Plain Jane

I don't know what it is about today, but I have lacked inspiration. Perhaps it's because I've had my mommy apron on overload, and put the naughty girl in me back in the closet. I need to rise above this and reclaim the tramp, before I fall shallow and sad again
Perhaps it's really that life goes on and while everyone is hustling and bustling; here I sit... jobless, companionless, bored. I much prefer being busy and challenged instead of stagnant and pitiful. Blech, bitch piss moan.
My weekend went as well as planned; except for the lane closures that kept us parked in 90+ degree heat for an hour and a half. Just something about being parked on an interstate and watching the RVer's have lunch and enjoy the confines of their TV's and full size beds in the back. Or the folks who got out to take pictures or walk their canine companions... We were not so lucky. We sat, and sweltered... wiping the salty sweat from our faces and complaining that if we ran the AC we would have to stop for gas. I literally had to wring out the shorts and bikini top I was wearing, not in a good way.

So, now I'm left with the dissimilation of camping gear and the endless mountains of laundry that accompany it. Perhaps that's the problem, it's difficult to find desire in folding laundry. I know, I know.. tha spin cycle and all that.
Hasn't worked yet. Still waiting, and I've done 5 loads - atleast.
Would somebody please provide me with some stimuli, most preferably something that will spark that neuron to process the chemical I need? No, I don't need any photoshoped big breasters with their tongues swiping their teeth. I suppose I'm not shallow enough to get a rise that way... something else.
Here's the challenge folks, I leave it in your capable hands.
Glad to see you made it over the 50 word-count today. I was deeply concerned.
Chuang Tzu said, "I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming that I am a man."
Maybe it's you who needs a good spin cycle.
Welcome back.
Allison - Yes, just got back from camping/fishing. Family trip, so it was rated G... hence my lame brain.
Ming - That's some deep shit. I need to think on that qoute... it may have worked! I do need a spin cycle, yes... perhaps reading that poetic enigma while driving down a bumpy road is my best bet.
and thanks, it's good to be back.
I think just looking at Allison is enough to get the neurons stimulated.
Damn Allison, can I come over and play?
Sorry. It's the 55% testosterone, I am one confused girl.
I know... Sometimes he can make me feel so unitelligent!!! Not that he means to.. I think.
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Aww man, you're probably right.
A case of the Mondays is inevitable.
I can't wish away the Mondays though, then I'd hate Tuesdays.
Anonymous needs a splintering broomstick rammed up his tuchis by a shagitz with a farkatke attitude.
"blog power" indeed. Schmuck.
what mingyiu said about anonymous geeze.
glad you had a good weekend girl, mine was fantastic also!
as for your horndog inspiration uh... this might help. i ended up doing the flaming hip shimmy for two hours straight and ended up on stage on saturday night... and yes, there were lustful thoughts all over the place *grin*
(ps... i'm GOOD at the hip shimmy)
LMAO; gotta love it!
Sass! Whoa girl!
It's good to hear you shimmy-ing. I did read your blog this morning and enjoyed the post! Folk music can be so entertaining... though it is not often I find myself in the folky-groove.
Lustful thoughts, really? Whose?
Yours and somebody elses?
Was it a date?
Well, are there juicy details?
Or did the festival become a love-in in like 30 minutes.
I had that happen to me once at a concert...
freaked me out.
I was young and impressionable.
I'm leaving the Hydrocodone and Wine advertisments...
self explanitory.
bubbles: no i mean people were lusting after me while i was shimmying all over the place. *I* was blissed out and dancing my ass off at the time... what did I know?
i don't have another date until friday sorry!
(but yes, i'm excited)
also that wasn't a folk artist... it was mediterranean guitar with some GREAT drumming! Me and the drummer had a hug after the show!
[i did turn down another drummer... i didn't need to fuck him, i'd tried to dance to his rhythm!]
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