Holy shit EN, take a weekend off or something...
Happy FFF to all of you, I hope that on this Friday you do not find yourself stressing out about all the things you haven't done before the season.
I am one of those persons this year.
I suck.
Finding myself ass deep in wrapping paper and an all-too-long line at the post office; It's only a matter of time before I crack and break under the extreme pressure. Not pretty, my mascara runs (yes, even the friggin $24 waterproof kind that never comes off with soap).

I'd much rather find myself in the soft flannel and pillowy down comfort of my bed with a friend.
I will be pitied just this once, accepting even.
SO If anybody would like to come over and assist me with my baking, it would be appreciated. Yes, yes we can do the powdered sugar on our noses thing... and I may even let you lick the beater.
I'ts a full moon tonight.
That being said and by the almighty powers in me I must fornicate in mass quantities with the hub tonight.
Tonight though I'm gonna have to just take him since he's been putting in a new kitchen floor all day, and he's tired. Poor dear. I'm certain he'll play hard to get, but I'll break that fucker like a bad habit and reward him for his efforts today. The kitchen looks awesome.
Don't even start to act shocked guys, us women put out for new kitchen floors!
Absolutely. You should see what we'll do for carpet - hot.
I would like to sincerely thank all of the participants and contributors for C.A.W next week. You must trust that your photo will remain anonymous, as well I have not shared them with any body as I promised you.
Here I thought the whole time you men wouldn't come through for us ladies. Silly me, apparently I have been proven wrong and it's a good thing.
I mean, I thought for sure that I would have to go to plan 'B' and do the vibrator races instead. But no.
This is why I love men, because they like to show me they're boss. I will now bend over so you may commence with the spankings.
I do stress that all pictures are being handled *giggle*
errrr, handled with kid gloves, so to speak. Okay that's shot, I totally could have used a better term for that, don't you think?
Fuck, I'm sorry guys.. call it a hydraulics test.
Quick Rant: Multicolored Christmas lights make no sense. Why in the world would you want to put yellow, pink, and blue in a friggin Christmas light?!?!
Quick Slip of the heart: B- I got your card. I cried. Thank you. But I'm the one that's supposed to be sending you a card silly! You're the one that's sick for christs sake!
Okay, now this really burns me... check this out.

Apparently Victoria Sercrets will not sell those angel wings. I find myself fairly pissed off about it really.
I know I know, of course they're not available in stores DUH.
I went right to the source and called Vic herself. Apparently you have to test positive for botox and collagen lip enhancements to own a set.
Guess that's how you earn your wings... I dunno.
I soo wanted to own a pair of these though, I think they're appropriate for me *snicker* to wear with my black patent leather bustier and thigh high boots my husband is getting me for Christmas... but no, they wouldn't give them up no matter how much money I offered (those snobby bitches).
Sorry honey, I tried!
How strange is it to sit across from a man you've fucked with a jelly dildo in the ass during a very important business meeting? Furthermore, how do you do that for two hours straight and not think about that experience you shared? I mean, was I not supposed to start giggling during the power point presentation... and how could I not?
Sitting across from Reds husband for two hours while he and the other big-wigs organized a business venture was torture. Especially since it was obvious we wanted to catch up on things, not having talked since the Halloween party. I gave it my best effort while note taking, but to no avail, I ended up sketching little penises all over my notepad.
I'm evil. I hope my boss doesn't look through my meeting notes :)
I have to go to bed.
It's apparent I've been over worked this week, no?
Tomorrow I have to check my email and reply to those of you that have left me one. I also plan on updating my music list and sidebar links... I have found some great additions to the rest rooms, and it's about time!

In the meantime, try not to have nightmares about these guys...
i dunno, ever since I saw the picture three days ago I can't get right.
Welp, there went another week. Smooches.
I am one of those persons this year.
I suck.
Finding myself ass deep in wrapping paper and an all-too-long line at the post office; It's only a matter of time before I crack and break under the extreme pressure. Not pretty, my mascara runs (yes, even the friggin $24 waterproof kind that never comes off with soap).

I'd much rather find myself in the soft flannel and pillowy down comfort of my bed with a friend.
I will be pitied just this once, accepting even.
SO If anybody would like to come over and assist me with my baking, it would be appreciated. Yes, yes we can do the powdered sugar on our noses thing... and I may even let you lick the beater.

That being said and by the almighty powers in me I must fornicate in mass quantities with the hub tonight.
Tonight though I'm gonna have to just take him since he's been putting in a new kitchen floor all day, and he's tired. Poor dear. I'm certain he'll play hard to get, but I'll break that fucker like a bad habit and reward him for his efforts today. The kitchen looks awesome.
Don't even start to act shocked guys, us women put out for new kitchen floors!
Absolutely. You should see what we'll do for carpet - hot.
I would like to sincerely thank all of the participants and contributors for C.A.W next week. You must trust that your photo will remain anonymous, as well I have not shared them with any body as I promised you.
Here I thought the whole time you men wouldn't come through for us ladies. Silly me, apparently I have been proven wrong and it's a good thing.

This is why I love men, because they like to show me they're boss. I will now bend over so you may commence with the spankings.
I do stress that all pictures are being handled *giggle*
errrr, handled with kid gloves, so to speak. Okay that's shot, I totally could have used a better term for that, don't you think?
Fuck, I'm sorry guys.. call it a hydraulics test.
Quick Rant: Multicolored Christmas lights make no sense. Why in the world would you want to put yellow, pink, and blue in a friggin Christmas light?!?!
Quick Slip of the heart: B- I got your card. I cried. Thank you. But I'm the one that's supposed to be sending you a card silly! You're the one that's sick for christs sake!
Okay, now this really burns me... check this out.

Apparently Victoria Sercrets will not sell those angel wings. I find myself fairly pissed off about it really.
I know I know, of course they're not available in stores DUH.
I went right to the source and called Vic herself. Apparently you have to test positive for botox and collagen lip enhancements to own a set.
Guess that's how you earn your wings... I dunno.
I soo wanted to own a pair of these though, I think they're appropriate for me *snicker* to wear with my black patent leather bustier and thigh high boots my husband is getting me for Christmas... but no, they wouldn't give them up no matter how much money I offered (those snobby bitches).
Sorry honey, I tried!
How strange is it to sit across from a man you've fucked with a jelly dildo in the ass during a very important business meeting? Furthermore, how do you do that for two hours straight and not think about that experience you shared? I mean, was I not supposed to start giggling during the power point presentation... and how could I not?
Sitting across from Reds husband for two hours while he and the other big-wigs organized a business venture was torture. Especially since it was obvious we wanted to catch up on things, not having talked since the Halloween party. I gave it my best effort while note taking, but to no avail, I ended up sketching little penises all over my notepad.
I'm evil. I hope my boss doesn't look through my meeting notes :)
I have to go to bed.
It's apparent I've been over worked this week, no?
Tomorrow I have to check my email and reply to those of you that have left me one. I also plan on updating my music list and sidebar links... I have found some great additions to the rest rooms, and it's about time!

In the meantime, try not to have nightmares about these guys...
i dunno, ever since I saw the picture three days ago I can't get right.
Welp, there went another week. Smooches.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ...t
I'm not sure which is worse - the rainbow coloured lights, or the white ones that pulse-cycle through various flashing routines. They're all saying look at me, I'm crass.
PS thanks for visiting.
Em, I so want to come over and roll you in sugar with your thigh lengths on. Yum.
that was some post!
first of all, if suze comes over, I'll roll her in sugar to and then indulge my sweet tooth on both of you!
1. Wish I could help. I'm a wrapping master! Heh.
2. Hope you got some from the hubs.
3. Congrats on getting your (e-mail) box filled with cock!
4. Some colors are just NOT Christmas material.
5. Those fuckers! *starts hand-stitching gyou some wings*
6. Sounds hard. Also difficult. ;)
7. Hope you slept well. And I killed four kitties today.
["How strange is it to sit across from a man you've fucked with a jelly dildo in the ass during a very important business meeting?"]
Not one of those questions you find yourself asking often, I'm sure! Certainly, I, myself, can not think of a time when i sat across from a guy I ass-fucked with a BOB ... *taps chin in deep thought* nope.. can't say I can recall that EVER happening to me...
Phew... Have a good weekend hun!
all u gotta do is get a lip enhancement and some botox!!! thats it! and then you'll get ur wings...its that easy... :P
everytime i get angry i kill a kitten. it's kinda like that last picture really.
I heard that everytime you masturbate the Devil creates two kittens. We must all do our part to maintain the cat population by masturbating as much as possible. The Devil's evil plan is to overrun the earth with kittens so we are brought to our knees with kitty-litter and catshit stench, thus crushing our will to survive.
Masturbation is just our way of helping God out and telling Him he has our permission to kill.
On a slightly lighter note I was anticipating returning to your blog after two days in a training session and that inspired me to start re-writing a Christmas carol.
Here's the first verse. Tell me what you think:
It's Frosty This Morning
(sung to Frosty the Snowman of course)
It's frosty this morning
so I had to scrape my truck.
But what I'd rather do
Is climb in bed with you
And start my morning with a fuck.
* More verses to follow as I have time.
Emma - I emailed you the final re-write. Yes, I was so inspired I re-wrote the entire song! I like it, let me know what you think. I also gave you permission to post it on your site if you like!
After two days away from the office I don't imagine I'll have much time today to post but I'll try to check in once in a while.
Sug - Yes, a long hot bath would be most riki-tiki. But I can't sleep since comfy husband is there... so distracted all I wanna do is play!
Lil Irish Gal - Thanks so much, I hope you do as well! Wow, i appreciate you stopping by!
Robmcj - I know huh? And those white blinker ones are really distracting. I find myself being easily hynotized by those patterns. Once even smacking into a parked beer truck because of it.
Bad bruise, good beer. Mmmm. Guiness.
Suze - Let's make it brown sugar, so it gets all melty as we heat up! Actually, that's really sounding good right now.
Doz - 1. I had you in mind. 2. I did, I did 3. Yes, thanks to you as well *snicker* 4. right 5. oh i am so excited to see those! 6. Yes, both the left and the right. 7. :) I'm gonna see if I can kill some myself at lunch. :)
Alshrim - LOL. I love the chin tapping! Ummm, considering your comment though I am almost certain that you're not tapping your chin with what I normally get my chin tapped with. *giggle*
Gigi - LMAO they are evil, and they like to feel you up during fittings too. I know it, poor kitties... dodo birds eh? I wonder if that's how they became extinct... hmmmm.
Here Gigi, have some powdered sugar. *snicker*
Sid - I just have an issue with injecting bacteria into my body. Dunno, it's an affliction I have I guess.
Capn - I have no doubt about that. Now which crotch was yours? I want to be able to identify it in a crowd. Is it too early to start drinking?
Dan - I'm still laughing about that. You must've woken up on the creative horny side of the bed this morning. The pumpety-pump-pump was fucking outrageously funny. Thanks for the smiles
Jay - whoa, whoa put down the kitten honey. Here, lay down and let me sit on your face.
*hiding dildo behind back*
Castu - I know huh *sigh*. any body up for photoshopping Em a pair of wings for Christmas? And give me better tits too.
Sarge - You light up my life!! Alright then, dammit I'll do it, and considering its -5 degrees here... my nipples will be kickin!
Gigi - I swear we need to go shopping together... and if they don't feel you up. I WILL.
are we doing the powdered sugar thing yet?
I'm down for powdered sugar :D
I'm gonna hit you with Marshmellow Creme big Daddy....
takes longer to lick off you know.
creme me, babydoll ... then I'm painting you in chocolate and teasing you with a honey dusting ....
Oh, that sounds GREAT. I'll make sure I have the cherry for the top.
and then baby? then I'm gonna feed it to ya.
OUCH! EN's on fire today!
Big Daddy's ready to eat!!
*puts on bib*
bring it on, kimason ... I like it nice and messy!!
heh. oh, you'll get it messy alright... you'll get it messy.
I can't believe you said happy balling in your post! I'm still laughing! I have to ask though, is there any other way to do it? Balling that is, besides happy.
there's nasty balling. hot balling. bang-want-shabangabang balling.
can you make it home for lunch? ;)
K, all that balling is better than happy balling. I want the nasty balling all to myself.
Sug - yes, I will. As soon as I kick the fucker out of bed and get him in the shower! Hopefully he'll be there before shorty awakens!
poor shorty.
murphy: step up or step off
I'm getting ready to oompa E.N.'s loompa ... and then i will dippity-dee ... if you are wise ... you would do her like me
and seriously, naughty one ... cum home ;)
Gigi - frosting, sugar, carmel, chocolate... I don't really give a fizzuk. Let's just commence with the tonguing now, shall we.
Murph - I'm trying to figure out how you came up with Wonka... pervert.
Doz - LMAO cumming!
From Emma and the Porno Factory:
Thanks folks ... I'll be here all week
Hey, no wheezing D. I quit smoking!
Jay - I promise I wont use it *crossing fingers behind back*
won't you just let me feel all empowered by just holding it?
unfortunately ... it's past DZER's bedtime, DZER said, knowing DZER was speaking in the annoying third-person.
Of course, the phone lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 1-800-DO-ME-DZR for assistance with your female masturbatory needs.
Figures you'd watch Judge Judy Murphy.
How many kittens did you kill last night?
EN, it's never too early to start drinkin'.
See, now that stings. I hate it when I get it in the eye. I try to catch it on my tongue, but it never works that way....
you fellas need to aim better.
Capn, you hot mother fucker. I got your beezos right here, betwixt my breasts.
easy EN! i know 2 days of starin' at my crotch would get ya all hot and bothered, but jesus woman control yerself.
How long will your quitting smoking continue, EN?
...being you're so orally fixated.
I think you'll have to add free BJs (courtesy of you) to your office's benefit package just so you'll be able to get through the day!
*drool* I'm just glad yours was the one showing some skin... HOTTIE. I can't control myself, something about you drinking beer and killing kittens...
Dom - See now that would be really cool if my co-workers were blowable. At this point I'd have to grab one of the lawyers... but you know how they are... fuckers will call objection right before cumming and I'd have to use a different approach!
you're absolutely right Jay!
now submit to me as I have added you to my sidebar.
I think he's still putting in the kitchen floor honey... ;)
hold on, lemme call him. :)
How ya doing sug? so glad at least one of the ladies stopped by today.
We got a bid of $1700 (parts and labor) to replace our kitchen lam floor. Ouch!
F'in ice machine supply line leak!
Dom, we've spent roughly $300 by installing it ourself, and we bought the nice kind too!
Jay- yes, screw me.
what can i say EN, i'm a ladies man.
I'm actually revelling in the thought of just letting you all have your way with me at least once.
So Jay you say you wanna play?
throw some lovin' my way.
I'll prolly say okay....
but just for today.
LMAO. I so want to send him over so you can tell him. Holy shit sug, I owe you a picture of my husband, don't i?
Nice Sug! NICE! Perhaps he'll hear your call and respond to ya.
:) he does that sometimes you know!
I've got the sugar Em.
Gigi, how is Peter?
So basically after the three of you had your threesome, you decided to stop by?
how kind of you.
I just think it's extrememly coincidental that you Suze and Murph were nonexistant for hours and suddenly show up all together.
Interesting. Hmmmm.
you know, this is how gossip starts.
tisk tisk.
Sug - I called him to say his presence was requested in the naughty lounge, but he laughed as he was just about to finish up on the floor moldings.
He plans to play on Monday.
behind my back?
I don't ever remembering him being mine. And i've never cybered with him that's for sure.
I think he's Gigi's man, ask her.
I dont talk behind you back Murph, never. I like to say this shit to your face.
Jay - I got your hot box lunch right here sweetie.
Sug - LOL. Lemme work up some rumors for ya then!
Gigi - focus girl, focus.
notice it got quiet in here?
damn... i just killed me a whole herd of kittens tuesday night... course I was thinking of you... I had said litter instead of herd but litter sounds like it was a waste and sorry but I dont waste my baby batter... i put it to good use... like sealing envelopes and stuff
that reminds me... did u get my christmas card yet??
anywho... what the fuck (wtf) is all this with pictures to you and then the vibrators... did I miss something... was this a homework ass ignment
fuck it... reminds me of the dreams i used to have where i was back in school and nekkid... wait... that wasnt a dream... thats how tuesday night got started
anyway... if we were supposewd to send pics of vibrators I want to submit the one my mom names johnny depp and if you didnt read that post... shame on your for a weaek of sundays
go here
well merry effin christmas to ya... even though you slapped me and broke up with my ass... I had to go to gigi's to be consouled
romey <~~ he who suks at speling
Gigi love, step away from the computer and read a nice long book.
preferably catcher in the rye or something like that.
no romance novels, k?
fish??? well it is friday and i am catholic
K, catholisism is hot.
and all you catholic boys need a good ruler spanking.
Gigi, put the pipe down. He's always like that.
why dont you people just effin IM each other... gawd :)
because we love the refresh option.
Romey, what's your IM then... email it to me :)
Crap....I leave you all alone for a few hours and this place goes to hell.
Do I have to start putting you people in line or what?
I'm not about breaking anything Gigi, I mean hell weren't you just masturbating in front of Murph and then forgot about it?
poor Romey.
It's like sharks on chum.
Jay - I love that song.
LMAO. Gigi got pinged.
Must be nice.
Well I'd like to chat more but I should get back to work.
No, No. Really. I must do some more work. People rely on me.
You want me to stick around so you can ignore me more? What?
Sorry, can't help you there. I really should get back to work. At least my co-workers need me.
I'm glad you guys didn't let me down!!!
I KNEW someone would have a smartass remark to my post.
Murph and Jay...thanks fuckers!
sug...my dark side is much worse than murph....I don't think I balance much.
i miss dan. my heart is crying.
that's honesty.
Jay, i want a picture of that.
HOORAY! He's on top of me!
It's fun being on top of Emma....and now hopefully I'm under Gigi!!
murph...I think sug's all talk....she'd never send out a pic of her ass.....
So Emma.....you gonna audio post yourself singing that Frosty song? I'd like to hear that I think....
gigi....the pleasure is all mine. Of course I'd do my best to return the favor!
It's so nice to have the gang here again.
Now how about that chat room.
you aren't kidding. I know this.
I never said I needed it Gigi, I said I wanted it...
HUGE difference.
I'm not euthenizing you either. You're worth more to me awake.
Jay, are you blushing? quit it!
I'm just saying I really like your toolbelt is all!
Sug, what does that have to do with it, you can chat room!
Sug, I won't I'm on a different time line.
jesus Sug, are you sure honey?
Im not doing a fucking thing right now, except thinking about Jays toolbelt...
Em, If you ever want to guest HNT just let me know. I'd love to touch you up. :0
Hi, Murph. Bi, tri anything goes. LOL.
Hey Sug, did you just mention whip?
Whip it.
Into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it. whip it good..
Murph, you'll just have to check out my galleries. ;)
Hey, Em do you want any more cock pics or have you had your fill? LOL.
Suze - I do have a handful
ummm. but I could use more, I never have enough...
why? are you offering up some?
Em, Alex is sending his over right now. ;)
why does it smell lioke my dads garage in here and why are there seeds and stems all over the floor
damn I got a bad case of munchies... did somebody mention a box lunch earlier
oh my IM is
ping ping... sounds like somebody dropped a whole drawer of silver ware in here
okay got go to gigi's to flirt some
Nice, it stretches all the way from the UK!?!?!
Holy hell. I gotta see this!
in the immortal words of Paul Revere (and later Gigi):
"the british are coming, the british are coming!"
any of you lovely ladies ever been "air tight"?
I've been heir tied... is that the same Capn?
Romey, I can't believe you did that... just asking for it.
Gigi, have you got a cock radar. As soon as you mention COCK...
Yes Gigi, I did I did.
I'm so excited. I'm printing them, cutting them out... pasting them to card board and then playing paper doll dress up with them.
I love you Blondie. Do you know this? You make me want to kill kittens.
I'm telling ya!
And all y'all that contributed get a trademark on each doll.
Rich fuckers. Remember me when they're gold plating your cocks.
Gigi, they would just go soggy and limp. :(
K, Capn needs to educate me on air tight. I hear tight a lot from naughty but not air tight.
Blondie - Somehow we missed you not missing this and I'm glad you missed it so I don;t have to miss you while you're missing this.
oh I saee how it is... blondie is playing for the other side now... she dont droll over my HNT pics anymore... maybe cause I aint wearing those effin glasses she's so hawt for... and why the h e double toothpickles did you shut ur darn site down for???
changed IM to
pssst. Jay, in here, quick!
Gigi, that's the point you wouldn't. LOL.
Nobody, I say nobody, is attaching electrodes to my balls and dipping my dick in gold salts. Where do you get these ideas EN?
See, I wasn't asleep in chemistry class.
Ok. I don't have time to read all the comments I've missed so will someone bring me up to speed?
Is there anything interesting going on or is it just the usual banter?
LMAO. wow. I guess you got it bad.... I keep wanting to ring-a-ding... but I know it can be tough to talk...
*getting all weepy*
I promise I'll do nothing of the sort to your balls.
I may grope them though. and lick... a lil.
and i can think of something completely different to dip them in.
I will Jay... I'll call your name at least once...
k, you said 'rack'.
and then you said 'slip out'
NO NO Stay here and play! Dammit I had to take a call!!!
Dammit it took me long enough to get you here... now you better stay.
I was talking to whoever would listen actually!!!
Blondie I would happily spread mentholatum all over your chest!
Ok. It looks like I have some more work to do so let me just say this:
Emma - I look forward to doing many sexual things with you someday. And 'someday' better become the eigth day of the week damn fast!
sug - you need to open up a bit more....like your legs...let's see some skin little lady!
blondie - glad you stopped bi...er by. Every time I see your pic I want to bury my face between your tits and shake my head back and forth! I have no idea why....heh.
and Gigi - if you lived closer to me you'd never be desperate. Seriously. Keep you head high (and good!) and find a man damnit!
blondie - well it does make me think other things but I'm sure you hear those things quite often so I went with the slightly different approach. You know, just to get your attention!
gigi - a man won't run away from a woman that has her mouth on his cock. I'm just sayin'.....
Emma - don't laugh your ass off! It's too damn nice!
Umm dan, they'll run if she bites.
And blondie went where?
Oh, I didn't tell y'all. I brought prezzies when I came home tonight. Two new flat screens for our PCs and a DVD drive for my PC (Suze already has one in hers) so we can watch any combination of porn DVDs and nekkid Gigi/EN pics while in the study.
I luuurv technology.
Off to screw now, see you later.
Emma - and risk the chance of losing it? Never....
Well ladies....40 minutes from now I'll be heading home and getting all fancied up.
Yup, company Christmas party tonight! Plus, drumroll please, it's my birthday!!! WooHoo!
Needless to say I'm putting on my suit and heading to the party with my lovely wife for a short evening of dinner and dancing then we're leaving the party to head home as we have a friend watching our kids.
I was hoping we could stop and buy a porn but alas, the wife is unable to...you know....right now. I have to take a raincheck!
Alright Dan!!! Go Go!!
Hope you have a very Happy Birthday honey...
no wonder your wife called me! something about cake jumping.. I thought perhaps it was a new sport of some kind.
Alex... thanks for your present ;)
Blondie... I tried to catch you but you went all invisible on me.
Gigi - I have my wallet and a stack of twenties :)
more and more I feel like yesterdays news.
k, see you all. Have a good weekend then.
damn ... wake up early on a saturday and still manage to miss the fun ...
and naughty one .. I'm a newsman ... news never gets old for me ;)
I'm still here you know!
Damnit Emma! You're not yesterday's news......sigh.....
How about a birthday bj? That would be nice...
*holds up a $20*
I think my lap's big enough to fit you both, since you are both petite little sex flowers .... heh
I just KNOW we can make it work ...
*takes a seat on the big leather sofa*
cheap, fake leather.
pleasure on the pleather.
HEY. Nothing but the best in my lounge!
It's real leather.. and it's treated with Scotchguard for any accidents or lap dances.
like I'd do pleather. Hell no Doz... but there is a visqueen sheet on the floor... kinda like pleather.
Dzer, here I am all sugared and everything. ;)
And here I am, exhausted. That woman's insatiable.
No doubt, no doubt.
Water Alex?
suze: climb aboard, my little english muffin
alex: you are a lucky bastard!
I have just had another wine accident. I can't believe it, ever since I started drinking red wine, I have done nothing else but spill it. What the F**k.
Dzer, I'm nearly there.
Dzer, that I am. A lucky, lucky, lucky bastard. Ooooh what wouldn't I give to ... sorry Life of Brian moment.
Hands up who's going to DH's party.
see, and that's why I scotchguarded the leather honey.
Its okay, lets get sticky!
you two need to invest in a web cam and share with us poor colonists!
spill the wine, suze ... I'll lick it up
and I'm going to try to wake up early enough to chat a bit
Life of Brian LMAO!
k. I'm hoping to be there tomorrow night!!!
I always look on the bright side of life
Dzer, there's a little on my left boob. Do you see it? ;)
Well if I'll give you our paypal account details and we'll see about the webcam.
Think about at the party, it's 23:00 to 05:00. It'll take us until Tuesday to recover. Especially as the wine cellar's fully stocked. I'll keep Suze away from the bottles or put some plastic sheet down for safety.
suze: I'm all over it!
mmm ... full bodied ... lusciously ripe ... just a slight tang ...
and the wine is tasty too
Visqueen Alex, no plastic!!!
Jesus, haven't I taught you anything?!? LOL
alex ... it's 9 a.m. on a sunday for me, mate! LOL
Dzer, you are a naughty boy and I'm going to have to repremand you.
Choose your punishment.
Dzer, you sir are a true coneseuuuurree, conassssiooooo.
O bollocks, you know your wine, and ladies. :)
suze: can you give me 40 strokes? heh
alex: I suck no nipple before its time.
I keeeeeeeeeeeeel me!!
Again, I am apparently non-existant.
Dzer, I may even be able to manage 50. Wow!
naughty one: spill some wine on your tits
suze: well then ... get too it ;)
Dzer, look after Suze.
EN, come here girl. Carbenet Sauvignon I believe.
The more I drink the worse my typing gets. Go figure.
I remembered a joke. Guy goes to the doctors and says “I think I’m an agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac.”. “Why’s that?” says the doctor.
The man replies “I lay awake all night wondering if there is a dog”.
hey en... got ur email just now :) tankies... appreciated it and tankies for letting me hang wid the cool kids in here
i'm doing fine... dont beat myself up so much... i need to do a follow up on todays blog because there is more to it... Dante's mom and I had a long long talk... a loooooong one and it helped.
sorry im such a distraction in here *wink*
if you ever need a cabana boy... Im ur man... have my own body rub and palm leaf... that goes for my main unmarried wench gigi as well
pom pom cheer... pyramid... split
wait... male cheerleaders are gay... course they do get to put their hands on some mighty fine snatch... i'll get back to ya on this
romey <~~~ just 23 but willing to learn
Emma, you sure do throw a great party!
I think I'll go kill some kittens now.
Wow, you were right about your comments....I guess I'll have to jump in early next time...
CAW, huh? Hmmmm....
gigi, are you sneaking around in here?
With Chuck even! Way to go!! He's got a cam corder you know... lol.
I dunno, but that kitty looks scared shitess, doesn't it Gigi?
how was the party?
did you check your comments section Sug? LOL
oh, Gigi.. is your kitty running scared tonight?
holy shit lady, it's gotta be late where you are...
Well shit then, sounds like a good night for handing ear plugs out to Auntie :)
Im rebel rousing... for some reason, well. no reason. I'm supposed to be writing, and I'm neglecting it...
I know it. Kinda like ambiguous..
say that over and over again, you just can't...
No rebel unfortunately... I'm looking at cock pics. I have a smile on my face that will have to be removed with plastic surgery.
k, sug.. is there a drill in your comments section?
me too!
Seriously, I'm so proud of these guys.. *tear*
So, so proud.
I'm swelling with pride... and any second... Im gonna burst.
tee hee @ Sug
See, he just needed to get the feeling back in his knees. heh heh.
NO LOL. No internet splashing... all dicks will be proudly displayed like wonderful falic trophies in my closet here.
How much is the one worth? A shit load, why.. you wanna borrow my husband? LOL
You know what Gigi, it just goes to show that you can never know what a man will do...
I honestly didnt think they would either... but they did. And god damnit I respect that sooo much.
Really, lots of love you guys, Im not wearing underwear ever again for any reason.
did you get him prepped for me sug?
Jesus Gigi that's a fucking awesome idea!!! I say we do that, and perhaps a calendar!
K, now Im not going to be able to sleep... I'll be up all night planning...
what's your birth month so I can make that one special?
hmmm perhaps.. I have relatives in your general vicinity.
yep, i do. and I'll be doing some fishing down there this summer!
Gigi was 302. I was 300, sorry gals :)
ummm... well, no wine.. maybe a painkiller but I pay it no mind.
he he, he's got quite a mouth on him that's for sure.
Awesome, Mr. Feb will be extra special then... promise :)
Hmmm, send me that pic Sug and I'll make it July. :)
Mines May, so that will will be good that we'll all have our special months!
see, im so excited im stuttering!
oh shit gotta go ladies.. mr. N is in the shower!!!
see ya tomorrow! Say Hi to Peter for me and g'night Sug, get some sleep!
*Bows down to the Naughty (and Nice) One and kisses her feet*
Thanks for the lick....errrr....link!
jelly dildo got my atention
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