A pause before continuance -HHNT-
**A Happy End to a Means**
The natives are getting restless is seems to have something other than dick on my blog page.
Sure, sure it was not work or guy friendly I agree... But the gals loved it.
I was due to finish CAW today, with a big finale' as promised. And I did... here.
Like I'd ever let you ladies down :) never.
It's actually a great piece about myths and fact, so if you want to check it out for it's content... I swear it's worth it :) I just figured you'd rather be looking at this post, then that post... But choose your poison because they're both worth while.
Leave any an all comments here if you like, or there. Most likely this post will be the one I'll be checking...
**Oh jeez, please don't ask me about this**
Everyone is all a-bustle in regards to their New Years Resolutions and what they are for 2006.
Resolutions suck ass. They never work...
Just set goals for yourself for chrissakes people, why call them resolutions and give yourself unnecessary pressure by setting a date only to set yourself up for failure because you weren't ready?
Yes, I'm a cup is half empty person... how'd you guess?
**The year ahead holds many great things in store for me**
-- It's a new year of life experiences. One of them being VEGAS in January... With my off-hours girlfriend. Sure I've been to Vegas, so that's not new... but I've never been there with her. *snicker* there will be havoc wreaking.
-- It's a year of being a mother to my little macho-mini-egos, and securing them nicely to their boyish facades in hope that some day, some woman will appreciate my efforts.
-- It's a year of being a sexual love goddess to my partner and worthy competitor, whoever that may be (just kidding kinda... In a weird sort of way)!
-- It's a new year of writing... Which means deadlines, topic brainstorms, and projects that fell under budget until the new year. I will be doing some deep thinking until New Years Eve when that ball drops to have a plan formulated as far as my "Two Thousand Sex" erotica portfolio... But I still lay concerns for any article information until it's given. *sigh*
um, that last part bored you... It's okay. I hate logistics, spontaneity works best for me. And yes, I meant a 2006 pun on that last comment, not that I need to write 2000 sex stories... That would make me a hermit for sure.
-- And then there's the job that drives me to learn, grow, and enhance my professional skills. I'm gonna kick ass at that too.
-- Finally I think my health may need to be attended to more so than not. Perhaps I should think about taking it easy on myself this year and being more laid back. Hmmm.... Perhaps NOT.
One thing that shall remain consistent however, will be my HNT. So here, Happy HNT Everybody and Happy New Year to ya!
If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!

Sure, sure it was not work or guy friendly I agree... But the gals loved it.
I was due to finish CAW today, with a big finale' as promised. And I did... here.
Like I'd ever let you ladies down :) never.
It's actually a great piece about myths and fact, so if you want to check it out for it's content... I swear it's worth it :) I just figured you'd rather be looking at this post, then that post... But choose your poison because they're both worth while.
Leave any an all comments here if you like, or there. Most likely this post will be the one I'll be checking...
**Oh jeez, please don't ask me about this**
Everyone is all a-bustle in regards to their New Years Resolutions and what they are for 2006.
Resolutions suck ass. They never work...
Just set goals for yourself for chrissakes people, why call them resolutions and give yourself unnecessary pressure by setting a date only to set yourself up for failure because you weren't ready?
Yes, I'm a cup is half empty person... how'd you guess?
**The year ahead holds many great things in store for me**
-- It's a new year of life experiences. One of them being VEGAS in January... With my off-hours girlfriend. Sure I've been to Vegas, so that's not new... but I've never been there with her. *snicker* there will be havoc wreaking.
-- It's a year of being a mother to my little macho-mini-egos, and securing them nicely to their boyish facades in hope that some day, some woman will appreciate my efforts.
-- It's a year of being a sexual love goddess to my partner and worthy competitor, whoever that may be (just kidding kinda... In a weird sort of way)!
-- It's a new year of writing... Which means deadlines, topic brainstorms, and projects that fell under budget until the new year. I will be doing some deep thinking until New Years Eve when that ball drops to have a plan formulated as far as my "Two Thousand Sex" erotica portfolio... But I still lay concerns for any article information until it's given. *sigh*
um, that last part bored you... It's okay. I hate logistics, spontaneity works best for me. And yes, I meant a 2006 pun on that last comment, not that I need to write 2000 sex stories... That would make me a hermit for sure.
-- And then there's the job that drives me to learn, grow, and enhance my professional skills. I'm gonna kick ass at that too.
-- Finally I think my health may need to be attended to more so than not. Perhaps I should think about taking it easy on myself this year and being more laid back. Hmmm.... Perhaps NOT.

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Nice pics! Happy HNT and a very Happy New Year!
first of all, nice shot!
second of all, tell me that's hubby and not ... umm .. jesse
nice set of goals ... it's my hope that you fulfill or exceed each one ...
Happy hnt to you too sexy
Em, nice post and picture. Now I'm off to find the cocks, if you'll excuse me. LOL.
I'm not sure what's hotter. The hand on the ass or the two chicks kissing.
I'll take both thank you very much!
(sorry for pledgarizing your post Gigi!!)
Great post Em. It shows a little insight in to who you really are. At least it does to me...
Happy soon-to-be New Year!!
Happy HNT!
LMAO @ Blondie!
k, what the hell was up with my comment jumping on top of you?
Must be in the same mindset...
Gigi - actually my ass was kinda cold in that pic, was hoping the MR. would help to warm it a bit.
LeeAnn - Happy Happy!!! I'll be over to peek in your window in just a moment!
D- Yes yes, that was Hub... Jessies thumb is thinner than that :) and thanks :)
J- *blush* ummm, k im not wearing underwear....
Jay - Thanks! How deep DOES it go? Hmmm, hey did you even check out the other post? You might want to... talks about dick breakage which I know is a growing concern for guys.
Suze - thanks you hot little british tart... and btw nice hnt pic to you too :)
Dan - next time you speak to me like that say fuck at least once, you sound way too sincere. So, you can pretty much imagine that it's your hand on my ass, NO?
Murph - I clearly do not see my own hand down my pants... ummmmm. no. and you're just jealous.
OOOH! I'm Horsn's jeans warmer! Awesome! Actually, somebody needs to invent one of those... it sounds comfy on a cool day such as this! Horsn, I'd let you touch my ass anytime, just don't do the 'Man with two brains' thing and study and drool before you touch it. But you can pay me...
Jeff! Happy HNT honey!
Well my arm isn't that hairy and my hand is much stronger. Of course, it would be a little deeper too.
Of course I'm sincere, I don't want you to think I like you just for your body and naughty ways!
Oh yeah, almost forgot.....FUCK!
i do need a whip actually... thanks!
Dan, continue to lie to me then, I like it.
LMAO I think T needs a little bit of dominance... so she can feel more confident about kicking your ass!
See, because I could never kick your ass myself... always drawn to want to do something else.
umm. nobody's talking to me today.
wow i had you two mixed up ... anyway happy hnt and caw and any other blogging acronym i missed ... :)
K, that means that T wears the battle armor and I kiss her boo-boos
See, now I was trying to hide the Xena reference... but I could go for being T's woman servant... like that little blonde chick was.
what the Hell was her name anyway.
S'ok honey, just wear the boots...
HI THOM... you sexy bitch you.
hmmm, never been called a sexy bitch before ... i better get a haircut ....
ummm. Wow Jay, I feel anger and distaste emitting from that statement.
k, fine. So I'm hated...
Thom, hair of no hair you're sexy and you should know this.
and you're verbose.
Blondie - I'm sending some fruit snacks your way for being right.
Spiderman or Hot Wheels?
awww en, you made me blush ... i guess i haven't gotten the memo yet about this. and i'll keep my hair thank you ... no one likes a hairless cat.
unless you have a severe allergy
K, here ya go! Hot Wheels for Blondie!!
Yeah, of course you can Jay. It's cool.
I'm loving this whole 'Best of HNT's' flashbacks...
Happy New Year and Happy HNT.
i love you blondie. i do.
you know honey, I always bite too quick on those...
I can never just settle for licking. :)
But yeah, share away!
(sits back and watches the soft core porn begin)
see, I replied but it's on top again... naughty comments
frisky... HAWT. I like frisky.
Sassy is good too...
So, Teri... I meant to ask you what you did with my steno pad.
awww shit...the reaserch whorish part of me wants to research this story but the other part of me wants to watch ... what to do...what to do...
Damn, I'd like to grab me some o dat!!
ok ok ok ... sheesh, i take back what i said earlier ... blondie, you ARE the fighter ...
cool, so you are my assistant in the story ? wow!
Yes, but how do you moan?
Thom, read and then watch... it will make it more interesting!
Thanks Chuck and Mara!
LMAO that's right! I totally forgot I named your boss Thomas!!
She looks great in a business suit too.
Remember that song? I love the Clash.
*que London Calling*
dammit, if i'd known that was going on, i wouldn't have gone golfing !!!
terri, my personal ass-istant...i need to see you in my office now!
i'll plaster something else on your ass
no, this is gonna involve why there was no pictures taken ...
No, this time it should be an E
phone home.
picture this
a gallon of cum platered on her ass
(sits back and watches the drama unfold before him)
Wow anon, if you can supply a gallon of sperm...
k, time stopped.
I'm moving on.
Whoo Hoo
you know, chair dancing has always been better than table dancing.
Only talented ladies can use the chair....
ummm. k, thats ummm. distracting to think about actualy.
Jay - the swing, the chair, whatever... if it takes up barely any room but you can still dance on it then -- talent.
like a lap dance.
wait, where's the room killer comment? I can't find it.
this is like a twisted game of hide and go seek, isn't it?
(zzzz...zzzz....zzz) ..hmm .. (snort!)!!! ... huh ? (wipes drool from chin) wha? where's the soft core porn ?
Uh yeah... what the fuck?
K, get this... I can't see the room killer comment or the comment that Murphy left about ET.
hmmm. I told you blogger was pissed at me!
I want to have sex with my Yahoo Avatar.. she's hot.
k, now see... i profess my love for my avatar and that shows up!
I know T, I know. I'm waiting for my webdaddy to finish the design and for somebody to help me with some artwork... any takers?
I asked for D's help some time ago... but he either got busy or forgot.
which is a bummer, because the guys got talent.
im easily forgotten btw.. so after vegas, if you forget who you went with... I'll understand.
The thing is, I don't want to use pictures of me, except a couple that the webmeister should already be in possession of...
and the first thing that happens when I ask for help is "ok, send me some pics and ill see what i can do."
k, and now my email box has stalled to shit.
hope no ones sending an email... it's hesitated at 10:05am!!
If you are sending emails, I am not ignoring you FYI
aww your email is screwed ?... and i just sent you some pics en! ... too bad ...
mostly just headers to the different sections of it...
I think I have an email the breaks this down... if only i could access my inbox!
um *biting lip*
FUCK YOU THOM... in a good way
your welcome :)
HNY & HHNT! Great picture!
here's a giggle. the verify word is
Castu - Ummm, did you mean send my ass pic to you? or just my ass...
because you know I will.
Thom - I meant that in the nicest possible way. And I'm checking my email when I get home.
DarkNuero - thank you :) Happy HHNT to you and wishes for 2006!
Sug - thanks! I like it too.
Wait, my butt is cute? CUTE?
k, it is.
how about fuck me bitch
ahh , the infamous room killer comment...
alright, hold please while we process your request.
anon fucker.
wait a fuckin second.. who the hell is impersonating me
k, enough of that kindergarden shit.
Really, if you wanna fuck me I at least need to know your name.
and I think that it suits me that you can drop a gallon of sperm. Impressive.
get your own blog, post a pic of your gallon of jizz, and then I'll consider your comments.
thanks. the management.
i think i'm gonna hide here ... catfight at my blog ... and no, i'm not looking for traffic or free advertising to my blog either ... i just wanna stay clear of it.
see, now when we all band together... it's a beautiful thing!
Holy shit, there is a cat fight in Thoms blog.
ummm yeah, like squirting.
I bet anon squirts.
oooo - i hear crickets !
I haven't had you yet.
squirmy fucker.
That is one hot ass!
Happy HNT and Happy New Year!
ummm.... anybody wanna drive to BF Fucking Egypt with me this afternoon, or what?
totally! Im going East though... I suppose I could do a big loop.
We'd end up back here so grab your winter coat... your breasts will get cold.
i'm your huckleberry ...
Aww, warm boobies, that's so nice... better than those shake like hell hand warmers you can put in your pockets.
Here T, my hands are cold... :)
Thom - oh shit.
well yeah, what. like you dont like it....
you like it Blondie... hard nipples. think hard nipples.
K, and I feel awesome that I know who anonymous commentor was...
thank you IP tracker!
i confess , it wasn't me ...
"Yes, but there's just something about him(anonymous). Something around the eyes, I don't know, reminds me of... me. No. I'm sure of it, I hate him."
K, like Im gonna spew their name around my comments section.
you can call me, or i can call you... but well, errr. I would email but I still can't access it.
yahoo fuckers. I think it's because I tried to hack my yahoo avatar into being anatomically correct.
Thom - seriously, im not wearing underwear today and you KNOW that turns me on.
"Evidently Mr. Anonymous is an educated man. Now I really hate him."
umm, so you dont want me to call you....
You're breaking my heart T.
You don't love me anymore :(
"It's true, you are a good woman ... Then again, you may be the antichrist."
ummmmm. I have all sorts of things id like to put in your mouth... words aren't one of them.
Thom... THOM.
'you retired too?'
'not me. i'm in my prime.'
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mmmm ... spam
it's what's for dinner
1. I got busy.
2. Yeah, I'm a total asshole who won't do anything for anyone unless I get dirty pics in exchange for it.
3. Happy New Year to you, too.
Wow D, you totally took that comment wrong...
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