Fear and Loathing.

Task list is abundant here. Sucks big ass.
Okay, re-prioritize. Here I was thinking Wednesday would be a breeze... right.
Open my outlook, 16 emails from the girls about Vegas trip... one titled "snippage."
This one I open first, even though it's at the bottom of the list (so curious was I) and it read:
Talked to husband, not sure if I should book. Snippage to occur Thursday... may not be able to do this til later, perhaps we could stay local so I can only be away for one night. I know, it sucks... hoping you haven't booked yet.
Let me know - J
Only one thing I know pertains to snippage.... hmmm. I keep reading, scrolling backwards into the fury of replies...
Series went like this:
C: Fuck you, I already booked.
Z: Snippage? As in BALL SNIPPAGE? You need to clarify, so far it sounds like an excuse... come on. Don't disappoint..
J: Yes, balls. What do you want me to do? This was planned 4 months ago... just go without me.
Z: You mean ___________'s having a vasectomy right?
C: Fuck you, I already booked.
J: Yes, I could go out on Friday or Saturday, but not all weekend... do you want to cancel and re-schedule or what? I have to be here to take care of him.
C: He can take care of himself... he's a big boy. Tell him to buck up and stick to the ice pack.
Z: If you have to, you have to.... where's E in all this? Perhaps we should get her opinion.
C: Ice pack, Ice pack. I vote Ice Pack E
J: E, please advise on what you think we should do... and let us know first thing in the morning please... did you book?
C: E, tell her fuck off... you already booked.
FUCK ME. What to do... how to answer? They have three kids for crying out loud, I know this means alot to J....
And my work taskbar reminds me I have shit to do.
I sit looking at a blank reply page..... *headache* thinking of how I could possible respond, I didn't book yesterday. But I did put a 24 hour hold on a ticket... and even brought it up to husband last night for pre-approval.
Phone rings.... agent wanting to know where final draft of my next quarterly submission was... strange I thought that was taken care of, sent it in last week.
Big problem with that? My secondary hard drive that I keep all that shit in went haywire last night around 11:45...
Even bigger bummer... Don't Ask, Don't tell is on that one too.... and had I known it would fucking flip-out, I would have posted sooner.
No fear on that though... I have tricks to recover, and I back up. But could it be that submission is lost? Oh no.
Alright dammit... time to put on the ass kicking shirt and dig in, some body's got it out for me today.
Sorry about the boring routing-piss-me-off-today type shit.... but wanted to be sure and give a heads up to anybody who would care if they didn't see a post for the next couple of days.
Any suggestions on how to answer the vegas email though? Really stumped there.
I'm a guy, as you well know ... I vote icepack too.
and hope your hurly-burly, hellaciously hectic happenings abate anon, amorous and adroit angel
That was some poetic shit doz, I thank you. Did you get my email?
I decided to reply to all and say that I would give an answer around lunchtime... that buys me some time to use the yes/no dart board.
Really leaning on "Fuck you, I already booked."
Knowing how a man is after alterations though? I am sympathetic and therefore... probably going to say "stay local."
It's not a skirt, it's lingerie..
thanks though.
i say go to vegas dude... it came out of the blue because you needed it. tell your friend that she can join or not but that you know a nice redhead that would be happy to uh... care for her husband
LOL Sass, good plan.
Or perhaps the red head could go in lieu of the other friend.
Or perhaps just myself and redhead? No though, I need the beer drinking, shit talking ladies...
but i love your idea, truly.
Murph - when I wear lingerie, it is always implied.
Dear J -
Your husband is a crybaby. Validate his need for you to be hs mommy, or come to Vegas with us. Your choice. We're booked. We're going.
The snip is NO BIG DEAL. I know.
PS- when I wear lingerie, there are no implications.
LOL good one ming. I don;t think the issue per se is the husband, I think the issue is the 3 kids... they are not yet old enough to change their own diapers or shuffle themselves off to day care.
I know, from my own run in with this operation... well, not mine exactly... but I did get to play nurse nancy for awhile (fun)... that it in fact is difficult the first couple of days to stray from the couch and attend to pb&j's and juice boxes.
Though, if they were a couple sans kids I would definelty press the "fuck you.. I booked" statement.
Murph - I would be a picture whore for one shot of that... just one.
T- I'm a sympathetic bitch too. Just something about swollen nutsack that makes me flinch.
Just go with the friends who can make it. You all can come back with amazing stories (at least what's mentionable). Then, the next time this comes up, every one of the girls will make sure they can go, or at least remember a close family member's surgery before getting past the initial discussion.
"Fuck you, I already booked.
We'll bring you backl a bar napkin."
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