
The moment you've all been waiting for?

I added the question mark because I'm despondent. I mean really, you would think it would be a snap to write the rest of tease. However, I am having difficulty because you see it was a total sexual mind bender, and to write it is to re-live it.

I really need to get some... I am desperate and I have 2 more weeks to go.

Since not only did you have so much enlightening penis feedback, but you earned a gold star on waiting patiently for the grand finale of our dinner at the red heads house... I have decided to post what I have instead of making you wait even longer.
Call it a thank you of sorts.

It's kind of ironic that I named the event "Tease"; in reality it really has been even though my intentions were not to make you wait so long.

Without getting your hopes up and abandoning your literary sexual desires, I will tell you that I could not finish tonight. Work was insane, and I found myself using my spare time in other ways... For this I apologize. But, I must say that what I have written is more than enough to keep you until tomorrow... More than enough.

If you like to scroll through my archives, please do. I have posted Tease Three after the others in the series. If your finger is lazy then find yourself here, at the next installment of our dinner.

Tease Three

(I also fixed the Tease Too link in the last post, if you need a refresher on the last episode.)

I will most likely not be able to post the end tomorrow, but Friday is looking sweet for some blogging time...

If anyone would like to donate to the EN Needs Sex fund, please do so by comment or email. Include a skill or trade you've perfected and follow it up with one reason why you feel it is essential to donate your services to me.Your generousness will be greatly appreciated.


Blogger sassinak said...

hey bubblelicious...

this reminds me of something that happened to me once except there was absolutely no sex involved... (but lots of bondage and things...)

7:53 AM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

You mean you actually read it?

Murph, I am so proud of you... you've taken strides!

No, not you... but if you would like to think so, I will permit.

7:54 AM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Sass- bondage is cool. Theres just something about being totally out of control of the situation.

Frightening, stimulating, and erotic all at the same time.

*thinking about it*


7:54 AM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Quasirob, are we feeling a bti animalistic today or what?

Love it. Nice thought.

T- let me know if you would like to come over and have dinner at our place after reading.

9:03 AM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Murph, I am working on it. But the turquoise is getting the best of me... whatd'ya say we tag team this one?

9:40 AM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I'll be gentle, I swear!

10:06 AM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

bubbles: it's the blindfolds... they do it for me EVERY SINGLE time.

10:14 AM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

LOL she had you there Murph.

I have no doubt that she can take us both on... and then some.

I have faith T. Truly.

And love.

11:51 AM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Zephyr said...

If we ditch Murph, I'd be in for a threesome or so. Not sure what I can offer though... I prefer to just sort of wing it as I go along.

2:15 PM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I think ditching Murph is now essential...
considering you gals are beginners.... hell, as far as a girl threesome goes, I am too!!!

So... knowing that.... he's absolutely ditched. That way we can get sloppy and do whatever we want.

sound good?

2:26 PM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

absofuckinglutely. Let's make sure to let Sass in on this too. We'll just tell everyone it's a girlie sleep over (nails, boy stories...etc.). When in reality it will be our own little "play time."

tee hee. I have a little pink number you could borrow to go with your pink dress, and a pillow.

3:29 PM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

pick a color for me, one that you think would suit me. I am interested in your feedback.


4:03 PM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger Zephyr said...

Hey, I never said I was a beginner... I said I like to wing it.

Damn, it's been WAY too long though... maybe I AM a beginner again. Kind of like a born-again virgin.

4:56 PM, September 15, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

<-- newbie :)
can i be my tomboy self and wear tie died spaghetti strap tank top and matching undies?

[what i think it's hot :P]

9:53 PM, September 15, 2005  

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