Honestly, I don't wait for Thursdays to get half-nekkid. And obviously I do what I choose. So if you ask me to post a picture for HNT, it's most likely I'd say no.... because well, you asked.
Shit people if you don't know me by now.
I post half-nekkid pics of myself every day BUT Thursday, haven't you noticed that? SO in keeping with tradition, I hereby reward y'all with a my HNT WTF.
oh, ps - I must admit that I like half-nekkid thursdays, and oblige everyone to endulge, atleast once.
On another note, tomorrow I am spotlighting a piece for the champagne room. Once it's posted, It will be found there until I have to recycle it out (sorry). Hope to not though... recycle. I have paper/plastic recycling envy.
AND I received a special Q&A that I really want to hammer down before my trip on Friday, most likely that will be up too. I have to tell you that frankly I am priveledged, as always, to hear from our soldiers overseas... I'm bumping it to the priority stack because he wears camo's, carries a gun, and has those regulation boots on. FUCKING HOT.
Furthermore, apparently I misjudged our hard working freedom fighters rank yesterday... I know how important it is for rank when addressing my men in uniform... He spanked me!
I stand corrected; he's a Sergeant! Holy fuck, I'm dripping here.... k, hold me back fuckers: *wet alert* check it, he totally put me in my place-
"Just understand that you are both lucky and unfortunate for not being under my command, especially while in the dessert."
And even better:
"OH! BTW Besides my own piece, I'm packin' two guns...and I carry a large sack"
*dripping... panty exchange... new pair*
Sergeant Sir, please make me drop and give you twenty... minutes!?!?!
k, so I'm stuck on that thought now...
BTW: I have begun to post the top 10 of my ipod shuffle and/or songs I'm enjoying... There are atleast 3 Mike Doughty songs I'm digging right now... check out the album Houghty Melodic, seriously.. it kix ass.
have a good trip, ya teasing ditcher ;)
btw ... I joined the mad lib fun on the previous comment
Doz! That was awesome! Good job... I think we should have more mad lib fun in the near future.
That's a great picture!
You can't leave us! For how long?
Lil- going to Vegas for the weekend with friends... no worries, I'll be back post haste.
Gotta find out what happens with your school bus drama.
Sweet pic!! Glad you joined HNT.. even though its not Thursday. I'm pushing for FNT (Full Naked Thursday!)
Wez - I'm with you on that... let's do the democratic thing and vote.. did you bring pie?
I'm gonna HNT as soon as I get home ... heh
wtf murph, it just gives you your beat off material a little sooner, you should thank me.
Really, thank me. then spank.
i don't have a cam or anything to make such pics with and it seems lame to post OLD half nekkid pics that y'all have seen already.
i also have commented on the previous post AND stolen both versions of the guitar pic for my desktop random pic collection.
HNT? Hmm... does a pic with one nut hanging out count?
didja hear that? I made Sass's desktop collection!
Seriously, after the pvc picture thought and the honorary place on your desktop, I'm thinking a trip to Canada is in order.
And, I would love to see half-nekkid pics of you 10 years ago.. seriously.
bubbles you made it a while ago :)
well i can show you the auld hallowe'en picture and if i tell you i wore it to WORK you'll like it more but i have already linked it in my blog comments section... anyway here it is
it's only 4 years ago, shortly pre accident...
also YAY bubbles is coming to visit!!!
HOLY JESUS SASS - k, that picture rocks da house, seriously. That's desktop material for ME... ME!!!
*hoping in car to get to airport quickly*
I'm defecting to Canada.
T- I have no doubt in my mind that YOU could rock the HNT. So, go take the pic...
go on, take the pic.
No? Fuck fine, I'll wait. Love you T.
DOM- one nut hanging out?
post the fucker.
yeah bubbles... that's my default hallowe'en costume when i'm thin enough to fit in it.
i particularly like the 5" platforms :)
yay bubblesis moving to canada!
Alright, I can already tell it's gonna be all about ignore EN today... jesus, I'm gonna go sit in the fucking corner.
See if I EVER post HNT for you people again.
sheesh *tear*
Sass, here I'm clearing a spot for you... bring the heels, and that bra-like thingy too.
I'll rub your neck.
sorry darlin' ... was out playing poker till all hours. I won us some money though ... I'm treating lunch today!
oooh Sass,
wonderfully luscious pvc
damm bubbles that's a great offer :)
it's a bustier by the way... and fully patent leather with an industrial zipper.
thanks helskel!
i do love that pic... i look like i'm so delighted with myself (and i am cause all i wore to work on not hallowe'en was like track pants and the so called hot girl at the office could NEVER figure out why the guys still liked me... until that day. one look and she goes 'oh my god, you're hot!' to which i replied [smugly] 'yes')
LOL good for ya Sass, thatta girl!
bubbles it was one of my favourite moments ever. she was SO shocked. had no idea i even knew what makeup was let alone how to apply it without a trowel (her problem)
what the fuck is a chubfig?
where have you been hiding today EN?
She's breathlessly searching for the latex pic of herself... for me!
; )
Dom - you have my fucking number... try punching the digits.
You didn't lose it did you? Look under B for 'booty call.'
Helskel-still looking
Sass - singing 'oh Canada'
ok, Dom... sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out at you. Dammit, you were supposed to be my super hero yesterday!
Make it up to me... NOW.
bubbles: great song isn't it?
YES... and sounding better every minute.
Is it ok to say that you are fucking hot?
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