
Answer Key

So as you well know I am prepping for my interview. Never being interviewed before, I find myself a bit nervous about this opportunity and had acquired your help. Sure nuff, the emails shot in like wild fire... Well, k that's not true; it was a slow trickle at first really... And then a flurry. I just want to say thanks, genuinely, for the assist...

And shit, who knew I had such intellectual and insightful readers? Okay, well I did... You're all some really deep thinkers. That's a good thing, keep it up! Err, keep it up.. *ahem*

Seriously, I thrive on the relief that nobody asked me questions like "do you recycle" or "What kind of panties do you wear on a Friday" or even the inevitable "do you sleep on your back, or your side?" Kudos guys and gals... Totally appreciated kudos.

And so your one question to me? Your opportunity? I have answers, here goes.

Q. What are your professional goals as a sex-story writer? You're on the Internet. Read by thousands of teased souls. Now there's magazine offers circling you like a sharks. Where do you go from here?

A. Professional Goals, hmmm.
Well, honestly I would love to have a steady book deal... And not just erotica but actually (err, maybe) some of the other stuff I've written. To be completely honest, nothing is as enjoyable as writing erotica, so it would be difficult to change genres. BUT, I also enjoy my editorial work and self-help, I get a lot of feed back from that, which enables me to be close with my readers. It would be cool to have something steady there....
Where do I go from here? I suppose I roll with it.... If I get paid enough, I can buy husband that new truck he wants... And a bass boat. Me? I think I'd like to have some man servants... And a bungalow somewhere tropical. I think man servants, good friends, and a tropical bungalow could definitely keep the ol' inspiration going.

Q. Why do you blog?

A. I have been blogging for awhile, over a year (just somewhere else). I had also been writing for a certain website quite a while. Things were good, I established a fan base... Then they kicked me and handful of writers because we wouldn't comply with the XXX format they wanted.
The site was something fun to do with a bunch of other people that enjoyed writing erotica/R-romance; but some big fucking corporate entity had to come in and swallow the site. Thanks to a sell-out in our group, we were all on the good ship lollipop until we said 'no more' and moved on. K, that's the history... Here's why I blog:

I was having drinks with my friends one evening, when one of them started monologing "That whole desperate housewives thing... sheesh. Too bad somebody can't step out and speak for women like us... The thirty-somethings that realize only lately that we're seriously under-sexed... And what's up with that anyway? Now that I'm done having kids I'm hornier than hell... And if you feel the same, and you, and you... Then others have to feel it? Don't they? I mean, there is a gray area between sex and the city, and desperate housewives. " And then she followed up with "they didn't mention it in sex-ed, and it's freaking me out... I'm glad I have you guys to connect with or I'd go fucking insane."
That is why I blog. Because I know for a fact that there are women... Mothers and wives; that not only love their families... But love sex. Yes, that is why I blog.

Q. Do you get more of a thrill knowing the effect that your postings/writings will have on readers, or in reading their comments and finding out exactly what kind of effect said postings/writings have?

A. That question is so righteous... My answer is simple; both.
When I write, I do it visually.... I can see the picture in my head and I am describing it. Often I do censor some, but mostly everything stays fairly clear... Almost as if I am third person observing. I use this rule when I write "It it turns me on to see/visualize it, then I'm putting it on paper." I figure if it gets me, it gets you... Yes, I like to get you.
Secondly, when I hear comments or even criticism about my stories it makes me feel awesome. There is nothing more comforting to hear how you did (or, err didn't do). I encourage any and everyone to contact me, either personally or publicly and tell me what kind of effect it had... I told you before; I am play-doh... Mold me dammit.

B. Do you believe in infatuation - and is it a positive or a negative.

A. in.fat.u.a.tion - A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction. See Synonyms at love. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.
Do I believe in infatuation? Definite yes. Is it a positive or negative? Well, it's both; hence the words 'short-lived', 'unreasoning', and 'foolish.' Infatuation can turn your world upside down... It is more powerful than any addiction you could ever face (especially when it is in your face). Infatuation is not predjudice to anything... And holds a lot of emotional heavy weight power. It makes us hurt, scheme, connive if we have to... It barricades us if we allow it.
However, on the other side of the coin we have the positives. Infatuation makes us desire, it motivates and inspires...Jesus, did that rhyme? Shit sorry. It packs power, and a lot of sexual punch... Infatuations lead to some of the best fucking. And uh, I endorse mutual infatuational fucking, k? No stalkers.
*ever notice how if you say infatuation a few times it starts to sound kinda funny?*

More Q and A tomorrow... I'm going to bed... To sleep, dammit. I guess that enables any body who hadn't had a chance to ask their question to have a little more time... slackers.


Blogger DZER said...

god I wanna Q yer A ...

and nice answers ;)

1:52 AM, October 05, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Doz - your Q, my A... 3 hours.

3:32 PM, October 05, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

oh, and Doz - thanks for being the only one who critiqued my answers. I feel a webcam moment coming on just for you.

3:41 PM, October 05, 2005  

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