
Are you there God, it's me... Margaret

So I'm not at work today. I did go in this morning, but decided against battling heathen cramping in the office setting... besides, everybody is so fucking uptight there right now. It is possible that I could have a monster cramp, get upset at an "issue" and began ripping peoples heads off and shitting down their neck. Which in abstract seems really fun right now.

It's in the 90's here today, and it's pretty fucking sad that the only benefit to staying at work is the air conditioning. I find solace in iced tea and rest, even if it is way too fucking hot at home right now. I am using this time off to my advantage.

I called the good doctor about my uterine dilemma, receptionist scheduled pre-of hysterectomy appointment... no no for god's sake woman.
Please no hysterectomy... Just appointment.

Appointment done, although I have to see a different doctor since mine is out for two weeks. I hesitated to keep appointment. I have had the same doctor review my nether regions for years, even delivered both of my children... I do not find comfort with new doctor... Looking at my nether regions that is. Atleast not without a kiss first. Besides, I am comfortable with doctors fingers... they are short and stubby. Joy. The other doctor at his practice has very long, thick fingers.... again, joy, but not in the context that I want him jamming them up there to check my cervix.
I have told my doctor for years that there is no need to do that stupid cervical check, my husband checks it atleast once or twice a day... don't complicate the issue.

I will check in later after writing a few chapters and checking in on your rooms.


Blogger Everything Nice said...

Now Murph, honestly.

Have you ever heard of a woman who did not complain on a regular basis?
Atleast I am consistant.

Pen name, yes, made little money, hoping to make it bigger. If I divulge the pen name than it would no longer be a pen name, right?

Are you going to look for my reads then I assume? You may not be interested as it is in small print, large words... no pictures.

10:52 AM, August 04, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

LOL, yes that's for sure.

Well, as far as pen names go I have had a few... J.P is my common (meaning I use it the most often than others).

Does it mean anything ackronym wise? No. I got it from J.P Patches.... didn't think Gertrude would be sexy enough.

feeling focused.

Why are you stuck on my being unfashionable... what would you have me wear, honestly?

11:20 AM, August 04, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Alright, I am up to the challenge.

Work - lately, because it's been hot, tank-top and skirts..hem length just above knee, though I am more comfortable with longer skirts.
If not skirts, then tank-tops and jeans, just below waist.

Ummm. Home - lately, shorts and bikini top (because it's so goddamn hot). When not overheated normal attire would be yoga pants and tank top or t-shirts.
I dig the yoga pants cause it's easy to chase the kid around in them.

How'd I do? Did I pass? If you don't believe me I will take a pic right now and post it.

11:44 AM, August 04, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Well, I am a little shy about my legs... I KNOW SOUNDS STUPID considering...

But, yes.. if I could trade one thing about myself, it would be my legs.

Every woman has something she is shy about... duh.

Thanks for the sensible comment, I would've never known you had it in you.
I promise I won't tell anybody.

12:10 PM, August 04, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I've established that you're fucking phenomenal... even with that breath.

Okay, real time picture coming. Stay tuned...

12:25 PM, August 04, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...


1:43 PM, August 04, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I made a new post, just for you..legs are there...and the real time

1:52 PM, August 04, 2005  

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