
Fifty Percent Freedom

I've never been one to follow the rules.

My motto is this: Rules are meant to be broken most times... The other is just too much fucking fun.
When justifying to ones-self whether one should follow a certain rule-- or not; one must have a reality process, post haste. And an ability to see into the future.
I normally teeter on why the rule was made. Then, assess the consequences... hmmm, is it worth it? Would it make me happy? blah blah blah...

Side note: Rules and Laws are different. I try (for the most part) to obey the law. Shoplifting is no fun really, neither is making meth in your bath tub.
Alright, back to the whole rules thing... Yeah, I think about it. Then I just do it.

Case in point: I broke my 4 week celibacy last night.

Okay so what? YEAH so the doctor told me 4 weeks until intercourse, whatever.
I didn't even actually hear him say it, I was narco-comatose in the recovery room. All I remember is seeing him bend over the top of me, smiling... I asked him whether it was a boy or a girl. Yeah, that's how fucked up I was... So in reality, I may have heard it, but didn't comprehend.

Another sidenote: To those of you that don't know any better; I didn't just have a baby or anything, just some surgery around that general area. So me asking the sex was totally ridiculous

And it means nothing that it was on the discharge papers either... I couldn't find my glasses that day, or the day after that... Or...

Rule broken: I was supposed to wait another 2 weeks... But you don't understand, I couldn't help myself.

The nights are getting colder around here, and it fucking sucks because that's sweater weather. Yuck. I swear to all that is holy; they don't make a sweater that compliments a petite woman, unless it's $135 dolla's. Let me remind you that I am a mother of two. I don't wear $125 dolla sweaters. Unless you have seen any around...Girls if you know of one... Send me the link. Guys if you know of one... Send me the link too, just don't let your guy friends see you do it or anything if you want to maintain your manly image.

But I digress; the nights have gotten colder.
It's cuddle weather; and neither of us agree it's time for a $100 power bill yet. We have vowed to wait it out and use body heat instead. Oh yeah baby, body heat!

So, Husband and I nestled in to bed last night... Then he started talking dirty to me. *bite lip*
He had already done it earlier in the evening before I left for the open house at my sons school. I swear I didn't hear a word that teacher said... He had me thinking about what I would be coming home to. *biting lip harder*
So I had already smoked a half-pack that day to keep from making my lip puffy since I had been biting it all day... increased smoking due to sexual repression sucks ass.

Why biting lip all day? Because On top of that I had some enlightening conversations with you all the past couple of days, which kept me riveted. AND that dream I had... Fuck that dream.

By the time I got to bed and the lips began moving; the other lips began moving. I couldn't wait any longer... We were both down for it, no excuses... No hestitation. POW BABY.

sufficed to say that we were gentle this time; nothing at all like the fuck-fests we're used to having... Kind boring whole missionary thing *sigh*
Oh well, it got me off (finally), got him off... Felt good, wanna do it again.

Pain? Residual Pain? Why yes, glad you asked. I won't tell husband though in case I want more... Shit, I am such a glutton for punishment. I can already feel the pressure building....

Tease For tomorrow people... Be there.


Blogger DZER said...

no pain, no gain (of ecstatic orgasm).

good for you ... the four-week thing wasn't a real rule, per se, but more of a rule of thumb (and don't give me the whole Boondock Saints explanation for that expression, cuz I don't care). And while rules MAY be meant to be broken, rules of thumb are definitely made to broken; shattered even.

kudos to you and the hubby for boring, non-animalistic and yet still ultimately satisfying sex.

Take an aspirin and fuck him again in the morning. That's Dr. DZER's advice.

and thanks for the linkage!! *happy spanks*

1:41 AM, September 17, 2005  
Blogger Johnny Menace said...

pow baby??... "we were gentle this time".. there's no pow in missionary

7:22 AM, September 17, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Sorry about the meth lab RM... sucks to be you I guess.

Racy, hmmmm. I'll see what I can do. I do see good things in the future for this blog. There's alot of shit I just haven't gotten to. I really should pay more attention to my task bar. Fucking irritating thing that it is.

7:23 PM, September 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

T- Of course I'll be careful. Would hate to ruin anything, just in case we meet in Vegas :o

Johnny - RU new? I like you, you're drinking.
No, you're right... there's no POW in missionary, however...
When you haven't had it in two weeks? Everything is a POW material. Cunt me some slack... I mean cut.
Hey, tell the bartender you'll have another one... on me.

7:26 PM, September 18, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

Since I may go for a vasectomy soon, I wonder what the waiting time is for that procedure?

11:00 PM, September 19, 2005  

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