

In the immortal words of my man, Biggie Smalls:

Some say the ex make the sex spec-tacular
Make me lick you from your neck to your back and ya
Shiverin', tongue deliverin' chills up that spine
That ass is mine.

Skip the wine and the candlight, no krystal tonight
If it's alright with you, we fuckin (that's cool)
Dejavu and the blood spark
finger-fucking at the park
Pissy of Bacardi dark.....

yeah, I'm still on that whole Ex thing. Really hot and bothered about it actually. Lost ALOT of sleep last night considering different scenarios, sequences, and positions. Lost ALOT of sleep.

Today, during one of the ex's and I's variety themed email conversations he asked me the most bizarre question; I was blind-sided.

>What do you think our lives would be like if you and I were married and you
>were coming home to me tonight?>
>(sorry to throw such a fast ball at you so late in the day)

Fast ball?
That was more like a line drive to left field.

How does one answer the question.... hmmmmm.
What I wanted to say and what I actually said were two completely different things.

What I wanted to say

We'd arrive home about the same time, because I'd be working.
We'd have girls, since you seem to be Y chromosome cursed.... And I'd be pouting because they'd get all of your attention. Goddammit, I"M the princess.
I'd pour a glass of wine (luv one glass after work).
We'd make dinner, together and play with the kids.
Of course I would have to grope you, rub up against you, and make lewd comments at you most of the evening behind the kids backs.
Then, once we saw the little ones off to bed we would pop in a favorite porn... we'd laugh at the cheesy-cheap lookin' chicks, and eventually have seen enough to stimulate the creativity for the rest of the night. Not that we'll need it.

I'd take you by the hand to the bedroom, strip for you, suck you, fuck you.
And kiss you goodnight.

What I said instead

"If I told you, It'd make your toes curl."

I score 50 points for evading the issue; and 50 more for still being obvious about it. Of course, I'm losing about 100 points for continuing to think about said question.... So I figure I broke even.

We're both happily married... so, I don't forsee some weirdo affair with him or anything. So why does this drive me so fucking crazy? It's that chemistry shit. Fuck that.


Blogger DZER said...

sometimes I just wanna stalk you, kidnap you from the street in broad daylight, then keep you in a gilded cage in my bedroom, where I can have my way with you.

ermm ... that wasn't really related to your post, but it had to be said, I think ;)

viva very vixenish vamp and vicariously vivid visions ...

4:50 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

ohhhh leapin' alliterations batman!

6:12 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

EN - you did leave him for a reason, right? Was it only drug addiction? Or was there more? Abuse? Betrayal? Infidelity?

I quit smoking not long ago using what many would call the cold turkey method. I started thinking about how so many people could enjoy a fine meal without lighting up afterwards. How many could have a wonderful time out with their friends without needing a smoke. How many could handle the stress of day-to-day life without having to crouch under a canopy out of the rain to puff away on a fag. From this I recognized that I was smoking just to get back to normal. That I need another nicotine fix to bring me back up to where all the non-smokers were. Pretty sad, huh? (Note: according to research, cigarettes are designed to deliver an average of 45 minutes worth of nicotine)

Then I thought about how smoking made me feel, and what it did for me. It didn't relax me. It didn't make me more alert, or more productive, or more energized. If it did, wouldn't that be a wonderful drug? Wouldn't there be articles written about how nicotine could do all these wonderful things? Wouldn't people be buying the gum and patches off the shelves to gain these tremendous benefits? Right.

Smoking did make me feel: smelly, embarrassed, trapped, stressed, guilty and weak. So now, whenever I feel some urge to light up, I just recall this list of feelings and the urge goes away. No willpower, no cold turkey. Just plain old common sense.

E-mail me if you need me to be clearer...

6:15 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

sassinak: don't get me started on alliterative alternatives always ambling about ... I so LOVE wordplay ...

... i'm such a word geek ... GADZOOKS!!

6:31 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

Murph - man, I thought you were smart and intuitive. Was it that obscure?

7:23 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

I get it. You wanted to fit reach-around in your message somehow...

Have you been to slutsuzie.blogspot.com? It's a whore's journal. Very educational.

8:02 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Ming, I totally understand. Nice analogy... sort of.

Murph, I always watch for the reach around, and sometimes even initiate.

Sass - :) It took me a minute to understand wtf you said.

Doz - catch me if you can, I run quickly...

Like I stated in the last portion of the post, I am not planning on having some sort of "sexual reunion." Unless of course he wants to participate in a threesome with us.... hmmmm... the whole past/present thing again.

Damn that's hot.

*bite lip*

8:04 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

oh en
i wish i had ten percent of your sex drive :/

8:11 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Sass - I'll share it with you.

8:14 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

HEY Murph. Don't mess with my game!
Sass- yes, stay alert. That way you can enjoy it even more....

8:34 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

damn; I can't catch anything quick ... I'm slow and ponderous

... well, that's what I want everyone to think ... sets them up from when I spring ;)

9:20 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

Sounds like you just want to visit the past, get a taste of what you both have been missing, and leave it at that... or something more?

The chemistry certainly is something that is a strong factor in whether one would be willing to get back with an ex. I have had plenty of past relationships that I wouldn't poke with a stick, but there is one someone that did stand out from the others, despite the fact I'd gone out with some of the others longer or had more in common with some of the others or even been at a better place in my life when I was dating the others.

This one has a magnetic pull -- a combo of attitude, unrestrained sexual energy, physical attraction, and an element of danger... could it be the danger that is a turn-on?

9:21 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

Sounds like phantom penile consciousness to me.

"I am my dick, I am my dick..."

10:00 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

not a stick, rather slick...

Would like to lick that prick.

Had to do it.

11:09 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

He would not could not in a car,
He would not could not in a bar,
Please don't coax me Everything Nice,
I cannot say "No" more than twice.

11:36 AM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

sassinak goes for coffee

1:52 PM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Sass- good, yes get coffee. :)

Dom - you naughty thing, shouldn't have said that... you know I'm gonna ask you a third time now..

So, what was that? Motel 6?

4:52 PM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

-RM, I just actually caught the whole stranger thing....

8:30 PM, September 23, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

"Everything Nice say: Mo-tel, Ho-tel, Holiday Inn -- Say WHAT?!"

-- Sugar Hill Gang

7:41 PM, September 24, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Said if yo bitch starts actin' up, you just fuck her friieennd...

--Dr. Dre

8:38 PM, September 24, 2005  

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