Resting Weltage

Welts on ass from riding crops hurt like a bitch. They linger...
Ligature marks on wrists are difficult to hide without watches or bracelets.
Never assume you're gonna actually have penetration when going to an orgy.
Passion cramps make a weekend unbearable... since masturbation is pre-empted by parental responsibilites, making the situation worse.
If you get overly fucked up and pass out shortly after clit piercing, try and remember that your cocky-ass actually had it done.
Call it a party favor... *shrug*
By the way, honestly how do you women do this? It's slightly irritating and absolutely no fun yet.
awww ... you poor baby ...what can I kiss and make better? ;)
i'm not sure i would call that a party favour.
in fact i wouldn't have polite words for whomever had done that to me.
Especially not the so called professional who pierced an unconscious drunk woman. Damm don't they know booze makes your clotting factor drop by like three quarters?
blondie: my thoughts exactly
Sounds like it was retribution for your "kiss and tell"?
Or was it their feeling compelled to go beyond the mark for their next entry? (As in, "those commentin' mo-fos won't bee-leeeve what we're gonna do to tear Em's ass up too-nite!")
I was just wondering how we all in the blog-world helped you pre-function for Friday -- did it help you get worked up?
Dozr - icepack now, kisses later.
Sass - wasn't alcohol that fucked me up. And prior to my unconciousness I actually unintentionally consented. I blame it on myself really... shoulda never enticed the more 'colorful' attendees.
Blondie - Kind of a ying/yang situation... I'm still leaning towards the Yang aspect. Once I actually acheive orgasm I may see it differently. :)
Dom - way to throw the pre-function out there lol. And yes, it helped.... but also made the situation way worse since I was never fully satisfied.... yet. Wanna set up a play date today?
bubbles: whatever it was you weren't conscious. there is no implied consent there EXCEPT in cases of first aid.
i wasn't there obviously but i would have woken up pissed beyond belief if that happened to me.
Sass- I was pissed. I was. I agree with ya on that... Although, I am willing to try anything once.
Gigi- I'll trade ya for the almonds.
Murph - I see nothing wrong with a collection of fan dildo's, but I won't be putting them on my mantle. And what of it anyway? You wouldn't be honored to sponsor my penetrative needs? wtf?
Sug - Me too, me too.
I was at a wedding last night and I can honestly say your "party favor" was better then the mini picture frames we were given...
Wedding reception was good though since there were 2 unitentional baring of nipples from skimpy evening gowns. :>
I'd wonder where the boundaries are with the group you're playing with. OK, so now it's OK to pierce you whilst you're unconscious. Next time, perhaps one says "F-it. She's passed out. She won't know whether I've got on a rubber or not."
I think we are all thinking your husband was not far, so he could've stepped in if he thought things were going a little too far.
I'd be worried that whoever did this did it properly and cleanly. No one wants a clit swollen up like a walnut.
{apologizes in retrospect for sounding square}
jesus people... okay okay... didn't need to start a riot about my party favor. I know that it was sterile since I watched it be done to both Red and Jess prior to mine.
I don't think they meant it to hurt me or be cruel. Really... but i will have words with them about it.
It was understood that I would do it anyway. And yes husband knew that. I just don't think they understood whether I was awake or not thanks to the blindfold and gag.... tmi? And directly AFTER it was done i woke the fuck up... prolly from the stun of the piercing! lol
Dom - the rubber thing.. no, just no way. Just.. no. No no no. Only you would think something like that.
see how much we love you? we're all worried about you, worried you were taken advantage of, used in a way you didn't want to be used ... neither may be the case, but that's why most of us are worried, freaked out, etc.
perhaps some of us just aren't/weren't prepared for the "hard-core bitch" you once again are after putting it away to be something else. It's hard for people to adjust for change, to get used to or accept something with which they're unfamiliar.
but I, for one, will try my best to give you the benefit of the doubt. Your idea of fun and games is likely way beyond the scope of mine, but I accept that it's YOURS, and that I would be a jackass and a prude and a self-righteous bastard to impose any kind of moral or emotional judgment on you or anything you choose to do.
I'll just repeat: I love you. I don't want you to change who you are or how you portray yourself for any of our sensibilities. Share what you wish to share, even if it might "offend" some. Fuck it. It's your life, babydoll.
Just know that all of this concern and worry and even outrage on your comments is because of how much we care about you and never want to see you hurt in any way ... even when it's pain you accept, invite and ask for.
That being said ... it's only 7:15 a.m. ... I'm going back to bed for an hour and change ... LOL
*ice packs ya, then gives ya feel-better hugs and smooches*
i tried to call you all day after reading this... you aren't answering my calls.
thats not how it went at all emma, and you know it.
You took off your blindfold to watch us get pierced, but kept your gag in. God knows why... you were even trying to talk through it. Then, you stood up when we were finished getting it done
signed the waiver
kissed your husband
said something snarky, but muffled to the piercer
closed your eyes
and passed out after it was done.
We carried you to a safe room where you slept for 45 minutes. DOOR LOCKED.
Christ, do you think we would ever do anything to hurt you? no. and i hope you read this and take my call.
i think you need to remind your readers that it's all about the love at these parties. it always has been, and so what if we had a little s&m? i seem to remember you enjoying it.
It was all about the tease. NONE of us came friday night, and fuck the men for doing that to us.
please answer my call. I feel stupid taking this to your blog in front of everyone.
I have welts too.
but then you were pretty fucked up so maybe you really dont remember
i wouldnt doubt it if you dont
I still want you to call me.
jess: that does make a lot more sense from any s&m context i'm aware of :)
Jess - freak! lol I forgot my cell this afternoon. relax, I'm calling. I vaguely recollect that now, you're absolutely right.
And to everyone else looking out for me. Seriously thanks... now that I read the post back it does sound like a college-type pass-out prank was played.
Was not the case... I'll change it after the phone call.
Wow. Drama in the comments section today, cool!
Hey hey wait a minute dzr, change? Who's changing? I just wanted to try something new?!?!?
I change for no one. I've always been a bitch! lol
me too
OMG you got pierced? Really? Which type did you get? Fuck, I can't get hubby to allow me to. Yet. I'm still working on it. He said when I get a girlfriend and get her to do a 3some with him, I can get pierced. Any takers? :D
LOL, he'd be SO pissed at me if I did it without him agreeing to it! And he's REALLY against the hood piercing I want... he'd agree to nipples before that, but he's still not agreeing to nipples either. So I wait. And try to make deals. He's a deal-maker... he understands that sort of thing.
Oh no! I just couldn't do it! The pain! And no orgasm! Don't even bring that up right now! LOL!
Patiently waiting for the rest of the story... k, not so patiently waiting! Hehe!
Sounds like a cool party - the piercing...
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