Prelude to a subconscious kiss
If you kiss me now there's closure...
No, I think renewal.
If I kiss you then you will want more...
No, I like the tease. Kiss me once only... If you want to kiss me again after that we can discuss whether I'll let you.
We will end up sleeping together.
No, we wont.
And then the charade will be over...
No, it will only have just begun.
It will be the same then?
No, it will be better.
Better how?
If I taste you, and it suits me... Im bound to persist.
Persist huh? But I thought we weren't sleeping together.
No, we won't have.
So things will be the same then?
Alright Yes.... and no. But Im not agreeing with you.
Even though we will have done nothing.
No, there will be something. But you will deny it.
I will?
Yes, you will.
But you will too.
Yes, I will.
So why don't we just kiss then and get this shit over with?
Because you're over thinking.
I'm not.... really Im not. I'll leave that up to you obviously.
Alright then.
Why are you staring?
Because I can. Does it bother you?... Well that and you have a little whip cream on your upper lip.
I did? Jesus, why didn't you tell me?
I just did.
If we kiss now, there's no going back.
Then I've been warned, haven't I?
No, I think renewal.
If I kiss you then you will want more...
No, I like the tease. Kiss me once only... If you want to kiss me again after that we can discuss whether I'll let you.
We will end up sleeping together.
No, we wont.
And then the charade will be over...
No, it will only have just begun.
It will be the same then?
No, it will be better.
Better how?
If I taste you, and it suits me... Im bound to persist.
Persist huh? But I thought we weren't sleeping together.
No, we won't have.
So things will be the same then?
Alright Yes.... and no. But Im not agreeing with you.
Even though we will have done nothing.
No, there will be something. But you will deny it.

I will?
Yes, you will.
But you will too.
Yes, I will.
So why don't we just kiss then and get this shit over with?
Because you're over thinking.
I'm not.... really Im not. I'll leave that up to you obviously.
Alright then.
Why are you staring?
Because I can. Does it bother you?... Well that and you have a little whip cream on your upper lip.
I did? Jesus, why didn't you tell me?
I just did.
If we kiss now, there's no going back.
Then I've been warned, haven't I?
nice one. provocative and evocative.
no i do i do!
*kidding* deez has great command of language
gigi: are ya sayin' I tawk all purdy?
sass: I have not yet begun to discourse!
kissing always leads to sex!
I know this because I saw it in one of those "I am Sally's Vagina" 8th grade Health Films so it has to be true.
that and smoking marijuana leads directly to heroine use... no exceptions!!!
Thank God you never smoked refer!
Romey <~~ Mr. Innocent
Oh... I dont have a Golden Schlong (post yesterday) but I did have a Giant Purple Dildo Award I gave out... check this posting
"giant" in dildo terms = length and girth of forearm
or so I've been told
Marvelous piece of writing. Tell me were they about to have an affair or have I just made that up?
HA! I found it!
Im fucking GOOD.
Ummm, Jesse... Im going to ask politely for you not to share my "intimate" emails to you on this blog.
Im not pissed or anything, but that story was supposed to be non-shared.
I guess I assumed you knew this. Now you know.
Capiche love?
Romey, how do I get a purple dildo award? Im working to earn that.
Tell me it's a clone-a-willy, and that you were the mold.
Dozr - Thanks hon. Though, I wasn't really ready to share this piece yet.
Sass & gig - he does tend to wax verbal, doesn't he?
Suze - well, hmmm. Affair... how does one answer that...
Kim! Welcome to our closet!!! Stay awhile and enjoy!
Jesse, you need to call me about this.
Interesting conversational piece in that it leaves so much to interpretation and imagination.
The conversation, as it is related in the piece, is almost circular in a way.
Gigi, you can spank me all you want honey... with or without reason.
and you know this!
Eddie - consider yourself perched in my closet buddy. I linked ya. and uhh... wanna watch some football today or what?
aww Sug, THANKS!! I was beginning to wonder if any one notices them!!
Is there one imparticular you like best?
HEY Why is Dozer Skulking?
dozr, *pressing head to busom*
Whassa matta you?
no sulking .. skulking ... sneakily, furtively lurkin in the bushes ... or in the bizooms, it seems
Can I have a hug please (jumping up and down).
Dzer you never skulk around me. :(
gigi and suze: pile on ;)
and suze ... I just skulk so effectively around you that you've never noticed me ... for a fat man, I'm extremely good at disappearing and light on my feet ;)
Dzer you're just cuddly and you can skulk around me when ever you like.
Gigi, you can lick me anytime. Here I'll move in close.
EN, I'll be watching at 4PM.
I'm guessing you'll be routing against my G-Men?
By the way, thanks for the link!
Dozr - BIG Kisses!
Suze and Gigi - I swear we need to meet up, can you imagine?!?!
Sug - I love incubus... and heart, well, always has a place in my heart. Btw... both kick ass in concert too.
Eddie - I may be rooting against them *snicker*. I will be going to get some beautification done, so I may miss the game. :( Husband promised to text me the scores though...
Why is it they don't have football on in beauty salons? Seriously. I mean, some of us actually LIKE sports!!!
Besides, If Im gonna drop $200 at your salon for godssakes give me football with my coffee!!!
Alright all, Im off to get my hair done, and my brazilian.
yes, gigi... i get em too.
Smooches to all, and catch ya later.
Oooh, I'll be thinking about ya, EN!
Let me know when you're back if you can.
have a fun morning of pampering...
I am recalling a barber shop I went to when I lived far NW of where I am now and the ol' Norwegian barber had a stack of Penthouse and Playboys in the waiting area... that and his merchant marine tattoo were absolutely priceless. I'd happened to think he'd probably taken some of those mags "on a date" the night before.
He also gave everyone the same haircut but no one complained for fear he'd cut your ear off the next time.
k Em....
Purple Dildo Awards are not "earned"... they are freely given... then taken... then given... then taken *breath*... then Giiiven... then Taaaaaaken... then GI...GI...VEN... then TaaaaaaaKeN Takeeeeeen TaaaaaKen... Give Take Give take Give Take Give... right there... yessss riiiight there... that's right.... that's how momma likes it... oh soooo deep... soooo big... pulsing taken in and given out and taken and... And... AND!!!!!
okay it'll cost you $11.95 a minute for the rest
as the the willy-the-clone
shit... I'm bigger than that getting out of the pool when the water is 60 degrees
gigi gorgeous
Giant Dildo: (n) 1. Having to do with a rather large sexual orafice stimulant. Usually made of plastic but can also be made out of wood, rubber, elongated fruits and vegitables, as well as some encased meats including Hard Salami, Summer Sausage, Liver Sausage, Braunschweiger Bratwurst and Breakfast Sausage (see morning wood). 2. Length and Girth of Forearm (shit... Dzer was right) 3. Giantus Dildodius Schlongulous (see any Danish guy)
what's a Brazilian???
I missed you in the comments section I guess. I will call you.
But if you get this, I'm really sorry I put that unshared story up here. I really thought the dialogue was exceptional.
That and you mentioned that you weren't posting anything because you were working on your project review and attending to email.
I think we need a clause when we do this stuff that says DO NOT SHARE. Going forward I promise I will not post your stuff, only my own. But I don't write half as good as you do.
I just also have to say that Romeo Jensen is very impressive, and I will pay the $11.95 for the rest. Only if he whispers it in my ear though.
Hi every body and Happy Sunday! I'm going back to bed.
Romey also she has a purple dildo.
All of En's toys are purple. It's her favorite color.
My member gets almost purple in color when engorged. Yay, I guess I can be one of EN's toys!
Hey I just thought of another Giant Dildo...
Eli Manning
sorry Eddie... it was out there
Keep the cheap shots comming...
hrm i commented and it isn't here. damm dialup, i must have missed it not posting
ah well
happy long slow sunday y'all
LOL Eddie... LOL
*high 5's ya*
Hey you guys, do you have tomorrow as holiday as well?
What's happened to your avatar? Have you been playing with Photoshop? Like it very much, brings out your personality. LOL.
Is Peter somewhere in this shot?
Yes, you almost look innocent there. LMAO.
Has any one heard from En?
You said "cooch". Heh, heh!
Back in my drunk and single days!
my drinkin pal angie (also a member of our blog = shameless plug) said that they actually wax your asshole when doin' them brazilian wax things. any truth to this rumor?
K, get this Eddie (and Im sorry before hand):
the real GIANT dildoe of the year... Feely.
didja catch the pun?!?!?
I wonder if there had been HAIR around the field goal posts if he woulda made it in?
ya think?
Dude, great game.
We'll see them in the playoffs.
I have had a conversation along those lines recently LOL were you bouncing around in my head again EMMA!!! LOL =)
-kristen (kb)
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