
Blackberry Sepia-tone

So today is Tuesday, doesn't seem any different from Monday.
Although my juices are beginning to flow a bit more. I appreciate those that inspired me today and yesterday, normally I don't need the jumpstart...

On to business though... thumbing forward through the series I notice that Chapter Six is quite large, so I have had to cut and edit it... Chapter Six does not include the steaminess I anticipated; Chapter Seven will do the trick.
Here is Chapter Six.

Bigger and better things are on the horizon since yesterday, and that's a plus. Recieved a call from the red head last night, with an invitation to dinner this week. Since one child will be flying out of town, and the other has a over-anxious babysitter... we will attend. This dinner will be at their house, no parties. I am wondering if it will be low key, or hyper-tensive. Should be interesting... and of course you will all be notified of the results.

My husband could sense my need for stimuli as well and promised me a most exciting night tonight... wonder what that entails; especially since he used the word "exciting"... something different from the norm? Strange, but thrilling.

I have to re-direct attention now, due to lack of focus.
Not only that but I have work to do today... not traditional 8 to 5 work, but other things that could throw a tad of money my way. Should get started on those now...

I will attempt to write more later...


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