First of Ot-Six HNT

I got some bad news on a lotta fronts today. No biggie, start again tomorrow, right? Hmmm. Not so fast.... PISSER.
Thanks to some ass fuck editing my 5 page story to 2 (no offense editors I'm sure this guy is the cousin of the boss's wife's' nieces sister; and thus not skilled), really when I read it back I cried... A little. And it's really not that it was full of crap either... it had to stay strong since it was only for 5 pages!!! Anyone that prints my stories would know that in order to jam pack anything into 5 pages for me, it would have to be strong.... Because they usually average about 14 pages. K, nuff said
*wiping tear, waiting for assurance*
Anyway... I get to read my butchered bitch of a short on page 26 instead of page 7.
That gets me pissy only because it wasn't my failure, it was someone else's. I didn't even get to proof it before print. Seething.
I'm thinking about posting a small bit about domination tomorrow, I'll be researching that tonight. errr (giggle), and uhhh I know i stashed an article around here somewhere!!!
Stay tuned.... And Happy HNT everybody.
*high kick*

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
OMG! You are too damn hot, girl!
Happy HNT!
em will you beat blondie's crappy self esteem into shape for me when you see her?
thanks :)
also? that fucking sucks about your story.
also also? hinted inderectly? i thought i was pretty clear on my blog *lmao*
Wiggle that on ma face woman!!
n blondie, really, U really got a great body. Id give u all the lovin u need.
Em, love the boots, would you like to walk up and down me in them?
I want to come to Vegas. *pout*
boots? what the fuck is everybody talkinga bout... boots????
oh... just scrolled up... ypou mean those boots attached to that totally hawt ass above them... the one I cant' take my eyes off right now... those boots...
damn... what goes to vegas... better not stay in vegas... ur gunna have to share... another 14 page story perhaps :)
Mmmm what a great picture..bring that outfit on over to Vegas..see you there..I will be there in a couple of weeks.
Well I would comment about how nice your ass is but everyone has already. And yes, the boots are fine too.
I guess that just leaves this:
'Nice shirt Emma!! It totally rocks all scrunched up like that!'
And Blondie....dear, sweet blondie. Smarten' up will ya? You look great!
Very HOT pic....yeah, I'm digging you in those boots and panties!
Sorry about the edit job.
love the panties, love the boots, love everything
happy hnt
You are just too hot too handle! No wonder the bubblegum melts.
Blondie - yes it is... no, shut up.. yes, it is. Shhh!
Sass- I'm TRYING! Indirectly meaning metaphors hidden and well.. SHOES! Thanks for the comp honey :)
Sug - *blush*
Suze - These boots ARE made for walkin! Lick my heel.
No worries Romey, I got your back... or your front... whatever you want :) 14 pages from Vegas Inspiration? Try 30.
Thanks GIGI! :) I could say the same!
Jay - Yeah sorry, I took off my panties before I did that... next time I'll try and warn ya, no, i wont i lied.
Gordy - only if you wear the kilt scottish style ;)
Dan - Thanks! I love that wife beater... and I mean my shirt. smoochies!
Behind - Thanks! Happy HNT and thanks for stopping by!
Christ Murph, is there any making you happy? I told you I couldnt get the pink waistband!
<---- no talent havin' ass.
JD - I'll totally be there!
Thanks Chuck! Yeah dammit.
Horsn - Hmmm, cholesterol.. no worries sexy, I got something for ya... that wont rot yer teeth. BUT, like butter... it is slippery when heated.
Thanks Thom - *blush* everything?
Whoa Shyrocket, that kinda turns me on to hear you say that... thanks!
Sug - yeah xmas gift...
see, now my ego is explosive....
well, i do see something wrong with the picture ...
but i should not comment about that here ... (licks lips)
Sug- beautiful mess. Yes agreed... Murphs post is funny, I give him mad props for intoxicated tatooing.
Something wrong with the picture *shaking head* have no idea- clueless even.
it was something along the lines of my hand running up your thigh ...
Hmmmm... shiny boots!
Still waiting to see you in that shiny skirt HNT!
But the boots are a start.
Fuck me boots. Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwt!
I'm letting Jax borrow my boots for her next trip to palm springs... Vegas Jax?
Which one Thom, the left or the right?
Oh and that ass.....make sure you take those panties withcha to Vegas too, and remember that Vegas is only a hop, skip, and jump away from me hahaha....Maybe I'll see you two chicks by accident. Gawd knows with the amount of time I'm there!
i heart you Jax.. and now I will commence with buying an extra pair of panties.... just in case :)
PS - Welcum to the ladies room
is there a preference ?
s'up to you Thom... usually what's left is right.
Jay - which song? I don't remember that one....
(kneels down beside your leg, hand caressing your inner thigh. my lips lightly dragging and kissing your soft skin by your hip ...)
now THAT would be a good picture.
Sweet. I have a stall of my own. And I'll gladly partake of the boots. They look nice and stretchy. But seriously have fun with my girl. I'm letting you borrow her. Fine we'll share. I'm a sharing kinda chick. LOL.
Sug, that made no sense...
Jax - Sharing? SUHWEET! Make sure she knows she's being borrowed!
Happy New Year Mistress! I'm sorry that you and I couldn't ring in the new year with a "bang"(wink,wink). I've been frightfully busy (smirking).
I loved that Superstar chick... the way she'd do the V over her eyes... TOTALLY FUCKING HILARIOUS!
*V hands* LMAO
Johannes!! Super stud!! I miss your sexual chocolate... been thinking about stopping by the ol' stomping grounds... was across the street last week, almost left my panties on your windshield.. but i wasn't wearing any... should we go up to 'Easy' and find some old school tunes?
Work is a crazy whirlwind today. Good God - I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my ASS!
But... all aside.... I wanted to drop in and give you a..
LMAO Holy Shit SUG that rocked! Audioblog that and I'll grab my bass, Thom can drum, and uhhh T can strum the guitar...
climax, sugar
Hey Em! I love the pic! One of these days I'll be back around more. I miss you!
Here's the link
I don't know why, but that link doesn't bring you to the page so here is the web address.
Whenever you're feelin' froggy, I'm game...But I don't really have to tell you that now do I?...Didn't think so....And you are always more than welcome to leave your pretty pinks on my windshield when you feel moved to do so....I won't mind...As a matter of fact...I encourage it(wink,wink)...BUT!...If you really want to impress'll FedEx me a pair with a with an autographed dirty note....Or maybe one of those short stories of yours...that would be nice....starring yours truely...and a hot Misses who is as we all know is "everything nice"...
your so hot happy HNT
Holy shit!
That's the HOTTEST ass I've seen in a long time,
What a sexy shot!
Legs just like I love 'em,,,
Feet at the bottom and ass at the top.
"Please master, may I have some more"?
Um, Sugar? I think it was me who told you to climax. *giggle*
wait, i wanna climax!
You know what Johannes.. I'm fucking down for that. Seriously, if you get some weird ass Fed Ex package you better not open it up in front of well LOL.
No, go ahead and do that! I'd laugh my ass off! How many people have walked in on ya while you were visiting?!?!?! LMAO
Murph - no more comments about Blondies tits or we'll start chatting about the size of your balls.. k.. k?
Double - heh, wanna taste of my whip? *crack*
Blondie - I tried to tell ya, no actually I though Jax would... *sigh*
Roxie and Opaco - Thanks guy and gal, for stopping by AND the compliment :)
Ill be surfing some HNTness tonight for sure :)
J - *snicker* everytime I see that dick in my comments section I think I forget what I was saying.
What's wrong with talking about Blondie's tits?
and with that comment I'm out the door for the day.....c ya!
you know what Dan, you're a sneaky mother fucker... I have no idea why you don't say more these days...
must be the new girl. no worries, wont tell the wife.
Well it's settled then...I'll be expecting my belated XXX-mas present sometime in the near future....MEOW! And whenever you want to check out 'Easy' (or anything else for that matter), you know where to find me (smirking)....
Johannes- do you want then dirty? I'm assuming clean... but wait, no dirty.
Wait, it just said I deleted and I totally didn't.
Jess, are you fucking with my blog again?
And nice fucking password change there Everything Fucked.
Ummm. Sure, no problem JesseJackoff.
If you got a problem you need to not bring it here. And if you dare blog something idiotic about me I WILL kick your scrawny ass.
fuck you completely. I think you need to kiss my pretty ass.
Bare it and share it. Make sure you wink though, it's just not the same if you don't.
And wtf has your feathers all ruffled anyway? Aren't I always the one taking your shit for you?
That's fine Sugar. Really I think that you should be rooting with me on this one though.
Next time you two go out Everythingtomyself I think you best have called me.
Alright, Im really pissed about that.
*hitting the skids*
Holy shit, is this what this is about? I thought you were busy!!! It's not like we've heard from your lazy ass lately anyway....
and, oh wait... *pin drop*
Don't you have a fucking GIRLFRIEND to deal with? Pissy bitch that she is.
k, so if you cared... you'd call instead of whoring my comments.
Well lets just see here shall we?
I heard alllll about it.
Then you prolly heard wrong.
Wait, you know what?!?!?
No, nevermind... why should you be any different.
You can call me, but I'm not going on with this here. And quit ignoring my IM buzzes... I have to go home now.
I'm asking very nicely that you stop because I have to go.
good! you actually called!
LUCKY ME. fuck.
HI HORSN!!! Sorry Sug and other guests LOL... I'm getting my ass royally chewed on the phone...
maybe I should audioblog Jess's need to vent on someone who totally doesn't need this shit right now.
BITCH! You just hung up on me!!!
Here, lemme spell it for ya there honey.
P-I-S-S O-F-F.
Don't come at me with that bullshit. It's totally unappreciated and god damn it can't you just be normal for once?
LMAO @ Horsn and Sug!
Dirty South in the hizzous!
So you want me to not bring it here but you want to hang up on me.
Alright then, fuck off and don't call me back.
NO, it wasn't the tower Horsn, it was a land line.
Can somebody hand me that vase please?
K, Im sorry about hanging up. And this sorry-ness is momentary so NO I'm not calling you until you will at least breathe between words.
if you want to try again. to call. so we can discuss. I do appreciate that. But call on my cell and god damn it stop being drama queen because then I have to hear about it from others.
Needy. you're needy.
Give me an hour to calm down and I will call you but you better fucking answer me.
And turn your anonymous comments back on so some of us can at least still comment when you've fucked up our passwords.
Boy, I'm really looking forward to THIS conversation folks.
*see me doing the happy dance*
Anybody want to suggest a decent way to blow sunshine up Jess's ass when she calls?
Leave it here, I'll let you know if it worked!
Lemme know, for now.... Emma Out!
Right right! Blow sunshine up my ass!
Isn't that what last night was all about? In a very 'indirect' way?
Thanks Horsn, I really appreciate the cheer section :) Wish you could be on the phone on this one... should be a bitch.
Alright then Jess, white flag. TIME OUT.
1. you weren't there
2. you told Red you were busy
3. you've been all involved in your g/f lately
4. i can think of a handful of times the two of you have had drinks and i haven't been included
5. see, now you could have brought this shit anywhere but here but you did as usual.
Think about those points, and then think about this:
what the fuck is your major malfunction?
Im changing your password again.
god damnit i was hoping to erase these when I got home. Now I'm gonna hear about this shit FOREVER.
I'll leave that one up to you...
You know, I just read these back and thier fairly hilarious.... I'm leaving them here to remind her what a fuck she is before I take her off my blog :)
I apologize for that brief interruption. She thinks its cool and I think its bullshit for her to do it. Basically, she's a woman scorned and.... fairly immature about some things.
Besides, everyone needs a good chick fight... am I wrong?
No Sug, not yours... the fight. I would never erase you and H... NEVER.
Johannes - dirty it is :)
This is way more fun than playing "SIMS".
Sugar, you look beautiful! HHNT
mext time 2 chicks are fighting in such a manner, i would like to be informed goddammit!
Missed all the above chit chat - lol!!
Happy Belated HNT!! That is one HOT & SEXY pic!!! Damn!!
Damn woman! I mean GAWD DAMN!
I think I love you... tee hee
oxox HHNT!
I just went back and read all thes LMFAO!
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