
Testosterone Overload

You would think that with both bosses gone today and nothing in my inbox it would be a good day.
No such luck. Only thing going for me is my impending fishing trip this afternoon with the girls. Nothing like bikini fishing for bass. I lucked out because my friend is pissed at her husband and decided to "steal" his boat for the day, hence making it unavailable for his previously planned fishing trip with his friends. Called the girls together last night, very last minute. My husband, knowing he was in trouble for his antics the previous night, was more than happy to give the go-ahead, bless his heart.
So yeah; beer, boat, bikini, bass. Gotta love my vindictive friends.

On another note I woke up this morning ready to kick someones ass. And it doesn't help that everybody for some reason wants to give me shit today. Must be in the water.

So for all of you that didn't have one fucking nice thing to say to me, fuck off. I am done talking to you for today because you didn't take enough initiative to be nice to me this morning. fuckers. You are hereby bumped from the Category 2 list to the Shit list.. I'll just grudge fuck you for fun then...bitches.

If I had a picture of my ass, I would post it.
Pucker up screen-sucker and kiss mine.

I need some comfort and consolation the happiness of a warm gun could only provide. Dammit I have kids... and a suicide clause in my life insurance. Nix that.
Perhaps a methadone habit is in order, or just a bong toke...either one should suffice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be a tweaker... Gallo in the box is cheaper!

11:24 PM, July 29, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

roflmao. hunter s. thompson would be proud of your rants. great verbal stream of consciousness, LOL.

11:59 AM, March 09, 2006  

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