Recipe for _______ ?
Scenario projecting here, bear with me....
Take one confident man and one strong willed woman.
Two very sharp people with manipulative and controlling egos (Perhaps even a bit brazen and contradictory in their ideas and thoughts -- sometimes).

Sarcastic? yes.
Stubborn? yes.
Opinionated? Absolutely.
Mischeivous? Uh-huh.
Enigmatic? Yup.
Then, have them be attracted to each other physically. Perhaps even a bit intellectually...
No emotional connection, just competitiveness and a willingness to prove that they are better in the sack than the other.
Sprinkle with lust and opportunity.
What would be the end result I wonder....?
Take one confident man and one strong willed woman.
Two very sharp people with manipulative and controlling egos (Perhaps even a bit brazen and contradictory in their ideas and thoughts -- sometimes).

Sarcastic? yes.
Stubborn? yes.
Opinionated? Absolutely.
Mischeivous? Uh-huh.
Enigmatic? Yup.
Then, have them be attracted to each other physically. Perhaps even a bit intellectually...
No emotional connection, just competitiveness and a willingness to prove that they are better in the sack than the other.
Sprinkle with lust and opportunity.
What would be the end result I wonder....?
i'm guessing lots of orgasms ... and perhaps, eventually, a lot of rage
any way you can fuck
I can fuck better
I can fuck any way
better than you
no you can't!
yes I can!
no you can't!
yes I can!
raging orgasms even!
there you are ;)
I would say some of the best sex ever! Rough and hard... sounds like fun! They may end up getting arrested if since they are competitive, due to that they would end up doing it anywhere the urge surfaced...
lilith: sounds like you need a little rough and hard and crazed sex ... anything I can do to help ... you let me know ;)
i think it would be enormous fun and then very very bad.
here's what you'd get = murph + EN
Doz let's face it... I'm better. Yes I am.
Lill, have you ever heard the song 'drugs, sex, and booze' by Green Day. For some reason I find myself thinking of you... either its the mention of the name, or you binding me to a chair and gagging me. Either way... its cool.
Sass- and agree with that statement, but enlighten me on the bad part. Reprecussions? Regret? Battle wounds?
Dom - LMAO you did not just say that. Well, you did. But lets pretend you didn't. I'm still on about the VW comment you made back at Bull Doz'n!
T- sweetness, there better be saddle sores or somebody's not doing it right. ;)
RM- Wanna tissue? or perhaps a Prozac? Sounds similar to something I went through as well... but minus the sex. Never had it with him. Jesus, can you imagine what it would have been like it I did?!?!?
k fucknut.
Even if you were the last good looking bi-curious chick and I was the only tongue?
you still wouldn't get any of this.
Did I spell that right?
Furthermore, if you're gonna talk shit I say YOU sponsor Dozrs trip then.
Furthermore Murph, I think deep down inside you wish it was you... pining even.
damm bubbles... send in the smackdown
it's just that if these two aren't actually into each other's brains they're either fuck buddies - good or they're trying to make a relationship based on nothing but chemistry and they'll hate each other for it when they can't talk over breakfaast :)
but that's just my .02 cents
and get your ass back to my spark post, you're due a rebuttal!
let's face it ... no one's ever coming to Guam ... bleah
a comment on the photo...
I'm thinking either: 1) she shouldn't (or partner shouldn't) eat Taco Bell before sex, OR 2) that's a waste of some damn yummy chocolate.
And I *know* that ain't you, EN, is it? I didn't think you were as "hippy".
rm way to give a compliment and an insult in the same sentence. but yeah... it seems like nothing but badness to me
shall we argue the exchange rate then?
RM, dont get snappish... just wondering if I could help? jesus, see if I throw a bone in your direction ever again.
no, didn't see a sparkle sparkle... but you didn't see that I said I can relate to what you said...
Sass - i was lost on the spark thing. Can we go over that again? And I agree with your point, though if it were me... I would skip out before breakfast.
Dom- Actually it's ink. And extremely difficult to remove even with a loofa. Even when you have your partner try it.
*calling American Airlines*
Dz- I'll come to Guam. Pimps gotta check on da' bitches.
Much love.
That's either my dream relationship, or my worst nightmare relationship. Both which sum up my current relationship...ahhh the agonizing ecstacy.
RM, pass the tissue and the prozac.
Helskel, RM didn't want any... here have mine.
and a kiss...
naughty one: well, there is a special right now ... $750 round trip west coast to guam; $100 extra to any other city; maybe it works both ways?
and I might have another one for you soon; but if you have a lineup of stuff waiting, maybe I should just post it to my site?
hold on to it, don't post it.
I have a couple of others, you'll have to wait a couple of weeks if thats okay.
$750 huh? hmmmm.
Actually, I could use some attention right now... are you worth $750 ;)
convince me.
hmmmm.... that does make Everything better. Pun intention intended.
Extended Befriended Up-ended Blended Fended Mended Wended and finally Rear-ended.
Yep, it's a funky morning.
damn you guys
rm: no worries, i'm not offended... besides canadian pennies are worth a lot more than they once were :)
bubbles: what would you like to go over? i just wanted your take on the 25 comments left since you were last there :)
i *heart* you Helskel... show me your kraken, seriously.
Sass-k, I'm off to read now.
Oh E, you're such a T.
Where's my shiny pic!?
heheheheh, liking and linking you too.
dammit... couldn't you have said liking, linking, AND licking?
shit! shiny pic... i forgot.
will you still show me your kraken?
naughty one: actually; I'm NOT worth $750.
But I am worth $375; I'll cover the other half ;)
you guys can have your prozac... the sassinak misses the weed
ah well,it's probably goodi ran out... sobriety is an interesting experience
poor, unstoned sass ... *plays a tiny hemp violin* ... LOL
I'll raise any monster you want.
Licking? I'm still a little afraid you'll bite my tongue when it's out, and not let go.
T - right here on my lap. :)
Dz - hey, don't play yourself down like that... you're money and you know it.
Sass- I got some, but it's not as good as your canadian shit. And i mean shit in a good way.
Helskel... k, maybe a nibble.
I am money ... but only $375 worth of money ... on a good day
bubbles: it's better than the shit i have right now that's for sure! :)
checks out plane fares...
no murph, jesus get with the program.
think with your elbows.
now some just may say emma is sick
because she likes both pussy and prick
but I say god bless
as she starts to undress
I like watching her bang another chick
I had no idea the webcam was broadcasting...
don't go teasin with the webcam thing ... only so much a man can take
damn you guys rock
no seriously... did I broadcast that to you Doz?
Sass: In the 1990s, I once was stopped by RCMP in Kamloops, BC at 2AM on a Sunday morning. Unknown to me, the Canadian stand-up comic I was traveling with had mass amounts of joints in his posession.
No joke: first thing RCMP says before even saying hello is "ya got any weed in the car, eh?"
I was so gonna say: "sure... ya need some?" or "nope. what cha sellin', Gordy?"
Instead I did the scared shitless 'here's my paperwork sir' routine.
Only later did the comic reveal he'd been carrying.
What are the fines up in Canada like for weed posession?
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