I couldn't possibly have finished this post.
Before writing the next installment of CAW, it occured to me that I needed some inspiration.
The kind of inspiration that makes you wanna write for days. So I gathered dear husband into the bedroom and played with my beloved cock, getting a jump start on my creativity if you will. I always write from experience folks, no better way to do it. So, about me saying my beloved cock...
Yes it's mine, and I've put up with 7 years of shit to call it that.
Sure I am fully aware about how I feel about dick, but reliving the moment made me remember how empowering it is to hold a big hard one between my lips.
I must say on behalf of 99.5 percent of my women readers that nothing is more powerful than making a man sucumb to her mouth.
This empowering, very dominant-oriented, fascinating feeling allows us to not only enjoy the experience selfishly, but to give all of our sensories to you in that way as well.
to taste you on our lips and tongue.
to smell you, ummm especially after you've showered.
to feel the tickle of your pubic hair against our noses... if you have it.
to hold your hard member in our smallish hands. (well, my hands are small anyway)
to hear you like it.
and then we look up at you with that sweet innocent "I really want to please you" look with your schlong hanging half way in our mouths... circling our tongues around the ridge of your cock head.
k. that's enough of that, seriously. No really, I'm having a difficult time typing with one hand... hunt, peck, hunt, peck. Here's a qoute for you ladies to absorb while I finish myself off here:
Thou regard thy mans penis as night and day, wise women earn their trade that way....
Anybody in a relationship will tell you how they deal with their man's appendage. Some women train it to 'go off' when they want it to, ditching the times they don't think it's appropriate. Others are more submissive and go with the flow and do the whole 'have too' routine.
I know many that restrict playing with theirs at certain times or places. I call them the missionary fallatiasts.
I deal with my husbands cock like the sun and the moon.
That's how I get by.
Ahhh.. so the Moon goes as follows:
If its flacid and conducting other business such as well... anything other than paying attention to me; that's my que to get shit done. It's my chore time, my down time, my curling hair or making homemade play doh time. Tivo time.
The flacid man is a piece of art in itself, i mean to say sure... it's not rigid in all it's glory. But it's soft, pliable, comfortable, and perfect for cuddles on Sunday mornings with flannel sheets and down comforters. *sigh*
A flacid penis is also good for sweat pant grabbing, bending and tucking... pulling and manipulating... playful tugging (or adjustment tugging, which is just as fascinating to me). And I like it when my husband allows me to hold it for him while he pees. That's a treat. As soon as I teach the fucker not to fart during, it will be better.
flacid penises are our friends and should never be kicked, stomped, bruised, chopped-off, or god forbid bitten. ummm. If his penis is calm. He is calm. That's poetry right there.
But then there's the Sun... and it's all about getting the show on!
Bustle bustle honey, there's work to be done in my pants.
Yes, yes... when it gets atleast even semi--watch out babes... it's all over from there. Because this is where he gets charming, complimentary, apologetic sometimes, and also sometimes regretful about the asshole he's been up until this point.
But I like the sun, it keeps me from housework.
Give me a big, strong, firm, veiny mother fucker and I'm to the bedroom like a cat on a hot tin roof. Yep, the kind of swollen erection that curves over or upwards and pulls your skin to it's tightest. If the head is bulging that's even better... enticing even. And we'll want it... As for myself and my addiction to hard cock? No stopping me, nothing.
If it's there it's getting used. In the car, the house, the neighbors house, the grocery store, the... well you get my drift.
As a woman I become quite fascinated at watching you grow... especially when closing my eyes and actually feeling the growth swell and fill my mouth. That's almost as much of a turn as well, anything for me. And it's fun. Yeah, it is.
I'm really having difficulty with this post people. Just want you to know that.
In fact, if I keep going I'm gonna burn a hole right through my p.j's... poor things.
*ding dong*
Oh shit, there's some one at the door... would you answer it for me? I need to wash my hands.

Yes it's mine, and I've put up with 7 years of shit to call it that.
Sure I am fully aware about how I feel about dick, but reliving the moment made me remember how empowering it is to hold a big hard one between my lips.
I must say on behalf of 99.5 percent of my women readers that nothing is more powerful than making a man sucumb to her mouth.
This empowering, very dominant-oriented, fascinating feeling allows us to not only enjoy the experience selfishly, but to give all of our sensories to you in that way as well.

to smell you, ummm especially after you've showered.
to feel the tickle of your pubic hair against our noses... if you have it.
to hold your hard member in our smallish hands. (well, my hands are small anyway)
to hear you like it.
and then we look up at you with that sweet innocent "I really want to please you" look with your schlong hanging half way in our mouths... circling our tongues around the ridge of your cock head.
k. that's enough of that, seriously. No really, I'm having a difficult time typing with one hand... hunt, peck, hunt, peck. Here's a qoute for you ladies to absorb while I finish myself off here:
Thou regard thy mans penis as night and day, wise women earn their trade that way....
Anybody in a relationship will tell you how they deal with their man's appendage. Some women train it to 'go off' when they want it to, ditching the times they don't think it's appropriate. Others are more submissive and go with the flow and do the whole 'have too' routine.
I know many that restrict playing with theirs at certain times or places. I call them the missionary fallatiasts.

That's how I get by.
Ahhh.. so the Moon goes as follows:
If its flacid and conducting other business such as well... anything other than paying attention to me; that's my que to get shit done. It's my chore time, my down time, my curling hair or making homemade play doh time. Tivo time.
The flacid man is a piece of art in itself, i mean to say sure... it's not rigid in all it's glory. But it's soft, pliable, comfortable, and perfect for cuddles on Sunday mornings with flannel sheets and down comforters. *sigh*
A flacid penis is also good for sweat pant grabbing, bending and tucking... pulling and manipulating... playful tugging (or adjustment tugging, which is just as fascinating to me). And I like it when my husband allows me to hold it for him while he pees. That's a treat. As soon as I teach the fucker not to fart during, it will be better.
flacid penises are our friends and should never be kicked, stomped, bruised, chopped-off, or god forbid bitten. ummm. If his penis is calm. He is calm. That's poetry right there.
But then there's the Sun... and it's all about getting the show on!
Bustle bustle honey, there's work to be done in my pants.
Yes, yes... when it gets atleast even semi--watch out babes... it's all over from there. Because this is where he gets charming, complimentary, apologetic sometimes, and also sometimes regretful about the asshole he's been up until this point.
But I like the sun, it keeps me from housework.

If it's there it's getting used. In the car, the house, the neighbors house, the grocery store, the... well you get my drift.
As a woman I become quite fascinated at watching you grow... especially when closing my eyes and actually feeling the growth swell and fill my mouth. That's almost as much of a turn as well, anything for me. And it's fun. Yeah, it is.
I'm really having difficulty with this post people. Just want you to know that.
In fact, if I keep going I'm gonna burn a hole right through my p.j's... poor things.
*ding dong*
Oh shit, there's some one at the door... would you answer it for me? I need to wash my hands.

EM: I am planning on getting with it for this... but you know how hard... umm, difficult, it is to get some quiet alone time to do a photo shoot? Especially given my domestic situation...
S.O.: *knock* *knock* "what are you doing, Dom?"
me: "uuh... *flash* nothing. *flash* (muffled) Fuck! stay up muther fucker!"
S.O.: "what is going on in there?"
me: "uhh.. nothing. (whisper to self) c'mon you bastard... quit moving!"
k.im going to bed.
but i just want to say that Ive never seen my email and IM blow up so fast...
people just LOVIN the CAW!
and HOLLA to the east coast ladies that stayed up for the freshness!
LMAO.. dedicated you are!
Dom- im with Sug on this, let her do it! Or stop by at lunch, I'll show you my office.
Em, You sure are providing a valuable service to women everywhere.
BTW, good to know that I'm not the only one who likes to point it at the porcelain. My aim is sometimes a bit off though. LOL.
Men are wonderful creatures...
It's the ladies lucky week!!!!
CAW should be CAY cock appreciation year!
Thanks again Em!
I just found the click to "enlarge" feature! My eyes just popped out of my head.
I'm not sure I'd trust my dick or my balls to move that far away from me. They have a mind of their own sometimes and I'd hate for them to turn on me. They're practically my best friends.
After all, I've known them all my life.
First, Murph, I could knit you some ball warmers. I'm handy like that, ha, I just said handy.
Secondly, Dan, the picture of you and your balls' life of their own is just too much!
Meaning the mental picture of Dan holding his balls.
I re read that and it sounded like I had seen the actual picture.
Um, somebody help me here.....
sig - just knowing you pictured me holding my balls makes me feel all warm inside. Thanks!
Made me all warm outside, hehehe.
That was the whole idea...I'm using wool yarn.
ROFLMAO @all of you!
I do love men.
i do.
Gigi, Alex may need it as he is exposed today.
But you've already taken a look haven't you? LOL.
Gigi, can you email that to me?
Wait ladies, how in the hell can you talk sewing right now? I can't even formulate a freakin' sentence!!
Hey E,
I posted a link to this week's feature over on my blog.
Hopefully, it will trick many unsuspecting folks into viewing the dick parade! hehehehheh
En~We are just trying to help out our fellow man on a cold winter's day!
Think of it as payment for the CAW pics.
To thank all those that sent pics.
Em, missed you over at my place. Keeping it warm for you. :)
Hi Suze! How are you?
Helskel LOL!!! I love ya! That's too funny.... You know, I did see that before you even said anything!!!
I love the way you made it all scientific :) LMAO
Gigi - thanks :) thanks :)
Suze - I'm making my rounds honey, I'll be there, I promise! Yes, keep it HOT.
Jenn LOL okay honey, send them to me in bulk and i will disperse :)
Hi Jenn, I'm fine. How are you?
I'll put the drawsting in the pattern. If you're really nice, I'll use the super soft baby yarn.
If you're Murph, you get wool.
you could double the pull string as a cock ring actually...
good idea!
Actually, shouldn't the hood and drawstring be at the head so you don't freeze yourself while writing your name in the snow?
Nice addition there Dan. I'll get right on that. What color do you want?
Murph's getting pink.
sig - well....black is my favorite color but I don't want the women to think it's dead...
How about gray. It goes with everything. I'll make you a black one for the night time.
Murph, no scotchguard. Well, yours will have to be scotchguarded because the wool isn't washable. I'm assuming you would need to wash yours often.
Gray would be ok I guess. Still kinda 'zombie like' in color but it'll do. As long as the women know it still works......
Come on Dan! Blue then?
Sarge, awesome idea but maybe you should hide it just in case. Wouldn't want anything to get blown off.
Jenn, Alex said any colour you like as long as it is size large.
Oh Suze, I'm going to have to get more yarn for him ;-)
Blondie, can you be my business manager?
Alex volunteers to model them. LOL.
Maybe there is a job here for everyone. Blonde is the manager. I'll be in charge of production along with Gigi 'cause she's a good knitter too. Em can manage the financial aspects and Suze can be in charge of the advertising!
Sarge I do remember reading that. Glad to here it and your camo cozie will be waiting for you when you get here.
That sounds great to me Jenn.
Maybe they should all be camoflaged. That way we only we would know that they were all hanging them out there.
I stuttered just thinking about that!
Sarge, you're in the right room for supporters.
I have never heard of it being called a kickstand before, but I like it.
So Sarge is like a tripod?
Wow, 3 girls at the same time!
sig - light blue sounds good. If you can, add a pocket for my balls and make that color a darker blue.
Wait, wait *getting out tape measure* Let's see.
Dan, got blue balls? The cozy will help.
That might be a good ad campaign, Suze.
We all know Sarge is suffering from Long Dong syndrome.
See you guys later, just off for dinner.
Bye Suze.
I'm off too to make some cookies! Oh, and some cock cozies.
Well....now that the ladies have fed my inferiority complex I think I'll retire from this blog for a bit.
Time to do more work anyways...
Im here Sug, barely ;)
yes, it appears that I will need a break from CAW tomorrow... am thinking though I will need to extend it for atleast another day on Saturday... I had 15 new submissions last night alone!
i love men.
did somebody say TWIZZLERS?!?!?
I have a licorice story.
Emma, perhaps you could do a Calendar.
i think we already discussed that once, didn't we?
Suze, whats your birthmonth honey?
Em, January.
Sarge, are you counting?
I bet Gigi's b'day is 14th Feb.
If it isn't it oughta be :)
Em, are you preparing me a Mr January complete with large icicle?
well, i will share the story. But for another time... it involves pussy and well..
pussy and licorice, you do the math.
On another note, we have the months almost filled up.
Jan - Suze
Feb - Gigi
March - Sug
Aprils open
May - me
yep, the rest are up for grabs!
Sarge - I hope to show most of them Friday, thanks for asking and might I say that you-
no, i would have to delete my comment if I said anything.
nevermind :)
We want cocks, we want cocks.
All the screen licking is making my tongue sore.
shit sug, thats right honey, Im so sorry....
k, so pretty much april, november, october, august, june,
those are open for girlz to pic. :)
Uhhhh. Gigi. before you claim one why don't you wait until it's over....
could be replaceable.
I hope that was meant in a good way sarge.
you will Sarge, all promises.
Gigi - photo montague, interesting...
Sug and Suze - I will tailor everybodies to their specific months. Though Jenns will have to be wearing a santa hat.... hmmmm.
or maybe stuffed in a stocking?
i do photoshop and basic html code honey.
Gigi, im thinking yours should be a bunch of peckerheads in a heart shaped candy box :)
yeah! good idea!!
Im telling ya, throw some frosting in and it's a done deal!
I want to know why nobody said anything about the pic of me giving a blow job.
k, no more posting bj pics
wait, you discussed it in IM to who?!?!?
ummm. no wonder it's so quiet here.
So we submit pics of our dicks and we don't get to hear the juicy talk?
Good thing I have a lot of work to do!
Can I have a box of peckerheads please?
Sug, what are ghiradelli chocolates? Do they have cocks in them?
Sug, no we don't have them over here.
Murph, thanks. I have to get my priorities right you know. LOL.
Well said Sug. Lets all worship the cock.
Murph are you saying you can self fellate?
Sug, which cock have you been looking at?
LOL. Murph, yes I did.
Sug, I thought you were talking about Alex, he has cock blogged today. I wasn't sure. LOL.
No, Sug I meant on our site.
I know I'm not to try and guess whos is whos on here.
Sug, so am I. Especially if it involves a cock.
Sug, you crack me up. :D
sug - LOL. I don't think you'll get deleted for that! I thought you were chatting about something else.......carry on my tasty one, carry on.
YOU ladies are teetering on breaking the rules.
*slapping ruler against palm*
did Murph submit a cock pic?
<---- clueless.
No, I was referencing Alex on our site nothing relating to here.
Does it answer to it's name? "Here Murph" LOL.
En, are you mad at me?
*bending over to take punishment like a good girl*
Sug, if you want to give pussies away, well who am I to stop you.
K suze no no honey, Im not upset or angry at you...
But if you want me to spank you I will.
Actually, Im beginning to think that perhaps I-
aww, nevermind.
as you were, as you were.
Em, I love you. Come over to UK.
Seriously, dan isn't talking to me... im shattered.
nice that he popped by though.
Suze I love you too.
im coming honey, only one ass sex session to go!
What's happening chickies?
I can't seem to get the cocks blocked in my mind. Been thinking of them all day and needless to say, I've been smiling maniacally.
well shit Jenn. I wonder what would happen if we just made one HUGE pic daily... would it be better you think?
No, I think lots of cock every day is a good thing, like Martha Stewart said.
Holy Shit Martha Stewart said that?
and then she went to prison of course.
oh the perils of TOO much cock ...
now I know what to do to both attract the attention and make confused a room full of woman ... just drop a few dozen cock pics ... LOL
You know she's a nasty ho who loves a good cock, er, is that cook?
it's well know that Martha LOVES cock ...
... especially the old family recipe ... cock and balls in simmering summer sweat
*Puts on my "Kiss the Cock" apron*
*throws kiss at Dzer*
LMAO at cock and balls simmering in summer sweat.
*waving hands*
pic me! pic me!
Dozr I want to kiss it!!!
Damn that Martha Stewart, she makes all the money and gets all the cock.
jenn: I do what I can ... and did you just blow me? LOL
naughty one: you are so chosen! approach the DZER and lift the apron ... heh
murphy: well that's just part of the reason I'm a genius, my friend ... LOL
Dzer, consider yourself blown. How was it?
jenn: do you want the money? or all the cock?
martha's doable ... and that's pretty good for a 60+ year old!
plus, I bet she also knits little cock cozies and ball sweaters, just like you! LOL
Dzer, I'll take all the money AND cock I can get.
I don't know about Martha being doable. I'll have to give that some thought.
I got the cock cozie idea from Gigi but I'm sure the pattern was an original Martha creation.
OK ... off to work ... you gals (and murph) ... enjoy all the cock!
Em - Who said I wasn't talking to you? I've been very very very busy with work so I haven't had much time to chat. I just pop in with a comment and then leave again...
Today (Thursday) isn't much better I'm afraid.
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