shhhh... quiet now.

Drip. Drop.
A distant reverberation of droplets… hitting, kerplunking downward, and tapping in a repetitious pattern. I imagine pooling, as they land to gather and accompany others already fallen. Creating ripples as they crash.
To this sound I awaken.
Head down, heavy.
Rested on forearms which lay criss-crossed, and slung haphazardly, across the back of a chair. I can see nothing but darkness, even when my head is lifted. The void is deep and foreboding… a black infinity. I call out in a whimper, hearing only myself call back and echoing softly into the blankness.
There is nothing but I, and I feel fear.
My finger senses the roughness of the wooden chair I straddle; and slides the length of it. It feels course; but polished. I stare blankly, cataloging the intake of only this item I sit upon. My thighs clench tightly and bear the brunt of the crisp, splintered seat beneath me… I realize I am naked. I wait for something to happen… and I wait.
There is nothing but I, and my chair; and I feel fear.
Arm to the right finds the courage to out-stretch… is there something before me? A wall, a cage, nothing… anything? I grope the air with intrigue; pulse quickening… panic stricken. Hand retracts and I draw backward. I grip my chair tightly.
Did you notice? The air feels colder… almost chilled. My nipples harden as the frightened perspiration rolls down my stomach.
There is nothing but I, my chair, and the uncomfortable chill going down my spine… and I feel fear.
Drip. Drop.
A light crashes on, with the sound of a breaker snapping over tightly. I startle and am blinded by an insane flood of brightness. Pupils screaming to dilate, I cover my eyes and strain for focus. I peek around from my chair, chest heaving… but still see nothing but darkness. I look up, and above me hangs one lamp… just one. Battered and rusty, the fixture buzzes to keep up with the extreme amount of wattage put before it. I cannot make it past the light.
I lift from my chair, pushing on the back to help myself to rise. Still heavy, my head spins and questions everything… I lift one knee and rest in on the course wood, the other leg standing. I strain into the dark room…
But wait, something registers… I hear movement in the darkness. Could it be I am not alone after all? My pulse quickens even more; I gasp for breath seeing nothing before me but pitch blackness. I call out… but again, nothing calls back but the echoes. I stand, and prepare to fight as I grip the weathered chair beneath me.
There is nothing but I, my chair, the chill creating goose bumps…spreading like disease over my pink flesh, and the person who stands in the shadows.
And then.
Two more loud snaps, and two beams emit from above… across from me. Ten feet dead center of my gaze… I feel warm. I perk to attention, curious and unbelieving at what is before me. Beckoning me to investigate….
It is two. And they are standing… waiting. Ready.
I smile, pulse still quick but frightened heaving turns to one of trickery. My lips tingle to come in contact. My fingers itch to explore… I straighten my legs and swing the chair behind me. Without apprehension I strut, slowly… the click of my heels are sharp like nails into the concrete. The wooden chair drags behind me, squealing and wretching… like nails on a chalk board. I approach steadily.
There they stand quite still, without restrains… without emotion. Naked, arms to their sides… and quite fuckable. I swing my chair back to whence it came… between my legs standing between them, I move down as I reach out for each. Running my hands downward… from their chests, across their stomachs… and even south of that. Not as much to compare, but to celebrate the way their bodies differed. I would be satisfied with either.
And both.
My weary hands rest upon their semi-hardened cocks, and I tease them with my fingers. The softness of my fingertips are a strong contrast to the steady tug I provide sporadically. My mouth waters, my pussy feels hot and saturated. My clit swells to the point of explosion… and take a seat to investigate.
They bare strong differences… but the assets are unavoidable, and immediately I realize I cannot stay away. I must do this; I have to do this… I need to do this.
I look up at them, still holding; anticipating my devilish plot. Giggling like a school girl, my eyebrow raises and I am reminded of how I came to be here…
“We better get comfortable, cause I’m not going anywhere.”
naughty one: I shall hereby deliver unto you one of the highest compliments that I personally dish out:
Your writing inspires me to write.
Back to the not-so-serious side, I think it's cool that you finally got Murphy to give you his ball-gag pic.
and it makes you feel like you're there, right?
that's good. I could seriously write some heavy shit about you T.
I say you write it!
Emma and Teresa sitting in a tree!
first comes teresa, then comes emma
then comes all the guys watchin' them go at it!
fuck you Murph... no way.
I'll totally fight you for it. And most likely kick your ass too.
actually, I would have to get permission from T for that. I'm not about to blast all my plans for us on the www for the world to spectate.
However, if T approves... perhaps it could be a good way to entice?
uh, T... I don't think they care about you being brainy.
Or rather, you and me... glasses and pencils. ruler...
See boys... permission kicks ass.
Oh, underlying innuendo here for Murph.
I would like to see how the stories would differ... I would guess it'd be like:
EN's version -- "her gaze fell upon me like a freshly chopped down elm, criss-crossing over my form like telegraph cables racing over hill and dale in the old west"
murph's version -- "woah -- she was wearing a nurse's uniform and I was like 'she has HUGE knockers!'"
T - I'm totally writing it.
dominator: you give murph too much credit. I'm guessing it would be something like this:
The chick had huge jugs.
I fucked her.
or even this...
uhhhhh. jesus, why didn't she give me her number.
Luv you Murph though, for your perfectness.
OK ... I've got to finish the weekend editorials, which means I have to stop commenting.
See ya kiddos who don't blog over the weekend next week ... peace
naughty one: I look forward to your T story ;)
will be here Doz, stay tuned.
Now T, should I put you in Pink or what?
Ok, here's more...
EN-style: "our bodies glistened in the filtered rays of the mid-morning sun, chests still heaving against the satin sheets, breathing clumsily and rapid, like a just-birthed foal struggling to its feet for the first time"
murph-style: "'nursie' turned around... whoa! what a nice ass!"
k, I'm think school teachers.... or college students.
one more, then I have some business to do this AM...
EN-style: "we were grinding on the dance floor like an overworked Seattle coffeehouse barista, sweat pouring from our bodies like oil from a ruptured, grounded, ocean tanker. Passion filled the room like cream in an eclair".
murph-style: "I was *again* like woah -- she's got HUGE knockers!"
oh that fucking kix ass T.
Alright, that's the character flow. Now I will have to think on the scenario....
I think I got it.
saved here.
Ummm.. really T I'm totally wheeling in thought process right now.
Is it hot in here?
ha! Interactive eh? Normally I try to write from experience... what are you doing this afternoon?
really, what a coincidence.
*evil snicker*
And we're meeting where?
s'ok, I get that all the time. Sometimes I'm just too damn intimidating I guess.
sha... uh, k. Nevermind.
*blush* jesus T, we really need to spend some quality time together.
no, seriously. Cave, dammit cave.
coffee yes. If it tastes funny pay it no mind, that's how they make it up here.
Uh, and dom... take it easy on poor Murph.
Murph- it's taking you WAY too long to get chapter 2 out. Focus man, focus.
now THAT's what I'm talking about!
wait... fighting with blogger support staff.
Murph - no way. you totally fucking wish you could do better.
T- The military basis? Ummmm. I can't answer that.
t-money: she won't tell ... and you're not supposed to ask
ok ... really going to bed now
night doz... have sweet dreams now.
Murphy, your invitation to Vegas if ever there was one, is now conveniently 'lost'
oh no, i was gone for a bit, does that mean i'm uninvited too?
I was wondering where you were Sass... honestly thought you were exercising independant and growing income things....
I fucking miss you horribly
i was... taught three classes this morning and now i'm trying to clean my house
cleaning sucks.
well you are two emails down iffn you feel the need to chat with me :P
also *huggles!*
oh shit... you're absolutely right.
Here, *lowering head* take my paddle and spank me...
but if i smack you you'll like it... how is that punishment?
fun yes... punishment?
(also, i have proven conclusively that i am a tease)
Ummm, Sass I'll pretend not to like it... promise.
Please don't spank me, please.
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