Happy FFF.. and jesus, did it take long enough?!?!
Happy Fun Freakin' Friday all!!!
I'm a little exhausted and effortless from the last week of responsibilities... none of them being fun dammit. However, I do have prescriptions! yay! So as a disclaimer, if I act like a total nut today it's prolly because I'm entirely fucked up and just 'wading' through this wonderful Friday...
Can we talk about quickies real quick though? I wanna.
Dammit Men, if you wake your woman up in the middle of the night and wanna get some, be quick... don't keep us up for like 2 hours getting your rox off, we'll be total bitches the next day and everyone suffers. Further, quick pinching my nipples while Im unconcious... wait until I'm coherent enough to tell you how much I like it. Damn.
Still love ya honey.... right. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
K, anyway... moving on. I was tagged by Dozr on Wednesday *snicker @ tagged*.
So I need to do what a woman does when tagged... uh, which is bend over and take it...
uhhh.... the following:
First: Rules are as follows, remove the blog at No. 1 from the following list and bump every one up one place; add your blog's name in the #5 spot;
1. The Ex-Girlfriend Project
2. Beauty in the Breakdown
3. Oh So Wonderful
4. DZER’s Diatribe
5. Bubblegummeltdown
Next: select five new friends at random to add to the pollen count. (No one is obligated to participate and anyone can play if they want to).
1. Castu
2. Gigi
3. Sug
4. Blondie
5. Murph
And on with the fun part... I guess:
I. What were you doing ten years ago? November 1995.
Well, I was running one of the most profitable automotive detail businesses in the city.... Yes, that's right, you heard me Auto Detail. Don't be shocked fuckers... I can work a Makita high speed buffer like a champ, STILL.
I had a one year old son that I adored... -What were you doing one year ago? November 2004.
I think I was drunk.
-What were you doing yesterday? Nov. 17th, 2005
Deciding whether to do surgery on myself and take care of my freaking kidneys once and for all... bastards. I worked, surfed HNT's for a moment (while I had a freakin' moment), went home... played with kids.... saw my dad... uhhhh.... OH, and was fucking amazed at Horsn's photoshop skills. Horsn, you have been given a seat in the Champagne Room next to Dozr, congratulations (and a yee haww is in order too).
II. Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Little Debbie Nutty Bars
2. Pomegranites
3. I swear I already did this last week
4. Am I having a De ja vu here, or what?
5. Munster Cheese and Summer Sausage
-Five songs to which you know all the words:
1. "Cold Beverage" - G Love and Special Sauce
2. "The Joker" - Steve Miller (shocker there)
3. “54-46 that's my number"- Sublime
4. “112" - Notorious BIG
5. “Soft Serve" - Soul Coughing
-Five things you would do if you were a millionaire :
1. Kids education... done deal.
2. Buy my bass boat and go fishing wherever the hell I want.
3. Buy a cabin, next to a lake... where it never gets cold and the fishing is good.
4. Secure at least half of it in safe investments.
5. Fly all of you lovely people to my cabin so we can get drunk and fish... after that, it's anyone's guess. Oh, and schedule at least a week off... k.
-Five bad habits:
1. Smoking. Yep, you heard me. So what, it's not like I'm a two pack a day hacker for christs sake. I have to quit anyway... so wtf. I don't wanna hear it.
2. Talking with my mouth full. Why do I do this? I dunno... I guess I just get these really awesome brain storms when I'm eating and I have to just say it before I forget.
3. Wet towels on the bed. Alright so, at least I'm leaving them on my side... really need to work on getting them that other 2 feet to the towel hanger... just takes too much freaking energy in the morning.
4. hmmmm. do I have any more bad habits? damn this short term memory problem.
5. Men. I love men. and it's turning habitual. badly.
-Five things you like doing:
1. Fishing tops the list, even more than sex at the moment because it's winter and damn... I just want to get a fish on. Don't act all shocked, jesus... Im not all sex (though you'd like to think so).
2. Listening to Music. Anywhere, anytime, anyway.... it's not uncommon to catch me with my ipod in tow. Music for me dictates life, or rather life dictates music. There will always be a song I can relate to a person, place, or time in my life. It helps with my attitude and my ability to cope sometimes. Hope that wasn't too deep for ya.
3. Playing my bass guitar in my boyshorts. very cool.. and awful breezy lately.
4. Watching and learning from the men in my house. I've discovered so many insights into the way you weirdo's work... it's humorous and uncanny really. Thank god you're born this way... I would hate to have had some tremendous 'awakening' when you hit puberty. That would just be frightening.
Soon enough, Im gonna write a book about it. Though, Im sure there will only be one chapter.
5. Sex. DUH.
-Five things you would never wear again:
1. 3 inch spiked heels... wtf... my limit is 2 inches now after taking a face plant into a freakin stage light (don't ask).
2. Leather panties... I know I know, you're disappointed. Really, they are just soooo fucking uncomfortable! There's no need to suffocate my pussy thanks, if I wanted that I'd just shove something in there.
3. Leg warmers. because no matter who or what wears them, they will NEVER be cool again.
4. Black lipstick. yikes. Dyed my lips bluish for about a week... scared the hell out of my parents.
5. Bright Yellow anything. It just gives me a headache and should only be used for Construction Equipment and hazardous thoroughfares.
-Five favorite toys:
1. iegg - *snicker*
2. My husband- he's fun in all kinds of ways.
3. Photoshop - Me too, for the same reasons everyone else does.
4. My kids train set, because it really does kick ass. The thing is a monstrosity and just keeps getting bigger the more pieces we add. Currently, it takes up the whole damn living room. Which is a feat in itself because our living room is huge!
5. Power tools - Im with ya on this one Dzr buddy... I love playing with power tools.
Everytime the hub (or I) get one... we find a reason to use it!!!
This months endeavor is ripping out and remodelling our bathroom. Should be interesting to find what husband dictates is necessary to get that job done! Jesus, he goes to buy some drywall and comes back with a freakin' myriad of power tools... "What is this for dear? You don't need this for drywalling."
"I know it."
"Okay then, can I play with it?"
I'm a little exhausted and effortless from the last week of responsibilities... none of them being fun dammit. However, I do have prescriptions! yay! So as a disclaimer, if I act like a total nut today it's prolly because I'm entirely fucked up and just 'wading' through this wonderful Friday...
Can we talk about quickies real quick though? I wanna.
Dammit Men, if you wake your woman up in the middle of the night and wanna get some, be quick... don't keep us up for like 2 hours getting your rox off, we'll be total bitches the next day and everyone suffers. Further, quick pinching my nipples while Im unconcious... wait until I'm coherent enough to tell you how much I like it. Damn.
Still love ya honey.... right. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
K, anyway... moving on. I was tagged by Dozr on Wednesday *snicker @ tagged*.
So I need to do what a woman does when tagged... uh, which is bend over and take it...
uhhh.... the following:
First: Rules are as follows, remove the blog at No. 1 from the following list and bump every one up one place; add your blog's name in the #5 spot;
1. The Ex-Girlfriend Project
2. Beauty in the Breakdown
3. Oh So Wonderful
4. DZER’s Diatribe
5. Bubblegummeltdown
Next: select five new friends at random to add to the pollen count. (No one is obligated to participate and anyone can play if they want to).
1. Castu
2. Gigi
3. Sug
4. Blondie
5. Murph
And on with the fun part... I guess:
I. What were you doing ten years ago? November 1995.
Well, I was running one of the most profitable automotive detail businesses in the city.... Yes, that's right, you heard me Auto Detail. Don't be shocked fuckers... I can work a Makita high speed buffer like a champ, STILL.
I had a one year old son that I adored... -What were you doing one year ago? November 2004.
I think I was drunk.
-What were you doing yesterday? Nov. 17th, 2005
Deciding whether to do surgery on myself and take care of my freaking kidneys once and for all... bastards. I worked, surfed HNT's for a moment (while I had a freakin' moment), went home... played with kids.... saw my dad... uhhhh.... OH, and was fucking amazed at Horsn's photoshop skills. Horsn, you have been given a seat in the Champagne Room next to Dozr, congratulations (and a yee haww is in order too).
II. Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Little Debbie Nutty Bars

2. Pomegranites
3. I swear I already did this last week
4. Am I having a De ja vu here, or what?
5. Munster Cheese and Summer Sausage
-Five songs to which you know all the words:
1. "Cold Beverage" - G Love and Special Sauce
2. "The Joker" - Steve Miller (shocker there)
3. “54-46 that's my number"- Sublime
4. “112" - Notorious BIG
5. “Soft Serve" - Soul Coughing
-Five things you would do if you were a millionaire :
1. Kids education... done deal.
2. Buy my bass boat and go fishing wherever the hell I want.
3. Buy a cabin, next to a lake... where it never gets cold and the fishing is good.
4. Secure at least half of it in safe investments.
5. Fly all of you lovely people to my cabin so we can get drunk and fish... after that, it's anyone's guess. Oh, and schedule at least a week off... k.
-Five bad habits:
1. Smoking. Yep, you heard me. So what, it's not like I'm a two pack a day hacker for christs sake. I have to quit anyway... so wtf. I don't wanna hear it.
2. Talking with my mouth full. Why do I do this? I dunno... I guess I just get these really awesome brain storms when I'm eating and I have to just say it before I forget.
3. Wet towels on the bed. Alright so, at least I'm leaving them on my side... really need to work on getting them that other 2 feet to the towel hanger... just takes too much freaking energy in the morning.
4. hmmmm. do I have any more bad habits? damn this short term memory problem.
5. Men. I love men. and it's turning habitual. badly.
-Five things you like doing:

2. Listening to Music. Anywhere, anytime, anyway.... it's not uncommon to catch me with my ipod in tow. Music for me dictates life, or rather life dictates music. There will always be a song I can relate to a person, place, or time in my life. It helps with my attitude and my ability to cope sometimes. Hope that wasn't too deep for ya.
3. Playing my bass guitar in my boyshorts. very cool.. and awful breezy lately.
4. Watching and learning from the men in my house. I've discovered so many insights into the way you weirdo's work... it's humorous and uncanny really. Thank god you're born this way... I would hate to have had some tremendous 'awakening' when you hit puberty. That would just be frightening.
Soon enough, Im gonna write a book about it. Though, Im sure there will only be one chapter.
5. Sex. DUH.
-Five things you would never wear again:
1. 3 inch spiked heels... wtf... my limit is 2 inches now after taking a face plant into a freakin stage light (don't ask).
2. Leather panties... I know I know, you're disappointed. Really, they are just soooo fucking uncomfortable! There's no need to suffocate my pussy thanks, if I wanted that I'd just shove something in there.
3. Leg warmers. because no matter who or what wears them, they will NEVER be cool again.

4. Black lipstick. yikes. Dyed my lips bluish for about a week... scared the hell out of my parents.
5. Bright Yellow anything. It just gives me a headache and should only be used for Construction Equipment and hazardous thoroughfares.
-Five favorite toys:
1. iegg - *snicker*
2. My husband- he's fun in all kinds of ways.
3. Photoshop - Me too, for the same reasons everyone else does.
4. My kids train set, because it really does kick ass. The thing is a monstrosity and just keeps getting bigger the more pieces we add. Currently, it takes up the whole damn living room. Which is a feat in itself because our living room is huge!
5. Power tools - Im with ya on this one Dzr buddy... I love playing with power tools.
Everytime the hub (or I) get one... we find a reason to use it!!!
This months endeavor is ripping out and remodelling our bathroom. Should be interesting to find what husband dictates is necessary to get that job done! Jesus, he goes to buy some drywall and comes back with a freakin' myriad of power tools... "What is this for dear? You don't need this for drywalling."
"I know it."
"Okay then, can I play with it?"
I never would have figured you would like fishing.
I never cared for it myself. I just like the beer drinking that goes along with it. I think catching fish just interrupts a pretty good day by a stream, lake or ocean.
UH! Eddie!!
the beer drinking is the best part though, huh!
i love boats
i love water
i hate fishing. go figure eh
Sug - I would love to come there and go fishin with ya... seriously. Comtemplating just doing it since I have family in that vicinity.
Horsn - well, I can't say Murph has my support... but as long as he thinks so that's apparently all that matters.
I will punish you, it's only a matter of time.
Buttah- wanna just sit in the boat and pass out the beer then? That would be great since no one would have to lay down their fishing poles to grab a cold one!
gig - he he he damn.
alright, who should I tag then....
any takers on a tagging?
I am contemplating buying a drywall screw gun, Em.
Like to screw with my tool?
Didya like my PS'd photo -- you got it, right? (no response from you yet)
GIGI you slut, come here and sit down next to me.
Dom - sorry bout that, yes I did get it.... good job with that.
I mean, really Im flattered... but wow.. i had no idea it would be quite that popular.
Gigi - i appreciate your honesty. Now I'll be honest with you...
I photoshopped yours :)
LMAO - Gigi, i did! But only so I could put you and I together!!!
oh, and then I was thinking of putting Dozrs head between your legs and some girls panties on the bed next to us... and then errr, some other shit like that.
whaddya think?
BTW, I did not tell Murph to take that down... I commented, he assumed wrong and did it on his own validity... so stop IMing and Emailing me about being a bitch!
Email him... jesus...
SUg - Im on my way, break out the shots!
don't talk to me Murph.
you're not....
never mind asshat.
I don't care....
gigi: lmao!!
i love fishing, hate catching fish... no not even that... it's the hook removal and cleaning. it's cause i'm such a softie that i feel like a murderer...
I've heard that fishing can lead to great sex....or is that just another fish story?
Can I lay in the sun nude and drink beer while you guys fish?
Pearl! Hiya honey, how's it at the party? I need an hilarious fix so I'll be right over!
Sass- you know, i catch and release whenever possible... honestly. Unless it's ate the hook all the way down... and then I either cut the line and let it live to see another day.
or- i kill it.
yes, i do.
I caught one once that had at least five other hooks still in it... poor fish... i let it die.
Im just like that.
Mike - Well, sex only if you're not covered in fish blood.. which has happened on occasion.
I got a whole lotta fish stories for you.
there was this one time.. with a snake, a boat, and a .22. Hilarious story...
Lil- uhh, i won't have any idea if and when the fish are biting if you do that... but I think it would be good for those who aren't fishing....
Horsn - what, sex or fishing?
Uhh, let me clarify from the above comment that i didn't have sex in fish blood...
it's reading that way and well, it's disturbing me.
uhhh. two maybe three.
I loved that gun.
Horsn... I'll hold your pole any day...
K, you guys fish at one end and I'll lay at the other end.
Horsn - uhhh. no, i saved the gun until about 20 feet from shore and then realized that there was no way I was gonna make it paddling with pole in one hand, gun in the other.
goddamn snakes.
Pearl - ill be there
Lill- uh, errr... what about my pole?
What would you like me to do with your pole EN? You name it...
Murph, just make sure that you don't hook me in the ass with that thing.
Lil - there are soooo many things...
and honestly, I don't think it's the hook you should be looking out for!
Stop that! I didn't give you permission for those visuals!
You can have any visual you want as long as they don't involve "hooking me in the ass"
it the damn drugs... murph, if you're slurring than you are usless to me... NEXT!
Thanks Sug! There's no telling what could of happened. You saved me! Love ya!
My God I've been away for just a short while and you're talking about fly fishing.
Am I tripping on my glass of wine?
BTW Gigi I get the same thought every time I get the chance to tune in.
Shit I should be in bed!
Emma luv ya!
I sooooo love that you fish. Yet one more reason I love you to pieces.
Thanks for playing along with the tag, darlin' ... it's appreciated.
*spanks ya just cuz ya like it SO much*
i drinl zee beezos again
i can't believe i'm about to say this
just can't
you're overworking your obliques and underworking your rectus and transverse...
*sigh* shoot me now... can't turn the fucking pilates teacher off ever!
emma: okay i can fish with you... that catch and release thing is my technique also.
i will do that tag dz... i'm just about three days behind my life right now!
sass: no worries hon. though my blog misses you
and others, who will not be named, for fear of me being labeled a whiner LOL
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