
uh, whoa. seriously on pins and needles

****UPDATE: See below****

This afternoon I got a desperate phone call from Jesse to meet her in IM for lunch today. The tone of her voice was strange... almost nervous. Frightened and curious I told her I would, and hung up with her quickly. Best not to start chatting away with Jesse in a professional environment. The more you know her, uhh. The more obvious that statement will become.

Anyway, I knew she had gone out to play last night, and I was anxious to hear about her evening of fun. But by the sound of it when she called, it was obvious that something was terribly terribly wrong.

I'm a good friend. So... I did what any good friend would do when a friend is not right.

Do any of you remember that movie "Life" with Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy? I love that movie btw. Do you remember the character 'cant get right' in that movie? He was the one that played baseball and got the wardens daughter pg? LOL. I still laugh to this day... cant get right... awesome.

Yea, well... Jesse was cant get right at the moment. ..I love using that term.

So the story goes on:
Chucking a couple of tasks so I could take lunch a little more convenient to my curiousity I get online to talk to her.

I could sit here and go on explaining to you what happened, but it seems the ol' cut and paste works well for us gals. And I don't think you as readers should have it any other way but in raw format.

raw. I love using that term too. Alright it's not a term, it's an adjective... but I don't give a fuck. The word says a lot in itself. There, that's my rant for the day too.

I just want to say before you read this... that, well. Put yourself in this position.. and let's hope that Jesse pulls through. lol. (call me jess god damnit.) Enjoy!


E: Alright damn, here I am.

J: oh thank god. Im in a piss load of trouble.

E: obviously. and jesus jesse way to break in to my business here “holy shit, I have no idea who I woke up next to this morning!” Right, good plan.

J: Well dude it was totally frightening, I thought she was dead even! Like, she was just laying there like a lump. Covers pulled over her head, I saw blonde, but that was about it.

E: Did you ever find out who she was?

J: No she's still here, and Red and I are trying to figure it all out now.

E: I thought she was in California? How come she didn’t fucking contact me?

J: She is in CA, hold on a second, we’ll conference

}new room{

J: We all here?

E: Yep, let's make this quick though some of us gotta work for a living.

R: Hi lover


E: So wait, getting back to Jess, are you saying that you have no idea who the blonde in your bed is?

J: No, and my sisters gonna freak when she finds out I brought a stranger home!

E: Well, alright. Did you nudge her to see if she was dead or not?

J: Yes, she’s not dead. She’s snoring.

E: Okay, so she’s still asleep then. Where did you go last night?

J: The Underground. It was a swingers party my brother was working so I figured why not go? I remember doing shots with a girl named Erin, after that it’s all a blur.

R: Only Jesse, you shouldn’t have gone to one of those parties anyway.
You’re not a swinger. Hell you’re not even married.

J: Right but I went with my brother

E: See, now that sentence right there is just plain wrong…. ‘went with my brother.’

R: Agreed.
R: That's like letting the dog eat you out and saying 'he was just licking the peanut butter I dropped!'

E: uhh. um. I need to pause on that and throw up.

E: Wait. There was a party at the Underground and you didn’t call me? Alright, it’s okay but I mean, well I’m a little insulted. So, do you think this Erin chick is in your bed?

R: Is she naked Jess?

J: Uhh I don’t remember. Wasn't cuddling or anything. I’ll brb.

E: K, Jesse’s flipped for sure. How totally stupid is it to not remember these things. You know, I try to look out for her while you’re gone but she’s such a free spirit that one.

R: I need to come home, and its obvious.

E: Yes, you do.

J: Oh my god you guys, it’s a guy! Holy shit I can’t believe I brought a guy home!!!

E: Uhh, stunned silence from this side of the room. Jesse, I thought you were a lesbian, men only as a side dish… blah blah blah.

R: You brought a guy home? Your sister will be so proud! So, is he naked?

J: I couldn’t move the sheet enough to see, I peeked and saw dick and that’s about it.

R: Hey Jesse, isn’t your brother blonde?


R: OH, good call Emma. Jesse, where’s your brother? Is he in his room?

J: I think Im gonna be sick.
J: I don’t know, but you’re right. From what I can see under the covers the guy looks kinda like my brother now that I think of it.

R: You can recognize your brother by his dick? Impressive.

E: Holy shit. Right now Im glad I don't have siblings.

R: Please just say no to incest Jesse, your brother’s hot and all… but that’s just well… I don’t think I have the words to describe how jealous I would be if you screwed your brother. I totally wanted to do that.

E: Umm alright you two, seriously… something is very wrong with this situation. Jess, go in and wake that fucker up. Find out who it is.

J: No

E: Yes, do it now.

J: I’ll go see if my brother is in his room brb

R: I just want to know if she slept with her brother or not

E: It’s apparent she might have. How can you be that fucked up to not remember climbing in bed with your own brother?!?!

R: I have no idea. Her poor poor liver.


R: Dude, Im sorry but… I think you fucked your brother.

E: No, say it isn’t so Jess… something’s wrong with you. Go in there and wake up whom ever is in your bed. Do it now.

E: Calmly, collectively.. go in and wake him or her or whoever the hell you brought home with you last night up so we can end the drama and I can get back to work.

J: I’m sick, and I’m crying really. This is wrong.
J: Alright, I’ll go in and see.

*time elapses 5 minutes*

E: Hey, she’s not back yet?

R: Nope. And Im beginning to wonder what the fuck…. Do you think she fucked her brother?

E: Well, if she did… I mean, what do you say to console somebody who just slept with their sibling? I mean, that is errr… that is if you didn’t mean to? Is there a specific way to do it? Condolences?

R: Sympathy maybe? We could send her a card…. Or a free counseling session. How long has it been?

E: About 10 minutes now. Maybe it wasn’t her brother and she’s getting some more? I don’t know hun, but I’m swamped… I gotta go. Let me know what happens.

R: Alright I should go find something to do to keep my mind occupied for now.

E: Why are you upset about Jesses situation?

R: Absolutely not.
R: Im upset that she fucked her brother before I did.

E: Hmm.
E: What if she’s passed out and vomiting or something. How would you react if you found out you just slept with your brother? And to make it worse, you’re a lesbian that slept with your brother?

R: I just don’t know. I would give myself to God or something….

E: Well now see honey.. God wouldn't have you after something like that.

R: Obviously you're not catholic Emma.

E: Noted, tt you later. Let me know if you hear from her.

R: Right, you too.

Jesse, we haven't heard from you yet. Was it your brother... or not?

UPDATE: First I want to say DO NOT call Jesse before at least 10am, it's frightening.

Second, I told her I posted her conundrum on the blog and you all were barfing about it. She said she'd get up and post the final conclusion to this situation.

No, I didn't even get a straight answer outta her.... so, uhh yeah.


Blogger DZER said...

oh brother where art thou?

and oh, by the way, doesn't matter how hot your sibling is, it's just EWWWW!

11:11 PM, November 29, 2005  
Blogger Suze said...


This is cruel. I'll tune in later.

3:33 AM, November 30, 2005  
Blogger DZER said...

suze: fun and games at DZER's Diatribe! Voice! Half-Nekkid Pics!

naughty one: sorry for pimping my page here, but you get serious traffic here ... I'll "pay" you later ;)

4:38 AM, November 30, 2005  
Blogger da buttah said...

*looks at the picture of her brother and her on her desk*

*proceeds to vomit*


5:58 AM, November 30, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

I thought I was speechless and then this thought popped into my head:

What if she just had a threesome with her brother and another girl and the girl snuck out before Jesse woke up?

Sharing a third person between two siblings isn't incest if they don't do anything to each other is it?

Always a silver lining....

6:56 AM, November 30, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

if i were jess
and you posted that

and i hadn't suggested it would be okay

i would fucking flip.

but that's probably just me.

7:10 AM, November 30, 2005  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

The suspense is killing y'all aint it?

Yeah, me too. I'm thinking of just calling her and waking her up to find out.

Called all afternoon... evening...

I got nothin'.

7:18 AM, November 30, 2005  

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