
Now you see it

Now ya don't.

I did take my profile pic down.

I did decide that all the nasty mean comments about the way I look on others blogs comments sections have pushed me back a couple of notches. ... It's interesting what you find when you blog surf through your friends blog links, and on... and on... and on.

No, this is not directed to anybody close enough to shout to. My circle of friends is very much intact.... but damn. Why didn't somebody just own up and tell me I wasn't as hot as you said I was. Honestly people..... honesty.

To the ass hats that said rude things about me... that just wasn't nice.
But, I guess the fact that ya just came out and told it the way it was is... well... I dunno. But...
Thanks for the insults fuckers, next time balls up and say them to my face instead. I'd respect you more for it really.

In the military when one member of the team does something stupid, the whole platoon suffers.

That being said:

I want all of you who actually enjoyed the way I look (and I thank ya if you did) to turn and thank the fuckwads that have enabled me to decide not to post any more face pics of myself from here on out.

And to ditch the ones I have posted in the past (yes I will be removing them tonight and tomorrow).

And to not post any more HNT's.

Yes, thank them... It's Thanksgiving after all.


Blogger factory_peasant said...

you shouldn't give a shit about comments like that and leave your stuff up. the few retardeds who spouted off are probably losers with bad fetishes like wearing a diaper in an adult sized playpen while crapping themselves and sucking on a binky. you know the greasy pimply-faced type of asshat i'm talkin' about. a glass eye and a peg leg, one yellow fang, and they probably havent touched a woman in fifteen(15) years.

i say leave your photos up just to spite 'em. spite is gooooood. trust me.

3:54 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Thanks peasant, that was sweet, really. Love the visual of grown men shitting themselves and sucking on a binky!

As soon as I'm done crying in my beer....

oh hell, join me for a cold frosty one would ya?

Don't mind the running mascara though, k?

4:23 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger figleaf said...

Well, first of all it's your blog and you can do whatever you like. That's the best part about blogging.

Next, though, it's hard to imagine that anyone would object to the way you look. I thought (think!) that you're pretty easy on the eyes.

If you don't feel comfortable posting new photos, or leaving old ones up, well, your comfort is more important than ours, your readers.

Finally, though, I've found that most negative comments are made by trolls, the internet term for comment vandals, who derive a great deal of satisfaction from provoking... exactly the reaction you've given them.

Look in the mirror again. Look at your photos again. Look at how many positive, often detailed comments you've gotten and compare them to the occasional thumbs down. You're a perfectly lovely woman, Nice. Who do you believe? Who do you *want* to believe? Us and your own truth-telling eyes or them?

Just so you know, I totally support your decision but I regret it as well.

FYI, I'll probably be posting about this in an upcoming HNT. If tomorrow weren't a holiday I'd post it tonight but I may wait till next week. The main thing, though, is that as HNT becomes more popular it'll become easier, and more attractive, for the troll to try to fuck it all up. Posting pictures of ourselves is always going to feel risky since we're usually our own worst critics and that'll only make it easier for trolls to wreak havok. Unlike complex geopolitical situations this is a pretty simple one. In this case backing down really does only encourage the snot-nosed little terrorists. (Fuck them and the crappy little 1990's-era hand-me-down Civics they drive around in.)

Good luck whatever you choose to do.

Take care,


4:28 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

See, and this I appreciate as well... but I swear to god I have never ever read one insult or bad comment about you Gig on anybody elses blogs....

yet, I seem to attract them. Seriously, Im tired of it.

I mean, I could shun it for a while, and I have... But damn.

4:31 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Thanks Fig- just like what peasant said... I admire the concept you presented and will take it at face value.

I appreciate you posting about it if you like, it's your arena... please feel free to use it as you wish.

I really need to step away now and reflect.

Thanks again for your kindness, all of ya.

4:37 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

those fuckers

I will hunt them down and keel them like the peegs they are!!

robbing ME of MY EN fix? how fucking dare they?

*sharpens machete*

4:37 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Well thanks Gigi, I felt the same for a while... numb and all.

But now it just plain hurts.

Im off to the airport y'all, runny mascara and all that...

Happy Thanksgiving to ya.

*riding off into sunset with my ugly ass face*

4:49 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

EN: Although I was proud to have your pictures on my BILF site I have respected your decision and removed your feature. I have also temporarily suspended the site out of respect since I do not have a flag that I can lower to half-mast (something the military also does when it loses someone important).

As I recall from my six years in the military we had a different way of dealing with people who did something stupid. Yes, the whole platoon would suffer at the hands of the platoon leaders, but in the barracks later the rest of the platoon would give the stupid person a blanket party.

In case the US military doesn't have blanket parties I'll explain. Once everyone is in bed a number of people would sneak up on the 'stupid' person's bunk and hold his covers down, ensuring only his head was out and he couldn't move. Then everyone else would approach with a pillowcase containing a bar of soap and beat the 'stupid' person until he was black and blue. He was usually smarter in the morning.

By the way, have you seen any bad comments about me in your travels?

6:22 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Sug - well, the parade isnt over really.. there's just no floats lol

Dan - thanks buddy. i appreciate you taking it down.... Ya didn't have to suspend it though. I'm totally not worth all that.

Ahhh yes, hazing. I remember those days...

err, ummm. We don't do that in the military... LOL

7:09 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Sid said...

hey!!!!! no way!!! don believe watever those jealous fuckin pimps have to say...seriously...fuck them!!!! nobody dare say anything about u!!!!!!! why don u give all of us those fuker's blog sites and we'll do the rest....ur one of the best bloggers ever...don let these ppl stop u!

7:29 PM, November 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Emma no. Here I log on to check in and no smirking face!

I know you too well to believe that this was just one or two random comments about you. I would be honored if you could share what they said with me.

I noticed your posts slipping a bit, but I figured since you and Red don't get around much that often, and well you didn't talk for a while, that you just didn't have any neat stories to tell.

Maybe that isn't the case after all. I have also been noticing that you do get a lot of people visiting your blog that don't know you, or any thing about why you blog.

These people should not be taken seriously, and also Emma I think that I should be allowed to post on the value of comments if you will allow me to use your blog site to do it.

I'm not starting a blog myself or I would. I like to live through yours.

You're such a beautiful and amazing person. When we all go out or are at parties, you always seem to be the pinnacle. The one that grabs the attention. The one the guys drool over. You're the reason they send drinks to our table for crying out loud!

Let me know if I can steal your blog, k? And call me if you want.

7:51 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Jesse- Feel free to pirate my blog, and thanks. I emailed my user name and password to you. Make yourself a member while you're at it for future posting needs. I don't think anybody around here will mind.

Blondie - aaawwww hun. God knows I love ya.. and I know you know how I feel so your words really hit a 10 with me. I will mull for a while, and I appreciate the compliment... you know I do.

jesus, we do think too much... lol!

8:49 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

btw hon ... ya left a pic up ... in the champagne room ... just in case ya forgot ... *smooch*

9:10 PM, November 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't give in. In the words of some movie I saw once (getting old sucks!) Fuck the fucking fuckers! U R sexy and will be missed (unless you take my advice and come back!). Happy HNThanksgiving!

11:51 PM, November 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the fuckwads out there. The majority of blogworld will be sorry not to see you.

5:13 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger SignGurl said...

Emma, I am crying here for you. Those fuckers need to be beaten within an inch of their lives.

I can only say that I was so impressed when you decided to post your picture. You are absofuckinglutely beautiful! I could only be so lucky as to have half the body that you do.

Please don't let some monkeyballeatingasslickingcocksuckers ruin it for all of us. We love you!


6:02 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

uh figleaf? i drive a crappy little 93 honda accord. so please don't generalise about people who choose to maintain old cars due to poverty.

regarding trolls? yeah you've nailed it.

that said? i think emma is right to do this and NOT because of the fucking trolls... but because she has a family and children and her pics make her too easy to identify and locate.

*hugs* babe... and i'll share some advice i got about being a teacher.

25% of people will love you
50% will be indifferent
25% will hate you

worry about the 25% you can affect.

7:27 AM, November 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a regular, just a sympathetic soul who came over from Figleaf's place, so (arriving post-takedown) I have *no* idea what you look like.

I do, however, know well how that certain sort of slimeball *acts* like, and I see no reason to grant them them any credibility whatsoever.

This is the sort of asshole who would call Drew Barrymore "Fatso", then turn around and call Kate Hudson "scrawny".
They're not trying to "tell it like it is" -- they just want to hurt people!

Accordingly, I say to you: Non Illegitimus Carborundum! (Don't let the bastards grind you down!)

8:46 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger figleaf said...

Hey Sassinak, I'm talking about the ones who drive them because they think they're the baddest ride ever built.

Hey Everything Nice, I think we've made our point. You need and deserve time to think about it. Take all you need and know that we'll respect your decision no matter what.

Happy Thanksgiving,


9:32 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

figleaf: fair enough :)

those people are lame! *grin*

1:55 PM, November 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having now returned from my family's celebration, I've had time to roust out a book that has helped me a great deal when dealing with obnoxious a-holes, and which I heartily recommend.

It's written by one Jennifer James, PhD. My version (1986) is titled You Know I Wouldn't Say This If I Didn't Love You, but checking Amazon, I find it has since been re-issued (1993) under a variation of its previous title: Defending Yourself Against Criticism: The Slug Manual. Here is the trimmed Amazon link (rejoin the lines, with no space):


(I note she seems to have written quite a few more self-help books, and few scholarly studies to boot.)

The author discusses in detail many of the dirty tricks and sneak attacks that people, even (especially) friends and family, often use to slip insults past a victim's defenses. She calls such sneaky insults "slugs", because they make you feel as yucky as if they'd handed you one of those slimy critters.

The title of my version gives a classic example, but she also covers such relations as "just to be honest..." and "for your own good, you should know...", as well as an assortment of other backhanded insults disguised as "friendly advice" or even as supposed compliments. She also deals with defending yourself, and even how to avoid "slugging" yourself.... (My version, at least, also has funny drawings illustrating many of the examples.)

This book is a quick read, and worth its price many times over. I've certainly read my copy several times over the nearly 20 years I've had it. (Having discovered the new edition, I may well buy one for myself, as mine is stained and a bit yellowed....)

6:44 PM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger Gordy said...

Maybe the way to deal with them is to switch on comment moderator..then you can just burn their crappy comments and only leave the good ones..fuckwits!

12:28 PM, November 25, 2005  
Blogger josh williams said...

I have an anonymous poster who I duked it out with last night. I had a few beers and apparently they had a few something in them because they gave themselves away. I feel some sort of pride in knowing I was able to outwit in my admitably infeebled state the little bastards. Keep your chin up , dont listen to the fools. You are not alone as you can well see by the # your comments, keep on , more HNT.

11:38 AM, November 27, 2005  

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