Happy Happy Joy Joy
It's HNT dammit! Yes yes, happy HNT to all.
It's amazing what a good nights sleep can accomplish, a chance to wipe away any remnants of fuck ups the day prior and start over. Of course, depending on what you've done (or not done) it sometimes takes two nights.
I won't need two nights.
Not to say everything worked itself out, but damn.
I am so warm and fuzzy right now from all of y'all sincere comments and hugs, I have no choice but to treat you to something other than the norm.
So as a special thanks to all of you that thought of me, cared for me, had sympathy for me... and called me (yes, tee hee you know who you are). I give you all of Emma today - unedited completely.
This will be the only time.... and I'm removing the photo tomorrow. Yes, yes... I'm a giver.
Frankly I just want to express how grateful I am to have so many friends here in my blogosphere! Scooter would be proud, *sigh* LMAO
I have to also throw in a holla to a special calla.
Thanks. I am looking forward to the well you know, that uhhh... time. Furthermore, I had a dream about you dammit and I didn't see a tape line on the bed. Perhaps that insinuates that we uhhh. Jesus *giggle*. Let's just say that after we got off the phone last night, I had a new attitude... and realized who my friends are and who aren't. You made it crystal clear, and I'm going to pay that back soon enough... promise. Looking forward to Paris.
K- Enough about that.
Back on track with things now I intend to give you what some of you have asked for tomorrow. I'm gonna talk a little about retraint sex and the happiness of bondage :). I'm also going to do a review on the X-bar... as well, the fourth chapter of the Halloween party (there's 5 chapters in all). For those of you that did not catch the third chapter, here is a quick link.
Well, Happy HNT all y'all.... let's see some smiles and smut today!
It's amazing what a good nights sleep can accomplish, a chance to wipe away any remnants of fuck ups the day prior and start over. Of course, depending on what you've done (or not done) it sometimes takes two nights.
I won't need two nights.
Not to say everything worked itself out, but damn.
I am so warm and fuzzy right now from all of y'all sincere comments and hugs, I have no choice but to treat you to something other than the norm.

This will be the only time.... and I'm removing the photo tomorrow. Yes, yes... I'm a giver.
Frankly I just want to express how grateful I am to have so many friends here in my blogosphere! Scooter would be proud, *sigh* LMAO
I have to also throw in a holla to a special calla.
Thanks. I am looking forward to the well you know, that uhhh... time. Furthermore, I had a dream about you dammit and I didn't see a tape line on the bed. Perhaps that insinuates that we uhhh. Jesus *giggle*. Let's just say that after we got off the phone last night, I had a new attitude... and realized who my friends are and who aren't. You made it crystal clear, and I'm going to pay that back soon enough... promise. Looking forward to Paris.
K- Enough about that.
Back on track with things now I intend to give you what some of you have asked for tomorrow. I'm gonna talk a little about retraint sex and the happiness of bondage :). I'm also going to do a review on the X-bar... as well, the fourth chapter of the Halloween party (there's 5 chapters in all). For those of you that did not catch the third chapter, here is a quick link.
Well, Happy HNT all y'all.... let's see some smiles and smut today!

I'll be back once I finish masturbating ... wow!!
Dozr! I luff ya seriously...
Hey- can I do that?
Blondie- Well the day is just beginning! LOL You never know do ya? But seriously, my attitude is good today and I refuse to be the piss girl for any one!
You know what to do if ya need me, right?
And I think you'd look great on that bed right next to me.
Hi Emma
Glad to hear things are turning around for you.
Great pic, you're are exactly my type of girl. If you come over to the UK I may have to get "Dick" out again!
Great big hugs and kisses.
Suze X
BTW Suze - I have to say that I read the story you referred to yesterday. Yes yes I shoulda commented, but I was masturbating... so sorry for that.
I'm buying a red jumpsuit.
Love to your great breasts (oh, and Alex too) *snicker*
no really, you DON't need an electric blanket...
I'll keep ya HOT.
And I think Dzr might have died... DOZ!!!! Well shit, he said masturbating and then disappeared?!?! what am i supposed to think?
I am so glad you are feeling better and I'm sorry I did'nt get a chance to try and give you a lift yesterday.
Hugs and kisses all over!
Very very sexy girl. Happy HNT.
Two words...
Absolutely Stunning!
Happy HNT!
Didn't know I could save a picture so fast.
What a gorgeous phizzz.
Good to hear your heart turned back into the wind too.
(long-lived fondle to accompany a long stare into your eyes)
Blondie - No, no electric blanket.
Murph - Speak up, I wanna hear it. And in case you think I didn't notice... thanks for the comment on the last post. I appreciate you stepping out of your skin for a moment.
Eddie - you can give me a lift now if ya want!
Dan- Are you speechless or... just leave the thesaurus at home. C'mon baby talk to me.
Horsn - Thanks for making time for me today... auditors eh? there goes your boner for sure.
Damn men... aren't saying a fucking thing. Blast your face on the page and they can't formulate... wtf!
Dude, Pixie - thanks so much.
Ok. I had to rotate the picture 180 degrees to get the full effect and my initial words stand.
Add to that the fact that when I saw the picture all I could think of was the multiple things I wanted to do to you (as well as GIVE to you). Graphic language like that between two people should be kept to emails or private conversations.
Helskel - fondling! Yes! good!
Gig- good good, no passing out. I was getting concerned about head trauma... OH did you bring your iegg to the party?!!??!?
Blondie - Thanks! No, it sounds like you're talking about a girlfriend.
Dan - so, did you imagine actually flipping me like that physically? I can see why you were speechless ;)
I can do that you know...
<--- dancer for years... limber even.
Murph - the nicest restaurant I can think of.... McDonalds?
Flipping you that way and several others. It's a good thing you were a dancer, some of my favorite positions would require you to stretch!
girlfriend: one for which you cherish and devote a piece of your heart to.
and if sleeping happens I'll be shocked! We both know there's other things that will take priority over the sleeping LOL
Welcome to the HNT insanity! You need to get over and comment on my HNT so that everyone else knows you're out here. (I think you'll be really popular....)
never go straight honey. only forward.
damn. that's hot.
i need to "shower" again today
*perk* shit now I can't even type straight!! LOL
Yes yes... go down! Jesus. *wiping sweat away from brow*
Elle- Before you shower, eat me like an eclair wouldja? You said you would!
Ok. I brought over the chocolate and vanilla frosting from gigi's blog.
Let's see some HNT action today damn it!
Ok ok....I'll go get the strawberry cupcake frosting but you'd better make it worth my while damn it!
After all that time I spend licking too....
interesting that Gig fantasizes of strawberry... I wonder what that means exactly. I mean, cherry I would understand... even chocolate. But strawberry?
Insight me some Gigi.
Blondie- I owe her? or she owes me? err... damn. forget the forward. go down.
Dan- Blondie and I have been at it for some time now... and then I had to hit the McD's for Murph.
Welcome back!
OH and DAN...
If you're going to the store?!?!?
Grab some tampons too while you're at it k?
I know you men hate that shit! Thank GOD I don't need those anymore.
wo-o-o-o-man; I gotta stop checking in here while at work....I hope no one walks in my office that I have to stand up for.
You just raised the bar for HNT's...among other things.
*throws bag to crowd*
I'm back. Dig out what you need, it's all there.
Someone owes me BIG TIME!
I don't think that clerked needed to announce that price check, he just wanted to. Fucker!
I love you guys.
I like manipulation... it's adds an air of well...
Chocolate is good. Let's talk chocolate!
Dan- thanks for that, you rock the groceries! *kisses for the girls*
Murph- sheesh... alright then. Hmmmm, pick a steak house.
fuck you then. just looking for a partner.
I need beef.
I want it fed to me.
I want it NOW.
Any takers then? Oh, and expect it to be extremely slow since apparently that's my style.
Come on with it Murph, I'll fight ya.
*strapping on bikini and not heating the mud*
LMAO word verification: wippz!
Sorry. Not much beef. Is tube-steak ok?
Isn't that always the way? The hot chicks swarm to the guy who talks to them like shit!
I'm outta here for a while.
true true
Dan, tube steak isn't beef?
WHAT? Dan... jesus.
I think you need some mud wrestling too!
come on Dan, have bikini
*sniffs and rubs eyes*
I suppose I could use some mud wrestling but I don't have my bikini...I stick with a one-piece.
I have to get ready to conduct an interview in 20 minutes so I have to go for now.
I'll be back later though so start stretching!
no.. I think we're alone...
isn't it.
So, whatya want to do? Here in the solitude of my comments section, eh?
Blondie - you shoulda called.. you coulda had me for lunch
coulda woulda shoulda
Horsn - Im glad you stuck yer head in...
Castu - you're more than welcome, it's the least I could do.
EN! I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you yesterday. Is it too late for hugs and kisses? I'm glad that you are doing better today. Any time you need to talk let me know. I'll give you my #.
Love the HNT! You are simply beautiful!!! Thanks for keeping the pic up long enough for me to see it! Wanna cuddle?
no, you're not too late... I've been chasing you. wtf!
Castu - mine are a little uhhh sticky but you can borrow them?
Lil - not too late for you either! Thanks for the compliment and yes, email me the number. And yes I do wanna cuddle!!!
Good, I hate being late.
I love to cuddle.
I got my shipment that I was expecting today! Hehe!
Seriously, do ya like the look of it?
Work into setting #5... don't go straight for the gusto lady I'm tellin' ya.
Oh, and errr... I will most likely be playing with mine tonight too.
Blondie - yes ;) I know it! Are you chasing me? I like that... keep running it's my turn.
I know! I'm so excited!!!
It's pretty!
K, I'll work my way up to. I have control... really!
*snicker* hehe!
I'm right behind ya! What's yer color... I'll front the bill.
I'm your suga-momma honey!
yay! blondie's NOT turquoise pic and smiling face is back!
naughty one: typical male ... shot my load and went to bed LMAO
Gig - I like Strawberry!!! Just not the frosting!!1
How about sundae topping strawberry.. that rocks! or strawberry suckers... that rocks too!
Doz - I shoulda known, but I missed ya. You don't get around here much anymore! :(
Next time shoot it right there... yes, right there...
Castu - I think the shipping charges would be intense... but I'm considering it.
and uh, yea I like the slap... lemme roll over for ya. still smiling.
sexy girl!!!
happy hnt!
naughty one: it's the time change from daylight savings. Guam doesn't observe daylight savings, being so close to the equator, so while it used to seem like I was sticking around for hours, now it seems like I go to bed early
unfortunately, we're stuck in that timeframe until spring when the clocks "spring forward."
so get me early or ... you don't get me ... *sigh*
I'm in the same boat, but in the same time zone. Em appears to be an early riser and I am a night owl.
I guess she'd be Rutger Hauer and I am the "Lady Hawk".
Or I am Long Duck Dong and she is big American girl friend!
(OK... brain stuck on 1980s films at the moment).
Nice pic by the way.
Now only if the 'net had a way to have "smell-o-vision". I bet you'd smell like strawberries and Black Velvet.
Holy crap, you are one hot chickie..it's hard to believe someone as cute as you should have any turmoil in their lives.
Leave us the pic for our viewing pleasure..pleeease!
wish I was there
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