
Emma hurts

I teetered over whether I should blog my feelings right now or not. But then I said to myself fuck it... life is not only about good things like sex, it's about the downward spirals too. So here goes my rant:

In all actuality it's not a rant, but a declaration that I hurt today.
Painful even.
I know for a fact that there are at least two other people that feel this way today... perhaps I'm doing this even a bit for them as well as myself.

Which is where I say: If you hurt, and you have my number... Stop and dial before you convince yourself I don't want to be bothered with you. Furthermore, if you have my number then It's obvious I gave it to you for a reason... no excuses anymore alright?

On another note I want to add that I think I fucked up a friendship today.
A friendship that was deep in my heart and clasped tightly to some feelings that had only grown much stronger recently. In love? no no. Well, not in the regard of flowers and candy.. but I did care immensely and tried at all times to be honest, up front, and considerate. I shared things with this person I swore I would never share with anyone. Secrets, and things about myself I don't carry over to you folks. Why? To me they were special, and genuine, and... hmmm.

Trying to do the right thing dictated that I had to break a promise to that person. Then, when I fessed-up that I had done what I said I wouldn't... the issue became problematic and all 'trust' was lost. I think that somewhere along the line it was forgotten that I was only ever trying to do my very best for that person... not to hurt them. I suppose doing something for somebody that you care about leaves you open to be hurt even more... Because you think you're doing right by them, and you hope that they notice.

Even if they did notice it doesn't matter now that I have obviously fucked up.

Which brings me to another point here: Why would anyone assume I am out to hurt or destroy them? What is it about me that projects that to my friends? Obviously it's something because this isn't the first time this has happened. Have I dictated somehow in the past that I intend to ruin people? I cry at the thought that the assumption is there... and there's nothing I can do about it.

I feel love for that person. I tend to protect and defend them... I do not want to hurt them, I enjoy their company. I have stood up and respected that person from day one when sharp words were thrown their way. When questions were asked and assumptions were made of them I kept my lips shut and stuck to my end of the program as requested... never faultered about that. Never.

But now it seems that because I did my very best, I am an ass for everything... and there's nothing I can do about it besides say I'm sorry and hope that it's accepted.
I did.
The response was less then pleasant.

My heart breaks truly and i do cry. Right now? yes.

Not because I'm a woman and over emotional... but because my best laid plans fucked up one of the best things I had in my life at this moment... and I can't take it back.

I'm done doing my best if that's the consequence. I'm leaving early today, taking a long drive... and drinking heavily.

Thanks for listening... please pass the kleenex.


Blogger Suze said...


One huge, big, gigantic hug from across the water.

I have been in a similar postion in the past and know exactly how you feel.

You can only do what you think is best at the time. We all wish we had a crystal ball to look in to but we don't.

Sometimes people act rashly in emotional times but come to their senses eventually.

If this person was a true friend they will rethink - they may be missing you too but too proud to admit it.

You sometimes can't be right at everything and we all need to have principles by which to live. Otherwise what would be the point in anything.

Email me if you like, you are quite free to do so, if I can offer any advice.

Lots of Love and Hugs

Suze X

11:00 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...


I know we kid around or joke or whatever you want to call it but I'm going to get serious for a second.

When you do what you feel is the right thing to do people will almost always get hurt.You can't plan it and you can never expect it. Unfortunately it just happens.

A true friend, and not to cast dispersions on the person that was affected in your post, will eventually understand that your intentions were always to protect and never to hurt. Now for the cliche: Time heals all wounds.

Rather corny I know but it's true. If those wounds don't heal then the person obviously isn't worthy of your loving and caring nature.

I hope you can move beyond this at some point and for God's sake don't drink heavily before you drive! I'm not done teasing you yet!


11:01 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Dan and Suze -

thanks for your kind words... I would never drink and drive though! That's why I put the drinking AFTER the long drive. If it dictates hotel room then I'll do that instead of returning home.

Let me clarify this though... It's not that the person in question is not talking to me.. It's that they have made it quite clear they do not trust me, and that is has set things back a large peg.
That's upsetting in itself, because now I have the pleasure of talking to that person if they or I so wish... but no trust.
*sigh* and what good is that?

Further, what cuts deepest is that this is the SECOND time it's happened to me in the last 48 hours!!! I suppose that's why I had to write this. Because to pinnacle people are a little disappointed in my right now... and I have NO IDEA how my best intentions were mis-construed. Well, I do... but it pisses me off.

I was trying to do what they wanted, thinking that everything would be good.

Nope, complete 360 and I'm deceptive. wtf.

11:06 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Suze said...


Trust is something that people earn, unfortunately once lost it has to be regained.

As Dan pointed out time REALLY is a great healer.

This person will grow to trust you again and probably learn to understand that you did what you thought was just.

Probably the best advice I can give is to back off a little and give them time to come round.

You know where I am.

Suze X

11:13 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...


If trust is the issue then perhaps you need to clarify with them exactly what it is that they expected from you. Obviously they expected something because you said you were trying to do what they wanted you to.

The onus is on them to explain how the trust was lost, especially since they made these demands of you in the first place. (demands isn't the right word I'm sure but you know what I mean).

11:19 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Murph - it does suck.
And it is a 4wd... and I'm not pounding Hypnotiq tonight, it's only 17 proof.

I'm thinking more like Jack and Coke.. doubles. hmmmm.
Maybe just straight on the rocks. At least three.
And I'll add that sure, drinking by yourself isn't fun... but when it's all you have...?

Dan - I don't think they understood that in order for me to do it, I had to be deceptive. And in all actuality I didn't HAVE to be deceptive.. I could have approaced it differently. SEE? It all comes back to me.

Im an ass.

11:25 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...


Well yes and no. They should have realized that they put you in that position in the first place. So you made the wrong decision and went the 'deceptive' route. Big deal. We all make the wrong choice, that's why it's a choice. If we were right all the time it wouldn't matter. They need to accept their side of it too.

It's not all on your head EN.

11:30 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Suze said...


Stop beating yourself up over something you can do nothing about.

It's not your fault, honestly.

If you want some erotica read tonights posting, I thought of you when putting this together today.

Hope you like it.

Suze X

11:30 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Dan- thanks for the kind words, and you're absolutely right. I did make the wrong choice... big deal. And I will work it out, really... it's nothing a fifth won't solve.

Suze - I'm stopping by your house before I leave... or maybe, grab laptop on the way outta town perhaps? then i can enjoy it in the privacy of my hotel stooper.
tee hee. won't be alone after all, thanks for the smile hun.

Murph- *sigh* well, I *shakes head*... nevermind.

11:47 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

ahhh...smurphy...if the 'nice guy' approach does work there won't be any free time for you to get in there!


wv: ughram

11:49 AM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

no free time? Dan is all about the long slow deed, eh?

*little smile through tear stained eyes*

And with that kiddos.. my drinking binge begins!

Watch me disintegrate.

12:05 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...


That's fuckin' funny!

EN: I'd rather watch your clothes disintegrate but that's ok...

12:08 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Nice Murph, nice. Thanks for the sincerity in that... somehow I feel worse than when I started.

Dan - Thanks, perhaps clothes disintegration tomorrow...

12:12 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

*in whiniest voice possible* But I can't wait until tomorrow!

Ok. I can.

Does this mean you'll be entering some drunken comments soon? Can we look foward to some REALLY naughty language?

That'd be cool...

12:15 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

blondie: I suppose you're right. I temporarily forgot about the 'upset' part when I realized a hot woman was drinking....

12:33 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

and my word verification was pqloor....peculiar.

12:33 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

i second that.

2:18 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

i throw things... it hurts less than hitting them

*huggles* babe... i hope whatever it is works itself out!

3:52 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Horsn- scroll down, it's below this. And thanks for what you said, it means something... really.

Sass - Thanks, after my third straight shot it pretty much began working out on it's own.

It took me like 10 minutes to type this btw.

6:17 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

horsn: me too

7:58 PM, November 09, 2005  

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