
"I ______________ in Vegas"

Are these billboards everywhere, or just here?

Honestly, everytime I drive by one I am aflutter with the possibilities that could occupy that blank spot. I could spit out a gazillion of them...

But now it's all about packing, firming up plans, tying loose ends... blah blah blah. I know I promised y'all I would start up the Champagne Room today, but I just don't have the heart to pass this up. Remember when I shared the intial emails that slaughtered my outlook with insults from my galpals? Yeah, you remember that. If not, refresh.

You would think that after the exchange today I would totally decide that going to Vegas with these fools would be the worst thing for me. But I love em.... and I think that the hate, love, hate, love thing is really working for us. So, here is the latest installment, skillfully edited... enjoy the ego carnage:

C: haven't heard from anyone... we still doing this then? Will somebody tell me what the plan is please?!?!? And, what are you guys packing?

E: Well, we were trying to go without you... that's probably why you didn't hear anything. I'm packing a camera, batteries, and a firm C cup biootch... actually, shit I have NO idea.

C: Fuck you E. The party never starts without me. Are we shuttling to the airport? If not, I'm sure there's enough room in E's C cup... mind the tp.

Z: I'm still going... Did we even talk about how we're getting there? Should I come over to your house E or are you picking us up. tp... low blow C.

E: Happily will fuck. Mile high even. The party never ENDS without you either slizzut.
HEY wtf? Lay off my C cup broad... and I'll have you know the only reason YOU'RE in a C is the 20 pounds you gained two holidays ago. Meet at my house, we'll get to the airport from there. Z... what happened to the suede mini?

Z: Not a chance, it's stained. Why are we meeting at your house anyway... Mile high. Yeh. Honestly has anybody identified where we're staying or how we're getting there once we get there?

E: Have to make sure husband is happy, kids are watered and fed then I'm out. Figure that'll take the most time. Since you and C are single ladies... you won't have to worry bout that. I thought C emailed us all and told us about the dick she had to suck to get into the MGM Grand, aren't we staying there?

Z: She sucked a dick for the MGM? Seriously? Pity, what a waste. Are you sure she didn't say that she sucked dick for a grand? Perhaps you mis-understood. Uh, and you forgot... I have a child too. Jesus E... quit smoking that shit.

J: I'm in Boise... about to go through security now... will call later. My votes on she sucked dick for a grand. And also... I need to take care of husband too, and shit I feel old about this whole leaving the wounded thing. Single bitches.... whatever.

E: I second the feeling old thing. AND the single bitches thing. I got $20 on C sucking dick for a grand... any takers? So, I'm thinking nobody knows where the hell we're staying then.

C: Hey fuck you guys. I would suck dick for a grand. Watch that vibe J. I'll make sure we still have reservations... can't teach an old bitch new tricks.

Z: Honestly, You too aren’t old……you’re just married! Can’t make your big babies-(husbands) do anything without you. They might need ya to wipe their butts or something! Hahahahaha! MAKE SURE we STILL have reservations? C, are you joking?

E: OMG you didn't just call my husband a baby did you? You silly bitch. Only I am allowed to call him that… it’s his bedroom name. And furthermore any ass wiping between myself and my husband remains behind locked doors, thanks. C, I gotta hundred grand BAR in my purse... it's got your name alllll over it. Further, bitches age like wine... which makes me a good vintage... and you're absolutely right... i have enough tricks as it is, don't need yours thanks. No worries Z, she could blow for another room if we need her to.

C: You're so in trouble when we get there. Z, I'll be at your place around 4pm we'll get over to E's round 5pm and then to the airport.

Z: You kinky cat you! Pet names in the bedoir! YUCK! I don’t want to know that! You both are my friends! Next thing you know you're going to tell me your husband has the fetish with the vaccuum cleaner! hahahahahaha. C I assumed you made sure the room is still available?

E: Fucking hilarious really. You guys are fucking crack-ups. Why so early to be at my place though.. the flight doesn't leave til later? Right? Kinky cat! LOL Meeeooooowwww. There's nothing wrong with the vacuum cleaner.... great hickies.

C: No, that's her son with the fetish. Uh, E my ticket says leaving at 6:54. I thought you were on the same flight? NO? so sad. beeooootttcchhh.

E: LOL silly me. I thought you meant to say biiiiooootttcchh. Fucking learn to say it right or don't say it at all. uhhhh... OH the ticket says ARRIVING in Vegas round 9. K, noted. be at my house whenever... that means we start drinking round... ahhhh.... 3ish? LOL

C: That sounds good, lets all leave work early and go pre-function. I know me and Z can. IT's a single ladies thing.... bbIIII ooottchhh.

E: Have to work, no go... will have to leave from here to airport... lets just meet at gate then. Better C, better... now say it with more feeling, almost as if you have a dick in your mouth and you're shooting for that grand.

C: Ummmm. how are we supposed to get there.... fly? stop with the dick sucking comments.

E: On your fucking broomstick with a dick in one hand and a grand in the other. I dunno! Alright, seriously are we going anywhere with this... some of us have to work. I have to know where we're staying for emergencies. I have to know if I need to pick you guys up or just meet you... AND I have to know how the stain on Z's skirt got there.

C: Working on the room res. Pick us up on the way to the airport... it's on your way anyway and if you're not stopping at home first then we'll just go straight there. I'll head over to Zanies and we'll pre-function for ya. Maybe slip one to you in the car. Like my broomstick up your ass.

E: Tease. I'm not drinking and driving. I'll pick you up and throw back a couple on the plane. Please let me know what's going on with the room as soon as you know. Have to leave emergency contact number with vacuum cleaner loving ass wiping big baby husband. You know, really you're just jealous is all. Now, what of the stain on Z's skirt....?

Z: C, yes let's do that. But, no broomstick please. What E? Jealous of you? LOL. okay, maybe. And about that stain... speaking of your husband...

E: Bitches. You have now successfully pissed me off. No mercy from here on out. I'll call J when she lands and give her the scoop.... don't email me tomorrow... I'm not talking to either one of you.

C: Why, because of the stain comment? So sensitive about husband... jealous even maybe.

E: NO because I missed the opportunity for a threesome with Zanie. FUCK. Audi.

Yep. I'm totally in for it. Notice that nowhere in that day long fuck-shop did we hammer down where we'd really be staying? *nervous* I anticipate a lot of interesting stories accumulating from a 48 hour stooper.... share some? prolly.

So, how would you fill it then? Go on, humor me... and give me some ideas while your at it.

"I ________________________ in Vegas."


Blogger Helskel said...

I ______found my virginity in Vegas!

3:44 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

I "wish I could hook up with you and yer gal pals" in Vegas!!

I think it would be alternately heavenly and hellish .... but that's how I like my women ;)

3:55 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

uhhh... Murph, did you just puss-out? No really I think you did.

K, I'll do it for you:

"I run into trouble in Vegas."

I have that tatoo'd on my ass, if you grovel I'll let you kiss it.

6:53 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

RM - sheer poetry in motion there... I have no doubt you did that. Seriously lol

Helskel - did you really? It wasn't with one of those girls they smack on a flyer with the big black 'void' barely censoring her honorable mentions, was it?
Don't tell me, or do.. I want details.

Doz- I think we may need a body guard this weekend... and you look like you could take care of four women quite nicely ;)

6:57 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

naughty one: unfortunately, all the flights from Guam to Vegas are booked ... *sigh*

7:00 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

no worries big daddy... there's plenty of days in a year. Patience my good man, patience.

I'll put $50 on red for ya... pick a numba if you'd like instead.

7:02 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

can you just mail me the $50? Minus postage, of course.

Good luck and have fun ...

... oh, and the story is about three-fourths of the way done


7:15 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

"I__was married to Brittney Spears for like 3 hours__in Vegas"

8:17 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

rm ^5 that sounds fun

dominator way to bring the funny

i got sand in strange places in vegas!

8:57 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

I got mauled by a white tiger in Vegas.

... too soon for the Roy Horn jokes?

9:16 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I am a hot sugar momma tit flashing sexy bitch> in Vegas.


9:19 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I never really got married in Vegas.

luvums RM

9:27 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

i want proof of the vegas tit flashing in my e-mail by Monday.


1:00 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I got caught smoking pot in the Disneyland parking lot. Seriously. No seriously. By the fucking mouse patrol.

Told me to put it away and added "the mouse don't smoke."

And me, being my cocky self of course replied "Well shit, there's plenty to go around, tell the mouse to get out here... the party's in the parking lot."

PS - the mouse patrol doesn't like back talk and will happily confiscate your shit AND slap you with a fine... err.

7:44 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

ya poor thing ... was the mouse patrol animated in their actions?

ugh ... even by pun standards, that was bad ... *spanks self*

8:07 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh dzer

rn: accept anyway, who cares if she's hot?

8:18 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

First of all T, I would love to borrow you and that swizzle stick... seriously, if I buy you a ticket, I think we should plan on going just you and I... to Vegas, that is. Might be fun!

Doz - it's a pun happy kind of day me thinks. And I don't understand why you didn't let ME spank you.

RM - I would be so interested in hearing some of your other rules! LOL

8:19 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

naughty one: spank away ... ;)

btw ... guammish video on my blog :)

sass: sorry; I got spun around and got all disney

8:43 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

LOL Sass is rocking the comments!!! Pass the J already.

8:54 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

the dutchie on the left-hand side?

8:55 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

THAT SONG KIX!! It's on my Vegas Ipod playlist... weird that you should mention it.

J is an islander, and loves reggae... so, I usually pummel my pod with reggae for her (including Musical Youth)

C is into Rap.. hence, lots of that

Z is into Rock and classic rock

I like a little of everything... I should post a new playlist for y'all so you can see what we'll be getting jiggy with it to in Vegas.

8:58 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

instead of that, post your wardrobe — what clothes and undies yer gonna wear ... and take off at various points ... whilst on vacation ;)

9:00 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

I once got so toasted, me and my two other buds couldn't figure out how to split Arby's "5 roast beef sandwiches for $5" deal three ways.

(heh-heh... heh-heh... I said "three ways"!)

9:00 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

of the crew, who will be the first to hook-up with some stranger?

9:02 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Serious T, I'll pay.

Dom - you DID say Three ways (hee hee). How the hell do we keep missing each other anyway.

Uh, first to hook up... C, definetly C will.

Doz, um wardrobe... what wardrobe?

9:17 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

no, i insist. Besides, your fare is cheaper than mine.. it'd be a drop in the bucket seriously.
just pay hotel, we'll be square.

9:22 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

man it sucks to be in Guam

I need to move to Vegas ... then I could host all the blog-freakies that seem to flock there on a regular basis ...

9:36 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

T. we should get on this whole planning thing. I think that a weekend w/me is what you need.

uhh, and really honestly I'm not talking sexually.. but hey, if that happens then whatever... see me complain. LOL

9:47 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

absofuckinlutely... and in private.

No stalkers.

Sorry boys, it's all about me and T.

9:59 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

interesting (but not titilating) fact about Vegas: one of the only remaining major cities in the USA where a couple working service sector jobs can afford to purchase a new home

fact #2 -- Vegas is experiencing a HUGE growth in population (probably due to the first fact)

10:03 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

I know people who live (or had lived) in Vegas... interesting fact #3... it is almost impossible to find a real relationship when you are living in Vegas, as most of the people you'd meet are out of towners interested only in binge drinking and having as much anonymous sex as possible...

a guy I knew only found someone to date regularly when he went to an AA meeting

10:26 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

at the MGM, see if you can upgrade to a hottub room... it is worth it :) trust me ;)

10:28 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

rm: point

i have never been tovegas but y'all are making me want to!

10:37 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

just checked the MGM site... The Eagles and Tom Jones are playing there this weekend... but I didn't see either of them on your iPod list

10:39 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Baby Daddy said...

I love Vancouver BC, ever been Sass?

10:39 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Sorry, I was distracted... WITH WORK. Ummm, I had no idea the Eagles were playing there this weekend... hmm. Well, I've seen them in concert already so... not sure I'll be checking that out.

Tom Jones is always in Vegas.

Jesus phone. STOP RINGING!

11:30 AM, October 14, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

dom: yeah i lived there for close to three years.

love it, except for the constant rain all winter... summers are sublime though.

11:40 AM, October 14, 2005  

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