Change in the weather
It's supposed to snow here tonight.
The air outside is clean, cool and crisp as I inhale deeply.. only to watch the breath escape from my lips as I exhale in a puff of steam wafting towards the sky.
I had a busy day.
I'm tense a bit... I need a release in a bad way.
But onto my thought... Have you ever had sex in the snow?
I'm not talking about clothed, with unzipped snow suits and appendages hanging out to meet with a hot spot. Clumsily hurrying to just get it over with so you can say you did it...
I'm talking about full on nakedness in the ice cold blanket of frosty fluff. If you're doing it right you don't even notice how god damn cold you are until after it's done, and if even if you do notice... you don't care. Feeling somebody full and hot inside of you... or, being enveloped inside your lover; moist and heated.
Fornication in the slippery silence that is winter, with nobody around but you and your partner loving each other without abandon. Yes, it's unforgettable.
Ever notice how the snow seals the ground creating a soft echo of your moans when you cum? Sound waves reverberating through the thick winter blanket that covers the trees... It's the most beautiful heavenly sound I've ever heard.
Or how the snow pack kinda melts around your bodies as you're fucking?
Creating the best kind of snow angel ever.
It's supposed to dump snow here... tonight.
So all ya'll perverts better stay out of my backyard tomorrow.
The air outside is clean, cool and crisp as I inhale deeply.. only to watch the breath escape from my lips as I exhale in a puff of steam wafting towards the sky.
I had a busy day.
I'm tense a bit... I need a release in a bad way.
But onto my thought... Have you ever had sex in the snow?
I'm not talking about clothed, with unzipped snow suits and appendages hanging out to meet with a hot spot. Clumsily hurrying to just get it over with so you can say you did it...
I'm talking about full on nakedness in the ice cold blanket of frosty fluff. If you're doing it right you don't even notice how god damn cold you are until after it's done, and if even if you do notice... you don't care. Feeling somebody full and hot inside of you... or, being enveloped inside your lover; moist and heated.
Fornication in the slippery silence that is winter, with nobody around but you and your partner loving each other without abandon. Yes, it's unforgettable.
Ever notice how the snow seals the ground creating a soft echo of your moans when you cum? Sound waves reverberating through the thick winter blanket that covers the trees... It's the most beautiful heavenly sound I've ever heard.

Creating the best kind of snow angel ever.
It's supposed to dump snow here... tonight.
So all ya'll perverts better stay out of my backyard tomorrow.
uh dude
WHILE it's snowing
snow falls gently and kisses your skin with feathers of cold. it's delicious.
of course i'm talking about hot tubbing... :)
I don't like being out in the snow after the first 10 minutes or so, so I'm guessing I wouldn't like fucking in the snow all that much.
but to each their own ...
and I know not to each yellow snow ... but how do you know you're not eating jizz/juice snow? ewwww
I love the idea of doing it.
However I would imagine it doesn't do wonders for an erection. LOL.
Dzer, very good point. Does it form jizz balls?
never tried fucking in the snow. however, i can piss my entire name in cursive.
Snow fucking... it's been on my list of things to do... hopefully it'll snow this year in GA.
hmmmm...i think you've found the one place i wouldn't actually want to have sex....
not to say i wouldn't wander out into the snow naked if someone propositioned it...
but there's just something kind of "ummm huh?" about romping in the cold wet snow.
jizzballs! better than popcorn balls!
Well, snow sex is not for everyone I agree.
You'd be amazed and surprised at how the cold/shrinkage problem sort of 'voids' itself.
Though, your balls will jump up into your rib cage.
The human body is an amazing thing...
Always best to lay your gortex parka down for whoever is on the bottom.
And um, Dozr... I have never let cum actually hit the snow... I always have a different place for it to go. Hence, I really couldn't tell ya about jizz snow.
Spanky - Thanks Love, stick around... I appreciate your bravo!
Shane - Well, yeah... so can I.
Right, Alex has a suprise coming when we get our first fall.
I hope his balls are up to it. LOL.
Well Suze, as long as they can climb... there shouldn't be a problem.
and oh, they will climb. Just remember to swallow!
Do you think he may get suspicious when I request a gortex parka for Christmas? :D
LMAO... No I don't think suspicious.. I think excited perhaps.
You're so naughty Suze... you need a spanking
I know but I'm on my own. Alex is at work. :(
oh... well shit. I'll be right over!
It's awful quiet here today... it seems we have the whole comments sextion to ourselves...
and no, I meant to typo.
Kind of intimate don't you think?
no one expects the DZER Inquisition!
Castu, I have some experience with surfing.. but not much. I do have a picture somewhere of me in a wet suit lugging my board outta the water... all wet and drippy like.
I would absolutely adore being in the water during snowfall. I bet its just like you described.
You in orange jams and nothing else? Honey, I'm swept.
Suze - intimacy rocks. I think our first meeting should be intimate... absolutely. Still on the red jumpsuit honey.
Dozr - LMAO. Now the combination of you and Suze has me thinking Python...
ohnyyvhl - sounds like the sound I was making last night!
naughty one: are you insinuating that my python is after suze? whatever would alex think of that? unless, perhaps, he's a lumberjack and he's ok ...
K, that was a hilarious play on words sweetie, honestly!
ya got me giggling even...
Your wife, does she go eh? wink wink, nudge nudge... eh, does she go?
Dzer, you are really going to have to quit the python gags.
However, now you've mentioned your python. Is he tame?
i did quite enjoy the dzer inquisition line btw...
also? water + snow = heaven. especially when the water is warm...
damm you guys i'm in a great mood, more in my blog when i get a minute!
more today Sass? I'll check it every 5 minutes.
Let's all go play in the water... the snow is beginning to fall here.
but fuck, Im at work... who am I gonna have sex with?!?!?
Got your email, will try and reply this evening.
BTW, Thanks. :)
oh, you're welcome my little british tart... anything I can do for you... or to you.
So, nobody's offering to snow fuck me then?... k.
Finally, a man thats experienced and willing...
it's not so bad, is it cowboy? And I must say that you took the words right outta my mouth...
now put something in it. ;)
I am too (sticking hand in air), only I don't have a gortex parka.
You can borrow mine Suze... it's fluffy and all.
he he.
damn i love it when you say "stroke."
interesting idea Murph, I say you try it. Has anyone offered to join you yet?
Hmmm. Maybe it's because It's Tuesday. Ask again tomorrow when you're sub.
EN, I can't get the wife to leave the house without panties on so a snow fuck would be out of the question. Although, I'll try anything once.
Gigi, I loved your little poem. Can I come in where it's warm, too?
*shaking head*
Obviously, there is a small group that need to be educated.
here, let's go on a field trip up to the mountains...
you game Eddie? I'll be your partner.
Especially since there's nobody around here to witness it.
I'll bring the digital camera in case we see some interesting wildlife. Grrrrr.
gigi that was a fucking awesome poem
fucking awesome
and wow that much arthritis? that sucks ass. does anything help?
no it's for sure the exercise that saves you. movement is what feeds the synovial fluid in your knee for example... so although it's difficult it's also the thing you need.
so fucking hard though isn't it?
I heard so fucking hard...
and just couldn't help myself.
Had to stop by.
enlighten me, what kind of dancer were you. ;)
aw gigi that stinks
i'm afraid i'm in for that myself
Thanks Gigi.
How is it that ballet teachers (generalising) seem to be hard b******s. They can make or break a little girls dream.
Their loss not yours. :)
damn what they say to young girls *shakes head*
okay i'm off to watch tee vee for an hour before i teach tonight. y'all don't get into too much trouble okay?
quick, everyone show me yer tits! no time to explain!
I don't have a pic of my tits, can I show you my thighs instead?
I flashed too... only you guys were too busy talking about glucosamine... It's cool though.
Everybody needs slippery joint love. Everybody.
SURE I'd love some Gigi, thanks!!!
Is is Strawberry?
slippery joint love
*laughing my fool ass off*
Who's flashing tities and doing 69's? I always miss the interesting bits. :(
Usually Im not so focused on joints... but, damn.
Smoke em if ya got em.
And further, visqueen and massage oil
You know what? I miss Blondie.
I do, have you seen my latest wallpaper?
Why don't you do one in the pink bra. It's kind of kinky don't you think?
Alex said why not he would have it on his screen at work.
Hey, hey, he just said if you do he will send you a picture of it on his screen at work. ;)
BTW, are we the only people around?
No, the rest of us are here wondering why the hell we don't have any hawt desk top pictures of Gigi actually.
Thanks for NOT sharing ladies.
i do :)
Well then WTF?!?! You know gals, you can't just go off on hot pink bra picks and expect somebody to not get their feelings hurt that they can't see what you saw...
Not to say you shouldn't discuss such things... but goddamnit!!!
Ps: gigi... i do.
Well get working on it Gigi or send us the raw images. ;)
Right Emma it's your turn. ;)
wow, i said that twice! LOL the picture was impressive after all.
Hi Horsn! Did you enjoy the snow sex?
my turn? Uhhh. for what?
Desktop Images?
No no no... I'm afraid Horsn will like photoshop it and give me like a third tit or something...
(Jess says hi to everyone btw)
Okay now see, WTF?!?!? Now cowboys getting an email, Suze has great desk top pictures...
where's the love for Emma..
MMMMMM. Pinapple Semen.
Oh my god.
Anybody want a blow job? Emma's offering over here!
anyone else naked?
no? just me?
and ... No. 100
the prize?
DOZR you get something special!
How do you like your bj's?
oh, and here, have some smoothie.
naughty one: right now, and for a long time, thank you
and yes ... you are a smoothie ;)
he he...
I AM a smoothie?
Seriously Dozr, let's have at it.
Sure, please yes sit in the corner and do your sexercises until I'm ready for ya.
Here Dozr, let me sit on your head!
wv: kufky - the thing you really need when left cuffed to the bed and your partner leaves for work.
dont joke, it's happened.
see, and then dozr disappears!!
I think it's just you and me cowboy!
Keep doing that though, I love watching your balls bounce when you do that.
right, but they look just fine now.
Holy shit, you even manscaped them for me! You're so sweet.
Come here and give me my moustache ride.
i like vagina.
I like cock.
sounds like we're a match then EN
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