A little bit of Everything

Served with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
(i originally wrote this yesterday... fyi)
I have no mental capacity at this point... 'tis all gone but one node shooting impulses like a mutha. I'm breaking it down into bite size pieces for ya, because that's all I can fucking muster today.
Live with it.
Update time on the break-in.
There's nothing good to say. In fact everything is entirely fucked up at this point. I'd been strong all weekend for the hubby and children... But finally broke this morning and have been an emotional wreck all day.
So unlike myself really... (and if any of you say I'm usually like this then fuck you).
Strange moment in the living room on Friday night though; I was on my knees cleaning up, scrubbing carpet and re-organizing papers (or as well as I could anyway), when husband comes over and .... I'll let you go with that one...
Moving on.
Trying desperately to pack away the mental shit fest over the weekend, I took the time to let my fingers do the walking... And for once not to my vagina. Though, I'm convinced that would make a way better post. I have some funny shit to share, but they all have stories behind them, so here goes:
1. I received an email from a reader that asked my advice on pearl thongs and if they work. I don't own a pair, had heard of them, thought I'd look into it. And then a friend calls as I'm surfing/shopping, conversation went like this:
friend - "whatcha doin?"
me - "shopping for pearl thongs"
friend - "pearl thongs, really? You gonna buy a pair?"
me - "I dunno, looks interesting enough... Promised someone I'd try them."
friend - "are you gonna write a review?"
me - (laughing)"uh, no."
friend - "why not... It'd be cool."
History: I usually review porn on the other site. We have done underwear review in the past (remember that cross-over readers)? I could do a review, but then there would be prompts for panty-review 2005.
Not sure I want to subject myself to that this year.
A lot of crack pulling, chafing, and total carnage for my wonderful privates.
me - "Not sure about this whole review thing... Might be trouble."
friend - "You thinking Panty Review 2005? It could turn into one huh..."
me - "yep. No way I'm subjecting my delicateness to that this year. That was a month of pain I'd rather put behind me."
friend - "yeah but these sound fun"
me - "No way"
friend - "I dare you."
More History: I'm not good with dares. I always do them. Something about having to prove myself... and she knows this so she always has to push the envelope...Jesus.
That being said I bought the damn underwear, and will write a review.
PS - Same friend also dared me on something else last night (she was on a roll), I'll have to share that one with you at a later date.
2. Same email from reader prompted this wonderful discovery... oh yeah baby, this one rocks the house. Or at least, it will.
I ordered one... Will entice my husband to do it for sexual purposes.
How cool will the double penetration be? VERY.
Ah yes, to be fucked in both holes at the same time by HIS dick. Pretty fucking cool actually... can't stop thinking about it.
Sorry, was that TMI? ... fuck you, I didn't think so either.
I'm abrasive tonight... I love it.
3. And last but not least, I stumbled on this and thought that some of my readers would find it useful. Nothing worse than being too big or too small, and I'm sick of listening to you men whine about "it doesn't fit right" or "I wish I could find my size."
blah, blah, blah... here, make it comfy for yourself so you don't ruin the mood.
Wrapping up the post with my own inner-turmoil...
Yes, yes I've had some time to re-persuade myself that sex is the answer for all of my issues. Now if I only felt sexy enough after cleaning blood and shit off my carpets to assault my husband. No amount of hot scolding water and wire brush could have done that. So I go on record for saying that I am 11 days un-sexed... And feeling every agonizing, desperate, maddening minute of it. Yes you fuckers... 11 days.
Thought of calling Red, but didn't feel like being in love.
Thought of calling Jess, but knew I'd hear it from Red.
Thought of calling anybody... Nobody close enough that would just fuck me on a whim.
What's up with you people being so DAMN far away? Can't I get some mercy round here? Shit.
Can't do the whole stranger thing... Not even 11 days desperate. Though, as the clock ticks, the UPS guys get better looking.
Kind-of like the beer goggle effect, only we'll call them time goggles.
My time goggles are on overload and I'm feeling like a Bull Mastiff sizing up everyone's trousers for the right leg. Perhaps beer goggles would help... I feel heavy binge drinking happening tonight.
That's all I got, for now....
workin it for ya Helskel... workin it.
welcome back ... in full frontal fury ... I love it!
what you should do is make all of us men order the penis clone thing and then get a p.o. box in the city for us to mail it to ... then you can take your time and have all of our cocks inside you at some point ...
fuck ... did I just type that? LOL
and if I were any closer, you know I'd volunteer myself, and not for my own greedy wants and lusts, but just to help a friend out. cuz I'm a giver like that.
*licks where you like them*
actually Doz, I did secretly plan on doing that for Christmas...
But Im thinking of mailing out sooner, so they can be returned... that was it will be MY merry Christmas!
Thanks for the compliment on the return... you know I always come back stronger when I take a leave of absense!
PS - Where's my fucking fan club?
naughty one: I was wondering the same thing ... both where yours is and where mine is ... ingrates! not here to immediate toast our brilliance and dish up the compliments to boost our egos!
I *dick* you.
The reflective stuff popped right in my eye as soon as the page loaded. (I still want one of you.)
You are a caring woman, E.
And when the UPS guy comes around wanting you to sign for something, don't freak him out too much by standing there with your open grasping hand asking for "a bigger pen! No keep searching those pants! I want a really big pen right now!"
Keep the chin up.
Here I am! Your #1 fan! I really want a shirt or thong to show that I’m in the fan club... hmmmm merchandising... could get interesting.
Do you feel any better now that you had your break down? It seems to help me... usually. Let me know if you need me to do a shot of tequila for you.
Love ya!
bigger pen, bigger pen...
hmmm, should be bigger than a sharpie. bigger than thick dry erase...
(She's looking for something that will 'permanently mark her')
Lil- it occured to me that I could take that silkscreen below and to the right to make T's.
want one?
Sounds like a plan! Let me know the details!
k, so.. Im making you a small babydoll shirt, should emphasize your breasts... not that they really need the attention in that way. Pretty much stand out all by themselves. :)
not a bad thing. Just wondering what to put on the back...
any useful slogans anyone?
Oh, by the way Lil, congrats on making the bILF
"Inhibit This!"
howzabout: I want you deep inside ... my blog
I want to do the chick on the front of this shirt
just my 2 cents ...
How about two shirts, one for women, one for men...
Womens shirts: "Sugar, Spice and Everthing Nice... that's what little girls are made of."
Mens shirts: "I still have the battle scars"
"Come Play"
"How's your fingering?"
"She knows her instruments."
I like the gender specific shirt idea.
Helskel, that's awesome.. I like the "She knows her instruments" for a unisex... what would you do for gender specific?
Lemme think on it a bit...
"I can make you hit your high note" ...
"Never did get the guitar back."
LOL. That's gonna be it... I'm totally doing it.
Hey, where is everybody this week? the blogosphere is empty.
Perhaps a locust invasion I didn't know about?
Everyone's out looking for those punks' parents...
Hey, I'm here...official fan club member #69! Glad you're back, I was starting to sweat there.
With all the information out here in the blogosphere, the sauciest place to put your head is in here...
Helskel -LOL.. perhaps your right, never thought about that!
MOON! - Yes, sweat, yes. Yes. Sweat please... and uh, *phew* It's hot in here.
Ive got somewhere all of you can put your heads...
i work tuesday mornings and must have gone to bed just as you posted this...
should i tell you there's a pic of my back with my arms tied from my elbows to my hands... cause yeah my elbows do that
*evil grin*
11 days...aaaaaaaawwwww ;) sure wish I could help remedy that.
~ding~dong~door bell rings...special delivery from the Moon...can you "sign" for this package?
a picture you say?
consider us spell'Bound'
good luck with that dude
oh snap
there's a reason i said *evil grin* right?
i'm very careful what i post on the internet...
aye... I'm such a fool for an evil grin.
Yes the babydoll shirt! I'll take one! Emphasize away! I like the attention! :)
I'm horrible at slogans... I'll leave it up to everyone else.
Thanks on the BILF congrats!
mmmmmm babydoll shirts!
i love those fucking things!
k then, done deal. I'll get with my t-shirt gurus and get them made up.
Don't think I'm joking either!
Babydolls for the gals, regular Hanes T's for the guys!
sass. do I get to see the pic?
oh bubbles you know what it does to me when you ask nicely...
uh i'll think about digging into whatever box they're in, finding the pics, scanning them at SOMEONE ELSE's house and mailing you one.
yeah... will take a while even if it does happen...
im patient, ill wait!
Hey, tell me if this is hot or not...
I just spent the last 2 hours with the police treking through the back woods of our city...
Yeah, me and 3 big, buff beautiful officers.
they even gave me a walkie-talkie!!!
That is way HOT! Did you let them handcuff you or just talk dirty to you on the walkie-talkie?
dirty talk only dammit.
but I have to tell ya I looked good! Im thinking about a law enforcement career.
why were you doing that?
also law enforcement is hella stressful and hella rewarding.. and as an ex marine you may even like it :)
okay i'll see if i can find it...
I think I'll write about it... was a totally empowering and exciting experience. About as close to getting 'in the field' as you could without actually being a cop.
Will write on that tomorrow then.
Yes, I think I would like it. Must look into.
Call me officer Emma!
Nobody "close enough eh"? Hmmm...I dunno about that one...It's a good thing you live in the city...cause if you made the mistake of taking a country road to grandma's house Red Riding Hood...you might just get what your looking for...Beware of wolves....
write it up, officer EN ... I know I look forward to reading it ;)
what dzer said!
uh, you're a little late on the uptake there Murph.. i already started.
hey btw i heard somewhere authoritative that double penetration is dangerous as you can rub yourself a hole in the thin membrane between vag and ass...
wow.. sounds mildly painful.. but strangely intriguing.
yikes.. a hole?!?!
yeah dude
that requires surgery to repair... do some research willya? i don't swear this is true but i believed it when i heard it.. long enough ago i don't recall the source...
i will research.. in depth even.
perhaps write a thesis...
least let us know what you find :)
maybe my earrings?!?!?
oh, err.
you were talking about my ass -or- my thesis?
I could write a thesis about your ass ... and maybe find your earrings too ;)
Doz - if you find my earrings I will not only let you do a thesis on my ass... but uh well...
*worried about the membrane hole thing*
maybe not.
well ... I can stick to single penetration ;)
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