Hogtied and Shackled to

Everybody's all about the HNT today. I think it's interesting to peruse the blogs and check-out everyones goods... feet, backs, arms, tats. Very cool.
So even though I said I wouldn't post an HNT on a Thursday, I'm gonna anyway (because it's Friday somewhere), and also because I owe sarge a pic.
That's right sarge, I'm talkin' to ya.
You and all the other rowdy freedom fighters out there... keep the faith, and your spirits high. I don my old cami's for ya today... I was, uh.. 30 pounds more in bulk and muscle once upon a time so they sag a bit, but.. you get the picture (no pun intended). And yes, I did run around during training exercises topless while I "putta-putta-jammed." Just felt more liberating that way
Keeping with the psuedo military theme, I'm bringing you updates from the Q and A's in the past. I'll be singing my cadence as I work today... and looking forward to that 20 mile hump... ya know what I'm talking about.
First Update: You Dirty Little
En, just want you to know that I told my fiance about my masochism. He is accepting of it and we have had great rough sex ever since! I actually even have him biting (which I find really enhances the orgasm when done just right). Thanks for giving me the courage to decide whether or not I should tell him. Who knew he'd respond so willingly? PS - he shared a secret with me too! He likes bondage!!! LOL.
Well, we're off to play and will be reading your material together from now on! I'm sending you a spanking and a sincere thanks!
Second Update: Bummed in Bahgdad
Thanks for your help Em! There's more content in your response than what I had expected.
I thought I'd let you in on where things are standing as of right now. #1 (writing what I miss about her and why) is complete (well, I suppose that it's never truely complete, but I have sent her one email full with different everyday things that I miss sharing with her, and ended them with sexual encounters that she would remember.) She has been responsive to that alone so far. They made her quite happy. I think that the Godiva cheesecake that she received from me yesterday may have sweetened her day first though
Since yesterday I have began writing a couple fantacies. One I will leave for her to finish, but the other we wouldn't be able to act out due to it taking place here in Baghdad and using my rifle as a prop. I know I'll get a good response out of her with the first one, because she has written me a fantacy a while ago even though it was short.
I've discovered that I like taking the time to write out my fantacies and knowing that she'll read them. It's like we are having sex with each other at the same time, but from a far distance. Next on my list is to start jotting down some ideas to compile poems/songs for her (hopefully I don't have to sing them--that would just ruin the mood.)
1. In your post you said that you could remind us (soldiers) of what's waiting for us in the States. I was wondering what that is. After all, I am giving you a shout out
2. Would do me a favor?...Tell Lilith that I would like her support since I'm overseas as we speak. And, tell Sass that she has the kind of body that would keep me in bed alllll night long.
As an end note I will say that "damn sarge"...."damn." I want Godiva Cheescake, with you on top. Er, but don't tell your wife or rather do.. and then come over for dinner.
I'm rambling... it was the pics I swear!
*Dropping to push up position*
*rises stiffly to attention and salutes*
*seconding salute while wiping sweat from brow due to push ups*
Thanks Dzer for the compliment.
Murph, seriously.. as if you were offended at the showing of my nipples.
*whoopsie! there goes that pic I promised you... deleted.*
i do T, wanna see it?
oh, you weren't talking about that... I'll still show it to ya though.
naughty one: I will be flying at full staff for some time ... and I'll take any pic promised to murph ... I don't mind sloppy seconds; not when it's such a delectable treat ;)
and I wanna see it too!!
um *BLUSH*
Oh, sorry Murph... It was somebody else I promised it to.
I cant remember who that was. Doz you can have it...
T, you're right! Show and tell LOL!
Sass- *blush back, passing joint*
since t-money isn't showing, that means she's gotta tell.
naughty one: checking my e-mail!
sass: yer a cute blusher ;)
it's funny... i was fat for so long i can't really comprehend that people find me hot again...
guess the brain will catch up with the bod eventually... til then sarge i *heart* you for that
also *inhales* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
t i miss your blog
a lot
who deleted without my permission? I hate it when they do that shit.
Here T *passing joint*
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
T: send your pic to me and i'll post half nekkid thursday by proxy :)
T: that's why you have to tell! if you can't show, you have to tell
or is that truth or dare?
why am i up at 225 a.m.?
treesa: need a photog? *evil grin*
t-money: I guess I do. it's sad, isn't it?
i think it's because ... aww, fuck it. I'll blog it sometime.
night kiddos
inhale deeply.
Getting mental picture of T half-nekkid and sass taking picture.
g'night Doz
i love taking pictures... almost as much as i love posing for them
T, I do as well... hence no face shots. I hate my face.
murphy: did i imply new pics? i don't think i did... hrm
sorry :)
bubbles: you're crazy... you have a beautiful face.
Sass- surpressing urge to say something really distasteful....
err, nope can't hide it.
"wanna sit on it?"
T- how about we take a pic of my body and photoshop your head on it? That way we can both participate!
*pom poms*
uh... bubbles you have no idea how tempting that offer is.
get down on it Sass...
after that we'll go chop wood. you first.
then we'll compare pelvic floors and you'll win. but I swear my kegels are a good match... and might be just as strong. I can chop wood with them even.
then we'll smoke some more.
i love wood choppin'
i'm in!!
If you hands get tired holding those up... let me know. I can help.
LOL Thanks Wes! I'll keep that offer in hand! pun intended.
Buttah- do you mean chop wood with kegels? Thats cool shit right there.
Lets do it.
see the thing is... kegels are like the step one of pelvic floor exercises...
as for chopping wood i'm always up for that and the smoking cause it's fun... with either set of muscles...
you rock sassi... you rock.
bubbles: i do try...
and if you answered your email :P you'd have news too!
did you send me an email? I just clobbered my inbox looking for it?
RM, i think it's that everyone was here earlier... and you weren't.
no worries though, its not like we're ignoring you. We're just working or sleeping.
i LOVE your blog too.
whadya get him? is it cool? is it pop-able?
holy shit that rhymed! Was that intended?
Honestly, that was cool.
K, have a good weekend RM, and good luck!
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