The other half

Hell of a day, glad I had it.
Thought I would end it the satisfactory way. After putting youngest to bed, I did the traditional "lock myself in MY bathroom and hide." Which simply put means; grab the bottle of febreze, open the window ajar, hit the fan and finish the joint dad left. Bless his heart.
My dear husband doesn't smoke it, so that mean more for me.... and usually left overs.
So now that I'm fairly stymied and fading fast into some really funny shit that makes absolutely no sense, I will throw this post out hastily.
I know, I've posted the gopher before... but he's so fucking cute. How can you NOT love him?
No Shit, this really happened to me today.
I'm walking down the ave near my work when a guy in his mid-late twenties walks by. Our eyes meet for a moment, then back to the sidewalk. As we are distancing I hear him hollar "Hey, I know you!" I look over my shoulder and think "how many times have I heard this one?" I keep walking. "No wait... stop!" The guy jogs back to me, I stop and turn. "You're Everything Nice!"
I stand stunned. No fucking way. My mind races, what do I say? do I do? Ummm, did I piss this guy off, like ever? Meanwhile he smiles excitedly, "aren't you?"
I think I managed to get out a "uh, what?"
"You're Everything Nice, you write that bubblegum blog... I read your shit!"
Okay, so when you endeavor into these bothersome anonymous things, you have potential to screw yourself. I have two options:
A} Play stupid. Deny what he's talking about and act as if your terrified that he approached you in the first place.
B) Admit it, say thank you. And ask how the hell he recognized it was me?
I chose B. "Yeah, yeah that's me."
"That's so cool, I'ts great to meet you in person... do you work around here?"
Okay, I'm not getting that specific. "Well, no. I'm just running errands."
"Oh, that's cool... I love your blog really, read it all the time."
"I'm glad you enjoy it, do you ever comment or email? What's your user name?"
"Oh, I'm not a blogger... I just stumbled upon it while on Google, and have been reading it ever since. Sorry to hear about your Grandfather."
"Oh, thanks" I smile, dude seemed innocent enough.
"I'm Steve."
"Hi Steve, I'm..."
"Wait!" He interrupts, "Don't tell me your real name... it's all hush hush here."
I had to laugh at that, it was really cute. "Thanks Steve, maybe I'll give you an honorable mention tonight."
"Really? That'd be totally cool."
"Alright then, I'll see ya." We waive good-bye, and then I realize I never asked him how he recognized it was me. "Steve!" I shouted "Hey, how did you know it was me?"
"Your tat!" He shouted back... "It's really unique!"
I realized I had a tank top on. I normally wear a sweater or jacket over my arms to conceal it at work. I forget on the weekends, and evenings that it is always showing...
It was flattering, and felt really good to have a compliment. But at the same time, it really sucked... I just wanted to get my coffee (no offense Steve). Besides, it was also really embarrassing, me being the timid one that I am. HI STEVE!
Now, on to the issues at hand. Or, for that matter, in my hand; which I wish were really what my fingers were working right now.
*clearing throat*
Ex's - I know, strange topic... needs to be addressed. I had an enlightening conversation with a friend today about ex's, and how chemistry relates to those which may have been interrupted unintentionally or were so volitile that you had to break up with them. You know the types of relationships I'm talking about right? Those that you just loved to fuck and were there time or a place to do it, you did. You were playful with this person all the time; but when it came down to other things you just couldn't agree. Sometimes those are the hardest to let go of.
Yeah, chemistry... it's a strange thing. And if you were in either of these types of relationships then you know what it's like when you see that person again.
Whilst engaging in that conversation, I was also carrying on an email to my ex! Chemistry with that ex? Yes. History with that ex? Yes. Was it great sex? Oh, yeah. Have I seen that ex recently? Yes.
Did we get stupid when we saw each other again for the first time in 10+ years!?!?!? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Since, we go back and forth in email sometimes, shoot the shit and what not. Normally, the conversation begins innocently enough. Then one of us had to go and open our big mouths about the "remember when......" stuff. I begin to have these really intense flash backs; yikes. Sometimes I have to remember to stifle it... unless he indicates otherwise.
For now, I wait for the next time we have lunch... and can finish laughing about the quickies at the radio station, I still think we should have done it on the air, atleast once.
Unless we did and you didn't tell me.
I sat in a business meeting today with some very rich and powerful men... you could feel the air of the room change as they walked in and seated themselves. I got to shake their hands and introduce myself... One of them cajoled to my boss "What's she to you _________ ?" He respectfully replied "everything." That - kicks - ass.
As I sat and listened to them grumble about profit margins and projections, I wondered how many of them would be at the Halloween party.
Oh, this Halloween party has me intrigued. Apparently alot of planning goes into these things (who knew)?
I have talked to my red hot friend about the venue, she seems to think it is costume... but she's not sure. Costume means I have to get creative. I am a creative person my nature, but also a perfectionist... so whatever I have to come up with for the party should be perfect for me.
Any suggestions?
Hit me with your best shot. And on the face or breasts preferably.
i haven't read this. i just want to drop you a note though i will read in the am and comment
as for me, pretty please drop me an email at because then i'll have your emaul address and i can uh send you an email :)
now i've read your post... but damm i have to sleep.
it depends if you want to be recognizeable or not. are we talking only movies or anything or... sexy is required? easy access?
what what we need direction!
1. Sorry to disappoint, darlin', but that's not a gopher. It's a prairie dog.
2. Now I'm going to have to delve into your site to find the tattoo.
3. oooooh ... costumes. at Kmart I saw this thing for young kids. horse for boys, unicorn for girls — you wear them like shorts, so you can be a cowboy "riding" a horse or a princess "astride" a unicorn. Anyway, get a horse and go as Lady Godiva ;)
of course, you could always go as D/s couple ... plenty of leather and other trinkets out there at the costume shop, just in case you don't have the real shabanga-bang at home ;)
Costume Idea:
Go as a priest. Get one of those long black frocks (like this) and hats.
Wear nothing under the frock except for a...
...strap-on! Which you can secure to your thigh when you're not lifting the front of your costume and wiggling it as you chase other party-goers around screaming "Full of grace! Full of grace!"
Sounds a little too "Matrix" for me... was Steve wearing a black suit and sunglasses? I'd be weirded out.
Musta been the tattoo that read "Hi. My name is Everything Nice and my blog is Bubblegum Meltdown" that tipped him off.
Honestly people, I have no idea how he recognized me... The only thing I can imagine is that Steve is like, stalker material, saved one of my pics, and perhaps photoshop zoomed to get detail?
How weird though... I did look over my shoulder on the way to work today.
Lady Godiva! Nice choice.
Theme? No theme... that I know of.
Sexy? Well, I really don't want to wear a bear suit or anything, that's for sure.
Ming, dude... you know me so well. Damn you for reading my mind!
Perhaps a little red riding hood thing... you know head-kerchief, basket (for tricks and treats), and red hooded cape of some kind.
Red garter, little waist apron...
Is this working for anybody?
Murph- I am officially burning all those love notes and pictures of us on the beach in Jamaica...
*sniff, tear*
I hope I don't catch my office on fire.
the little red riding hood thing would DEFINITELY work ... but can you get hubby to go as the wolf?
hmm ... guess he could be the strapping woodsman/lumberjack who saved red ...
you would HAVE to skip some, at least into the joint ;)
oooh ... german beer wench! I like that one too!
hell, I like anything that involves boobs, when it comes down to it.
I kept the boxers that I asked you for after you tore apart my panties... have never worn underwear since...
hey bubbles
you threatened me with a pic a while back and i havent' heard from you on my plea for email so i'm wondering if you're skipping the second k in my gmail address. some bitch has sassinak@ already so i have to be sassinakk ... :)
as for hallowe'en the priest thing is funny as hell AND easy access but not sexy when you're not pulling up your frock... still and all :)
treesa you would make a screamingly hot german beer wench. all blond hair and boobs i bet it looked fantastic.
i think en is less busty than us though which sort of leaves the point of the costume out...
Sass, is right. Less busty... so what? Dammit, I work the tits I have though... WORK IT.
I could always pull out my push-up... automatic C to D baby.
German beer wench is good, zippered race suit is good too...
All these really good ideas.
No, admit you tore them.
Now there's a pretty picture!
Holy shit, I need a cigarette after THAT visual.
Shit, I can't even type...
whatever. Your "chicks" know better.
Concious? What?
not convinced. Try harder.
I complained because you couldn't find my g-spot, stupid.
Hence the hollaring and insults.
T- Mud wrestling, you and me. No dairy products...
i'm conscious this morning... but what does that have to do with having a conscience?
murph: prefer oil
bucking.... um, no... Honey, pay close attention; that's me trying to work it so I don't HAVE to rely on you to hit my g-spot.
With you it seems I have to do everything myself...
Oil is too expensive... unless you meant vegetable.
en: i was thinking of massage oil actually... oh such slippery goodness...
since everyone who reads my blog comments here i thought i'd mention that last night's overdue blog entry is up :)
hi en, this is me trolling for readers on your blog *grin*
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