Happy Triple FFF

Yeah baby it's another Fun Fucking Friday and I'm here to entertain ya with another fun poll. This one I stole from Gigi-licious, who originally did this some time earlier in the week. Hi Mama!
Anywho, since I forgot to forward myself my thoughts on sexual restraint, the X-bar review, and anything else that I really wanted to post today... this will have to suffice. Sorry bout that, just spank me... okay?
I have kept my picture up of yesterdays HNT, either because I'm too lazy to edit the post or because well.... I like the attention really. I'm voting for the latter. I got a lot of feedback about finally showing my face, and I thank you for that. Honestly, I have never been confident about my full appearance, I mean a piece here and a part there is good... but the whole damn thing? Thanks for the compliments guys and gals It meant much.
K, so... If any of you check in over the weekend, you'll find a wrap-up of what appeared to be the beginning of S & M week. LOL.
And can I just say that I love men?
I really do.
All of you guys just get my panties in a bind... it's a good thing, I like bound panties... stick around.
*giggle* ... stick around.
10 locations I've never had sex:
uhhh. uhhhhhh. UHHHHHH.
An elementary school
Back of a motorcycle
hmmmm.... fuck.
9 Favorite Movies:
Office Space ( i have my flair on thanks)
The Usual Suspects
Bad Boys I & II
Shakespeare in Love (*sigh*)
Blazing Saddles
Clerks (I'm not even supposed to be here today!)
Pulp Fiction
What dreams may come (great movie)
8 favorite snacks:
Little Debbie Nutty Bars (damn that little Debbie)
Muenster cheese & Summer sausage (commence with the snyde comments now)
Fruit snacks (any kind)
Chex Mix: Sweet and Salty (alright, more snyde comments)
Hersheys Chocolate Bars (no nuts!)
Kettle Corn
Barbeque Pork w/ lots of hot mustard
7 people I want to meet in Heaven (or on the other side):
Adam (so I can say I'm sorry)
My Grandfather
Kurt Cobain
John Holmes (just want to get a closer look)
Cary Grant
Brad Nowell
Ernest Hemingway
6 things I want to do before I die:
Secure my childrens financial future
Get my husband a replacement wife (what? I'm fucking dying... right?)
See the sunrise over the Thames
Spend time in a coffee shop in the Netherlands
Pose in Playboy (so ya'll would have a souvenier)
Run naked with the Wilderbeast in Africa
5 songs that would be in my 'strip set' :
The Stake - Steve Miller (Dom, you know that's true)
Artificial Red - Mad Season
She's got the Jack - ACDC
Custard Pie - Led Zepplin
Danger - Mystikal
4 things that attract me to a guy:
Arms & Shoulders
3 things that turn me off:
wittling self confidence
2 favorite books:
Running with Scissors
The Four Love Languages
# 1 thing to do on a Saturday night:
Come over to my place and find out. *snicker*
There's plenty of room for everyone!
Suggestion for next week's HNT...
I want to see you in a skirt, baby.
(Cary Grant and Kobain... cool stuff girl!)
Murph - I think it depends on the personality... I mean to say, If the guy is a serious over abundant ass and has a 'dry' personality then, yes... it's a turn off.
But somebody who stands to be parallel to me (maybe even more) as far as confidence, sexuality, and sense of humor is definetly a major turn on.
So, it goes both ways. I'm sure you can understand that.
Helskel - Skirt it is baby. Yes, I loved Cary Grant. And good ol' Kurt, well.. it goes without saying.
Gigi - I say we just double team, no sense in taking turns. There's enoughf for both of us!! LOL
Rm- you know what buddy? It's good to see ya here, seriously.
Thanks, which is your favorite out of the 9?
Well, if I can pursuede you... check out Shakespeare in Love, seriously..
I thought I would hate it since I am not really into the chick flick scene... no really, I'm not. Give me a good action film and I'm tight.
"What'd you rent?"
"Hermaphroditic Porn; beautiful chicks with dicks that put mine to shame."
You know, I do a really good "randall walk" LOL. I love that movie!
Digital Bath eh? I'll check that out.
Hi Emma
You seem to be in better spirits today.
BTW saved your pic from yesterday on my desktop, very nice.
It will help me to recognise you when you come and visit (I wish).
Have a great Triple FFF.
Suze X
i'll be over tomorrow...8pm
i've been practicing my eclaire eating!
Blondie - Fruit snacks rock the hizows! I consume at least 5 packs a day!
Suze - *blush* As soon as I get my red pvc jumpsuit, I'm emailing you a new pic! btw - somebody offered me airfare to london for ass sex... LOL you think I should do it?
Buttah - *perk* I'll get out the visquene! Right on!
RM - LOL It is! And most of them are post-op anyway!
I did do a strip once to 'Kiss' by Prince... it was hot, but, I'm seriously afraid to admit I did that. So, you didn't hear it from me.... You mean AOHell instant messenger?
I have nightmares about AOL.
"noids noids noids, smokin' weed, doin' coke, drinking beer... pack yer ass my good man. Time to kick back, drink some beer and smoke some weed!"
Danger - Mystikal
I haven't hear that song in a while. Good fit for you... you are danderous. = )
You should take up the offer but come and see me instead.
Oh, and don't forget the pvc jumpsuit.
LOL I love things which are wipe clean.
oh my god! i love mystikal!
yay!! downloading spree!!
and Suze, don't forget slippery! Believe me, if I found my way overseas I would visit you first... I've always wanted to see Big Ben LOL.
And I was just about to read chapter 2 when I realized I wasn't wearing any panties today. My office chair could never take the abuse.
Buttah - you should put it on your hotcodez, I'll boot up the cam and give ya a show. then we can talk cream filled pastries!!!
since no one else stepped up to the plate ...
*grabs you by the waist, turns you around and puts you over my knee*
now this will hurt you much more than it hurts me, but in a good way ...
*rears arm back ... and spanks you hard ... and repeatedly*
hotcodz is down!
videocodezone hates me.
damn them all!
mmmmmmmm, i love cream filled pastries named Em :)
Thanks big daddy, I needed that!
Finally a man that can step up to the plate...
*wrapping hair up into pigtails*
do it again.
You've been missing a lot of work lately.
I wouldn't exactly say I was missing it.
Ahhh....Office Space. It's a classic!
Speaking of missing work, I'm not working today! Remembrance Day in Canada so we don't work! WooHoo!!!
Of course, when I was still in the military this day consisted of one military parade followed by getting drunk at the legion. Ah...good times.
Now it's staying at home and watching the kids while my wife goes to Saskatchewan for a wedding shower.
P.S. EN, you're still frickin' hot! *smooch*
Dan- yeah, today is Veterans Day in the US. Which means, whether you're a veteran or not... you work.
Of course the fucking government and bankers get it off. Fuckers.
No no though, no love to the real heroes of our great country... since we all work mediocre blue collar 9-5's (most veterans I know anyway).
Hooray to the heroes that lucked out enough to get a government job.
*kisses to the rest of y'all that risked your asses to give us rights and freedom, and are knee deep in an ungrateful workload today*
PS - Dan, thanks *wink*
Yeah. Up here it's a 'dealers choice' type of holiday. Some people work it, some don't. It depends on your employer. Last year I had to work it and they gave me an extra day off over Xmas. This year Xmas is on a weekend so we get Remembrance Day off.
It all works out in the end I guess.
P.S. You're welcome.
c'mere girlie ... I gots me a paddle this time ... clench and take it like a good little girl ;)
Im eating fruit snacks right now.
just an FYI
I have Finding Nemo and Lion King... which would you like?
*throwing two packs your way*
Shit! I just noticed your link isn't here....
No, it's there now sweetie... top billing.
Here Murph, have some fruit snacks... sit down...
and watch.
huh? I'm totally confused.
plans... err.
It's especially quiet around here for a Friday.
Where'd the eclair eater go?
And I wonder if Dan is getting any peace at his house...
And gigi, wtf? Where did YOU go?
alright alright, a girl goes to get work done and the party halts.
I get it. y'all just want me for my attentiveness... it's cool. I feel no rejection.
and you wonder why Blondie gets to be on top... sheesh.
right. will hold tight for email... and check this comments section less often I guess.
Silly me.
K, you guys have gone wild today as usual. Toss me some Nemo snacks... pretty please!
*tossing Lil a pack*
I love the little purple Bruce sharks! See, I can make them swim!!!
So, Nemo on Ice is playing right now in my area. Was going to take the little one...
but I just couldn't stand it:
"Nemo on Ice."
Sushi. seriously.
Yummy! Love to chomp on some fruit snacks! I can make them do flips! Hehe!
Sushi... bad stuff! I don't want anything that smells fishy!
EN-i am so hanging out here from now on...murph won't even buy me runts....asshole...
Bjmeg - you are welcome anytime!
I'd buy you runts... and a 40!! Seriously, we won't tell Murph you're here :) He'll give me shit for wanting to turn you bi. unless errr, you are.
Lil- yeah, I don't do sushi so well.. just something about raw fish. dunno... gag.
ya know what i would be so bi if it weren't for the fact that i just can't seem to eat pussy...sigh...dammit because i would be so good at being bi...
yeah murph doesn't need to know shit...
It's an acquired taste Meg... I totally understand.
Perhaps you can be bi without the eating!!!
like, psuedo-bi!
btw.. i keep hitting the i instead of the j when I type your name... so if I accidentally type bimeg, it's not intended!
LOL that's alright...well ya know what i just can't seem to talk myself into it...
but hey psuedo bi works for me!
sorry my hands are slippin too i guess!
ps you ought to come by our site sometime!! pbc would have a hayday!
now yer Bi Meg? i fucking knew it.
yep...i just don't eat pussy so according to EN i'm psuedo bi!
Meg - I've been to your blog before! I've commented too...
I love it, so fucking hilarious.
There's been a couple of times I've laughed so hard... tears... honestly... tears.
hey...great poll...lemme know if u manage to do someone at the back of a motorcycle...i wanna know what the experience is like :p
and ur pic in the prev post was gr8!!!
well that i am sure is compliments of shane and pbc....(as hard as that was to say)...
i just told murph that you were going to buy me runts....so he may be stopping by shortly....
hey murph you are just pissed because you can't participate....
EN it's ok we can watch porn!
Alright damn.
Here we go:
Ladies - If I have ever given you any reason to want to convert and/or become bi-sexual then I am very truly sorry.
It seems that I have been 'exposed' for my real intentions of creating an army of lesbian/bi/nyphomaniacs that will one day take over the world and leave poor Murph without anyone to keep his bald-ass head warm.
I owe you all a huge apology, and I hereby declare that you can be any sexual preference you want and I will accept you.
Hell, I like dick just as much as the next person. Even more than well, the competition, but anyway.
Thank you for being beautiful sensitive women, regardless of whether you're a dick sucker or a pussy eater or both.
Warmest Regards,
YES! Lets watch porn!
Thanks Sid, I appreciate the compliment... and if I meet with the back of a motorcycle in a good way... you'll be the first to know!
awww EN you are so sweet! glad to hear that you except everyone...and who cares about murph...he can't even buy a girl some runts.....
Well I was getting some peace but now I'm at work. Moving my computer to my new office and getting things ready for the new girl.
I'd rather be eating fruit (your peach perhaps? heh) and watching porn though.
well dan you don't sound so excited about getting a new girl...
maybe see if she'll enjoy some fruit and porn...ya never know!
tee hee... Dan said 'getting ready for the new girl.'
tee hee... and then he said peach.
Unfortunately she's not my type...my size maybe...but not my type.
Not that there's anything wrong with size...
EN: I was thinking of your peach!!
Alright...quit distracting me. I have to move my computer next door but I'll be back!
so you are letting her move in and she's "not your type"? interesting...
EN sounds like you could teach him a few things about "his type"
*giggle* *perk*
I wonder if I can convert Dan to a lesbian/bi/nympho so he could join my secret army?
Mr. Murphy.
Come here. I want to fist you right in the ass.
Yes. with the dildo even.
millions of peaches, peaches for me... millions of peaches.. peaches for free.
Although, I liked Stranger better.
I read that post! Fucking hilarious.. and I agreed with ya completely!
Murph - you just know you'd like it, and I would tell everyone.
I am secretly a lesbian stuck in a man's body.
I am already a nympho.
I will never be bi....sorry, no waivering on that one!
I don't know if I could join your army EN but I'd sure like to train them!!
so meg, that whole showering w/ tomi & angie thing was a hint eh? and btw, YES, the chicks in our crew DO shower with eachother. hell, angie's made out w/ about every female friend of ours. i guess she's pseudo-bi also?
see, wow.
Shane thanks for sharing that. Where's my iegg.
Dan- you can be the sargeant of the tactical unit.
RM- you can do the documentary... all about the in's and out's of converting hetero's to bi... and then the in-depth crossover to lesbianism.
I love lesbian men.
wow i'm late to the party these days
teaching too much
can you believe i just said that out loud?
i loved your list... maybe i'll steal it next time i need inspiration for a post
*wearing a poppy today*
So as the Sargeant of the Tactful...err....Tactical Unit what exactly do I get to do?
Use explicit language if you must....(please)
yeah that would make angie psuedo bi as well...and yes we shower together all the time...why not??
First off - HI SASS!! Is it a real poppy? Make tea, share it with me.
Dan - gimme a minute or two... Im swamped!
Meg - there's nothing wrong with a friendly shower... don't take offense, he's just jealous.
EN: Take all the time you need. Email me if you must. Include pictures. I've held a Top Secret security classification before...
*saluting General EN*
Lilith reporting for duty!
en- iegg?
Well I hate to leave but I think my overtime work here is done for today.
EN: I'll be expecting that Top Secret email with duties and pictures!!
Shane - scroll down to product review for the iegg. Or ask Lil, she knows....
:) lil.
:0 Sass- my yahoo ate your email, so Im redoing it.
Dan - will do, thanks for working overtime for us.
Jesus RM, is that when class is in or out of session?
100th comment bitches.
murphy: first of all, at least you're still 2nd on the links list ... and not SECOND TO LAST ... the treatment of us Guammies as second-class citizens continues in the blog world ... *sigh*
also, speaking of sushi, check this out:
and how soon the spanked forget the spankers ... *sighs again*
At least you guys are on the list....
I'd probably have to move to Guam and speak to women like crap before I even got mentioned on the link list.
Y'all are a needy bunch of men I swear! LOL
Alright damn. My world has been rocked. Don't make me pull this car over!!!
You actually make me have to explain myself? LOL!!!
I love men. all men.
Gigi - honey, your butt is fine...really. And hey, email me the name of the elementary school so I can have sex there.
Thanks love.
Shane gets a free 'get out of jail card' for being the 100th commentor....
and a *kiss*
Now let's see y'all fucking needy men go wild again! I love it!
big daddy don't hate, just spank me again.. damn, you can't take a hint or what?
No dan, you're not chopped liver either. But if you call me a hot bitch every once and awile... we'd be tight.
how ironic since i work in a jail. thank EN!
LOL...not seriously...*snicker*
I just pick up on the way they bitch about your snide yet funny remarks man....
Have you ever had sex in Iowa?
Actually Wez, I think I have!
It was over Iowa, does that count?
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