
Burn Black Velvet

Is it just me? Or did anybody see the flag in the Navbar.... wtf. *diappointed growl*

I looked into that last night, curious as to the new edition hanging there on my navbar... This one, however; could possibly seal the fate of some of us.
Apparently, if you find the content of a persons blog "objectionable" you should click the flag... Therefore alerting the blogger brain to scan your content. And thus, if they agree your stuff is "objectionable" they will kick you like a bad habit and not sponsor you on blogger.com. I think for like, 30 minutes this actually upset me.

Sure, they claim the whole freedom of speech stuff... I'm sure its a cover your ass tactic. Apparently far too many citizens out there have forgotten the good words of Thomas Jefferson...
Bastards, stifling free speech.
No seriously, let this get you a bit agitated...

What constitutes objectionable content? In whose eyes? We see objectionable content on the news everyday, yet it is pressed and streamed into our little pink houses as a form of education? Entertainment? *snark*
Sure, the kind of entertainment that prompts my son to ask.. what's a pedophile and why don't people want them to live in their neighborhood? What's prostitution?
Perhaps we should have a flag for that as well... Sure, I could turn the tv off. And our blog readers that find objectionable content could collapse or close the window too.

Ask yourself. Sure, for you and I and anybody else with an open mind, things such as child pornography... bestiality, talk of terrorism and murder -- methanphetamines to children are horrendous and thus objectionable.

But what of those who push the good moral values of catholism *choke*
What of those a little too right wing?
What of those that assume when you talk about a black man in your post, you're automatically opening up a new chapter of roots?
To them, just saying good morning in our way might constitute objectionable content.

So what of this.. Do I continue to give my readers what they ask for and give a big fuck you to the flag... Or do I stifle these writings and talk about how I saw a dog today and boy was he cute.... The cinnamon roll was tasty... I have a run in my panty hose.

For this anomaly I turn the table to you, my readers and fans; I would like to think that I could continue giving you what you wish to read. And would hope that for me, you would do the same. I love you all the way you are... And I think the flag is the first step to the blogisphere gagball...

Ironic, isn't it? That the demise of our free speech should be construed as a flag.
Tell me what you want people... I certainly can't figure it out myself. And whatever you do... Don't click on my flag! If you want to test the theory... Use your own *smile*

This topic will bring on some really fascinating views I'm sure. I feel a new game of tag coming on.... Yep.
List 5 things that you find objectionable, in any media... or just in daily routine. I mean, if you had a flag to stick on something that you objected to, what would they be? Once finished, tag three more people if you wish, or end the chain. Here's mine:

1. No seatbelts on school buses. Community buses, well that's a little different.

2. Adults that let their children run free reign. There is one child in our neighborhood that I swear does not have parents. If he does, they could care less about him. I had sympathy for him; until he dropped trou and pissed in my neighbors flowerbed.

3. The playing of the movie Blade during dinner time. Wtf? I was really enjoying that steak.

4. Current gas prices; okay, that's everybody's arguement... but seriously... our city just hit an all time high at $2.85 a gallon. Up the street I pay $2.74... and I feel like I am getting a good deal.

5. Tampon commercials, maxi commercials, viagra commercials, Zovorax commercials... anytime. Of course, with the exclusion of the viagra commercials during sports. I actually enjoy thinking of all those heavily padded football players popping viagra and running amuck with hard-ons while patting each others asses and slamming into one another. That's cool.

I tag Sass, Murph, Ming, Gladiator,...UCN and -Rm for fun. UCN and -RM have only lately made there introduction here... let's get them involved.... tee hee... I will be interested to see what develops!


Blogger Everything Nice said...

Wow *sniff* that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me...

I definetly need to take another picture of tan lines for you.
Thanks Murph.

7:30 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

Dateline: Thursday, August 18, 2005
East Buttfuck, TN

Billy Ray Crudup sits on his front porch in a creaky old rocker and watches the trucks carry refuse to the dump behind his house. A rotund beer-belly pokes from under his tobacco-stained t-shirt. Once his favorite past-time, garbage-gawking has been relegated to second behind his new passion: Killin' Blogs for Jesus.

"Ah found dese li'l ole flags rot dere on BlawgSpaht dat I cood clack on an' ah prayed 'n prayed to da sweet lord Jesus to guide me," Billy says as he wipes a trickle of tobacco juice from the corner of his lips.

Having received direction from his lord and savior, Billy spent 17 1/2 hours clicking through every weblog hosted for free by G@@gle and clicking Flag for each he found objectionable.

"Den dere peepil dat do dem blawgs are jus' plain ole sick. Peepil havin' sex, peepil talkin' bad 'gainst our beloved pres'dent, girls showin' dere boobies and hoochies. Men showin' dere thangs. Ah tell ya, it's Soddom an' Gammorah all over again."

According to a spokesman for G@@gle, only three blogs out of 1.3 million remain listed: BurnSinners, TouchMeJesus and DubyaIsYourFriend. "The flagged blogs are still there," said the spokesman, "but they've become virtually impossible to find."

And that's just fine for Billy Ray Crudup.

7:40 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...


7:43 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

OK I'm it. Objectionable...

1)98% of American cinema
2)music that demoralizes women and/or promotes violence
3)hip-huggers on women with more than 5% body fat
4)men/women who trash their wives/husbands behind their backs


7:53 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Wow. Great list! All I can identify with as being objectionable... especially #4. I always trash my husband to his face.
Hip huggers on women with more that 5% body fat? Yes, I totally agree...
Should be interesting to see what the others compile.. hope they play.

8:41 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

Hey! I'm in business.

I figure I can freak out the masses.

Just call me Dream Boy.

8:47 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I've linked it out... and use it at will.

Hey, how does submission work then... email? Comment?

Get ready for some weird-o shit.

9:07 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

hey screw you. i have more than 5 percent body fat and a very long rise. i put shit on my waist and i look cut in half... stick it on my hips (not skin squishingly tight mind you) and a shirt that hits it at the belt line and i'm a kinda hot curvy girl

taking away my hip huggers

when i click on what does this mean on my blog's flag i get an error page!

9:16 AM, August 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:21 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Shit that sucks.

Okay Sass, didn't mean to piss you off. I am mostly referring to those who are grossly overweight.

I gather you're not. Or atleast, don't look it.. although I only see your face... and uhh.. tits.

Shoot me a pic of your shapely body in hip huggers and I will take back my statement... but only for you.
*smooch* forgive me?
You're still fuckable you know.. you're just too far away...

Have to go... job interview and lunch. Wish me luck.

9:23 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

Sassi - maybe 5% BF was an improper way to put it. I just don't dig the extra chub hanging out over waistband. Maybe it's a size 10 buying a size 8 in denial problem.

9:32 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger the pieces said...

i'm with sass. hot curvy girls are...hot. i should know.

objectionable - i'm going to keep this away from politics, since i'd waste all my fun skewering the mouthpieces of the gas-guzzling machine.

1)uptight masquerading as upright. is anyone really fooled by that shit?

2)straight men (politicians in particular) feeling entitled - no - *called* to make decisions about women or gay men. seriously -fuck off.

ok - really, i wasn't going to be political, but objectionable somehow became outraged. back to objection...much milder.

3) oliver stone. yes, oliver, i get it. thanks for the subtlety.

4) letting the door fall behind you when it's just as easy to hold it open. how old are you 19? aren't your long-suffering years behind you yet? time to find a happy place, m'kay?

5)the blue angels. i'm sorry, i know that's unpopular and that kids love them and all, but people are hungry and we're spending untold millions on top gun? that is not how i roll.

10:22 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Don't you just love wi-fi hotspots?

Interview postponed until 10:30, I think I have a minute to say something important.

On the topic of shapely girls. Okay, yes.. I agree.. shapely girls have a place in my heart. Truth be told, where I used to work there was a girl... not thin, not fat.. She was shapely.. over or at a size 8.
Beautiful girl.. excellent face... I did love to look at her and imagine what it would be like...

I have a feeling she's reading this and she knows who she is.
*hi serenity*

I will not play devils advocate to society and deplore that all beautiful women should look like Barbie.. no, I am not that person. I don't discriminate weight.. I have witnessed shapely women that far exceed the beauty that the britney spears clone projects to us as gorgeous..
Carnie wilson in comparison to Cristina Aguilara, no question.
Carnie wins, hands down.
I was in love twice with shapely women, and deep love.
K, so... with that I erase the statement that may have upset Sass and others. I duly apologize if said statment was a blow.
And honestly, if you're a shapely girl and wearing hip huggers... please send me a pic... I would love to have some good visual material for my next masto-fest.
Uh, that probably really freaks you out.. I take that back too, you didn't hear it. K?
Prove the rations that say it's uncouth wrong.. bless us with your beauty.
Again, duly apologizing... hope you have not taken offense.
Please let me know what I can do to ease your upseted-ness.

Oh, that's my name being called...caio.

10:35 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

hey don't worry i'm not offended i'm just called to defend the curvy ones... and since i'm 5'11" i'm actually a 14 :)

okay uh pic... that's not for sexy it's for a headshot but still...
semi recent pic

11:02 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger I. Faddit said...

I feel like such a shit.

I hereby officially change #3 to:

"Men who have giant bellies but still buy 36" waist pants. Then they wear them at the pubic line with that big old gut hanging over the waistband."

...I feel better.

I love zaftig! My wife is beautiful, voluptuous and sex-eeee.

Going back for more ice now...

11:13 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger the pieces said...

no insults taken here either. seriously. pics? i'm trying to stay anonymous through these links, so i'll have to find something i can crop my head out of...

11:42 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

LMOA Murph...

I think that's fucking hilarious!

Sorry, next time I'll post me bending over; my ass, and my head between my legs --smiling.

Sass - You look fucking hot... somewhat like trinity.. don't slap me. Shew..

Ming, pass the ice please?

Southern Bell - ieyyeee. Bring it on.

2:28 PM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

bubbles thanks so much, i get that trinity thing pretty regularly... which you know a girl could do worse!

why would i slap you? i think you're fucking hot too! Can't tell you who you look like due to face being cut out of pics.

sorry that pic is so huge... no time for cropping!

3:10 PM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

No worries... still cause for ice. I could send you a picture of me if you like.

But, you would have to promise not to show it to anyone.

That's a whole lotta trust there, eh?

3:15 PM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Can you email me and tell me how to do that?

that'd be totally cool!

8:49 PM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

bubbles if she emails you that can you pass it on?

also... yes please pic me... uh sassinakk@gmail.com note the extra k cause some slitch has my nick already!

also yes, i promise!

10:48 PM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

Objectionable in my opinion:
1) any international event that occurs and then the local TV news has to put a local spin on it to somehow make it relevant to us locally... ie. a 400 foot tidal wave washes ashore in Thailand, how would St. Louis handle this disaster? or we'll tell you what you need to know if this happens here.

2) the predominance of advertising in all media, the school system, online and everywhere else.

3) the emergence of multi-national corporations and the dissolution of nation states; the globalization of economies... rather than a leveling of the playing field, I see a purging of the middle class

4) feeling like I am "the consumed" rather than a "consumer"

5) gunboat diplomacy

-- Dominator (not "Gladiator" though I do like the film and Russell Crowe)

9:55 AM, August 20, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

EN -- I think the flag option may be to help cut down on the number of commercial redirects trying to masquerade as blogs. I have found quite a few of these lately and can be quite annoying.

They generally, like a fake comment, start out with a generalized post about any topic, seemingly cut and pasted from somewhere else, then they have a hypertexted link to an online casino, real estate mortage broker, or porn site, etc.

I think this may be the purpose behind the flag option and not censorship (at least I hope so).

11:15 PM, August 21, 2005  

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