Feared and Loathed, but only at the Wynn

I have compiled the following after thoughts of my trip to Vegas with my gal pals. There is a great story nestled between the bullet points, but one I think should be saved for awhile.
I want to thank those of you that missed me and enjoyed the audioblog, no matter how fucked up it was.
I would also like to give a big fuck you to those that made me feel like an asshole for audioblogging. I have cleared those from my blogosphere and will never be doing it again, thanks. Here I thought you'd be more appreciative... Silly me. No really, I guess the thought of scripting something after downing 5 shots, two hypnotiqs and cran and ample amounts of rum and coke just wasn't in the game plan. I still love you... grudgingly.
Further, (doz) I would like to share that I wear a C cup... Which swells to a D once a month, and thank you for initiating that verification and for the extreme insult to my curvage. Consider yourself bound and spanked... for a while. I did miss you guys and gals though... which prompted my drinken stooper to the net niches... which might I add are extrememly cool.
Carrying on, I now bring to you Vegas after thoughts as compiled by myself and my awesome galpals:
- Never ever tell anybody a perverted secret on an airplane. Too much potential to taint the ears of teenagers.. And/or Sunday church goers. I think one dropped and said a prayer for me... But I accidentally lobed an ice cube at them. Which of course initiated another prayer.

- liquor before beer, never fear. Beer before liquor, never sicker. This rule has been proven and noted for the future of my alcoholic well being.
- Sharing lip gloss is not about passing the tube around. To get the full effect of sharing lip gloss you must take it from the person wearing it... Or all three of them rather. Sharing is caring.
- Some women don't like sweaty balls. If you're in the throws of passion and she whips out a wet nap, don't be offended... Just do it. I for one, in your defense, claimed that I can do the whole sweaty ball thing and don't see a problem with it. This became the basis for a catty argument the rest of the trip... Truly I apologize for any offense C. I don't think metrosexual men have intercourse or otherwise without showering first anyway, regardless of the occasion.... Much love. Now, about the onion dip and the ass hair.
- Check your wardrobe before wearing down to the casino. You never know when somebody has scrawled "I love cock" on the back of your shirt in lipstick. Vengeful catty bitch, but I love you.
- If somebody at the high stakes area offers to gift you a chip, but only if he can tuck it between your cleavage... Double check the color of the chip first... Especially if you're two sheets to the wind. That $500 chip could be a $50... Or a $5. As an end to that thought, if it really is $500 then you have to do the pick up trick and retrieve it from said cleavage with your mouth. This prompts the man to offer you another and an invitation for a couple hours in his suite. Take the chip, reject the suite.
- Certain taxi drivers don't like it when you ask them the contents of their gloveboxes and insist that you see them.
Climbing the statue in front of Ceasars for a picture with his dick in your hand is really not a good idea no matter how fucked up you are. YES, even if it was a dare. Further more, there are really more balls than dick to grab onto anyway.
- Vegas police don't like garters, and will pay particular attention to the patting down of that area. Though, research dictates if you hike your skirt to show them you're not packing... They'll drop the lewd act charge and fine you for indecency instead.
- Some of those neat cookie cutter chapels will marry 4 women. I am still wondering if I'm a bigamist or not.
- Hot tubbing intoxicated can turn into a web cam experience. Note to self: next trip bring the fucking webcam.
- There is nothing as empowering as sitting in the high-stakes area playing poker and smoking cigars with the big boys. But watch the chicks in the area, they get pissy. In fact, no matter where we went chicks got pissy... dunno. It's a mystery.
- Waking up woozy and naked in a suite with 3 other woozy naked women is trouble. Especially if you think you married them last night and got an indecency fine.
- You can in fact harass your friends to participate in burlesque pole amateur night. And who knew we could amp the house? I'm starting a second career stripping... it seems to work for me. I'm pretty sure that's when the panties went astray. Seriously though, you CAN use a g-string like a sling shot.
- Video Camera + Drunken idiocracy = really good blackmail material.
And with that, I return to my previously scheduled content.
Thanks J, Zanie, and C for the outrageous and unforgettable weekend... much love to you as always. What would I do without you, honestly.
Oh, and thanks as well for the free blog advertisements that are now scribbled across Vegas restrooms in sharpie. It's gonna work out for the best, I just know it.
I loved the audioblogs; it showed that you cared about us! *mwah!*
I just thought it was a little amusing because I figured you would talk a little more like how you write; so I was expecting a sultry, scripted, sensual audioblogging ... but it was nice to find out you're just as normal as the rest of us .... kinda LOL
Great list of Vegas tips and tricks. Glad you had such a good time ... oh; and the story is in your yahoo e-mail ;)
oh man rm a little TMI there dude
welcome back bubbles... personally i thought they were damn funny...
hmmmmm. i hear you on the ceaser statute point!
Yea!!! You're back! Sounds like you had a marvelous time!
Who was the jerk? I liked the audio blog! Was there more than one? Did I miss it? Let me know who it was... I'll kick their scrawny ass!
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lilith: It was murph ... and me too I think; I was just hackin' on the sexy one a bit and I think she got a little bit miffed.
and murph ... quit giving out my mailing addresss, you freak. Also, stop sending me your stained underwear. Yuck!
LMAO. All of the above comments are definetly reasons as to why I heart you.
Why didn't I get any stained underwear?
we strive ... and yearn ... to please you ... I don't know about anyone else, but I love strumpets with hearts of gold ;)
didja get the story? didja like it? are ya gonna post it? are we there yet? ;)
pink, frilly, lacy ... with the name "murphy" and the word "wednesday" written inside the band ...
What? no way. Don't push this off on me Murph. You should consider yourself lucky for me to fit you in on a wednesday.
I wear red on wednesday if any at all.
Doz, I was set up.
naughty one: somehow, I believe you above murph ... weird, huh? ;)
btw ... story resent to ya!!
Shit! you had an audio blog and I missed it? Now I have an empty void in my otherwise excellent weekend that I didn't even know was there.
Welcum back from Vegas!
Looks like I may have to give in to re-posting the audioblog! lol.
That way RM can continue to beat off happile... and I really hate to think that Moon has an empty void.
rm - LMAO returned. and followed up with a TMI.
Murph - wanna fight?
Are you kidding RM, I'd beat Murphs ass anyday.
I miss cops too, kinda. Got boring when they started the hooker patrol every other episode.
Never covered enough of my neighborhood either... bastards.
I don't think anybody even noticed you were hispanic til just now...
still waiting to fight...
funny cause in southern italy i'm american and in northern italy they can't understand why my italian is so bad since i'm *clearly* italian...
ahh stereotypes (yes i'm italian and yes i look it)
she does, she does. No wonder your back hurts Sass. ahh, italian women... gentle yet abrasive at the same time.. like an exfoliant.
Sass- I like you italian.
RM- I think the slang derrog for italian is 'wop'.
Murph- "I won't be the first" s'ok, I'm fine with sloppy seconds.
*1st round bell ringing, sticking in my mouth piece*
let's go fucker.
by the way... if anybody calls sass a wop or RM a n*gger... I'l kick their assess too.
No derrog comments on my blog, we are all one people serving the greater good, dammit.
love, sex, grudge sex....
wait, who said I was finicky?
yes, mouthpiece.
I can't wait to see what you can do with that bit of information there...
bubbles i *heart* you
anyway i'm half italian and half french/irish/english BUT i look exactly like my totally italian dad ('cept his eyes are blue and mine are green and he's ten times the gorgeous cause my face looks better on a guy :)
also... can i uh... train the fighters?
geeze you farkin spic whyn't you say so in the first place?
-- signed 'the wop'
jesus, I guess I'm just not up to date with racial slurs RM. I'll try harder. Just following up your PR n*gger thing... sheesh.
Sass - train me, please. Okay, I'll bite, you're a beautiful italian.
I am norwegian indian... with a touch of scottish. what does that say about me I wonder?
uhh... I think I have totally lost control of this comments section.
hey spic: i prefer to stick his face to me really... since i'm a greedy wop bitch after all!
hey i can insult myself all i want... just watch it if someone else does it!
<-- wop
damn dude... i didn't know kike meant hispanic... learn something new... amazing that i learned it from a wetback though!
bubbles it makes you a mutt
hey spic: will neatly trimmed do?
spic: see i *thought* that's what it meants... geeze a little clarity come on!
<-- wop
*lmao* welcome to the fray you drunken irish potato farmer!
wonder where the mutt went?
<-- wop
maybe mutt is off commenting on my latest post or something... alternately hiding from the slurs we're tossing?
and since when does a SPIC get to call a wop slow? I mean that's worse than a frog calling a potato farmer a drunk!
<-- wop
Mutt is chucking potato's at both of you.
hey note that other than calling the wetback a spic i haven't insulted a single ethnicity that isn't running through my veins!
*catches potato and boils it*
<-- wop
mmmm baked potatoes with butter and salt....
nope, it's way way worse... but i figure you should only make fun of yourself so i try not to insult anyone ever and if i make racial jokes i a) make it clear i'm italian and b) make them about italians :)
- wop
way to be an equal opportunity pig anyway :)
damm i wish i was more piggy that way... this drought is getting RIDICULOUS!
really anything but necking....
well dude i'm a nice girl and nice boys don't tend to come after me... guys who want one night stands or mistresses come after me...
thankfully the boobs are shrinking
LMAO beautifully spoken. So nice that we've found a love connection... hey Murph, catch this!
*lobs potato*
oh. and pass the bacon bits please.
Sass, seriously... why do they call it canadian bacon...
it's ham.
RM- you have issues.
Sass - I like nice girls, even if they throw u's into everything.
Murph - I think it's apparent that your obsession for T is surfacing. Might want to assess stifling, unless you want her to know how you feel. Ummm, I think that the love connection pertains to M and T now...
T- bypass Murphs potato and join me for a meeting in Vegas. Check your email later so we can plan. Seriously, I'm in the clear and have permission to meet with you anytime. I missed you a lot.
OMG I truly lust you!
And fuck the people who whined about the audio blogs. Not literally, they don't deserve it. You have one sexy-as-hell voice. USE IT.
I'd marry you in Vegas... in spite of the cigars. Or heck we could just live in sin. I'm easy that way.
Glad you had a great weekend! Everyone should get thrown out of a resort at least once in their lives. I'm still waiting for my chance to live. ;)
I didn't say they were unlikable issues... just issues.
suicide girls eh? ahem, interesting.
Lara, I have no doubt in my mind that if we met it would be unforgettable.
And don't think I didn't look at your pics... more than once.
I will repost my audioblogs for you all. I'm flattered that I was able to entertain, even with Dozers no script zero-tolerance rule.
lara- never mind RM... he needs the cigar treatment.
okay wait... did I not say about 20-million comments ago that I would re-post them? yes. I did.
When you and Sass and Doz asked. wtf RM...wtf. don't go all psycho on me.
"Looks like I may have to give in to re-posting the audioblog! lol.
That way RM can continue to beat off happile... and I really hate to think that Moon has an empty void.
9:19 AM, October 17, 2005 "
k RM, get with the program.
and T, I got two right here for ya.
Furthermore, I got your text message and don't know whether I empasized how wonderful it was to receive it. :) *warm happies*
Rm, no hard feelings... or rather yes... feeling hard. or.. ummm.
LOL.. k noted T. I am not a phone person either... which is sometimes my demise.
RM, just sit there and look appetizing.
Damn! I get busy at work and miss one of the best days yet! K, I'm checking in tomorrow... often. I want a peice of the action...
the drunk polack
LOL RM, you're welcome to view the pics... just take my Voyeurweb profile link off of my blog. More will be coming before long too - I shot another series last Friday. I might even post a preview on my blog.
As for the cigar thing... I'm fine as long as no one is smoking them. I just have issues with smoke... migraines don't make me hot, yanno? But other uses would be deliciously kinky. I all for that sort of thing. ;)
As for you EN... I doubt memorable would be the word for it... hehe
damn it sucks to sleep and miss the fun stuff.
*is sad he's never text messaged*
oh and lilith ... you can have a piece of my action ;)
Oh, were we friends Murph? I can never keep up. Thanks for providing the links on your blog though... You do have some really hot connections. :)
RM - Haha! I've heard better... I actually like the jokes
Dz - I'd like all the action that I can get!
RM - I'm not good at jokes, but bring em on!
take whatever you can handle ;)
you know what? it pissed me off that you assume that being a nice girl means i'm no fun in the sack. dude I teach pilates... i can do things with my pelvic floor you can't imagine
what i will NOT do is fuck some guy i met off the internet on teh first date. i won't be fucking more than one person at a time unless they're all in teh same room adn i definetely will not cheat.
damm it sucks being a nice girl you ass hat
sass, it first I swore you were talking to me.
uhhh. hope you're not, assuming you're not.
I heart you and would love for you to share the things you can do with your pelvic floor.
Futhermore, good girls rock!
Sass, did I ever say that being a nice girl meant you were no fun? When did I say that... no, never. I even re-read all of the comments to verify.
Further, i never ever expect anyone (including myself) to
A) fuck some guy you met online
b) fuck some guy on first date
c) cheat
d) ever EVER call you boring or otherwise... I thought everything was fine.
It was RM that was giving you shit. In fact, I ignored most of the comments yesterday because I didn't like the direction they were going.
there's been some serious mis-communication...
bubbles I was SO not talking to you, I was fully answering RM
I think it's ridiculous that being a nice girl means you're no fun to date... i also think it's ridiculous that only men who already have partners come after me... and then wonder why i have TRUST ISSUES!
someone hit a sass button
If I were in Canada ....
... aw, who am I kidding? I'd be too intimidated ;)
dzer: really? why for?
I have this total OML thing going on ...
well i said i was nice and you said 'suddenly you aren't worth coming to visit' ... how on earth am i supposed to NOT get offended by that?
pilates is like yoga but more movement and strength based
OML = Out of My League ;)
it's okay, i wasn't actually angling for a visit... i just found the way you put it offensive to nice girls everywhere...
dzer: :(
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