Email - High and Bi's

I am strapped for time tonight, but do not despair. I plan to be on-line most of the day tomorrow... Working on other things. Nothing like being chained to the computer for reasons other than porn surfing. I thought in the meantime I would reply to some emails, and perhaps even spit out a few comments; to hold you over until the morning.
Thank you to those that posted comments on the Last Night post. I appreciate any and all feedback as I am hoping to extend it a bit and submit it for my next deadline. It's always easier to write about an experience after you've lived it. But then I suppose any artist is going to tell you that. Besides, for some reason I just love hearing from all of you... It makes me feel all warm and gooey inside.

I know I promised somebody a detailed explanation of a dream I had this weekend. However, my fingers are exhausted from working outside the last three days. Forgive me. I will write on it tomorrow once my hands return to their soft, supple, highly sensitive condition. Besides, I'm tired... You wouldn't enjoy it tonight anyway... It would be rushed and boring. I don't want to "go through the motions..." I'm not that kind of girl.
Stop hassling me about the Don't ask; don't tell. I'll get to it... sheesh. I have it in my documents folder... I'm just too fucking lazy to cut and paste.
Alright, alright... Don't cry... Here, you want to rest your head on my bosom for comfort?
Didn't we clarify this already? I look just as hot now as I did then. It would take some pretty creative begging for me to post a pic... Let's see how good you can get it.
My husband is disappointed that he didn't get to fuck the red head, but only slightly. Yeah, I don't know why she didn't go for it... Perhaps it's because my husbands just that good with his mouth. He totally needs to get over it. Alpha-male type shit. I still love him though.
MAX. I will look for your clues... Like a mouse in a maze. Don't let me down.
Sweet Serenity... Are you reading this? I wonder if you've earned that trip to Mexico yet. I'm thinking about you. No really, every day. Hoping to run into you by accident at one of those places... Did you decide you were going to check it out.
Angelo - you have no idea... I'm blushing.
By the way my little pretties, I plan on setting up an email account for this blog... In case any of you actually wanted to email... Even though I love your comments more than any email you could send.
Although, I am sure a few of you could send some pretty original shit. I will let you know when the envelope is activated.
Alright sweeties, it's time for bed. Brush your teeth and let momma tuck you in. What's that you say? Read you a bed time story? How about we make our own.
SS - I am so glad to hear from you, and that you are enjoying the frothy frolicks.
I miss your sweet Jessica Lang face and abrasive, yet sweet attitude.
I will activate the magic envelope today...
Thanks for the email address... it seems that sticky note you left for me has unstuck and vanished.
to my dispair.
Hey, EN.
Who are you submitting for publication? (Or, should that have been: To whom are you submitting for publication?)
Spent 2 hours clicking on the 'Next Blog' button today while I sat in on a WebEx presentation. Only found 3 naughty ones:
I'm over it now.
Say 'Hi' to the Mr for me.
Wish I had seen your comment earlier. Mostly, I use two different venues depending on length of story or interest.
Either paper or web. Mostly paper. Have had a couple Forum stories... and one or two "letters." Enough for a letter from hugh.. form letter of course -doh-
Anyway, I have different aliases as well. I must say, tis' I the horse of many different colors.
I was also pondering the thought of doing a book..
know of any publishers looking for novella erotica? I have pages and pages of good shit here.
Or, should I say, good stuff.
Sorry it took so long to reply to this comment...
Mr says hi as well
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