No more Quid Pro Qou

* I'm all outta Quid
Can I just say Damn.
And then I can say Happy HNT!!!
Bitches, I still vote for Pedro... He's a sexy fucker.

But what I really want to say is...
The justice system sucks ass. Yes, you heard me. Sucks ass. Remember those juvenile ass hats that broke in and trashed our place last month? Well today was the sentencing for the 'ring leader' of the three fucking stooges.
Right, yeah the peckerhead one. the fucker that bled all over my house.
So we go in.
We talk to our friendly neighborhood prosecutor.
(buttah, you're gonna love this)
He informs us about deferred sentencing...k
... then he proceeds to inform us that Fuckstik Jr. is going for his one and only get out of jail free deferred sentencing card.
So we argue that he's a repeat offender and a punk.
Friendly neighborhood prosecutor agrees unintentionally, corrects himself.. and then emphasizes victim testimony in front of yer honor.
*K, im good at playing the victim*
We go in the court room and sit.
Fuckstik's mother and his little chica girlfriend come in the courtroom.
The trial begins.... the cases are pled.
We give our statements, I choke up.. because my kidneys are blazing fucking mad-like.
Yer honor liked it. good good. Tears never hurt, regardless of where they stem from.
I sit back down.
Fuckstick has an ugly girlfriend and his mother is absolutely oblivious to the terrible realization of what her son has done. She tells the judge he needs to work so he can stay out of trouble.
Defense Attorney is slime...asshole.
DA says, no your honor I think that after consulting with *ASSFUCK* for the last few weeks he has learned his lesson and is a likely candidate for success if released. I think *BASTARDANUS* can be productive if allowed to stay in school, and be given the opportunity to give back to society.
give. back. Fuknut stole my shit. If'n he's giving anything back, it better be my stolen property.
Then your honor asked KNUCKLEFUCKBASTARDRAPEMONKEY if he wanted to say anything.
He did. he said "uh, yeah i think if I stop hanging around with those bad friends I will be okay."
k. hmmm.
Judge voted for deferred. I was hot fucking pissed... but still good.
Friendly neighborhood prosecutor said 150 hours of community service and 24 months probation.
Defense attorney argued 150 hours was unheard of. 24 months probation was too stiff.
Judge gave 48 hours community service, 12 months probation, 9pm curfew regulated by mom (WTF)????? Uhh.. where was mom when he was climbing in my fucking window?!?!
A letter of apology to us and our children... again wtf. We want to hear from you? Okay, let me think about that....
and around $200 in restitution paid to us. Whoo hoo boy... that's a blow job and a six pack in my neighborhood.
k. then when yer honor was listening to the steaming heap of bullshit regurgitating from the defense attorney, she decided it would be best for there to be a restraining order on the other two boys that assisted in the break in.
k, mother is in fear of her life and her sons at the hands of these terribly intimidating horrific 15 year olds.... could happen.
Until it's presented that one of the other perps was the BITEMYCROTCHJERKOFFS brother.
That's right.. blame it on your friends... dude, it's your fucking brother, how ya gonna get outta that one? Yer honor pays it no mind and offers up supervised contact.
Like I said, where was mom when he stole my bag of weed?
BASICALLY. We were fucked, with no lube... not even the cheap kind.
Fuckstick is at home now, away from his blue juvy jumpsuit. Eating a nice homecooked enchilada meal, getting some pussy from his chica, givin' his homey co-conspirator brother 'bones'and pourin' one out for his otha homey. fucker.
And I'm here trying to convince my 10 year old that nobody is gonna climb in that window ever again.. still. I tried to tell him that if they do, Daddy was gonna blow his freakin head off with his 9. Right there, in his room. Didn't help. Dunno why. He just kinda looked at me... *blank stare*
Terrel Owens.. you sorry man. wtf you doing? A week later and there's absolutely no love... and there shouldn't be.
For any of you not familiar with Terrel Owens latest antics, he would be the asshat that single handedly made himself look like a total dick head by not only insulting his own team, but insulting the players, staff, management... and ultimately... the fans of Phili (make sure to check out the fan funeral part of this link).
Someone shoulda shot a philly steak sammich in that mutha's mouth before he kept on embarrassing himself. Stupid fuck.
I've been wanting to say that all week... really. *deep sigh*
Thank god there's some sorta justice in this world. The Eagles kept him on contract, left him on the roster, and benched him. Lovely... just excellent. See people, now that's the way it should be done!
DISCLAIMER: Sorry there's no pussy eating, cock sucking or ass fingering in this post. I'll work on that.
Sorry about your trip through the farcical court system but love the public service announcement about voting! Pedro for Prez in my book! HHNT
that sucks a lot.
i haven't read your last two btw but i look forward to them.
anyway that blows. he's probably a month young enough to be a juvenile too.
NJ and Tommy - thanks! sorry I had to talk like a sailor in this one... kinda stymied about today.
Sass - he's 15. yes, 15. Little fucker. Yes, scroll down.. it's some funny shit!
let the rage burn, darlin ... let it flow and let it burn.
one area where I agree with Muslim hard-core-ists: hand chopping for thieves. then you watch the one-handers ...
You may want to revise your post. Traffic in your neighborhood is a bitch right now. There's a major traffic jam of guys circling your block waving $200 out the car window looking for a BJ and six pack.
also ... super hot HNT pic ... yowza ... *zooms in real close in Photoshop*
*grins wider*
If it's any consolation they treat little bastard criminals over here just the same.
In fact no they send them on holidays and shit like that. Or I even heard the other day some little fuck wits that can't be bothered with school anymore have formed a band and releasing a record.
What kind of message does that send out to all the kids who do try at school?
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.
BTW your picture is great, it's now on my desktop. Yum.
Suze X
fuck TO.
fuck the judicial system..i get a front row seat to that bullshit...daily.
nice use of the word asshat
The justice system sure does suck doesn't it? Even the Canadian justice system sucks. Relying on someone else for justice sucks!
You should wait until they're not home and then break in and vandalize their stuff. At least steal your weed back. Since it would be your first offence (if you're caught that is) you would probably walk out of the courthouse after they apologized for arresting you and then give you $100. That system is warped.
On the plus side, you didn't have to write about pussy eating, cock sucking or ass fingering in this post. With that picture posted I was imagining eating your pussy and fingering your ass while you sucked my cock. So it's all good!
Was that too much information? are one hot chickie..great pic!
Beautiful pic!
Sorry about the cocksuckerasslickingmonkeyfucker. That sucks the big one.
I'm not sure I've ever met anyone that curses as much as I do, but I Think you have reason to. That's such bullshit. I do like your HNT picture and also voted for Pedro. Have a happy HNT. Keep the gun close.
I too have been ram-rodded by the judicial system regarding some little cumstain scumfuck's idea of a good time. My heart goes out to ya hon.
*passes bong to EN*
btw, good god what a stunning photo... thank you!
en, the juvenile justice system is like that all over. i work in the field and agree that it is far too lenient. unfortunately, unless they do something major, a slap on the wrist is all they'll get. you see, most states just view them as kids and not criminals. i could go on, but if you got more questions, feel free to ask.
That is complete bullshit! Our system sucks! I don't know what to say... :(
Love the pic! I'll vote for whoever you tell me to vote for! Hehe! Seeeexxxxy!!!
I'm sorry. I know you were saying something after the picture, but I couldn't really get past that.
btw, yer fuckin' hot.
Holy Shit, where do I begin -
Dozr - so you saw the hard nipples eh? yeah baby, anything I can do to help Pedro out! I like the idea of one handers... ultimate punishment since some men need two to beat off.
Dom - *shaking head* I know. Jesus, you shoulda seen my street this morning! Fuck dude, I made at least 5 g's and stocked the fridge full of misc. beers from around the country. I hope nobody minds if the food I took out to put it there goes bad.
RM - I'll vote for you and I'm a huge believer of Karma.
Suze - WWHAA Holiday? Are you shitting me? Jesus, you know.. i truly believe they should have more of a reward system for those kids that ARE on the straight and narrow.... not just a stupid diploma since it seems a GED constitutes a full education and can be taken in one day. sheesh.
Use me for your desktop sweetums!
See and Buttah, I knew you'd atleast cap on TO! Can't wait to watch the next game honestly. Furthermore, I decided that if I were Moss... I would play next to him anyway and kick his ass on accident whenever possible on the field. If TO ever makes it to the field EVER again. Thanks for the compliment on asshat usage....
k, deep breath and then I'll get to the rest of ya...
*hugs* em
nothing to say
Love the pic. Suggestion get a big mean ass dog
Dan - LOL dude, don't get the screen dirty!!
I know he's just a kid... and kids make mistakes. But I'm flawed because the kid has done this a fistful of times. I'm still laughing about your TMI though...
SUG! It's about time! I missed ya... hope all is well in love and war at your house... thanks.
Gordy - I really wanna see up your kilt. can't deny that. and I don't want to hear any bullshit about wearing underwear under those... it's a lie.
Jenn - thanks, perhaps the ASSBANDITSHEEPPISSFUCK will know better than to come back around me neighborhood.
Not that he could get in my neighborhood... it's congested at the moment.
Cheekymoo - LOL, thanks... it's my tourrets... it acts up sometimes.
Green! I worked the compressed files last night to send one... damn dude, just couldn't. Im still workin on it though. yeah.
*passes bong back* thanks, i needed that! and thanks for the compliment :) do I get your NIN's now or what?
I just want to say that I am so glad SHANE is my reference center.
The beezos is on me tonight.
Uh, well not literally- you're married... but well... I'll wear my Pedro shirt and if one happens to spill, you'll have to cover your eyes.
LIL!! My HNT partner! Thanks! I'll be over in a minute to see what you got. he he he, well I know what you got... but still, it's nice to look at.
Queen of Ass- what are you doing tomorrow night? just wondering.
Murph - wait, you made it sound like I was fingering somebody elses ass there. I thought you didn't want to tell anybody about us...
and who the fuck said I wasn't fingering my ass when I wrote that? I sure as fuck didn't.
and FYI... It's avacado.. better than brick. nuff said.
SASS - *smouches* Im kissing you canadien today... and admitting that I owe you an email! lol
I'll trade you NIN tix for... hrmm. your creativity?
right right... that's a fair trade Green!
Thanks Pearl, I feel the same... and I think the statement about blowing the kid apart with the 9 only solidified to my son that he dare not do something as fucking stupid.... cheers!
Sexy Stuff. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy HNT.
Sug dude, TO needs a spanking.
Mara- I have an extra seat at the table... for turkey... well, not really a chair... my lap works.
*smooches back to ya*
You still owe me a Skirt HNT!
But I forgive you because, that's a hot pic anyway, and in sympathy to the inadequate justice BS.
K. Keep flyin'.
Helskel - DAMMIT!!! How'd you let me forget that?!?!?
shit. you're right... i owe ya sweetie... STILL. and thanks.
Horsn - really? you've been there? do tell... do tell.
lucky bastard horsn... *jealous*
notice how quiet it is in here today?
Hi Emma
Have you calmed down now? The bastards aren't worth it.
Out of interest what is the time over there. It's 20:18 here in the UK.
Suze- well, now it's 12:49pm here... now.
uhh. yeah, Im cool now thanks.
Murph - hmmm. thank you?
Just peekin' in for a's it going?
$200.00 for a Blow job and a six pack?What makes you think it is anywhere close to that price?The six pack alone will get it in my neighbourhood.
I was asked to review these ravings of profanity,and while I can certainly sympathize and even enjoy reading some of the entries,there is nothing here that even comes close to constituting art,and that is what I seek.Sorry,no review coming.
Great picture and I couldn't agree with you more, the justice system does suck.
Hi Emma
Who the fuck is Sam Clemens, he has just reviewed our blog.
Saying basically he doesn't review sex blogs and that he has no need to look at hardons.
Well, fuck you Mr Clemens and the horse that rode in on.
How coincidental is that?
Oh, I feel much better now.
Seriously, Mr. Clemens is a jerk off.
Suze, I have no idea who he is... perhaps we should go click on his navbar flag for fun! LMAO
I think he's just trying to create traffic to his blog -- badly.
anyway, moving on... it's been a busy day...
Sug, I need to go look at Horsn's, but I'll be back.
All you other HNTers out there:
THANKS! better believe Ill be checkin yours out later!
THIS particular Sam Clemens appears to be none other than a grade assh*le.
Loser, be gone! I banish you to the fifth hell of mediocrity form whence you came!
As a side note, I would vote for you any damn day. Pedro? Who is that?
Sorry about all the court BS. It does suck. I am in property mangement, and I have done court for many things, and people work the f*cking system so well. We need a major overhaul there...
I LOVE your HNT shots! Damn!
jesus christ!!!!
Im not going back, ya can't make me!!!
Im moving to TX, AGAIN!
Yeah the justice system does suck, Great HNT pic
Happy HNT
wide and open ... my kinda woman ...
LMAO jesus... if I weren't feeling so shitty... i'd be laughing a little harder!
c'mere baby ... i'll kiss yer kidneys and make 'em feel all better
*licks my chops*
That pic is so hot!
Your nipples are even poking through!
ahhhhh! now i drink zee beezos.
yes indeed the judicial system sucks balls. just ask the atty i paid how much he helped me get my x to make the car payment on time??? fuckin attys!
tell mr.clemons that he must b a real winner if he can get a blowjob for a 6pk. high class ho's around here, thank u! while hes feedin that skank those beers tell him to chew on is interpretive and objective. u journal about ur life, how can u "review" someones life? seems asanine to me. furthermore, ur not desperate for traffic...even if u were im sure u wouldnt want a waste ofa cum wad like him sayin anything about u or ur site. sooo mr. clemons go back to ur ho and dont try to formulate any other thoughts. ;)
Tasha- Every time you grace my blog I get all happy inside! Thank you for your thoughts on Mr. Clemens... if he ever gets the whim to feel unartistic, he'll be back to read your comment.
twas true tasha, twas true...
Doggggirrrllll - Holla! You know, i actually didn't notice it until you pointed it out...
but nobody else did either!
Happy HNT
Castu, i think that we can have just one piece of that together? Don't even bother getting a second fork, k?
*smooches Castu*
Sorry for all the bullshit you're going through, but thank you for a wonderful HNT.
Mmmmm cheesecake
Damn. You are one sexy momma!
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