
The Fantastic Four

Recent thoughts, feelings, and events have prompted a call to my girlfriends. Yes, the rowdy, belligerent group of four that terrorize the male population every once and a while.

I have gotten a bit off track, and all work no play makes EN a dull girl. I need a naughty-ladies night. Not naughty like nasty... but naughty like bad girl, you need a spanking. How dare you flash your ass at that taxi driver! And don't French kiss your friend just to get rid of club sharks.

I realize I had not seen them in awhile, and to spend some time with my gal pals is to increase my emotional well-being. It suits me to spend an evening wreaking havoc with other good-time closet moms. Although these ladies do not have the closeted sexual lifestyle that I do, they thoroughly enjoy a night to be, well, not themselves.

I think I have told you about my clutch before in one of my postings, so I will not waste your time with that. Let's just say we are an interesting clutch of women when we get together. Like a bad episode of Girls Gone Wild. Especially when alcohols involved which is apper po for our next endeavor.

So, I email out a request for ladies night... and the replies start to fly in like wild fire. Was I not the only one thinking it was time to cut loose? And the planning begins:
night club, bar, restaurant, casino which? All perhaps? That's just what my city needs, us to be running wild on duck farts and gin without chaperones.

Then C, the only single one of the bunch drops a bomb; "Why are we wasting our time at that casino? let's just go to Vegas for the weekend?"


Haven't I been reflecting on a trip there for like, the last year?

Zanie, the blonde of the group (yet overly intelligent with super long legs that don't quit by the way) replies "Airfare is rather cheap right now, maybe not a bad idea."

J replies "absolutely.. Fly out Friday the 14th and return Sunday morning."

I scramble to check my bank account, and then the airlines website; okay yes cheap fair, but would husband really allow me to be alone, for two days with the girls knowing what we're like when we get together? In VEGAS of all places?

Interesting conundrum.

"Book it," I replied, "Book it."


Blogger The MilkMaid said...

a few weeks ago i was extremely bitchy and just outta whack. i called in a girls nite and it did the trick!! hehehe girls nite is the BEST!! vegas eh? im 5'1", i can fit in a suitcase.......

10:41 AM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Cool, I think I have the perfect rolling luggage for you...

But I hate the thought of stuffing you in a suitcase... really.

Have to think of something quick.

10:50 AM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger Zephyr said...

I'm jealous too! I need a girls night out, but first I gotta find some girls.

1:57 PM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

hope you used Travelocity!

but .. vegas is over-rated.

5:02 PM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Doz. it is, it is... but affordable and quick. I think I'll save Guam for a longer period of time when I can bask in the beautiful sunsets...

I owe you an email too, shit. Sorry...

8:02 PM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Doz. it is, it is... but affordable and quick. I think I'll save Guam for a longer period of time when I can bask in the beautiful sunsets...

I owe you an email too, shit. Sorry...

8:02 PM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

OK ... that's officially 20 people coming to Guam ... someday ;)

and you owe me an e-mail? dzer@teleguam.net

8:12 PM, September 27, 2005  

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