Happy HNT

Well, twist my arm and call me somebody else's name wouldja?
I heard all of ya that said I should just post an HNT...Or rather a second HNT. So alright I'll spoil ya today.
I'd like to give a huge shout out to those of you that joined the intoxicated IM last night. I say intoxicated and not drunken because some chose other methods of getting stupid... Really, it doesn't matter how you achieve but that you participate. To those of you that didn't make it... s'ok (i missed you), but there's no doubt it's gonna happen again! LOL
I stayed up almost all night to do some womanly soul searching after learning about some 'new developments' in my lust-life. Decided it was time to re-adjust and do-over on some things. I have a tendency to get hooked on one thing or another... Only to be disappointed later. Disappointment happened, it was unavoidable.
I realize that I'm a hard core bitch really, but put it away just recently to be something Im not. Why'd I do that? Hmmm, dunno. Even so, being a bitch I am also a lover... And husband presses constantly that we should get out more, to swingers clubs or more social events in our circle of friends. That too I had put away, And hence the meditation/regrouping began...
SO, last night I lit the candles, took a bath, wrote most of my next submission, listened to music, drank more. Called Red in the middle of the night... We conferenced Jess in... Talked about what we would like to be doing to each other.
Although now that I think back on the call, I believe it was more like planning what we would do to each other.
Jess, I know you read this blog LOL. And Im taking your advice btw... It's time to be less of a sap and more of a sex-kitten like I used to be. I agree, and thanks for your honesty... How bout you and Red rekindle that tomorrow?
Happy HNT y'all.
good for you ... I'm very pro sex kitten!
and I'd pay good money to see the you, red and jess thing ... as would most of the Western world.
delish photo ... but who would expect anything less from you? thanks for sharing with us.
Hey Doz, no prob on the second photo... I was catchin' yer vibe.
and Actually last night I was catching my vibe too!
Thinking Jess is a video girl, maybe we'll hop on over to Reds during the party and pop a blank one in the surveillance vcr.
i'd like to catch you with your vibe ;)
back to the photo ... that tantalizing hint of breast over your left arm ... the subtle slope ... cut off right where the nipple would appear ... fucking too hot for me to not stop right after this sentence and jack-off over ....
jack away big daddy.
if I weren't at work I'd be all over myself too...
sorry I missed out on all the fun
I guess everyone is still kinda hungover
not to make this a whine (too late!) but again, where is everyone? I'm about to comment to my own blog just to get rid of the doughnut that's been sitting there for like an hour and 47 minutes ... pathetic how much of my self-confidence these days is tied to the quality and number of comments on my blog ...
i know, huh? im having the same problem.
Think that's why people are deleting their blogs so willingly? No feedback?
maybe people are just tired of typing ... I'm here adding a new blog every week to get out all the content I want and it actually seems to be translating into LESS traffic LOL
how many of my counter numbers are me checking to see if anyone's posted to my blog? LOL
LMAO Gigi... WAKE UP!!!
Doz, quick.. get the handcuffs!
*springs onto the scene with cuffs AND shackles*
Nice one, beautiful...HAPPY HNT!
Sorry I missed the IMing last night. I would have loved to join in.
After looking at the picture today, I've had to text my wife to come and help me take the tent pole down from my pants!
Chicken - Thanks and welcome!
Eddie - Yeah wtf, woulda loved to have had ya... err. Sorry, that didn't help the tent... did it?
Gigi - yes cuffs... no fur though, can't stand those... I like the rubbing from the steel
yes blondie yes. Playing wickedly from now on. The ante has been upped definetly.
So, wanna play?
how many am I dealing in?
seriously gigi... gotta luv ya sometimes! LOL
well... actually Blondie.
We don't have to take our clothes off, to have a good time...
In the immortal words of the 80's one hit wonder! I think you would be surprised at what I classify as fun. There are many different levels and meanings to the word.
and although we just met recently, I have to say I feel like Ive known ya forever ;)
LMAO... no prob. But if you wanna talk 90's we can sing 'do me baby' by Bell Biv Devoe!
'I wanna sex you up' by CMB!!!
LOL Gigi, I have this strange feeling I could!
Blondie- Do you remember 'whatta man' by Salt N' Peppa? LMAO
I shook my ass to that just the other day when it came on the radio!!! I had forgotten how much I liked that one!!
Its unfortunate (or not)to say... I still knew every word!
Tryin' to rush me good and touch me in the right spot
great pic once again. Thanks baby!
K, wez... that's really cool. But eerie. Thanks sweetie and Happy B-day to ya!
Perhaps as a gift I'll send ya one without the black sheer! :O
thanks, feeling rather black... I was mourning.
not about house break-in or anything... had to bury something.
still recovering from killing it.
*ahem* id tell you.
i had a lovely sleep in today
and missed all the fun :)
bubbles: funny... i'm having to kill and bury something myself and i'm not looking at it as fun in the slightest...
wow. it's all about burying things... mine is metaphorical Sass, how bout yours?
*offering wheelbarrow*
no blondie... check yer email! And here, hop in!!
*giving you ride in wheelbarrow*
Isn't this fun? You know, there is a wheelbarrow sexual postition... can I show it to ya?
I wanna change your middle name.
gigi... two words....
strap on.
Blondie - email returned with love.
Honeymoon!!! That sounds like fun!!! We can all wear white and make out.
And Im pretty sure we could make it look better than Britney, Madonna and Christina!!! LOL
There IS a lot of love here isn't there???
*warm huggie-snuggles to the honeymoon idea*
What a beautiful sexy pic Em! I had fun with the IM last night! LOL!
OMG, step away for a few hours and you guys post like rabbits fuck!
It was a good time, wasn't it? Take the boot off your cam, wouldja?
LOL.. did you ever make it to the bathroom?
Well, we understood... you were taking care of the tent pole!!!
or rather, your wife was!
So, you missed music of the 80's and 90's,....
handcuffs, cryptic burials, strap ons and wheelbarrows...
and honeymooning.
Thanks, Emma, for the new pic.
For us guys, you've just initiated HYBT -- Hide Yer Boner Thursdays.
Dom, where the hell have YOU been?
Dom, jesus... if you're beating off right now just say so....
one handed typing sucks ass, I know.
Hi ROXI! I think I have a crowbar here somewhere...
but really, sideways?
I'll fuck you sideways.. but not sure the crowbar would be comfortable.
Though, if you're into that you just let me know and we'll arrange!
Yahoo messenger Castu. Didn't you get my invite?!?!?!
bubbles: mine is metaphorical as well... and if you've been paying attention to our emails you even know what it is...
happy hotness em
See, I was assuming that was it. Im sorry for your 'loss', has it raged you like Im raged?
Well, perhaps we should say a eulogy for our dear departed.
Though, the body's not even cold on mine... and I don't think Im gonna know for sure whether it's dead or not... ever.
*kicking it lightly with foot for movement*
Hmmm. i think it's dead, but wait... it stirs.
Happy Hotness Sass!
em: i'm not sure that mine is killable either but i aim to try... for real this time.
seriously sass... anything breathing is killable.
you grab the wood axe, I'll grab my beretta...
We'll just go make sure the deal is sealed.
Blondie - *heart*
bubbles: mmm you said axe... though this calls more for the sledgehammer i think *grin*
also apparently i look hot with a sledgehammer :)
blondie *huggs*
and I think now my beretta may be too small....
Need shotgun. Sarge, can I borrow your M-16?
Jesus, listen to us... we sound awful, don't we?
Let's find something for Blondie to kill!
you know... i love love love the kick you get when you fire an elephant gun...
but i've never shot an m-16 so i can't comment on that one.
blondie has some mild depression to beat the shit out of...
awful is as awful does... and the killing here is metaphorical and i say assassinate this shit!
Eulogy is as follows:
I am here today to speak of our dear issues and the impact it has made on our lives.
We held you near and dear to our hearts, we gave you 100% of ourselves... we tolerated and cared for you. We fully loved you like no other (well maybe) could.
We assisted, nurtured, and thrived for you. Then when we thought all was well and needed you the most... you disappeared and left us with a big fuck you.
well. fuck you.
holy shit that makes a mess, why didn't I lay down the plastic?
*tossing Blondie shovel*
Sass, please commence with the chopping of issues bodily parts... but leave the penis.. I want to clone-a-willy it.
I love it when my girlies get all violent ... heh
stay tuned for another episode of DZER's Vixen Force!
leave the gun. take the cannoli
Finally you listen to me. I plan on making you quite numb tomorrow if you will allow me!
You sappy bitch you.
And by the way thanks for the link to your blog and the photo of you. I think you look better naked!!!
Can't wait to see the real thing!
*kissing with tongue*
Hi everyone on Emma's blog!!!
Hi Jess-luv.
See, I told you I'd talk about ya.
You totally just woke up didn't you? LOL.
Must be nice to be rich and irresponsible. I admit I'm totally jealous in every way.
Allow you.. yes.
Sappy bitch no more.
Thanks for the compliment on the photo too. I have no doubt we'll be 'buck ass nude' tomorrow and you'll have your chance!
Dozer - pass the cannoli's!
what I wouldn't give to be hidden in that room ... voyeur's delight!
It's just something about you saying buck ass nude. I can imagine what it sounds like when you say it too.
Call me and whisper it in my ear honey. You have my number.
Oh and now that I've read your comments more thoroughly I think that I would really like to take a tripp to little RED riding hoods to pop in a blank one!
Totally let's do it Em.. and we can send them out with the party guests as they leave... like a souvenier!
Dzer can come to the party if he wants. Why not? The more the merrier.
i want to come i want to come!
err... that came out sooo much dirtier than i meant it.
hey em get one of your irresponsible rich friends to send the plane *snicker*
party on ladies...
*clears throat*
*picks up sledgehammer*
*beats certain 'issues' into a bloody fucking pile of unidentifiable pulp*
ahhhhhh :)
LMAO. Sass I love ya. And just as soon as I convert to full on lesbian... well, believe me you'll know.
Jesse - rocks my comments today! Jesus, maybe I shouldn't have given you my blogger!LOL. Now every swingin dick that hits the comments button is gonna try for ya! Good job on that.
btw honey, Doz lives in Guam... I really don't think he's gonna make the party.
Let's have another party IN guam... you pay of course! Oh, and fly Sass down.
yay party in guam!
oh and hi jesse, nice to meet you... can i ask... how *did* you write your number on her leg without her noticing?
don't tempt me em... i'm already close to giving up men *g*
no no no Blondie your invited. Always invited, and that goes without saying...
this parties for you too!
With a name like Blondie, you must have a lot of parties to attend!
Hi Sassinak, I'm just too good like that. Actually, I think Emma was so drunk and into the porn she wouldn't have noticed if I planted my face on her thigh!
I have to laugh remembering her trying to do that fakey orgasm as loud as possible out the back window to the college aged guys parked at the light next to us! Then of course I pop my head up and she smiles at them!!!
ha ha ha Emma I so can't wait.
Guam huh? I wonder how much fuel that would take. Is it a party place though?
Jesse - you scare me because you're actually thinking about it.
Castu - She's the party girl! I didn't do it, I swear!
Sug - where have you been? Code word,... hmmmm... will have to think on a good one that won't sound obscene over airport loudspeaker! LOL
jessejanes: Guam has a rocking party scene, darlin' ... and I'm already almost as deeply in lust/love with you as I am with emma ...
... damn I really need to move closer to the mainland
Maybe I'll just e-mail em my number ... and you guys can call me once the naughty stuff starts happening ... like conference call phone sex ;)
naughty one: fuck I like this one a lot! count my swinging dick into that mix ... but know that it will always swing toward you first ;)
damn cast i'm so glad we're hanging out in the same parts of the net again!
Awesome stockings photo!!
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