About Me
- Name: Editor Shawn
- Location: All over the place
Yes, it is. And as long as you remember what it's all about shit will be just fine.
Life's little Soundtrack
- Buttah yer muffin
- Sass Me
- No Lime chaser
- Step on me anytime!
- So Snavvy
- She likes us! She really does!
- Tumble in the Weeds
- Sweet like Hunee
- Shacks Back!
- Her life as she lives it
- You've been a very naughty boy
- Just 5 minutes... alone preferably
- it's the silver DAMMIT D!
- Have you seen his Kraken? It's HUGE!
- You had me at Man Butter
- Glad you woke up
- He makes me Google... Everything
- He slid in the back door
- Kick in the pants
- I swear I know you from a previous life
- Spiritual Influence
- I Toys
- My Shopping Heaven
- Google News
- Best Loving Wives
- Lite Erotica
- Screenhead
- Fucked Company
- Uh, this is Porn
- Prelude to a subconscious kiss
- Ain't it a Fwiggin' Shame...
- Happy Triple FFF
- Sharing IS Caring
- The power of the almighty comment
- Now you see it
- Happy Thanksgiving From
- Spark it
- Jesus George!
- In need of the bad touch
- 1. Float On - Modest Mouse
- 2. Torn - Creed
- 3. Body - The Presidents
- 4. Reflection - Tool
- 5. American Car - Mike Doughty
- 6. I Feel So - Boxcar Racer
- 7. Soul Meets Body - DCFC
- 8. Helter Skelter - Beatles
- 9. All These things I've done - The Killers
- 10. Ocean Breathes Salty - Modest Mouse
- Sugar we're going down - Fall out boy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
the never salt in cleveland either...mostly casue the city is too poor to salt regularly..so they wait till the end.
least it's 60 here today though!
Great to hear you voice, you sound as good as you look.
Funny that they don't grit over here either until it's too late. ;)
sunny 86° Fahrenheit yesterday. Hell, it's cool and 2 a.m.-ish and it's 81° out.
ice, ice baby ... heh
It's 54 and raining here. I can't stand days like this. I'm so glad that I don't have to drive to Alpharetta anymore. On a day like this it would take me about 2 1/2 hours.
Upper 50's today. I'll be in mid-town Manhattan today for an appointment. There is nothing like "the City" this time of year!
Love your voice, too! I might "use" it later.
Alright Stop, collaborate and listen.
Seriously, this is hilarious.
Sand truck comes along, does it's duty while the rest of sit and wait... voila', we were moving in no time.
For the record, I left the house at 6am.... I have a 25 minute commute. So there.
Ummm, I would think it would be common knowledge that a thorough fair raised off the ground and damp would be icy in 20 degree weather...
Common sense? No?
Really, if our state transportation department would have pulled their heads out of their asses a little sooner, hundreds of mustangs and dodge durango's would be safe right now.
And wtf with the stupid people having a bumper bender and NOT pulling off the road?!?!?
If your bumper is still attached to your car, and it's drivable... and you're outside drinking coffee talking to your insurance agent while you mourn over your cracked headlamp... I got one word for ya:
Oh, and Suze.. thanks.
Buttah - Yeah, but you guys are used to driving in the snow and ice over there, since your winters are semi-consistant, right?
Dozr - dude, shut up :)
Blondie - you want sweater weather honey? I'm serious. You coulda skiied down my friggin driveway!
Lil - Yeah, I don't know if I'd rather have rain at this point or not, since it seems the rainy days are just as bad sometimes.
But really... ice. dude.
Eddie - use me.
and so the week begins....
Come sit next to me Murph, and I'll tell ya.
you'd think....but ohio is notorious for shitty fuckin drivers...ask murph
hmmmm audio blogging....i'm kinda scared of that....
yet tempted!
Murphy -Really, you can pat yourself on the back, but don't expect me to.
Buttah - I totally forgot about Murph terrorizing the roads of Ohio... jesus, you have my complete sympathy and prayers.
Blondie - Vegas!!!
no shit Em! pity me!! even though i have a 150 mile buffer....
yay!! i'm gonna audio blog!
I do pity you Buttah, I truly do.
Shit, I'm afraid and I'm a thousand friggin miles away.
*cringing and flinching*
Kinda like that movie they play in drivers Ed... "Blood on the Highway."
i'm down murph. i love me some amish grub.
yarg! you gotta pay for audioblogging? ghey.
awww dude.....my manly voice is so soothing, i know!
No, you don't have to pay. Well, long distance charges apply.. but no monthly fee.
Wait, my voice? or Buttahs.
The good thing is you can review and repost if you want.
which, i do whenever possible.
Except this morning when I had a 'i don't give a fuck attitude.'
ooo!! it's free!!
i got the phone sex thing going on cause i am phlegm
yea..it takes a while to set up the account..
wow. my whole babble thing comes out hardcore
lol. I adore audioblogger. I really do...
glad I could spread some verbal love.
and well, i feel ya there Buttah... Im having Eartha Kitt voice this morning.
give me the throat yogurt murph!!
Wait, I always referred to something else as throat yogurt...
now Im all confused.
my bad dude.
my bad
See, and that's why I don't drink latte's.
I drink Mocha's... with whip.
Because I have whip appeal.
Yes, I do.
i don't drink coffee
just green tea. and nothing sexual can be made of green tea
I differ buttah. BUT I won't go there.. because Murph will attack me for my creativity.
well the green can be made sexual...but it's not a pleasing sexual....
if you know what i mean
errr uhhhhh,
I could say the same for you Blondie.
Horsn... I was under the canoe counter...
Thanks Sug, thanks sooooo much.
Now if only I could get husband to work in an orgasm on audioblogger, that would be cool!
yeah i'm with punk on the lost bet pics!
fuckin' hell! sleet! thats what i get for living in kansas.
ooh .. audioblogging is fun ... heh
It IS cold, isn't it?
And interestingly enough lows were supposed to be 36.
Uh, some body tell the stupid weather man that it's 32 here... dick head.
It is the kind of day where you wake up AND go to sleep with hard nipples.
It's your kind of day Emma.
Look! I'm being paid attention to!
Oh my! Creamy Gigi nipples!
I can dream well tonight!
Now there's a special treat I wouldn't mind trying!
Sounds better than a twinkie!
Hmmm, but I still would have to say the Ding Dongs take the cake...
did you get the pun?
tell me you got the pun.
jesse: I always pay attention to hard nipples ... stop on by the Diatribe sometime ;)
Late again! Nice to hear you EN.
I guess a ding-dong is better than a twinkie...
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