

I was having a pretty good day yesterday. For a Friday the office was fairly slow and I was getting shit done. I woke up with a good attitude and all was going nicely. Until around 1pm when I receive a call from my husband. "Hey" he gasped into the cell phone, walking quickly "It sounds like you're having a pretty good day."
"I am" I replied "finally."
"Well..." He pants on, his voice becoming a bit stressed "I would hate to ruin it for you."
"Why?" I could feel the pit of intuition in my stomach churn "Is it the kids?"
He chuckles nervously and continues "Guess who I just got a call from..."

Of course I wished he hadn't asked me that, since really I was terrible at this game and just wanted him to say it... "Uh, I dunno. Is it bad? Is it the kids?"

Good ol husband recants, still walking furiously... I can hear the tap tap of his wing tips on the sidewalk as he scurries. "Nope, no the kids are fine."

"Well, what is it then and where are you going." I am growing more nervous, but a bit relieved that my children were safe. Something about his tone wasn't right, and I couldn't wait for him to just blurt it... Then he did.

"I just got a call from the police department." I sit in silence, curious. He continues again "Apparently they caught some punks with a shitload of stolen items, one had my business card in it... It's my laptop. Our house has been broken into and a lot of our shit has been stolen."

I still sit. Stunned silence this time. He goes on to add "We need to get to the house right now, the police will be there waiting for us. They're going to process the scene."
"Are they at our house right now?"
"Okay Hun, I'm outta here." And with that I conveniently forget about the days meetings and duties as I fly out the door, spitting the reason for my absence to a co-worker and apologizing. I run to the car and my phone rings... "Hey, can you just meet me downtown and take me home?"
Poor husband. He's a slave to the metro, which in mid-day only comes around every 55 minutes; sure being a bus commuter is conscientious.. But terribly inconvenient for emergencies like this. "Yes honey, I'll be there in a short... Head for the waterfront, I'll meet you there."

Most of you have been in an emergency situation. Ever notice how when you really need to get somewhere traffic slows, every dumbass going under the speed limit, does? Time goes faster and you wish you could just GET THERE. Husband and I experienced this fact as we raced 30 miles south to our violated residence. Not knowing the outcome once we arrive. What did they take... Did they break anything... Did they trash the place... Is the dog okay... Is my 'stash' still there or did they take that too? The nerves were spent... I smoked a cigarette or two.

We were greeted by two friendly, yet partially intimidating city police officers who offered us their condolences and prepared us for what we were about to see. Apparently they had already cleared the house... Which means they knew what it looked like in there "Well, your house is trashed." Commented the sergeant.

Then we entered our house....
Mass chaos.

They did trash our house... From top to bottom. The place was strewn and torn apart recklessly. There was shit everywhere... everywhere.

Shit broken - They entered through a huge window in the back of our house, smashing it to oblivion... And crushed misc. Other items in the wake of idiotic destruction. Some things sentimental and unrepairable.

Shit torn - Why they thought that was cool, I dunno. The papers never did anything to you.

Shit slashed - They found my husbands leatherman and commenced with cutting into things they couldn't open. Which was almost every fucking thing.

Shit stolen - This is a long and hurtful list. I would have been fine with you stealing my shit... Why did you have to steal from my kids though. You fucking assholes. Among the things I've lost that hurt the most? Diamond Earrings that were passed on to me through generations. My sons baby teeth (yes, the tooth fairy had kept the whole damn set), and all of my eldest sons toys (PS2, Xbox, PSP, $600 worth of games). Yep, they cleaned out my oldest sons room of loot; leaving only a bed, a dresser, and a stack of books (apparently those fuckers don't read). Color me shocked.

Shit smeared - There was dog shit all over my carpets... Smeared and ground in, thanks in part to them walking through my dogs shit outside and tracking it in with their shoes as they tore the place apart. Our house smelled like a kennel... No room was safe. By the way though, the dog was fine.

And one of those fuckers bled all over my house - I was glad to see one of them was injured from blasting through my window. But, I secretly wished that fuckstick had cut his jugular instead of his hand... I could have replaced my carpets. Besides, finding your dead body bleeding out in my driveway would have made the whole situation a positive.

So. The police processed the scene; fingerprinting, swabbing the blood, taking pictures. Husband and I sat and watched, calling the insurance company and wondering how this would impact my oldest son, who adores his Xbox.

So they caught the three ass hats that did it though. Yes, they did.
Thanks to a neighbor calling in a suspicious person, and our police department reacting right away... They were able to catch the fucks as they waited at the neighborhood bus stop. Waited at the bus stop LMAO! Jesus people, if you're gonna steal my shit at least have a fucking car handy. Three duffel bags, two laptop cases, and pockets stuffed with some of my jewelry. Idiots, seriously.

They copped a confession later... And we were able to go to the station and identify our stuff. Not all of it, since some was in evidence bags that we couldn't open until processed. So, really we don't know what we'll get back and what was lost when they tried to evade the police. Sometime next week we'll know for sure.

I was lucky to have my identification on this lap top or they would have never known it was ours and to contact us. Furthermore, we came SO close to losing this stuff forever... That means that some 16 year old would be enjoying my porn and my naked pictures of myself. K, now that would have REALLY pissed me off.

Random weird observation: These guys were not into panties, they were into socks.

So this weekend the plan is to fix and clean. We did some yesterday of course, but the house really has suffered and needs to be... Well... Cleansed. I, of course, didn't sleep well last night... Color you shocked.

I'm gonna swear about this for a long time. Because the perps were 16. Juvenile bastards... Time served will be short if any... All I can say is if I meet any of you in a dark alley, your bodies will be unidentifiable when I'm finished. Until then, you poor fucking bastards... Enjoy paying out your ass for restitution.


Blogger Baby Daddy said...

That absolutely sucks.

You have my sympathy for your losses and thankfully no one was physically harmed, however, I can attest the psychological harm from this type of incident can sometimes be just as damaging.

Since these are juvenille offenders, there may be a chance you would be able to go after their parents in a civil case, however, if these parents raised a group of shitwads like this, chances are the parents don't have a pot to piss in either.

I feel worst for your son and losing his games. I know it may sound like a lame replacement for an XBox, but I have a PS1 and a few games I am not using any more. If it would help, I could loan or give it to you for him to use in the interim while insurance gets processed. Just let me know.

Hopefully the cops needn't keep everything as evidence for long.

8:44 AM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Dom- thanks... his PS1 is still here LOL.. picky little fuckers. I may take you up on your games though... how do I get a hold of you for that.

You have my email. let me know.

Further, yes I am thankful everyone is safe... shit can be replaced... my kids can't.

RM- Weed was fine (thank god). Smoked a bowl last night while scrubbing shit off my carpets.


9:18 AM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

darlin' ... I'm soooo sorry for you; not the end of the week you or your family needed; certainly didn't deserve it.

I hate fucking teen punks. not enough to break in and steal; they have to maliciously and wantonly destroy. hopefully they get hard juvie time. hopefully their parents pay outta the ass.

Glad you and family are safe; so sorry you had to/have to undergo the cleanup and putting back together what you can.

If it helps, I offer myself to be the digital backup for ALL your naked pics, erotica and othe porn. Feel free to send it to me by e-mail or via my P.O. Box. This way you always will have copies in a VERY safe place ;)


wish I could do more ... do something ... do anything

10:34 AM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger The MilkMaid said...

en, so sorry to hear about ur horrible weeks end. what a violated feeling...and not the kind that sorta makes u grin and giggle. ;) >big hugs!<

10:43 AM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger Zephyr said...

I've never had to go through something like this. I hope I never do.... *sigh* Wish I know what to say to you right now... this sucks bigtime.

For what it's worth... our tooth fairy keeps our kids' teeth too. I don't yet know why... in fact we have some stray teeth around that we don't know which kid they belong to.

*big hugs*

11:30 AM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

you know i've been home robbed three times and my motorcycle was stolen once. however noone ever walked shit all over my house and trashed the place. the worst one was the three times in a week the car got broken into and the first time they stole my wedding ring from my defunct marriage (i kept it in the change drawer in teh car, no i don't know why) and the third because nothing was left they left all the doors and windows open in a rainstorm.

and yet it's not any of that that still hurts. it's the few tiny things worth no money at all like demo tapes of friends bands and the like that i can NEVER replace. that breaks my heart still.

what's worse yet though is this feeling that your home isn't yours anymore somehow. your safe haven feels a little less safe and a little less yours for a long time.

good news? at least for me that feeling did fade and my home became my haven once more.

*more huggs*
*passes bowl*

1:33 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger kathi said...

My first visit here. I'm so sorry about the way your week ended, really sucks. I can't imagine how it would be to come home to that, not only what was stolen, but that someone invaded your personal security zone. That's what's hard to get back.
I hope that the kids, at least, get enough to 'scare them straight'.

7:00 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

thanks so much for all of your well wishes. I feel a bit intimidated by how nice the feedback is.

Kathi - yes. I think my oldest son got the 'vibe' when the intimidating officer walked us through the station to the evidence room. I looked to him and said... "now imagine being cuffed and led to one of the cells." He shivered. I then added for effect "And if you do anything remotely as stupid as these kids did, I'm not posting bail... you can sit in there and learn your lesson."
I love parenting. Its powerful.

T - that sounds remotely interesting... we should talk about that. Though, believe me... this house still wreaks of marine corp so it's well known we know 101 to snap a neck.

Sass - I have to snort reading that... losing a wedding ring as well in the past to a thief... LOL in my ashtray as well! LMAO

Rat Pack - you dont comment nearly enough. I forget you're there sometimes. I think I may have to link you. SPEAK UP. Everytime you've said something it's been great.

Lara - I bet those extras are my kids teeth!!! You wouldn't happen to have a juvenile sitting in jail right now... I would hate to have to hit you with the big bill.

Dzr - Considering the digital back-up and sending to ya. And the odds are looking real good that could happen since you offered!
But I don't want your fucking dog eating the DVD rom~ Dont do it, eat the dogfood yourself. And next time you visit... bring the leash too.

7:35 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

ahh bubbles you have spirit out the yin yang that's for sure!

really? the ashtray? damn that's some funny shit. i could not think of where to keep it and somehow that was a good place... i'm sorta sad it's gone


8:06 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

naw, I was happy to throw mine in the ashtray at the time.

Spirit? Me? You shoulda seen me with my rubber gloves... bleaching the blood off my floors... *pom poms*

8:09 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

okay i commented and it's gone... if it ends up a double i'm sorry

i was happy to throw mine in teh change tray as well but then i was happy it was there... and i was sad it was gone.

yeah but look at you back being your naughty double enterdre self and having some fun hours later...

8:34 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger The Bulletin Staff said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:02 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I know, but what would life be without spirit and humor.

Being that I am a bit spicy by nature, and the feeling of having to be strong for my kids... there is no room to be all doldrums.

Besides. I still have a hope that those diamond earrings are recovered.

9:38 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

I'm here ... and I have the leash!


10:57 PM, October 22, 2005  
Blogger Wez said...

Wow. That would totally fucking suck. Hopefully you will be able to get most of your shit back.

Fucking Bastards...

1:36 PM, October 23, 2005  
Blogger Helskel said...


Karma bomb zeroing in on teenage fuckers... 3 2 1...

8:14 AM, October 24, 2005  
Blogger Doxrides said...

I'm so glad you and your family are ok. This really fucking sucks though...I'm glad that they caught the little bastards and that you are getting most all of you things back. I don't know how you had the calmness enough to type out the post, but thanks for sharing it. I hope you and your family find a way to make something positive come out of this...maybe something as simple as a renewed commitment to the really important things like family, friends, life, love, happiness, etc. oh, and a tazer for when these little bastards are released.

9:01 AM, October 24, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

hi babe

just flying by to check up. hope things are good :)

*passes bowl*

10:22 PM, October 24, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

miss you :(

6:38 AM, October 25, 2005  
Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

Oh wow! That is horrible! I would feel so violated if anyone ever did that to me. I hope you are coping ok. I understand about having to be strong for the kids. They are what makes us insane in day to day life and what keeps us sane in times like this. I'm glad you and your family are safe. I hope you get everything back.

**hugs & kisses**

7:01 AM, October 25, 2005  

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