10 ways to teach yourself (1 of series)
To renew your Sexual Mojo #1
(God I hate how that sounds like a Cosmo cover)
Here is the next and newest in the series. The last top 10 teaching I did was this great and informative piece... check it out.
I choose to do this series in pieces since I feel this top 10 is the most important of the batch, and yet also a great way to improve yourself overall sexually... we're all sexy bitches after all, aren't we?
1. Learn to love yourself - Yea. I know, it's the most mind-nerving statement ever said. Everytime I hear somebody write or talk about loving myself the adumbration of that plump, pimple-faced but endearing counselor comes into memory:
Handing me daily medications, the too-small paper cup, and a napkin; saying kindly ..."see? you're feeling much better today... life, goes on and so will you; all you need to do is learn to love yourself..."
Which I realize now really implied "you stupid girl, you slit your wrists the wrong direction, can't you even do that right?!?!"
Uhh, OK. Getting back on track:
Way back, when I was 13 I stumbled over a book in the basement of my house. It was called simply The Joy of Sex; intrigued about sex and armed with the fact my parents never talked about it, muchless show any affection to each other - I decided to lift it and take it back to my room for some educational reading. Ahem.
One of the first chapters to this book was learning to love yourself. The chapter touched upon looking, experiencing, and feeling comfortable in your own skin. Methods recommended included weird shit like spreading your vagina apart and learning each fold with your finger, or bending over in front of a full size mirror. Well, I'm not going to tell you to do these things.. unless you're into that...
But I must stress the importance of atleast checking yourself out in the mirror (man or women), and being able to say "shit I'm pretty good lookin' naked."
Do you ever get nervous about how you may appear to others when being intimate? This would be a good opportunity to find out... just don't pull anything for christs sake.
Now some will argue that they're fat or their nose is shaped funny, large adam apple... whatever. Confidence people... I don't care what you say, I think you're beautiful. If you are in a commited relationship then I bet your partner feels the same way regardless of whether you agree or what you think. Unless they have told you differently... and in that case you need to tell them to fuck off... they're not worthy of your beauty anyway.
For the singles: Ummm.. last time I checked we are all different, and for every you there is a them. Believe that.
Basically, learning to love yourself is ultimately the best thing you can do for your sexual mojo; since sex appeal climbs as you become more confident of how you look and how you project yourself to others. Your partner will agree as you will become increasingly more comfortable with new suggestions, thoughts and ideas too.
Which brings me to Number 2....
To order the Joy of Sex, or even check out the new and improved edition (currently on my nightstand)... I have added a path for you. I also welcome any comments on this.
(God I hate how that sounds like a Cosmo cover)
Here is the next and newest in the series. The last top 10 teaching I did was this great and informative piece... check it out.
I choose to do this series in pieces since I feel this top 10 is the most important of the batch, and yet also a great way to improve yourself overall sexually... we're all sexy bitches after all, aren't we?
1. Learn to love yourself - Yea. I know, it's the most mind-nerving statement ever said. Everytime I hear somebody write or talk about loving myself the adumbration of that plump, pimple-faced but endearing counselor comes into memory:
Handing me daily medications, the too-small paper cup, and a napkin; saying kindly ..."see? you're feeling much better today... life, goes on and so will you; all you need to do is learn to love yourself..."
Which I realize now really implied "you stupid girl, you slit your wrists the wrong direction, can't you even do that right?!?!"
Uhh, OK. Getting back on track:
Way back, when I was 13 I stumbled over a book in the basement of my house. It was called simply The Joy of Sex; intrigued about sex and armed with the fact my parents never talked about it, muchless show any affection to each other - I decided to lift it and take it back to my room for some educational reading. Ahem.

One of the first chapters to this book was learning to love yourself. The chapter touched upon looking, experiencing, and feeling comfortable in your own skin. Methods recommended included weird shit like spreading your vagina apart and learning each fold with your finger, or bending over in front of a full size mirror. Well, I'm not going to tell you to do these things.. unless you're into that...
But I must stress the importance of atleast checking yourself out in the mirror (man or women), and being able to say "shit I'm pretty good lookin' naked."
Do you ever get nervous about how you may appear to others when being intimate? This would be a good opportunity to find out... just don't pull anything for christs sake.
Now some will argue that they're fat or their nose is shaped funny, large adam apple... whatever. Confidence people... I don't care what you say, I think you're beautiful. If you are in a commited relationship then I bet your partner feels the same way regardless of whether you agree or what you think. Unless they have told you differently... and in that case you need to tell them to fuck off... they're not worthy of your beauty anyway.
For the singles: Ummm.. last time I checked we are all different, and for every you there is a them. Believe that.
Basically, learning to love yourself is ultimately the best thing you can do for your sexual mojo; since sex appeal climbs as you become more confident of how you look and how you project yourself to others. Your partner will agree as you will become increasingly more comfortable with new suggestions, thoughts and ideas too.
Which brings me to Number 2....
To order the Joy of Sex, or even check out the new and improved edition (currently on my nightstand)... I have added a path for you. I also welcome any comments on this.
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