.
Jess and Red, now done with their conversation, move in to me and we all begin to sway together; backs arched in a lean, shoulders swaying with the re-adjusted bass line.
I motion up to the DJ who sits complacently watching us dance to my selection, smiling and nodding to the beat. I wave again to him; letting him know he rocked the DJ booth with that choice. He raises his drink as if to declare victory, and gives a high sign back.
“Hey, stop flirting with my DJ” Red declares in a chuckle, and an L to her forehead.
“I was just telling him I like the way he changed it up.” I reply, laughing back; feeling my hips gyrate with the beat. Go an brush yo shoulders off, ladies is pimps too go an brush yo shoulders off…My sweet, darling red head still laughing blurts aloud “You want to thank him?”
“Yeah, let’s thank him” Jess cheers, laughing also.
Okay, this wouldn’t be right if I didn’t describe how insanely hot Jess is.
Mid length jet black hair, caramel skin, gorgeous cupie-doll face… and an ass that would make beyonce’ jealous, definitely. She was wearing a blue tank top and low rise skirt with double slits up either side. Every time she would grind, legs slightly bent, I could see her muscular thighs working that beat. As well, her belly was tone and she appeared to be in great shape. Jeesh, me in the company of two beautiful women. Who’da thunk it?
“Okay, I’ll play” I manage to slur, shoulders holding a steady sway “Let’s thank him.”
Here it is people, the weird sexual event I was most likely waiting for. But here?
On the dance floor?
Second tier no less, rising above everyone in the club except for a select few who accompanied us on this stage-like forum. Jess moves in, close to me, bodies touching; her breasts slide against mine. Behind me, Red moves in as well; I am sandwiched between the two. Our motions become almost erotic as I entwine my legs in Jess’s…

I love that part… yes, the part where the music almost halts and three loud bass notes pound through the thick, smoky air. I know that part well as my pelvis and shoulders work the bridge. The girls move in tighter, as if that were possible; and I feel a hand on my stomach pulling me into my date. Beyond the pounding music that now overwhelms my soul; I can make out the mass of dance-goers chanting the “whoop-whoops” as the music continues on.
Jess leans in and plants a kiss on my collarbone, her breasts still rolling over mine as we move together. Her hair smelled sweet, and her lips fell full on my persperated skin.
The hand on my stomach now moves slowly within my shirt and into my bra; resting there but squeezing a little. My head tilts back and meets with soft auburn hair, turning my neck I kiss her, and she returns it with tongue… I open my eyes and look up to the DJ as Jess continues to travel downwards unto my chest. I snicker and tease him with my eyes as I twist my body. Still accommodating Jess’s move to lick my breasts, I favor her in the middle of us. My red head chides at me, reading my mind again… I was done being the center of attention; I wanted to play instead this time.
The DJ, now entranced, looks down at us over the soft glow of his turn tables. His head non-wavering, he busily sets up the next track as his eyes burn into our positions. And yes, we love the fact that he’s watching.

My hand travels along the soft bottom of her ass and grips it, tightly. Her eyes snap open and she looks at me in surprise, with perhaps even a bit of relief… she continues to move with us; slowly swaying, grinding, rubbing. I move in to kiss her; and we share the hottest, most passionate kiss you’ve ever seen two women give on the dance floor. It was insane, even my red head was jealous.
She moves poor Jess around to face her and attempts to match our exchange. I’m not sure it was as good as mine, but they seemed to be enjoying it… so was the DJ. I was content with taking the back of her; feeling her luscious ass moving against my pussy. We maintained our positions well as we kissed, fondled, caressed and basically fucked through our attire on the floor; second tier… awesome. And we paid it no mind that the song looped so we could carry on longer… thanks Mr. DJ.
After about 10 songs, all extremely similar in base line and tempo, we decided it was time for a rest. Jess blew us a kiss and commenced to dance with the man next to her; who seemed more that happy to be her choice.
“Hey Emma, follow me…” Red leads me to the back of the club towards a curtained doorway with an ‘Exit’ sign above it.
“Whoa sweetheart,” I put a halt to our travels and hold steady “I remember what happened the last time I left through an exit… There’s no funny little room back there, is there?”
She bursts into laughter at first, and then turns a friendly face and re-assures “No honey, this isn’t a swingers club… no room… promise.” Her big blue eyes struggle to tempt me; she bats her eyelashes and I melt.
“Shit… okay. But you owe me an explanation.” We carry on through the excited crowds, knocking drinks out of hands (on accident) as we move.
I make hard contact with a man sitting a table filled with other guys… damn near knocking him out of his seat. “Shit I’m so sorry” I call over the club noise.
“It’s cool” the man turns to look up at me after taking inventory of his jeans for spills. It’s the dream-face-school-yard-stare guy… Jesus I wish I could remember where I recognize him from. “You girls having a good time?” He adds kindly.
“Yea, well” the red head tugs me hard, beckoning me to continue to follow her.
I look over my shoulder as I am hurried away, taking him in once more with my eyes; wishing he was available… or for that matter that I was. Honestly, I just wanted to talk to him.
We slip behind the black curtain in the doorway… there’s small recessed lighting traveling the base boards. But it’s better to see her now, and much gentler to the eyes than the lights that pierced the smoky dance floor. The volume of the music was still loud, but much less than in front of the curtain… we huddled together in the hallway.
“Good,” she peeks up the hallway and hesitates a bit “We’re alone.”
“Yeah, good” I respond to her mysteriousness “You wanna tell me what’s going on with the whole club-royalty thing? Is it that your husband promotes the club, or the DJ?”
“Neither” she smiles “Well, that’s not true... He owns the club.”
Alarmed at this fact, but not overly surprised “are you fucking kidding me?”
“No, he owns a lot of different businesses” she goes on “this is just one of his clubs.”
I knew it, I think to myself.
“Now, we only have like maybe 30 minutes before the DJ breaks out and the bar staff begins closing the bar, which means staff will be flowing through here like mad…” she comes at me and grabs my waist, pulling me into her closely “lets do it.”
It was 12:45. Weighing my options, and thinking the need to be close to her as definitely the priority, I decide to indulge.

Using my body weight, I push her up against the wall and my fingers slide easily along her clit. I pin her hard and start my journey downwards as her fingers are taken from their spot between my legs. Her nipples are hard and salty with sweat; I suck and lick them everywhere… clearing away the traces of dance floor physicality. From the right and over to the left, working towards the honey spot that lies just south of this; my fingers plunge deep, penetrating her hotness.
She lifts her leg a bit and props her shoe against the wall, catching the heel in the grout between the painted brick. Her hands grip my head and guide me down her stomach, pelvis, and finally her pussy where my fingers are already accommodating.
She moans as I tickle her clit a little with the tip of my tongue. I move it slowly and teasingly up and down her well lubricated slit… she tastes great and all I can think about is having more. I remove my fingers and look up at her; she pants and wipes a strand of auburn lock from her heated expression. “Yeah, that’s fucking great… keep going.”
I lick my fingers and continue.
I can’t believe how fucking wet she is; and the more I work her, the more moist she gets. My fingers now play in the very top part of her pussy, rolling a bit and then pulling apart gently to expose her pink folds. I dive in and encompass every inch of her tasty cunt. She writhes and weakens, sliding a bit and causing me to readjust my kneeling position.
Her leg rises and she rests her shoe on my shoulder, making it easier for me to take her whole. I pay it no mind because I am in heaven… and feeling just as fucking hot as she is. I decide that If she’s getting off, I’m getting off too; so I slip my hand down into my panties and run my fingers down the slit of my pussy and into myself. I tense a bit, as she digs her heel into my shoulder… I defend with a nibble to her labia.
She giggles as she hustles for breath “Sorry baby, it just feels so… shit Emma I’m so gonna cum right now.”
I pump my fingers hurriedly in and out of my pussy, trying to match her climax; but my attempts fail as she is bucking and groaning loudly… and coming hard as I plunge my tongue deep into her wet slippery hole.
She slouches a bit as I slow things down, lapping contentedly on the aftermath… still pumping myself hard. “That was fucking hot” she sighs, smiling and looking well satisfied. “You need me?”
“Yea” I move to stand “I do...”
“Alright sweetie lean back” She then takes the dominant role and pushes me to the adjacent wall. I remove my fingers and she catches my hand, now placing my fingers in her mouth. “Sweet” she giggles as she mouths my dripping index finger and moves to her knees to please me.
It was no time before I came too thankfully, because no sooner had we readjusted our undergarments but Nick the bartender ducked through the curtain. “Hey girls” he raised a hand and nodded as he passed.
“Hey Nick” we chuckled, wiping our mouths.

We had a couple more drinks, danced through 6 or 7 more songs…found Jess again, who was dancing still and looking quite spent. When last call went up, people began to dissipate from ‘the club’ in hoards… The DJ set his last song, it was one I didn’t recognize… but liked it. Will have to ask Red about that last song.
Jess joined us as we left, insisting that neither of us were good to drive all the way home. Red convincingly nods “you’re absolutely fucking right we’re not.” She grabs Jess and I by the arms, locking them. We’ll all go back to my place then.
“Whoa sweetie” I halt again “I have to go home tonight.”
“Oh shit that’s right.” She swept her hand through her hair. I reach out to adjust that misplaced lock of hair that still haunts her vision.
“Just drop me off at home on the way, and then you girls go and have your slumber party.” I cajoled. Inside of course I wanted to join them… but my conscious knew it would be best to go home and get some sleep.
“Okay that’s the plan” she bounced as we walked out the front and stepped into the car.
Again, sweet ass car.
Red sat in the passengers’ seat, Jess and I took the back.
The big bouncer-looking dude drove all three of us intoxicated ladies back south; and had a great time listening to us comment on the porn selection, now screaming from the head rests. I think I caught him laughing hysterically a couple of times… we were more than happy to amuse him.
Only for a second I felt Jess’s hand rest on my thigh, and then pull away. Nothing was said in regards to it… in fact, quite the opposite as she pursed her fingers to her lips as if to shush me from saying anything.
Still now I’m not sure if that was when the phone number was written… and I wondered as the three of them pulled away, and I ambled down my driveway, whether I’d see Jess again. Ultimately, I thought she was really cool… and yes, hot.
You could imagine my surprise when my husband caught it, teasing me terribly for my 'club night' remnant. The blaring 10 numerals adorning my inner thigh, albeit faded, it stood out gloriously and under it read “Jessie.”
I can't wait to get home so I can read this ... can't chance a boss peeking over a shoulder on something like this ... LOL
RM - apologies to you for dropping the IM ball. But, your welcome for the sweet dreams... I'll see you there.
Doz - you mean no office antics? Pity.
hey en... sounds like a great night... i'm a titch jealous.. but i had a very nice day so i'll live :)
naughty one: it was definitely worth the wait ... the long, agonizing ... couple of hours.
anytime you wanna gyrate on my bass line, you give me a holla ;)
Wow! Sounds like an amazing night!
Black leather of course... sheesh, I still have yet to enjoy the camel colored leather. You know, honestly I think it did... but I was way too busy admiring my date and our conversation about pale lanky guys.
Doz & RM - Thanks for licking it. Errrr, liking it rather. Thanks for the compliment on the shoes, I try... and gyrating to bass lines is my specialty. So, I can envision you checking out your MP3 selection as we speak.
Sass- still wish you were closer, so want to take you on one of my weirdo evenings. And intro you to my naughty friends.
Lil- we're touring soon, might make it to GA. Can you get a babysitter? PS - your little man sounds awesome.
Furthermore, if any of you want to check out that song, please do:
Like A Pimp (dirty south Remix) - Album name: "Z"
Yeah, you southern people... you dirty southern people. Luv it.
I can always get a babysitter if I have enough notice
bubbles: never fear i will make you and yours move to toronto as refugees :)
Sass - you really don't have to try that hard. :)
Lill - take notice, we're goin' deer huntin'
bubbles: well shrub is ultimately worth fleeing from and if/when jeb takes over i expect the refugees to stream in :)
sassi: Jeb as pres...
*runs screaming for open 50 story window*
Please god no. I say this and only this; if there were to be another bush in the white house please make it the kind we can shave...
EN - Can I just wear the camo gear and look cute? I don't think that I could actually kill a deer. LOL!
LIl, totally... actually I might let you strap it to the car once it's dead. Or chop it up for venison jerky.
No wait, Sass can swing an axe like a mutha, we'll let her do that.
And between you and I girls, I was subliminally replacing Murph with the deer... would hate to eat him after I kill him. Not enough meat in the hindquarters anyway.
And really, is it worth it fo spend another $15.99 on semi-auto rounds just to shoot Murph?
*thinking* yeah, not sure. No, pretty convinced he's worth more to me alive... but can't figure out for the life of me why.
Murph - leather rocks, no blue UV action there... come on, I wouldn't really shoot you... sheesh.
RM- I'm inviting you tonight, so keep your panties on. Or mine, wichever you prefer...
*is patient*
wow, you actually called me fucker... that hurts man. Seriously.
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