To fat, fat you must cut clean

Somebody asked me once "Jesus, when do you find time to write porn?"
I think they asked me because it seems I am always busy with some kind of shit going on; porn review, self-help for the other site, kids, girlfriends, husband... chores. Of course, they followed that up with "Jesus, your house must look like shit."
The answer to the question would have to be... I find time to write porn when i can. Yesterday and today are not those days. You've all probably noticed I haven't had time to check your blogs much less update mine! I am totally trying to squeeze out this second chapter for ya... but priorities dictate I have to work and take care of my kids. Funny that, huh?
My fucking phone has been ringing off the hook, and it's nobody I really want to talk to. To add insult to injury I feel like shit from running through pelting fucking rainstorms, accomodating my kids trick-or-treating fix last night. Pity me...
NO, I haven't gotten laid. Color me really pissed off about it. I am now convinced hubby is doing it on purpose to gear me up for the impending trial date in which we have to testify, yes testify against the little fuckers that stole my shit. I think he likes my enhanced testosterone levels... I get all dominant and bitchy at everyone else but him. Not often does he see that side of me...
Just last night, I laid-in on some teenage punks because they nearly obliverated my youngest son trying to get the last piece of candy from the person with the bucket. K, we waited in line... they didn't.... I got pissed. Husband totally loved it. Kissed me, but no sex. WTF.
NO, I haven't gotten my shit back either. I need some sympathy or something... wtf?
K, so here's something cool though... This has always been one of my favorite songs in the whole wide world. Everytime I hear it on my ipod, I hit replay on it.... I can do the baseline (it's pretty simple), and thrive on driving really fast when it plays in the car. This link is cool because it has the bass tab included.
Wish I had seen that before I tried to figure it out myself. But hey! I'm pretty good considering I got the fingering right the first time.
heh, fingering... *turmoil*
Today, it's my theme song... just wanted to share. If you wanna hear it... feel free.
Alright, so back to work for me. *sigh*
High time you got some trick and treating.
I tried to listen to your theme song and my player f****d up, I'll have to try again.
Glad I found you. I'll be revisiting.
Suze X
Really looking forward to your next post on the party!
By the way, what is the other site you write for?
I hear you on the time thing. We all only have so much to do all the things we have to do in our lives.
For me, to write porn I have to give valuable television, DVD and movie watching time, time I could spend blogging, chatting or otherwise Net surfing, or even sleeping for that matter.
No marriage, no love life and no kids ... who would have thought it would "pay off" for me like this?
Oh ... and I didn't even mention all the down time I usually have at work because, yes, I'm just that damn good at what I do.
Sorry, darlin' ... I started this off as an empathetic comment, one porn writer to another, and it turned into a personal little gloatfest. It's hard for me to resist those, because there are so few instances in which I have gloat-worthy gloatability to legitimately gloat.
For example, at least you got a kiss this week. For me to achieve similar, I have to go spend some money at the stripclub ... LOL.
hmmm kisses
those are nice
i remember kisses...
Take your time you poor, poor thing. I'll be patient for you and only you.
sass: no shit huh? I need to start one of those kiss-and-cuddle clubs on Guam LOL
naughty one: hey there darlin'!! ;)
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