Grr Baby, it's Hump Day

I'm so fucking ecstatic because I was really concerned about what you'd all like.
So here, Im sending them in bulk tomorrow. Watch your mail boxes.
OH, and for you single guys, I hear this same remote works on other mens wives and drunk chicks... yes, it's universal! So have at it!
WHOO HOO!! Finally the ladies around here get some reprieve while the men try to figure out how to get the batteries in there.
Not used to the small AAA battery compartments, are you guys? Used to the big rechargable 12 volt hand held power tool chargers eh? Don't fumble them in now, hold steady... remember the + and the -... work with me.
(just don't let the guys point it at you once they get them in... the remote. Get them into the remote you pervert women.. I love ya).
Men men men men men men men.
Sometimes I just want to give up on all of you. And then I remember that unless I convert to full on lesbianism, I just couldn't function without you.
See, I'm a dick woman. I like dick. Really can't help that I feel that way and well, Damnit... I'm sure you don't mind.
There will never be another replacement for the warmth and fullness that my husband can provide when needed, I know this for a fact of course. But I like the company of a woman too... and although I would love it if my husband had a pussy and breasts... it just ain't gonna happen. So- I'm bi. Happy to be so. Husband is happy too.
Yep. Happy happy.
Let me say that I give a big HOLLA to my lesbian readers, because really I can't get the same kinda satisfaction from silicone that I can from a hot blooded male. In my opinion, no strap on or dildo can give me what a man can really, a lot or women feel the same way I do... and that's kinda pitiful for those of us that like the thought of having benefits with no tolerance.
I've contemplated this so often as I've fantasized about never having to hear about how "moody" I am, or how me eating a Hershey's bar at 11 pm is weird, or how my breasts should be pinchable all the time, not some of the time.
I figured it out though, as long as you keep his mouth shut in between lays... all is well.
And I'll live by that. Keep thy man happy lest ye shall suffer whining and comically projected pitiful despair, and that's just bothersome.
Men, do me a favor... go home tonight and kiss your wives; thank them for putting up with you. Besides... you'll need to get some ass kissing in before your remote shows up!
My son has a fascination with feeling me up. He's always reaching down my shirt.
No, NOT the older one! The younger one! PERVERTS!
There's nothing I can do to stop one of my sons 'tender moments' before it's too late. Tonight apparently 'Bingo' wasn't the right song to be singing... who knew.
But, how this applies to you is this...
This is proof that they're born this way and there's nothing you can do about it. So unless YOU want to convert to full on lesbianism, I suggest you just walk around shirtless and let them play or else they'll embarrass you in public.

He's 3, but it would still work I think. Then he can wear it Christmas morning...
Aww, good times will be had by all when he struts his stuff for Great-Grandma I tell ya.
I'm asking you this because you're ladies, thus some what fashion conscience... right? good.
Alright finally women, listen up. Just as I am giving the guys a remote... I am sending you these t-shirts for Christmas.

I find them appropriate for the season and I think you should wear them to all family gatherings and company Christmas parties.
Wanna draw attention ladies? That's the way.
Even if you don't like anal, wear it and claim you do... watch the eyes of any man bulge like new eggs out a chickens ass.
wow. interesting descriptive.
aww ... I *heart* you
and, if I was closer, I would *cock* you too
Thanks Emma, I'll try to pluck up the courage to wear mine when we go to Alex's for Christmas dinner. LOL.
gigi: eggs come out of chicken pussy, not ass. hence the expression: tastes like chicken.
I keeeeeeeeel me!
I'm a dick girl to Em! Nothing like the feeling of that hot thickness filling you up. Ummm... I need to get laid.
I don't like anal, but I'll wear the shirt! It's great!
Ah yes. The classics...
Smells like fish, tastes like chicken, cums in a box
That remote looks interesting. I'm not sure my wife will appreciate it but she'll sure think it's funny!!
You're a sweet girl Emma! Sweet, tastey girl...mmmmmmm
Sorry, started daydreaming there.
Where's my coffee?!
Dzr- *rubbing head and hoping* Really? ya love me? K then, send your tongue over. Tee hee.
Sug - WHOo HOO, love ya too! How you doin?
Suze - I know that if any one can pull this shirt off, it's you. And any time you want me to pull it off for ya, you just let me know.... *smirk*
Gigi- You know, I never really wanted to know which crevice the chicken blows one of those out. I just like saying ass.
ass. ass. ass.
Lil - MMMMMMmmmmmmMMMMMMmmmm. I really love dick. really, really, really, really. It's my most favorite thing... more than chocolate im afraid.
Wait. Im not afraid... :)
Yes, you wear the shirt... I could totally see you in it winking and smiling at unsuspecting passers by. *CHEESE*
Jay - I'm so glad you'll like the remote!!! Totally looking forward to seeing what kind of trouble you guys can get into with it, let me know! I do like it in the mornings, but I'm friskier at night... go figure.
Don't stand up, stay seated... let me sit on your lap and we can talk about the first thing that pops up. k, old line... had to use it.
Dan - your wife will learn to appreciate the remote, I promise. Let her push a couple of buttons herself... will be fun!
And this whole fish chicken cuming in a box thing? Shit I still don't get that... I've eaten pussy and I can't seem to fit it into any of those categories.... are you guys eating the right end?
flip it.
Murphy - *sigh* Well, see now I was trying to go easy on your hydraulics... it's wednesday after all and you're supposed to be sub.
The other end just smells and tastes like ass....
I don't really get the reference of 'smells like fish' but that's been said for years.
Tastes like chicken....this is said about many things so it just gets assigned to everything.
Comes (cums) in a box....when you order take-out chicken it comes packaged in a box right? is also another term for a woman' know...
UMMM Dan. Really no need to be so literal, I know what it's about silly! *giggle*
But that's cute... say ass again.
Jay - Always use the fuzzy end. OR wait... sometimes it's not so fuzzy down there, is it?
Emma...I knew you knew...I was just trying to make you uncomfortable. Apparently it's not that easy!! LOL
Well Yeah Jay, especially if we wear the matching boyshorts I bought together too.
Thanks Dan for saying ass. Trying to make me uncomfortable is a no-go... difficulty factor of 10.5 :)
I hope that's the only thing you're difficult about!!
hehe...I said 'thing'.
Did you catch the subliminal message?
Don't give up on us yet..
Half the time we don't know what we're doing wrong .. and even if you tell us in your own way - we don't get it anyways - especially if the game is on..
But I hear ya.. I'm a full out lesbian too - gimme tits and pussy - and I'm a happy guy ! ;)
Cheers up, sweetie.. we loves ya!
Blondie, I'm voting for jean hip-huggers... yep. Hotness.
So seriously, it's a toss up between the blue lacy boy shorts and the pink satin ones... which do you prefer?
Dan - was there a message there? Let me re-read :)
Alshrim :) awwwww. Well I tell ya what, If the game is on I'm not saying a damn thing... I'll be too busy eating nachos, downing a beer and screaming at the ass hat that couldn't make the first down. Although this year that doesn't seem to be a problem for my team.
I love you too *blush*
Really Murph, was it the part where my son feels me up?
Or the part about me liking pussy and breasts...
Oh I know... It was the Bingo song, wasn't it? You like that song... k, here goes
*in a breathy Marilyn Monroe voice*
or err
So blondie- Blue lace or Pink Satin... you didn't answer the Q!?!?!?
I'm holding here honey, come on!
ummm, french bun today?
Blue lace it is!
I'll send the pink ones to Murph since he feels so left out.
Ummm, hair up today is lookin' hot!
OMG! I bet that's what happened to those Red panties I had the last time I was there.
Murph - I'll get you nothing, and you'll like it.
See now why does it always have to be about a man?
I fucking fish like a champ! Better than some men I must say...
Murphy, I think this is because she "walks the walk and talks the talk" unlike some that merely flirt and then... well, nada.
and leaves one to wonder if really it's just eager flirting and mind fucking? or seriousness.
Say it's so blondie, come on.
Right, my thoughts exactly Blondie, thank you.!!!
Murph if ya wanna do some foreplay, you gotta make it a sure thing...
Pearl - throw me sweetie, I wanna play! MMMMMMMM. dick. Oh, and your tits look great today!!!
Jay - actually there is one way to argue with a woman; mud wrestling. Settles my disputes every time.
Jay - I mud wrestle with man or woman... really it helps with aggression or hampered feelings.
I love getting dirty.
And you said 'touch of a woman' how very gentile of you!
Murph - I could out fish you any day. BRING IT And I think I accidentally broke your remote... sorry.
Blondie - K, remember your mud-wrestling color? No you dont! It's pink honey, pink!
I posted a comment like 8 comments ago and now it's missing!!
K, Let's begin the match then:
Blondie is pink
I'm giving up my blue color to Pearl, and taking on purple.
So, every body remember the rules here?
There are no rules, this is a match to the finish... accidentally pulling bikini strings is allowed..
Pearl, I can see that bra is workin' for ya honey...
Dan - fuck I know it! And I keep getting 'forbidden' from my own blog!!! wtf!
Murph. Oh honey. K, let's start over... How are you? Can I get you anything?
I said "I'm giving up my blue color to Pearl and TAKING ON PURPLE"
I wish.
It was a brilliant comment too Emma! I mean the wording was a piece of art! It was destined to become a classic!
Ok, it was actually about me being too far away to follow through on my flirting, even though I'd love to.
Oh well, I guess that's why we have dirty emails (even though I don't get them damnit!)
This little competition thing you've got going on sounds interesting....mind if I watch?
Wait... no giggles.
I'm still taking on purple.
A little more talk like that between you and blondie and I'll have something purple you can take on too!
Wow, Murph blew outta here like a mutha, didn't he? Shame too, I was going to let him blow the whistle...
Dan, you can be towel boy.
K, Blondie... seriously giggle and bounce, giggle and bounce.
Towel boy? Great! I can totally hang a towel and still clap when the action gets good!
Well alright then Murph. I'll just ignore you then. But it's gonna be really hard to do since you know I have strong feelings for you...
*crossing fingers behind back*
Dan - That's hella cool, but can you hold two towels at the same time?
Holy shit Blondie, are we playing Simon Says then? K, uh... grab your ankles!
holy shit, that was totally a 'man' thing to say... sorry hun.
I'll come back later ...
Hmmm....I've never tried! I know I can make one towel bounce though. I'll have to try two and let you know.
Hmmm....Dan....I'd be willing to video that! don't know how impressive the rest of me is (I'm no Romey in the bod dpt) but the bobbing towel trick always looks impressive!
blondie....see, I feel the same way but if I was to say it then I'd sound like I was jealous or something.
It's kinda odd to hear you say it too 'cause guys that look like him get women that look like you all the time.
blondie - Really? Guys like him? Why not? I mean....well...why not? It looks to me like you could have the pick of any man you wanted.
murph - You're right. My wife tells me that too. WTF is wrong with me sometimes? Women say that shit all the time and I never trust them because then you see them out with the 'hot' guys. To hear it from a guy makes it easier to believe I guess.
Thanks man...I think I'm a changed person!
Blondie, I second that. Who the hell wants to fight with their guy to get to the bathroom mirror every morning. LOL.
I crept up on you there. :)
Where is everyone? Emma what are you up to?
Yep. Two sides. I hear ya on that one.
I know some women around my neighborhood that find me attractive. They tell my wife...
I guess I'm unhappy with myself and that's what gets projected sometimes.
In person I'm much more upbeat and I do have wit and intellect going for me. My broad shoulders make me look good too.
Fuck, this is sounding like a personals ad now!
I think what it boils down to is that I've always been focused on what women seem to want.
My wife always tells me that I turn heads but I'm just not aware of it.
Oh well, enough of this crap! Let's have some fun on here damnit!!
and murph....I'll definitely work on the mindset man. I appreciate the words. I really do.
You're not as bad as the women say you are!!
Is this a Lonley Hearts Club? Or are you swingers? LOL.
Was I comment #100 this time?
Ex-swinger and soon to be ex-lonely hearts club member.
Ok. I'm married to a wonderful woman so I'm not a lonely heart guy. Just slightly misguided and really horny.
Murph, lead the way. You coming Blondie? ;)
Yes, Murph what you gonna show us?
I have to warm up some lunch now but I'll try and stop by a little later.
*hugs and gropes all around*
Murph, where are you Blondie and I are getting cold? ;)
Umm. well, jesus.
If you all are gonna fuck Murph... Im soo outta here.
Emma, Murphs run off and left both of us in the cold.
Can we have a consolatory hug? *pouting lip*
Ummm. well, he does that... A LOT Suze so better get used to that.
B, I know it. perhaps I was just jealous....
Well, a threesome it is then. You ready girls? LOL.
Did someone say threesome!?
I have no idea.... honestly don't think you would...
but that round bed sounds fun!
Guess not....
ECHO ECHo ECho Echo echo echo....
Gee it's quiet in here.
Dan- sorry hun, Im totally super busy right now and I need something to eat before I whittle up and die from starvation.
Ill bb later.
Really everyone, carry on!
Murph, you Blondie and I were all heading off to rotating bed. ;)
I think we're eating right now Suze, please do not give me the rotating bed Murph threesome visual... I'll lose it I swear...
I mean to say that you and blondie on the bed is just fine... but the whole Murph thing.. just no. no.
Murph, I ate hours ago, spin me baby. LOL.
Emma, sorry for the bad visuals. You ready to take me on?
Murph, what's a catbird seat? Enlighten me, is it rude?
yeah, so that's when i smacked that little raghead in the bag of the head and walked out w/ my smokes.
I'm not sure EM and I could share anyone else very well
Whoa Murphy WHOA
You werent supposed to tell any body about Thanksgiving weekend!!!
oops, wrong comment section. sorry to disturb the sex talk.
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Hi Capn *wink* Hows it today sweetie?
and Suze I have no idea what a catbird seat is.
Is it anything like catdog the cartoon Murph? I know that!
same ol' shit EN. you?
anything I can do to draw attention for ya Murph.
Umm cap'n, Im wondering how that divorce is coming along? Can I bring you beezos now or what?
Your old lady has a mean grip on that shot gun and I just don't run fast enough with a 24 pack.
uhhhmmm. interesting how fast this place cleared out....
errr. Murph, I think we're alone now...
wanna talk about your fascination with farm animals now, or later?
Murph, what's that about farm animals?
I simply love heels and stockings. Don't you Murph?
I'm toying with idea of a hentai avatar at present.
They seem to be very popular, what do you think?
Murph, just been listening to your audio post.
Wow, you have a hot voice. Want to talk dirty to me?
Murph, say pepperoni to me...
Ummm Holy Shit... What the fuck is going on in here?
I left at small farm animals and come back to Murph being dominated by Suze?!?!
Jesus people, I know it's Wednesday but holy hell!!!
Umm. Blondie, are you supposed to call me?
Emma, would you like me to come on over to you? ;)
i'm gettin' a divorce? well shit someone shoulda told me!
no no suze, I'm kinda liking the whole scene here... I'll just grab a chair...
carry on!
Capn, can I sit on your lap while I watch Suze and Murph go back and forth?
Please? I'm not wearing any underwear.
That caught *my* attention!
Hi, EN. I am at home briefly for lunch and just *had* to drop-in.
Okay, you get a special gold star... how ya doing honey? Coming up for lunch anytime soon?
Naw. :( Unfortunately.
With everyone fleeing my workplace for vacations and other new jobs, it looks like I'm going to be busy keeping stuff strung together.
I'm almost busier avoiding having to handle their shit they failed to do than I am busy at doing my own work (if that makes sense).
Jesus, can't a woman get laid around here?!?!
Seriously... so, I'll come to you then. What floor are you on.
Just press 'em on the glass...
( * ) ( * )
Pressing! Pressing!
Wait, am I doing this right?!?!
My boner thanks you.
Oh hey, no problem... let me know when I can thank your boner.
ummm... *CHEESE*
hey... I didn't read all of the quiz questions, but some others could have been:
* what was the name of your old flame you wrote about early on and on the old site?
* what material were the sheets?
No, because then you would've won.
And besides, you didn't play so what the fuck?
I didn't play because I thought it was sorta like those contests that state "employees of Company X and families of Company X employees not eligible to enter".
There's no way you could have answered all of those questions though...
no way.
A stab at the lower back tattoo... is it "aim a little lower"?
I know it can't be "exit only".
Gotta run for now... back to work.
~~zzub ~~zzub ~~zzub
I thought it was a bullseye for target practice!
K, that's fucking hilarious.
Of course seeing you in that position I would probably need a target between your shoulder blades for the first few shots....
Just sayin'.........
(and the winner of the worst WV so far: dworm)
Where is everyone, I need some dirty talk...
Apparently my cum-shot to the shoulder blades comment was too much for them.
Sorry 'bout that.
suze: what kinda dirty talk? I'm always up for a little filthy naughtiness ;)
and I only skimmed the comments, but can I just say:
holy fuck!
no way, not murphy!
sluts! I love it!
what the hell?
oooh ... nice
and ... I got wood too
think that catches me up
Wow. Good job Dozr... nice way to ketchup!
jessejanes: well hello there darlin' ... how's one of my all-time favorite lesbians doing today? more important ... what are you wearing? *leer*
I'm wearing a nike jumpsuit and keds, why?
You know D I'm doing really well today... How are you?
Umm, I know for a fact that I am not your favorite lesbian, but thats alright.
Hi GIGI, how are you? I think I pissed D off my wearing clothes.
Ooh, looking at the Rockettes' skirts! Sounds like fun! ENs mom was a rockette, I bet you two could talk for hours about it.
Did you just do that or was there more? I hadn't gotten a chance to check every body's blogs since I was snorting and choking on about the last few days of blog posts En did.
I don't know how tall she was actually but I know that EN was saying how her mom would get all pissy that she had to be on the end of the line. lol.
Then she was a Golddigger (?) for awhile I guess... do you know who they are? I think I'm too young to even understand what dancing group that was.
But it's so cool to see the pictures hanging up in her parents house of her mom and dean martin.
That sounds like so much fun! I really wanted to do more festive stuff this year, but I've been too busy with all this records paperwork.
That and I'm thinking about getting a job.
jesse: I love a woman in a workout suit. And what other lesbian would I put above you?
and sorry ... was getting dressed for work
also ... anything on under that jumpsuit?
dean martin! the king of cool ...
also ... what kinda job you looking for? I have an opening for DZER Pleaser ;)
hey gigi, my little ice bunny ... *licks yer legs*
rockettes are hot and so are you
fuck! why am I always so horny right before work? LOL
WOW. That's so fucking cool!!
Why would you be a cranky Christmas hating bitch?
Hula Buloo. Yes, it's all foreign to me.
D no, just a bra and panties. I did my jog and now I'm back to read up and take a bath before this evening.
Im thinking some thing in the entertainment industry ;)
jessejanes: ooooh .. entertainment industry is sweet ... I like to be entertained!
and I guess it was too much to hope that you'd be naked underneath with the top zipped halfway down .... *sigh*
gigi: my tongue's too hot and wet to stick to you ... until I got you hot and wet and sticky ;)
#300 yesterday
#200 today
I'm the king of large, round numbers!
bow down to my large roundness!
off to the office ... don't miss me too much, my little chickadees ...
Okay D have a good day at the office!
Sorry Gigi, Im not insinuating that you are a senior citizen.
Jesse what kind of trouble are you causing here?
Hey Gigi what's shakin today? Sounds like you had a fun day today...
Hi EN!
I'm not trying to cause any trouble really! I'm getting the impression I'm not wanted here in the good ol' comments section though.
Was just about to take a bath and noticed that you need a lay. You know the address, and my sister isn't home!
Stop by after work?
If not, come out with us tonight and parte'
Well. Hmmm. yeah, I can see that no one is around. You may be right.
Somethings bothering me a lot. Can you call me when you get a chance if not right now.
It's a psuedo-emergency. I'll delete this comment after I know you've received it...
I'll sit next to ya Gigi... but I know who Dean Martin is.
Teach me any way, I'd bet you'd be a damn good teacher...
*handing over ruler*
Oh I so want to watch this lesson!!! And I'll sit in the front row even!
SEE?!?! Every time I say some thing people scatter!
I'm not worthy.
Gigi - yeah I noticed blogger is totally fucked today.
Ever since it went down on Monday it's been crappy for comments....
Time to buy a www I guess.
K, I'm outta here... cya gals!
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