Conscientious Objector (Happy HNT)
On this day I am a conscientious objector.
Conscientious only because I believe that some of you actually need to see tits and ass for Half-Nekkid Thursday. Objecting because I chose not to take a new one this week. So, for all you T&A focused people out there, I have posted one (which is apparently a favorite judging by site hits) at the end of this post... just for the HNT of it. Here's a hint.. it's the only one in color! LOL
Conscientious because I care about you men (and women) so much, and don't mind being objectified in the least bit for a day.
Objecting because this week for me anyway, has seemed to be content themed in a weird way. I have been haunted by a couple of fellow bloggers posts; such as Dzer's What's it like to be hot post, or Sass's post regarding the views and impressions we make upon others - physical and mental attractiveness.
Close people in my life have expressed distaste in not looking or being 'hot.' And just today I overheard two teenage girls speaking about the breast enhancements they would get after graduation.
What? girls your breasts look fine to me. Last straw at that.
I want to rant. I've been surpressing... but it's time I just spoke my peace. Waferthin, if you want to take this rant as my answer to your Q & A it's fine... you've inspired me to just say what's on my mind about this subject.
Hot. What is hot. The text book definition of hotness is this, please take the time to read it.
All very good definitions of the term/word 'hotness' in that link... a couple I would like to point out in particular are these definitions below:
Like say #6- Informal; Arousing intense interest, excitement, or controversy.
or even #7 - Slang; Sexually excited or exciting.
Maybe even #10(b) Informal; currently popular or successful.
K... Emma, where are you going with this? Alright, I'll make the point now instead of raping Did anyone notice that in that definition both linked and the points above I have outlined that no where NO WHERE does it say:
hot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ht)adj. hot·ter, hot·test - thin build (perferably 30" waist and below), long shiny hair (must be perfect to classify under definition), great white brilliant smile, perfect firm bustline, long supple legs with no blemishes, muscle bound but yet perky ass. Perfect hip to shoulder ratio.
What, no... you don't see it there? Really? Color me shocked people... seriously.
The most beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure to be in the company of were not the 'model standard'. They wore size eights, knew they were akward, attented to the more memorable things in life; things they cherished other then the seasons hottest lipstick.
I speak my mind about people, I don't fuck around with the ya ya you look good, if you don't. If you need to get exersize or a facial I'm just gonna tell you... So for any of you that think I ever blew smoke up your ass about your pics or otherwise in conversation with you... feel confident that its not the case. I thrive on being truthful at all costs. I accept beauty as it is, regardless of it's form.
Ladies... Why do we have to assume that a small waistline is hot. Why do we have to assume that cleavage is the only answer to getting the right kind of attention. Why do we have to listen to the botox pitches and the lady that speaks about how she juggles a career and a family, but still finds time to treat herself to new breasts because... she's worth it?
Guys... Why do men think that they need to be perfectly proportioned body wise to get a girl wet over them? Why also do men think that because they do not have chisled faces and a dick that would make butter melt, that a woman would not be remotely interested in even challenging them to a conversation? I love all of you men... yes all. NO SHHHH. All. And I've seen what you all look like too... so there.
Ever been in the company of vain people? It sucks. Ever date somebody that was hot, but so terribly into themselves and their hotness... that you're secondary. Oh, and you're only with them because you compliment their look. wtf.
Doesn't matter what you look like... if you're ugly inside somebody's bound to catch on that you're not all that.
Dozer asked the question, what's it like to be hot? Hmm well, I commented on his blog... but then figured I should expand on it. K, Im no Angelina Jolie... or Hiedi Klum, but I've been told a couple of times that I'm a looker. No Murph... not Hooker, Looker.
Well Doz, I don't like being hot necessarily.. here's why.
I'm a smart chick, but never complimented on my acheivements or my ideas (Implemented or not). No no... I'm the hot assistant, sure would like to look in her briefs after work.
I fail to see the humor in women that hate me because I draw attention. I can't make girl friends now (plutonic), the ones I do have I worked with for many years... other women just straight hate me because their husband or boyfriend oggles.
I don't have intellegent conversations with men most of the time. They lose their train of thought... and no, it's not funny. I'm not kidding. I can't talk about current events or politics without them making gross innuendo's about my 'agenda.' And if we do get past that, they have to go and ruin it by saying something shitty like "OH beauty AND brains! What a bonus!"
Bonus motherfucker? Bonus? Jesus the ass was the bonus... focus on my mentality foremost.
I get the wrong kind of attention always. Im glad Im not single. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be hot and single (Lil, Blondie, Sass, and all you other hot singles).. I truly envy your strength. How many assholes do you have to beat off with a stick in order to get a decent one, you know... one that's NOT out for a good time only. Someone sincere, with committment? Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Not easy, is it? Nooooooo.
Hotness is not happiness. I could go on forever.
As an end, I'll give you an example...
Today I sat with my redhead at the local coffee shop as she acted like an idiot. She's beautiful I admit, but tonight she acted downright ugly. I questioned wether I would like to stay in her company as she went on about bullshit... shallow bullshit even. She looked ugly to me at that point.
I went to get our drinks, and the mousy barista behind the counter smiled at me cheerfully... toting about how nice it was to see me again (hadn't been there in a while). She adjusted her glasses with her finger and blazed on about her current events. She was sincere... she was down to earth and carefree... she was not the standard 'hotness'. But hell, she was attractive to me... more so then Red.
I will go back for coffee soon to talk with her again.

And with that kiddo's, I feel a world of weight lifted... and I can sleep knowing that you know I think you are all beautiful to me. There is no definition of hotness, there is no perfect. It is all in the eye of the beholder truly... Don't ever, ever tell yourself you're not the shit because you don't resemble what you think others think is hot. How do you know what that person might think is hot about you? You don't.
Change your thinking and be open minded before you pummel yourself with diet pills and worry about your thighs being bigger than you think they should... you'd be surprised what you'd find.
And yes thighs, I was talking about you... they're perfect. Can I just touch one?
photography courtesy of Geoff Cordner
Conscientious only because I believe that some of you actually need to see tits and ass for Half-Nekkid Thursday. Objecting because I chose not to take a new one this week. So, for all you T&A focused people out there, I have posted one (which is apparently a favorite judging by site hits) at the end of this post... just for the HNT of it. Here's a hint.. it's the only one in color! LOL
Conscientious because I care about you men (and women) so much, and don't mind being objectified in the least bit for a day.

Close people in my life have expressed distaste in not looking or being 'hot.' And just today I overheard two teenage girls speaking about the breast enhancements they would get after graduation.
What? girls your breasts look fine to me. Last straw at that.
I want to rant. I've been surpressing... but it's time I just spoke my peace. Waferthin, if you want to take this rant as my answer to your Q & A it's fine... you've inspired me to just say what's on my mind about this subject.
Hot. What is hot. The text book definition of hotness is this, please take the time to read it.
All very good definitions of the term/word 'hotness' in that link... a couple I would like to point out in particular are these definitions below:
Like say #6- Informal; Arousing intense interest, excitement, or controversy.
or even #7 - Slang; Sexually excited or exciting.
Maybe even #10(b) Informal; currently popular or successful.
K... Emma, where are you going with this? Alright, I'll make the point now instead of raping Did anyone notice that in that definition both linked and the points above I have outlined that no where NO WHERE does it say:
hot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ht)adj. hot·ter, hot·test - thin build (perferably 30" waist and below), long shiny hair (must be perfect to classify under definition), great white brilliant smile, perfect firm bustline, long supple legs with no blemishes, muscle bound but yet perky ass. Perfect hip to shoulder ratio.
What, no... you don't see it there? Really? Color me shocked people... seriously.
The most beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure to be in the company of were not the 'model standard'. They wore size eights, knew they were akward, attented to the more memorable things in life; things they cherished other then the seasons hottest lipstick.
I speak my mind about people, I don't fuck around with the ya ya you look good, if you don't. If you need to get exersize or a facial I'm just gonna tell you... So for any of you that think I ever blew smoke up your ass about your pics or otherwise in conversation with you... feel confident that its not the case. I thrive on being truthful at all costs. I accept beauty as it is, regardless of it's form.

Guys... Why do men think that they need to be perfectly proportioned body wise to get a girl wet over them? Why also do men think that because they do not have chisled faces and a dick that would make butter melt, that a woman would not be remotely interested in even challenging them to a conversation? I love all of you men... yes all. NO SHHHH. All. And I've seen what you all look like too... so there.

Doesn't matter what you look like... if you're ugly inside somebody's bound to catch on that you're not all that.
Dozer asked the question, what's it like to be hot? Hmm well, I commented on his blog... but then figured I should expand on it. K, Im no Angelina Jolie... or Hiedi Klum, but I've been told a couple of times that I'm a looker. No Murph... not Hooker, Looker.
Well Doz, I don't like being hot necessarily.. here's why.
I'm a smart chick, but never complimented on my acheivements or my ideas (Implemented or not). No no... I'm the hot assistant, sure would like to look in her briefs after work.
I fail to see the humor in women that hate me because I draw attention. I can't make girl friends now (plutonic), the ones I do have I worked with for many years... other women just straight hate me because their husband or boyfriend oggles.
I don't have intellegent conversations with men most of the time. They lose their train of thought... and no, it's not funny. I'm not kidding. I can't talk about current events or politics without them making gross innuendo's about my 'agenda.' And if we do get past that, they have to go and ruin it by saying something shitty like "OH beauty AND brains! What a bonus!"
Bonus motherfucker? Bonus? Jesus the ass was the bonus... focus on my mentality foremost.
I get the wrong kind of attention always. Im glad Im not single. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be hot and single (Lil, Blondie, Sass, and all you other hot singles).. I truly envy your strength. How many assholes do you have to beat off with a stick in order to get a decent one, you know... one that's NOT out for a good time only. Someone sincere, with committment? Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Not easy, is it? Nooooooo.
Hotness is not happiness. I could go on forever.
As an end, I'll give you an example...
Today I sat with my redhead at the local coffee shop as she acted like an idiot. She's beautiful I admit, but tonight she acted downright ugly. I questioned wether I would like to stay in her company as she went on about bullshit... shallow bullshit even. She looked ugly to me at that point.
I went to get our drinks, and the mousy barista behind the counter smiled at me cheerfully... toting about how nice it was to see me again (hadn't been there in a while). She adjusted her glasses with her finger and blazed on about her current events. She was sincere... she was down to earth and carefree... she was not the standard 'hotness'. But hell, she was attractive to me... more so then Red.
I will go back for coffee soon to talk with her again.

And with that kiddo's, I feel a world of weight lifted... and I can sleep knowing that you know I think you are all beautiful to me. There is no definition of hotness, there is no perfect. It is all in the eye of the beholder truly... Don't ever, ever tell yourself you're not the shit because you don't resemble what you think others think is hot. How do you know what that person might think is hot about you? You don't.
Change your thinking and be open minded before you pummel yourself with diet pills and worry about your thighs being bigger than you think they should... you'd be surprised what you'd find.
And yes thighs, I was talking about you... they're perfect. Can I just touch one?
photography courtesy of Geoff Cordner
first off, let me apologize (or be flattered by?) the fact that my post was one that "haunted" you. The purpose behind that post was in part to see what the hot people had to say on the subject. As a person who is not even close to the prototypical concept of a hot male, I wanted to know.
And yes, part of it came from that little hurt feeling I get inside when I see or hear or read things that ring like a klaxon inside me: She (and this is a general "she," not anyone specific) would never say that about you! in regards to what I guess amounts to sexual objectification of another man.
Because here's the deal: As hard as it may be to have to deal with how people treat you because they ONLY see you as a hot piece of ass, as strictly beefcake or cheesecake, you know what? It's a lot harder to deal with NEVER being seen in that way, knowing that there isn't anyone who would see you and immediately get that feeling about you.
It's like when people talk about how hard it is to have had love and then lose it ... to never have had it — EVER — is a completely different ball of fucked up wax.
You know that amazing feeling you get when someone who is deeply in love with you tells you they love you? If you do, then you don't know how much it sucks to never have had that feeling — not really; not fully.
People are always telling me that it's out there. That, someday, I will meet the right person. I will find someone who falls deeply and madly in love with me, despite the fact that I'm as heavy as a cheap Korean sedan; that my intelligence and sense of humor and goodness will overcome all of that.
But it's impossible for me to believe that. It's impossible for me to even contemplate thinking about it. I've just been rejected too many times. Each time I've been shattered and destroyed, I've managed to come back and try again. But each subsequent obliterating rejection is harder and takes longer to come back from ... until you get to the point that you just resign yourself what you don't have and never will.
Fuck. Sorry; didn't mean to get all "me" in a maudlin and intensely depressing way here.
I don't equate hotness to happiness. I just wanted to know what it's like for one brief minute to have that feeling.
I recognize that, especially with women, beautiful people aren't always afforded the same treatment in terms of intelligence and capability as are "normal" people. I've seen women, and been with women friends, who have had to fend off the relentless idiocy of men because they're sultry and sexy and "hot." I can see how much that would suck.
Personally, if anything I've ever said — and I know I say a lot of sexually-charged, even libidinously demeaning comments — anything that made you, or any of you other ladies out there in the blogosphere (fuck I hate myself for using that term so often) ... then you have my sincerest and most heartfelt apologies.
I'm just a big, fat squirrel tryin' to get a nut.
peace, love and gravy
holy shit I'm a fucking babbling blowhard.
This piece gave me the midweek lift I have been seeking this morning.
It's a very insightful piece and I agree whole-heartedly.
It's what’s inside that’s a person that’s hot. I personally go for a partner who has a good sense of humour and intelligence turns me on everytime.
I also go for strong people, people with character.
And finally, then I'll shut up - what’s the thing with breast implants, they look from every angel like pudding basins.
No ladies breasts should bounce and slip under your arms when you recline, not sit upright.
I'll revisit soon.
Suze X
hey...great post...brings everyone to reality!! and happy HNT!!!
Ok. First of all, Dzer, your first comment made me think more about myself and my history. So much so that I think I'll have to address this topic on my blog. Your second comment made me laugh with tears welling in my eyes. You're one funny man!
Second, to address this post. It's true that people should be happy with who they are and how they look but society works against us 'normal' folk in that regard. Is it nice to hear attractive women say they value intelligence and a good sense of humor? Yes. Does it happen? No. Or should I say, not often.
Thanks to the speed of light we often see people before we hear them. If a person doesn't look a certain way. A certain appealing way, then they often won't get the chance to speak. How can a man impress a beautiful woman with his mind and humor when that woman passes him by for the 'hot' guy with the flat stomach?
I'm not saying the women that commented on this post are lying when they say they like humor and don't pay attention to looks in the 'traditional' way but I do have to give a quizzical glance when I read that.
I should end this here and move to my blog so I can rant in my own space but I'd like to leave Dzer one last comment:
Like you I'm a heavier man. Maybe not as heavy as a Korean sedan but I'm definitely big. Thankfully I carry it well and look like a football player. Also like you I am very funny (more so in person) and very smart. Everyone always tells me how brilliant I am. I'm assuming the same goes for you. You know the feeling you get when you say something funny and everyone laughs? Or someone comes to you with a problem to solve, which you do, and they tell you you're a genius? THAT's what I like to think HOT people feel like when someone stares at them. We're ahead of the game though because we can be funny and smart without working at it!
Keep your chin up!
Murphy: stop it or I'll try to hug you again!
Dan: feel free to visit my blog for more of my brilliance and stunning wit. Also ... which chin?
WOW! Right on. Loving the comments today... Alright then, where do I start?
Sug - You're welcome. I am glad that you are a confident strong woman, and the partner you're with does too. I truly believe in a lot of ways self-confidence is very hot.
Doz - I seriously don't know how to dissect your comment. I DO understand how you feel. NO NO I was not as heavy as a korean sedan LOL, but it wasn't until only recently I fell into the hot category (being 180lbs. for a good part of my life). I identify with the never knowing how it feels to be loved since I share a chapter in my life very common to yours. I was not always 'hot.' I was fat, acne ridden, sad.. and always looked over for my 'hot' friends. I can't count on fingers and toes how many times I was told "Let's just be friends... k?"
I think you're beautiful Doz, regardless of what you weigh... and no apologies are necessary. We should talk more in length about this.
Suze - I love your site. I love you. I love Alex's cum-shot art... I so want to have coffee with ya. Seriously.
Sid - Thanks and HI! Happy HNT!
Dan - I have dated and slept with men that had a great sense of humor, but average to below average statistical hotness. My first marriage was to a man that all my friends said was homely, and that I could do better. I got rid of those friends and got married to him anyway. He made me laugh, and filled my heart with joy in ways MR.OC never could. Now if only he'd had put down the cocaine... quizzical look, sure, look on to other women though with that regard... I'm straight with the beauty inside. And I'm genuine about it.
Murph, Murph - I'm and escort actually, get that part right. If a man has the balls to step up to me, I find that courageous and ultimately endearing. Furthermore if I am approached, I will give you the time of day... no snarky looks, no evading the conversation at hand. I just get all impressed that you balled-up to meet me!
I don't date (or wouldn't) men in $200 shirts because common sense dictates his hair is more important and eventually I'd have to put his eyeliner on for him.
I totally agree on your last comment about stepping up, seriously. That's the attitude, because any woman worth any of y'alls time will be flattered that you took the chance to talk to her... just be sincere, not a cocky asshole.
Basic point is, nobody asked to be in the bodies that they're in. Nobody asked to fall into category. We need to remember this when we look in our mirrors every morning.
Dzer: I knew you'd say that!
Murphy: I agree with you. You don't have to let her walk by but after women like that crap on you over and over (which, by the way, never really happened to me because I was too shy and dumb to even try) it can lead you to stop trying altogether. I suppose if the woman doesn't stop to talk to you then she's not worth it. *sigh* this could be a long debate...
I SECOND DAN's COMMENT. Not worth it... if she won't give you time... fuck that bitch.
EN: I didn't mean to imply the quizzical look was at you per se. Just a the concept.
do people actually spend $200 on shirts? even if I were obscenely rich, no way I'd spend that much.
naughty one: any time ;)
god I love a woman who uses "vapid" in the same comment as "dickwad."
as a country, we just don't say "dickwad" enough. let's bring it back people!
I love your thighs.. come on, just let me touch them... plleeeaaasseeee? I asked nicely?
Dan- I know I know. It sucks to know there's shallow women out there that talk the talk but won't walk the walk. It makes those of us that appreciate a good mind and sense of humor cringe because it seems we get placed in that category easily. And I just want to say Dan.. that I appreciate your intellect on this truly.
Gigi- We can work out that suck problem issue... call me.
a dickwad says twat?
and flat tires blow ... damn; there I go with the puns again. Will I never change? oooh ... guess not. heh
LMAO Dz! TWAT? I cunt hear you... I have an ear infucktion..
I'll finger it out later.
Blondie - I'm grabbing my coat.. can I work the jack *tingles*
work the jack... I like that a lot.
jack the work? in west vagina?
I bet you think you're the cock of the walk.
Luckily the city has heavy fornications in case of attack.
Sorry to pun so mercilessly, but it's just tit for tat
I do have crazy heels on LOL.
Shit. See? Now that's hot... you and me in the rain... changing tires... all dirty and uhhh..
oh, it's not raining where you are, I guess no wet t-shirts then.
I'll massage your thighs for ya then instead of just touching...
Very punny Doz-- I can't compete!
talk the talk but don't walk the walk
This reminds me of something David once said: I get to bang Claudia Schiffer?
There's hope for us all....
alright then, try sincere first and then transition to cocky over like say... coffee or dinner.
That way you'll at least have a better chance of being 'doable'in the short time span before she slaps your face.
murph: try being the dickwad ... maybe that'll work?
Any more talk about EN and Blondie getting dirty in the rain and I'll be able to lift that car with MY jack!
See now, Dan and I are thinkin' a lick... err, alike here.
There is always hope. Without hope we'd all just be a bunch of depressed chimpanzees dragging our knuckles behind us.
Well, there are still some of those out there too!
Dan, can we just use you to hang the spare while we change it?
tee hee... heels and dirt, heels and dirt!
Instead of rain... how about a nice hot shower afterward Blondie?
tee hee. lather up.
naughty one: actually, that's not hope that kept us from the depressed chimpanzee thing ... it was evolution
yer talking bout evolution ... well you know ... we all wanna change with the world
tee hee?
c'mon now ...
"Hi my name is Clarence Theodore Figwallis Murphy"
hmm ... see why he goes with "Murph?"
Hang the spare tire on it? Now that you're talking about lathering up in the shower you probably could.
I've been known to hang a good sized towel from it so I might be more useful closer to that shower!
Towel boy, soap boy, love slave...I'm easy.
Good Good Dan... and good god too. A multi-purpose man.
Thinking swiss army knife usage outta you.
Blondie - I'm all for the shower, let's go get dirty. Hey, what's the purple and why is Murph waiting for it?
Doz - I *heart* you for being consistant in making me laugh.
Murph - Don't shake hands then, and well.. hmmm. What's wrong with tee hee?
naughty one: a man needs to have some usefulness ;)
I've got something purple but it's not for Murph!
Is it for me Dan?!?!? ME?
Doz - I have sooo many uses for ya.
i need hot chicks showering in my yahoo IM ... stat!
eh ... guess not
sleep time then, I think ...
EN....yes, yes it is. Once again, if only you were closer!
Blondie: Personal assistant huh? I could live with that I suppose. As long as I can keep my day job.
My middle name is Edward.
'Prosperous Guardian'
Still waiting on that prosperous part!
WOW Sug... I was playing that same song in the car this morning... singing along and all that.
Yes, I can sing a lil. Certainly not Christina worthy though... choked me up a little thinking about singing it to a particular somebody.... not saying who.
My middle name means "Gracious".
Like in:
"What color panties she got on?"
"Good Gracious... she aint got on none..."
"Good Gracious... she aint got on none..."
blood. once again. rushing from head.
pants. shrinking.
light. fading.
PHEW! Damn near fainted there!
I *heart* you Blondie... let me sing it to ya
I suddenly have a craving for Fig Newtons... strange
I'm feeling better now thank you. Thinking of changing my name to Fig Newton, but feeling better!
Stop distracting me damn it!
Thanks for the nice comments. Keep tuning in.
Loving your site too. If you are ever in the UK you will have to look us up.
Alex and I would love to have coffee with you.
Suze X
Dan -Im glad you're okay! Was worried about your lack of conscientiousness.
Blondie - I say we audioblog that song together. I can belt the fucking thing pretty well. Just have a problem with the runs on it sometimes. Always lose confidence and stop short.
Suze - I WILL look you up. I WILL. And by the way, I'm a hooked visitor now... I love you UK sex freakish people... I so want to be unamerican sometimes!
*Smooches to you and Alex*
agreed. I know you could pull it off though.
You know... the only song I could ever sing accapella was "Black" by Pearl Jam.
Sang that once at a funeral for a friend... accompanied by acoustic guitar and all... It was touching. But difficult as hell to choke back the tears and belt it.
Anyway, I only sing it in the shower now.. which is why I mentioned it.
Im think January is a good time for drunk showering blondie.
And thanks Murph for the idea... I guess that would be me since Blondie doesn't have a blog!!!
set me up then fucker.. Im not confident audioblogging my voice as it opens up a whole new outlet for people to poke fun at me again.
EN: ahhh...but it allows us to imagine you moaning. I mean, it allows others to imagine you moaning.
maybe I should audioblog an orgasm! Great idea Dan! Thanks!
You're well cum!
Dan, can I scream your name then or what?
Sug - I did say poke! I did!
It's a beautiful thing.
And your point is Scooter? Honestly, quit being evasive.. the White house thing is fooling no one.
EN: Yes, you can scream my name! I'd make you scream it anyways ;-}
He's obviously chicken shit if he won't speak up.
Scooter - if you're so hot on exposing me then step up and be a man... or woman about it.
Fuckin lame ass people like that willing to go all out on others but hide like whimpy little asshats themselves. It's only a matter of time before I track his comment to his IP...
Wow, great blog post today EN, very meaningful...obviously. I only can think of one guy out of all of my friends that is shallow enough that he has to work out every day to have a six pack to impress the ladies. (but he is from Canada too, eh') I can totally agree on the "hotness" issue....I don't think that looks are as big of a deal as you grow older and wiser. I remember in high school, when testosterone levels were spiking, that looks were priority. Now, for me, physical attraction is still important, but in no way trumps personality, attitude, intelligence, maturity, and morals.
Did he delete his own message? WTF? I could have totally tracked him down!
I deleted it Dan...
Aww shucks!
That's ok. No one needed to have that shmuck cause problems in here anyway.
and what do I get for leaving comment number 100?
comment 100 Dan? big HUGE sloppy kiss with tongue...
Sug - I just wanna come in and have a margarita!
well, your comments and hits are up HUGE today ... and I personally don't think it's for the treat of the pic at the bottom of the post.
just sayin' ... heh ... *pinch*
Dzr, I am glad that most of the comments pertain to the subject at hand since I feel it's a strong subject and worth fighting for.
Scooter though it seems took the steam out of the engine with his punk move... Im just glad I finally deleted his 'comment.'
How 'er ya?
yes yes Sug - LOTS of salt.
naughty one: missed that drama ... and I'm good ... just looking for people in IM to talk dirty to before I have to go to work ;)
how's you?
LOL. Funny how your day is beginning... and mine is ending...
You need to stop sleeping! LOL
or star sleeping somewhere and sometime else ;)
or even START ... sheesh
btw ... check your e-mail ... ;)
now ... off to work!
damn i'm pissed today was a day when i wasn't around in the comments... because me too. i've been traffic stopping hot and i've been fat and passed over ugly. Maybe never morbidly obese but as an adult i've weighed 140 and 240 pounds and let me tell you that's a big difference.
anyway when i was in my traffic stopping days i ended up in college getting straight a's and everyone was treating me like i was a total moron.... for some reason having an iq higher than your weight makes people really uncomfortable. it's like they can't believe it. i was dating a man and noone could believe i was dating him because he wasn't hot. but he was sweet and attentive and had the most beautiful eyes.
and i have to say that given a choice between being hot and not? i pick hot every time. sure i may have to work harder to get people to treat me like i have a brain but at least they see me when they look at me and pay attention when i speak. i didn't like having my self passed over and dismissed nad i'm glad i'm blessed enough that i can put myself back there.
funny thing... i just hit 180 pounds and am within 20 pounds of where i want to end up and i'm still just now the fattest EN has ever been. funny how height is.
anyway d i've dated cute and i've dated ugly and i have to say taht that is no longer something i care about... actually other than high school stupidity i don't think it ever was.
i don't get a nose job because my nose adds character to my face... but it's still bigger than i want it to be.
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