Sluffing the Backbone (Happy HNT)
What a wacky wednesday. So full of events turning left and right... what is a good friend to do? I find myself wanting to whisk away to the far corners of the earth to hold my beloveds who seem to have lost a piece of their lives some where along the line in the last 24 hours.
I, myself am actually at a loss for words really. There's no way to emphasize how truly helpless I feel not being able to comfort... Normally I hug a lot.
On another note, it seems my work load has increased immensely. I took a much needed break from writing reviews, Q and A's, and editorial articles for the elsewhere sites and publications the last few weeks ( i can do that if I want). But now it seems demand is high for Emma's attention and she must confer.
Sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do.
I'm taking a few days leave of absense so I can accomplish these things as well as do some Christmas shopping... any body have any idea what they want for Christmas?!!?
Comment or email me, and I may oblige your needs.
I contemplating removing the 'Jesse situation' post. Not because she was upset about me putting it there, but because I had no idea her issue had evolved into a more personal family situation. Had I know this, I would have been more respectful. After talking to her about the comments that you all were leaving she opted not to remove the posts at all, so she could read them later.
So, if you wanna go there... feel free. I think that we both agree in a weird twisted sort-of Hollywood way... The situation is funnier than hell. Either that, or we're just weird fucking chicks.
No, she didn't sleep with her brother. Well, she did.. but no sex was involved. Just marshmellows and informercials. Make sense? Okay. Good.
Alrigghhttty then. On to bigger and better things.
Remember last week when that whole comment situation totally fucked me up? Yeah you do. Alright so after some thought and a decision to never show my face in my pics again I decided that continuing to HNTing wasn't such a bad idea.
I mean really... what's an ass shot gonna hurt, right?
But then, today I had a change of heart (I'm a woman, I can do that) and decided that I need to give a big FUCK YOU to those troll bastards that think I'm so pitifully ugly. So no naked body parts...
Perhaps looking at the below picture will make you nauseous enough to not ever visit my blog again. And take your rude ass comments with you...

dick lickers.... eat me. Seriously.
Spread my thighs and dive in because Im not stepping down. This bitch is way stronger than that. Oh, and while you're down there, could you lick my ass at least once? ... and insert a finger...
and then -well- lift me up off the bed and let me cum on your face.
After I get mine lie down and let me hate fuck you. Why? Because it just sounds like fun... And if you call me those names while I do it, you'd have the ride of your life, I promise you that. Fuckheads.
I, myself am actually at a loss for words really. There's no way to emphasize how truly helpless I feel not being able to comfort... Normally I hug a lot.
On another note, it seems my work load has increased immensely. I took a much needed break from writing reviews, Q and A's, and editorial articles for the elsewhere sites and publications the last few weeks ( i can do that if I want). But now it seems demand is high for Emma's attention and she must confer.
Sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do.
I'm taking a few days leave of absense so I can accomplish these things as well as do some Christmas shopping... any body have any idea what they want for Christmas?!!?
Comment or email me, and I may oblige your needs.
I contemplating removing the 'Jesse situation' post. Not because she was upset about me putting it there, but because I had no idea her issue had evolved into a more personal family situation. Had I know this, I would have been more respectful. After talking to her about the comments that you all were leaving she opted not to remove the posts at all, so she could read them later.
So, if you wanna go there... feel free. I think that we both agree in a weird twisted sort-of Hollywood way... The situation is funnier than hell. Either that, or we're just weird fucking chicks.
No, she didn't sleep with her brother. Well, she did.. but no sex was involved. Just marshmellows and informercials. Make sense? Okay. Good.
Alrigghhttty then. On to bigger and better things.
Remember last week when that whole comment situation totally fucked me up? Yeah you do. Alright so after some thought and a decision to never show my face in my pics again I decided that continuing to HNTing wasn't such a bad idea.
I mean really... what's an ass shot gonna hurt, right?
But then, today I had a change of heart (I'm a woman, I can do that) and decided that I need to give a big FUCK YOU to those troll bastards that think I'm so pitifully ugly. So no naked body parts...
Perhaps looking at the below picture will make you nauseous enough to not ever visit my blog again. And take your rude ass comments with you...

dick lickers.... eat me. Seriously.
Spread my thighs and dive in because Im not stepping down. This bitch is way stronger than that. Oh, and while you're down there, could you lick my ass at least once? ... and insert a finger...
and then -well- lift me up off the bed and let me cum on your face.
After I get mine lie down and let me hate fuck you. Why? Because it just sounds like fun... And if you call me those names while I do it, you'd have the ride of your life, I promise you that. Fuckheads.
K, i feel sooo much better now.
I'll be checking into the coffee house (otherwise known as the comments section) every once and awhile in the next couple of days, as well as your blogs to keep up with you all.
Happy HNT to all, and remember to floss.
... and see you Friday. Kisses and Loves from Everything Nice.
I feel bad that someone's ass9 comments have affected you so. Have a great week
Wow, that is one hot pic, you look fantastic.
Emma, I'm gonna have to set up a whole new folder specially for you.
Nice post, f**k the trolls. Uhm, not a nice thought, trip, trap. LMFAO.
LMAO. Thanks Suze (and you too up there Art)
Yes, set up a folder... all y'all.. there's more coming.
Peace out, Emmas on the road!
Just so you know, EN, someone sent me email this morning reminding me that some negative comments arise from envy or bitterness rather than distaste. If so then the photo you posted really will make the same people nausious not because you're ugly but because you're rather striking. In which case continuing to post serves two purposes.
Take care,
so Fine.
dick licker? yeah, I'll eat you.
Gigi - I couldn't leave ya for weeks... It would be painful. Okay, lacy bra... on my naughty list.
Yes, Im shopping from the naughty list... so what of it? Can't tell me you all have been good boys and girls!
Pearl - Email me, I would be very interested in hearing! And *blush* thank you hun... Yes, definetly more for you.
Figgy - Yes, I anticipate it will work both ways. Oh, and I would love to hear more about that email! Did you notice I liked ya?
Helskel - *parting thighs*
Don't think Im kidding... don't do it.
Horsn - If I buy you a ticket cow boy, it has to be one way. Because there's no way you're leaving once you get here....
k, checked in... and out. See ya tonight.
I cant imagine anyone having anything bad to say about your countenance.
QL thinks you are quite the stunner!
what is it about reheads that does this to me?
and all I want for Christmas is ... you ... together with jesse and red ... is that so much to ask for?
*cleaning up apartment*
For Christmas, can I have Gigi stuffed... er in my stocking?
Well, if nobody's claiming that one... I will.
QL - Noted
Dozr - You want me for Christmas? I have a big red bow around here some where...
Eddie - ask her, it's obvious her radar is up. (love ya gigi)
Castu - LOL that's fucking hilarious "the nookie around their head." Truly funny.
Lets drink together, shall we?
I think ur absolutely gorgeous!!!!!
I hate haters!!!
Fuckwad effin' bastards!!!
(Gigi hearts it when I say Fuckwad and effin' in the same sentence)
serious girl... ur a hawtie!!!
You are totally stunning! Really! Cheers and happy HNT!
I adore your red hair! Happy HNT!
RAH!!! I feel the power =) happy to see a bitch in action =) keep it comin love!
dude, you look mean. btw you also cheated by posting yer HNT on wednesday instead of thursday. but i'm just a stickler for rules and regulations, so...........drink some fuckin' beezos all you motherfuckers!!!!!!!!
um i'm sorry
i tried and tried to resist.
it's nauseous
*hangs head in spelling nerd shame and shuffles off to bed*
*huggs btw*
HAHAHAH! First time here, and I'm crying laughing so hard... and hey man, Hate fucking is like 5 points in my weekly SexGames contest ;-) Public sex is 2, group sex 3, you get the point. Great photo, I really like it! Happy HNT (hahahaha you crack me up)
my boobs..that hoodie
23:00 bed....
be there!!
Since Dzer already claimed you for Christmas I really can't think of anything else I need. I guess I'd settle for a video...or just a card.
Of course, you don't have my address so......
I love the HNT pic!! How in hell could anyone think you are anything other than stunningly beautiful? Blind bastards! They should ask for new eyes for Christmas.
Just feel sorry for the commentors, they are obviously without! Happy HNT
Em, you know they are just jealous of you! You are absolutely gorgeous! Don't let anyone tell you different!
**hugs & kisses**
Luv ya!
The shots are beautiful, Sugar. HHNT
Honey, you are stunning. Whomever said otherwise, is obviously bling. Gorgeous Pic!!
Check your email...Merry Xmas!
Very sexy and very grrrr.... Have a Great HNT babes!
You are gorgeous. Screw anyone who says otherwise.
also, other than the spelling nerdness i feel obliged to mention that that's a great pic. way to take your own back ladybird!
don't let fuckers bother rock! happy hnt!
I'm detecting...... some.... well... to be blunt... I think you may be a tad bit upset... angry, even...
;-) Nice picture. HHNT
My Christmas suprise is up and running on site.
It's a little late because of our current rodent problem. Eek, eek, squish. :D
Fuck the Fucking Fuckers. If they can't see how stunningly gorgeous you are the fucktards are obviously posting from the lighthouse for the blind. As for Christmas ... do you come in stocking size? HHNT
Sorry to hear that the jerks dumping on your blog are getting you down. I hope you'll return to HNT-ing, and ignore those few people. Most of us are pretty positive.
Happy HNT, robmcj
PS that is one hell of a profile image.
I was hoping this was the route you'd end up taking! Good for you!!
LMAO first time here and there is this post. Good for you. Way to take a stand instead of letting some idiots who dont know a beautiful woman when they see one get you down.
Nice blog and nice HNT's
wow. the image is a lovely counterpoint to your "own brand of justice" kinda prose...
love it.
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