Happy Triple FFF

Well my little lovelies, Happy Fun Fucking Friday to ya!
Today is a special day for Everything Nice... and I'm celebrating it with a nice steep cup of Bailey's and Cocoa.
Why special EN? Because It's my kinda day, that's why.
-- There's nothing to do - I have the day off from work. Shocker, I know!
-- It's peaceful here - I am alone, house all to myself. Good time to practice my stripping skills! lol.
-- The seating arrangement is perfect - I'm in the bedroom, in bed... all god damn day. Not leaving my bed unless I have to well, you know... grab a towel.
-- My clothes are comfortable - What clothes? I'm not going anywhere, to hell with getting dressed. I plan on being as naked as possible all day... no exceptions.
-- My task list is easy as hell - I have no priorities or engagements, except to play with myself as much as humanly possible. And it's about god damn time... I was getting jealous of myself over here. Not a pretty picture.
How can it get any better than this?
It can't.
Happy Triple FF Friday!
Gigi, here I'll work the iegg... you do the controls ;)
Bailey's and cocoa for ya?
You deserve a day of indulgence. Play away girl. :D
BTW, do you have a camera attached to your laptop so I can join in? LOL.
have you replaced Mr Buzzy yet? ;)
Emma's back! Great to hear from you. I posted a comment a few minutes ago, which Blogger chewed-up and threw away. Emailed Suze to let her know you were up. Came back, my comment has gone and you three were already at it.
Anyway, go girl, enjoy yourself, lots.
"You three were already at it"
LOVE the visual there Alex.
Thanks for getting me started off right!
I love your new avatar but miss the old one.
You are a stunner.
Be careful in there you know what happened last time we visited the sex shop. :D
Gigi- buy an i product.
Irabbit is good replacement for Mr. Buzzy... TRUST ME.
They're a little steep in price, but TOTALLY worth it!
suze it's actually her old picture.
and i do love that pic, it sums you up somehow :)
What's wrong with being a nympho?
Suze, thanks for the pic compliment, and SASS!!! you too!!!
Are ya enjoying the snow sweetie?
That photo is a great one, I agree... it was taken not too long back.. sums me up in a nutshell.
They had to stuff a black backer to the panties though, since I was uhhhh... hairless a bit in the down low back then *ahem* and you could see way to much clitoris through the lace.
too much information?
hell no, I love my clit.
Murph - stfu. I have a spot in bed right next to me and something to stuff your mouth with.
Sug - shopping is hell, masturbation and a place to moan loudly? now THAT's where it's at!
damn... I was gunna cum over today but it looks like you want to be alone
sucks to be me :)
That just makes you a practical woman, self sufficient if you like. LMAO.
Umm, Romey...
You're invited, with a golden ticket even.
I didn't plan on video masturbation... but, well...
I am alone.
sounds like a relaxing day :)
Hmmm. I wonder what it's gonna take to get a smile on big daddy's face....
Gig, I see nothing wrong with you spending the ex's money on your new toy...
at least he's good for something, right?
you didn't see the smile? it's right there. It looks like this:
right... see Gigi, he's finally giving something back to ya honey!!!
Dozr- I need to cheer ya... that smile just isn't big enough!
Thought you were on your way to Olde Sex Shoppe.
naughty one: how's this
ah tah'erd
but can't sleep
cuz gotta work
em: you inspired hellacious amounts of truth in my blog today by the way
i'm feeling nervous
anyway i'm glad you're having an alone day... they're the best and needed far more than we actually indulge in them.
No gig, no cords on the irabbit.
the iegg has em.
Dzr. need me to keep you UP?
naughty one: whatever you're willing to do/share to keep me up, just gimme a holla ;)
hee hee... holla!
she's holla'ing for me ... somewhere
that would be awesome wouldn't it?
what a place to meet someone!
can you imagine the tales to the grandkids?
now where'd she go?
I need the same kinda day myself...unfortunately it isn't going to be today...lol....have a super weekend!
You know what Sug-really I'd rather take the mullet sporting, Skola sucking, acid washed denim jean wearing fleshy headed mutants trolling the local dirt mall!
I loved that Gigi, I did LMAO!!!
Sug - you saw Sass's Grandpa at the sex store?
Can't a girl masturbate?!?!?
jeesus, I leave for 10 minutes to get off and y'all panic!
some of us were waiting to be invited along ;)
hey, wait... Murphs doing a show? serious?
When does that start?
How does one buy a ticket?!?!
Dozr, check your mail. Just DO IT.
just did :)
check yours. seriously. ;)
What Gigi? Share what?
Be specific, I have a whole lotta love to share....
in all sorts of different forms!
are you serious?!?!
boot it baby, boot it.
I wanna see skinny, lanky irishman dick.
Gigi... hmmmm. you really want naked pics eh?
I have a couple of Murph I could send....
makes note to replace webcam before the new year ...
What have I been missing. Is there a little bit of you show me yours going on here?
alright Gigi sweetness, check your mail!
Murph, and thanks for throwing the free video sampler in with that ;)
Can I have some pics?
everyone check your mail!
Does that include me? Sob, sob.
What the hell?
I don't stop by for a few hours and suddenly there's talk of female masturbation and nekkid pics being emailed?
You all secretly watch to make sure I'm not around and THEN you start having fun right?
Good day to you.
I said good day!
suze: you didn't get my e-mail?
hmm ... I think the Internet rejected it ... there's a new fat-guard that might have prevented my dirty pics from getting to your inbox ;)
I'll have to send you some of mine. :D
That guard has gone and stolen my pics, I want them back. :(
awwww Dan. Honestly, I think we knew you were coming... or, err cuming.
Either case... these inboxes are getting trafficy.
and really, how would the wife feel if she saw me masturbating on your desktop?
It just so happens that I commented on Dzer's blog that my wife has had no sex drive at all lately. I can't remember the last time I had sex. So.....I need some more 'inspiration' for my quiet time.
Besides...I'm at work.
gigi: who appointed you as a DZER filter?
*spanks ya*
anyone else need a spanking?
ooh ... the trusty "what she don't know" move ... LOL
and how many people can masturbate in their office? man! I need a new job!
Glad you didn't let the idiots get to you, EN.
I want nekkid pics of Dzer too!
Dan, alright well, not sure how that would go over coming across your companies network server...
convince me.
gigi: do tell ... seriously ... tell
aroused girl: you didn't get the e-mail either? I swear I sent out a mass e-mail with nekkid pics of me ... but the Internet is refusing to deliver.
naughty one: put me down for copies of the pics of you masturbating. I'm single, home and alone. ;)
Dzer: Not so much 'what she doesn't know', it's more like 'what I think she'll let me do'. And I can't just whip it out at work! LOL
EN: I'm the Network Administrator so technically I AM the network! I control everything (naughty). If it's some form of live feed then I guess I'd settle for a picture. Anything I can recall later would be helpful!
By the way...I just posted on my blog that Mr. Miyagi died today....
So sad.
K, dan... you know what.. I was good until you talked about Mr. Miyagi dying... now I can't get wet.
alright, next round of masturbatory pleasure I may be convinced enough to deliver...
let me get over mr. myagi first.
I've just had my dinner. I'll send the photos over for your approval now.
Still no pics. :(
How are you managing to take care of yourself and type? LOL.
Why did you have to get rid of it? Was it interfering with the TV? :D
Did I hit #100?
EN: It's ok...I know that's just your way of saying I'm not accepted. That's cool. It's lunchtime here and I have to get something to eat anyway.
Hi Dan
It looks like it's just you and me.
Where have they all gone?
Can you pick up some new porn DVD's whilst you're visiting the Sex Shop.
I've seen all mine.
I've left a present for you on your Blog. I was disgusted at the lack of attention you got during the power outage.
k, first of all...
jesus, let a girl rub one off, k?
secondly, Dan quit it. Come on, be serious here alright?
Suze, Gigi, Sug - tee hee, I love it.
Please somebody cheer dan up while I finish this multiple! Thanks.
oh, and then I'll check my email.
Hey hey, everyones getting fucking neat-o mail...
Have you finished that multiple?
Have you set off yet?
There isn't shit in MY inbox.
and no.. Im too pissed off that you all aren't sharing what you got.
I didn't get anything either. :(
EN....honey....now you're starting to sound like me! LOL
See Dan? Damn.
Wait wait, you called me honey!!!
I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful hot hot hot men gracing my blog, seriously.
Where's Jesse...
wait, where the hell IS murph?
and why is Gigi on top of Sug?
Im getting horny allll over again!
I'm in a state of perpetual horny with very little release.
Crap. I almost teared up there!
Hell I like you on top of Sug!
No, that's not sarcasm.
or is it?
Hmmmm. Yes, it seems he's gone a bit over the edge.
Somebody please screw Murph... after me of course.
Right, me first...
I actually meant it the other way though...
For some reason I really have the need to break him (out of pity of course).
He surpresses so much anger that one.
JESUS. Did anyone notice that Jess has had like 72 profile views!!!
OMG Murph,
and here i thought you would be more accepting...
really man, it's your loss.
like I would ever stick anything in your ass without permission?
alright, well I thought about it.
But I wouldn't...
HA! You're accepting?!?!?
*que evil laugh*
Do you ever have show and tell days in class? Now that would be funny.
If gigi had any kind of show and tell I'm sure I'd be excluded. Just like always.
I may as well depart too. No reason to stay here today.
Have a good weekend everyone!
wv= zowks
Jesus Dan, wtf.
Why is you always have to act like you're not excluded?
Seriously beginning to piss me off.
sorry, included I meant...
Has everyone left the room?
No, still here...
Im thinking about what to say to Ish...
ISH I didn;t find your post offensive in the least...
I love your writing, seriously and honestly...
Murph how are you?
You still friging?
Hi gigi!
Emma's in the shower.
what did you buy?
Purple :)
all of Em's toys are purple too!!!
uh, what to name him...
well, he's a rabbit. How about Peter?!?!
We were supposed to go out for drinks this afternoon. But it's cozy here at her house and she has an unfinished bottle of wine from yesterday.
She was so hot and bothered by the time I got here, we stayed in and played a little.
So, she is in the shower. Any body know how this web cam is supposed to work?
That is hilarious!
I was just trying to find a good rabbit name is all.
Peter peter pussy eater :)
Would you like some wine Gigi?
K, so GIGI is playing with Peter.
Sug is no where to be found.
Dan thinks I hate him and don't include him on anything
Murph is looking for a decent cucumber to send out for email pics
Desi - sweetheart, there is NO WAY I could be upset about your opinion. I adore your opinion. I read your site everytime you post something new sweets. everytime. Im loyal to my sidebar honey.
Sass is in the snow and making the big bucks. I miss her sooo much. Apparently though, Sug saw her grandfather at the adult toy store. Will have to speak with her about that.
and Dozr is, what sleeping?
AND WHERE THE HELL WAS BLONDIE TODAY?!?!? She was here... and then gone? *tear*
holy shit. every one is gone except for you and me Jess. I figure we should just throw down again...
towel anyone?
we thought we'd lost you!
LOL, do ya like the little ball bearings in there Gigi?
Im turning the comments section over to Jesse so I can dry my hair..
Cowboy you have a hot ass.
Did I miss something?
What does the DVD player have to do with Peter?
DVDs and Peter? With the right kind of DVDs Peter and Gigi could have lots of fun.
BTW Suze thinks he should be called Jack, not Peter.
Sorry about us disappearing earlier. We had, er somthing to attend to ;)
Im blushing!!!
Alright Gigi, we'll be on our way after this glass.
or maybe not.
Emma's giving me THAT look and dropping her towel.
gotta go!
why do I sleep? such a waste.
Im drunk!
wv: tynvdklv
tyne ver sum dik luv
time for some dick love (spoken with a german accent)
em: for the record i am around i'm just busier is all. i am posting about five times a week and responding reasonably quickly to my comments... it's just getting awful hard to keep up with yours.
ALL of that said... damn i miss you guys, i'm just so damn busy with the holidays and the car repairs and the working and the not starving and stuff....
i just figure it's better to maintain my blog than be really active with everyone elses... and these days it seems i don't have time to do both :(
that will change as i regulate my schedule a little.
hoooo=eeeee! drunken orgy!!!
Sass, no problem. You always have a special bean bag here... no matter what time you come in and how long you can stay for.
Really, it's up and down for all of us lately.
I just read on Dozrs comments that you didn't get my email again.
damn my yahoo. I'll work on that tonight.
Here Shane, I got a spot for ya... right here...
yeah, and i got about 8 inches for ya.
Holy hell.
Gigi, Im sending you batteries for Christmas.
Furthermore Shane... I'll take your 8 inches *biting lip*
after a beezos of course.
of course. nothing's complete w/o beezos.
gigi, i'm gonna need some pics of you actually using that thing. just for.......scientific research or some shit.
en, you get naked and send pics now! please.
SHANE... contemplating that actually.
really am.
Gigi - I told you! So much better than the ass blaster!
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fuck i just really almost embarrassed myself on my comments section.
bad bad bad wine.
spank me.
wv: rwwwv
the sound Peter makes all night long!
holy shit gig, we may just hit 200 on this mutha
Well technically they aren't comments LOL!!!
it's really great dialogue though
quit contempalting dammit! get 'er done! ass blaster sounds a bit ilke an enema.
i just spent waaayy roo much time on the word verification
no dammit naked pics!
Shane was the big 200!!!
hmmm, he needs a prize.
I know about the word ver. shane huh, damn they get longer too.
sucks when you're drunk as hell, or stoned..
Shane, I am truly amazed at your persuasiveness tonight.
agressive even.
It's a turn on... just wanted you to know for reference purposes.
can't get stoned unfortunately. random piss tests at work.
Right, because they test you in jail.. I understand.
You know what though? You look slammin' in that red jumpsuit honey.
Jesus for 200? i don't know, I've never gone this far before...
*blank stare*
persuasivwhatever, i just drank 13 beezos and i want sum goddamn nudity. fuckin hell i wish i hadda webcam.
we got orange jumpers here in kansas. and in a jail mentioning an ass blaster is lookin fer trouble.
gigi yer slackin.
Gigi, it's the button on the top! lol.
Shane, I don't have a web cam to send over, BUT I have two tin cans and a really long fucking string.. perhaps we could try that?
My tit doesn't quite fit in the can though... why do they make those things so narrow?
the tin cans that is.
gotta be careful. you can cut yerself all to hell with those things.
the tin cans that is. not yer cans
I know, now I have a big ring around my right breast.
in the mirror, it looks like a bulls-eye on a dart board.
shit i wanna play darts now.
lets do it!
Jesus... I feel so..
what do I say?
uh, whatever context you wanna take my last comment in is fine w/ me.
So Im supposed to do what for ya Gigi... in the comments section...
It's cramped in here for crying out loud!
We need a whole damn blog for that.
shane, don't make me want to stalk you...
well then get yer tight little ass down here to kc and you'll get yers gigi. en, you too.
en, i like yer new profile pic, but the last one you had i liked better. you had that cute mischevious "i wanna fuck you" look on yer face
oh shit, its about to get really fucked up now. lemme get pbc & pearl in this dialogue.........
Im sending it to ya Shane... I will. With a bonus for 200.
Gigi, be nice... it's apparent he missed us.
Murph - only call me a silly fuck when I'm on top, reverse cow girl.
with hair pulling
sending me what?
my profile pic, just for you...
and a bonus photo. :)
i gotta different address fer you to send it to. the email address i got now is pissin me off. i'll switch it here in a bit.
holy shit! lemme see......fuck yeah!
Well, you know...
Gigi it's not like Murph is a marathon man or anything
one shot and he's out.
Sug heya sweets!
Shane, maybe.. okay.. well err.
ok en, send it to the address i got now on my prfile.
fucking lightweights! goddamn i need some pussy. gals, show me yer tits.
jesus Shane.. patience, patience!!!
you mean cock. i'm the only guy in here........i think.
yes you did gigi. and verbal contracts are binding er some shit.
ok there off now what?
had trouble w/ the word verification to murph?
G - your tits and ass are all over your blog honey
well looking at the pics you lovely ladies have already posted on yer blogs, etc., it'd be wise to assume you had some pussy shots layin around. so where are they at?
if murph and i don't get pussy shots, the terrorists have won! do it fer america gals!
I do it for my country every day shane.
and well, just hearing you say pussy makes me have a masturbation alert.
Did sug pass out? and where's Murph?
who the fuck cares? threesome?
Did some body say pussy?
Hows it honey?
You get the feeling back in your pussy yet?
that's 1.............
wait, what'd you say to her en!?!
Just barely En
there is a shit load of action here!
I love ass sex.
hi jesse, i'm shane. and as a right of passage, i'm required to ask you fer some hard core nudity pics of yourself.
I have blow job skills. Nothing more empowering then taking a cock in your mouth...
were we going there yet?
i know. she's prbably moist with lust & passion right now.
i got mad pussy eatin' skills yo!
You want nude pictures of me?
Is this some sort of initiation?
I had no idea Murph was bi.
jesse? wtf?
Holy shit Jesse,
whatever you do, don't call him bi!!!
damn it, wind him up and watch him go...
Shane - you wanna come over an give me a lesson on your mouth-a-bet skills?
yeah, and "me so horny" pops into my head at this time.
Me sucky sucky
you buying the plane ticket en? if so, fuck yeah.
Shane hit 200, he gets --- something special.
gigi hits 250 and gets ---
something special.
What AM i supposed to give Murph?
you could pop on over to his house...
in your trench coat Emma...
and while your at it, stop by Shanes house.
I'll take care of Gigi and Sugarpunk.
Because I can satisfy two women at once.
Im outta this one!!
good night gigi!! kiss peter for me!!
Good night Sug!! don't get too cold out there in the snow. and don't tell any body what you caught us doing the other night in his basement.
it's our secret.
Good night shane, still waiting for you to arrive at my door with your tongue.
And I'll just roll the fuck over and say good night to you Murph.
Good night every one!!
I'll see you tomorrow Emma.
And Ohio, we'll talk about this later. Don't think I don't know that name either.
I guess I'm late to the party. Congrats on 300+ comments!
I was in your city today Emma. *tease*
I was not too far from your old HS haunting grounds. *tease again*
And Waterlands. *bigger tease*
And you didn't come over because?
i leave for a few hours and all hell breaks loose
geeze you guys
i really can't think of a thing to add to this since i can't actually play with myself this week.
I thought you'd be working.
I was not too far from the huge old folks' home off the main drag.
322 posts? are you fucking shitting me?
*checks my latest post*
hmm ... 3 ... with 1 of those mine
if a blog is posted in the blogosphere and no one reads it, was it ever really written?
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